Postdoctoral Research Positions at The University of Florida, an American public research university in Gainesville, Florida, United States.
Position | Department | Location | Closes |
Postdoctoral Associate – Nutrient Management | 60210000 – AG-SOIL AND WATER SCIENCE | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | 3 Jan 2025 |
The UF/IFAS Department of Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences is seeking a postdoctoral associate in Nutrient management focusing on plant phosphorus bioavailability. This position is a part of the UF/IFAS Fertilizer Rate and Nutrient Management Studies involving collaborators from various parts of Florida. The right candidate should have the ability to work effectively in both field and lab settings, and to lead data analysis and writing activities. | |||
Post-Doctoral Associate | 19070000 – EG-ENG SCH SUSTAIN INFRST ENV | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | 31 Mar 2025 |
The Just and Green Transportation Lab in the Civil Engineering Department at the University of Florida is looking for an energetic postdoc scholar to join the lab in Summer or Fall 2025. In this position, you will work on projects related to AI and big applications in public transit and sustainable transportation systems (e.g., bicycles, EVs, and shared mobility), funded by NSF and USDOT. You are encouraged to propose your own research ideas that fit into the lab’s mission. | |||
Postdoctoral Associate | 29030101 – MD-BIOCHEMISTRY-GENERAL | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | 6 Jan 2025 |
The Sun and Vander Kooi labs are seeking multiple entry-level Postdoctoral Fellow to join our innovative research team. This position is ideal for candidates with a strong interest in pursuing an academic career. We are looking for individuals with excellent work ethic, high moral standards, a collaborative mindset, and a willingness to learn new concepts and methodologies. Creative thinking and problem-solving skills are highly valued. | |||
Post-Doctoral Associate in mass concrete area | 19070000 – EG-ENG SCH SUSTAIN INFRST ENV | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | 31 Jan 2025 |
The post-doctoral associate will work full-time at the FDOT Materials Office in Gainesville to provide technical expertise and services to the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) State Materials Office (SMO), as well as the District Materials and Research Offices, in meeting the specific needs of day-to-day applications of mass concrete placements, research in Portland cement, supplementary cementitious materials, and concrete in general. | |||
Postdoctoral Associate | 56022920 – NH-AI BIODIVERSITY INFORMATICS | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | 15 Jan 2025 |
The University of Florida invites applications for a Postdoctoral Scholar to join the BioVision Lab, led by Dr. Arthur Porto. This position focuses on developing and applying cutting-edge AI models to enhance biodiversity research, with an emphasis on biological collections and trait analysis. The successful candidate will contribute to advancing our understanding of biodiversity through innovative AI approaches. | |||
Postdoctoral Associate | 56022400 – NH-VERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | 15 Jan 2025 |
The Florida Museum of Natural History invites applications for a two year (24 months) Postdoctoral Scholar to join an NSF-funded research project. This collaborative project leverages high-resolution fossil records from the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, and innovative AI workflows to investigate the impact of climate change on mammalian functional diversity. The research focuses on the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), a period of intense global warming approximately 56 million years ago, providing a unique opportunity to test models of ecosystem resilience and functional diversity. | |||
Post Doctoral Associate in Social Network Analysis | 16300100 – LS-LINGUISTICS-GENERAL | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
A Post-doctoral Associate in Social Network Analysis position is available for up to 2 years to work within the NSF supported project: Measuring the dynamic impact of personal social networks on language learning outcomes (NSF-2341628) led by Dr. Eleonora Rossi in the Department of Linguistics, together with an interdisciplinary team of co-PIs experts in network science (Dr. Christopher McCarty), corpus linguistics (Dr. Stefanie Wulff), computational linguistics (Dr. Zoey Liu), and Spanish Linguistics (Dr. Diego Pascual y Cabo) beginning ideally August 18, 2025. | |||
Post Doctoral Associate | 17020000 – BA-MANAGEMENT | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
