The Zurich University of Applied Sciences in Switzerland invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoctoral and Academic Positions, is one of the largest University of Applied Sciences in Switzerland and is part of the Zürcher Fachhochschule.
Research Assistant 80 – 100 %Department: School of Management and Law; Workplace: Winterthur
Dozent:in im BSc Pflege Studiengang 60 – 80 %Departement: Gesundheit; Standort: Winterthur
Applikationsentwickler:in Forschung 80 – 100 %Departement: Finanzen & Services; Standort: Winterthur
Doktorand:in 100 % in Forschung und EntwicklungDepartement: Gesundheit; Standort: Winterthur
Informationsspezialist:in 80 %Departement: Finanzen & Services; Standort: Zürich
Fachexpert:in Bildungsangebote 60 – 80 %Departement: Rektorat; Standort: Winterthur
System Engineer 80 – 100 %Departement: Finanzen & Services; Standort: Winterthur
ICT Security Engineer 80 – 100 %Departement: Finanzen & Services; Standort: Winterthur
PWA – Praktikant:in 100 %Departement: School of Management and Law; Standort: Winterthur
Instructional Designer 80 – 100 %Departement: Angewandte Psychologie; Standort: Zürich
Scrum Master / Agile Coach ICT 80 – 100 %Departement: Finanzen & Services; Standort: Winterthur
PhD student 100 % in research and developmentDepartment: Gesundheit; Workplace: Winterthur
Informationsspezialist:in 80 %Departement: Finanzen & Services; Standort: Wädenswil
Dozent:in für Führung und Coaching 70 – 80 %Departement: Soziale Arbeit; Standort: Zürich
Career Services Manager:in 80 – 100%Departement: School of Management and Law; Standort: Winterthur
Leiter:in Dean’s Office 80 – 100 %Departement: School of Management and Law; Standort: Winterthur