The University of Basel in Switzerland invites application for vacant PhD and Academic Positions, offers attractive terms of employment and supports the advancement of staff.
Professorship in Ibero-Romance and General Linguistics 75 % (open rank)
Professur für Iberoromanische und Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft 75% (open rank)
Studentische Hilfsassistenz Human Resources
PhD Candidate Forensic Psychology 100%
Postdoctoral Researcher in Forensic Psychology 100% or part-time
Assistent*in Professur für Öffentliches Recht mit Schwerpunkt Life Sciences-Recht
Fachpersonal für Innere Medizin/ Sportmedizin zur medizinischen Promotion
Postdoctoral researcher in Comparative Single-Cell Genomics and Embryonic Gene Regulation
PhD position in Embryonic Gene Regulation, Tissue Maturation and EcoEvoDevo
2 Doctoral positions in Latin and Greek Literature
Postdoctoral position in Latin and Greek Literature
Betriebsleiter*in für den Botanischen Garten der Universität Basel
Hilfsassistenz (12 Std./Woche)
2 Student Research Assistant Positions
Electrophysiology Research Associate / Assistant
Hilfsassistent*in Forschungsdekanat
Leiter*in Accounting & Cash 100%
Three doctoral research assistants
PhD position on quantum sensing of biomolecules and their chemical stimuli (P2403) 100%
PhD or Postdoctoral position, Machine learning in the Social Sciences and Humanities, 60%
Postdoc position in Cardiovascular Molecular Imaging 100%
Kursleitung Deutschschweizerische Gebärdensprache/DSGS
Postdoc position in sustainable agri-food system governance 100%
2 PhD positions in Sustainability Research, focus on sustainable agri-food system governance 100%
Pflegefachperson für reisemedizinische Beratung 50-60%
Doktorand/-in 100% im Bereich Bewegungsphysiologie
Postdoctoral Researcher in Environmental Economics
PhD position in Environmental Economics
PhD position: Spin waves get a twist! (P2402) 100 %
Veterinär*in Versuchstierhaltungen
PhD Candidate Statistics & Data Science 100%