The Department of Management in Warrington College of Business (WCB) at the University of Florida is seeking a post-doctoral fellow for appointment in August 2025 to work with Dr. Mo Wang. The position is primarily focused on scholarly research. Candidates who have research background/experience in Occupational Health Psychology, Work and Aging, or Big Data/Machine Learning/Quantitative Methods are especially encouraged to apply. The candidate will have opportunities to collaborate on research projects with faculty and doctoral students in the WCB. The selected candidate will be appointed for a two-year period and will have some teaching responsibilities every year (covering graduate and undergraduate courses such as organizational behavior, human resource management, and/or creativity). | |||
Postdoctoral Research Associate in Plant-Microbe interactions | 60190000 – AG-PLANT PATHOLOGY | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | 10 Jan 2025 |
Duties will include exploring mechanisms of plant susceptibility and resistance in Nicotiana benthamiana as a model host for the laurel wilt pathogen Harringtonia lauricola. Primary duties will include transgenic, exogenous RNAi, and genome-engineering strategies to create plants with enhanced disease tolerance or resistance. Ancillary -omic, cytological, comparative biology, molecular and physiological studies exploring disease compatibility and incompatibility in this pathosystem will be pursued. | |||
Postdoctoral Research Associate – Social and Behavioral Community Food Systems Research | 60320000 – AG-FAM YOUTH / COMM SCI | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | 1 Jan 2025 |
The Department of Family, Youth, and Community Sciences (FYCS) at the University of Florida invites applications for a Postdoctoral Research Associate to collaborate on community food systems research projects as a part of the Community Food Systems Lab. This role will support and lead research projects focusing on connecting local food producers with new market opportunities, identifying strategies to develop community food system resilience and sustainability, and evaluating social and ethical considerations related to emerging agricultural practices and technologies. | |||
Post-Doctoral Associate – Body Image and Stigma Lab | 33070000 – HP-CLINICAL / HLTH PSYCHOLOGY | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | 7 Jan 2025 |
The Body Image and Stigma Lab in the Department of Clinical and Health Psychology at the University of Florida is accepting applications for a postdoctoral associate to begin in the Summer or Fall of 2025 (start date is negotiable). The position is for one year with the possibility of renewal for a second year. This individual will serve as the project manager for an NIH-funded clinical trial, led by Dr. Rebecca Pearl. The trial will test the effects on internalized health-related stigma of a group intervention, and of peer support, among adults with a range of stigmatized health conditions. | |||
Post-Doctoral Associate – Application of Technologies to Automate Blueberry Phenotyping | 60230000 – AG-HORTICULTURAL SCIENCES | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | 1 Feb 2025 |
The blueberry breeding and genomic lab have addressed various questions to understand the genetic basis of important fruit quality traits and implement marker-assisted selection in the breeding routine. Automating phenotype measurement will decisively contribute to increasing our current efficiency, by leveraging the number of data points collected, eliminating human biases, and streamlining our current breeding pipelines. As a postdoc, you will be expected to collaborate with engineers and breeders to apply new devices/methods to automate phenotypical traits in blueberry. It includes the study of existing technologies, feasibility tests and adaptations, data collection, and recommending modifications. | |||
Post-Doctoral Associate – Robotics and AI-Driven Phenotyping Methods in Blueberries | 60230000 – AG-HORTICULTURAL SCIENCES | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | 1 Feb 2025 |
The blueberry breeding and genomic lab have addressed various questions to understand the genetic basis of important fruit quality traits and implement marker-assisted selection in the breeding routine. Automating phenotype measurement will decisively contribute to increasing our current efficiency, by leveraging the number of data points collected, eliminating human biases, and streamlining our current breeding pipelines. As a postdoc, you will be expected to collaborate with engineers and breeders to develop systems for data collection, image analysis and machine vision algorithms to create critical and novel methods that empower assessment and quantification of physiological processes, yield capacity and fruit quality traits related to blueberry. It includes the development of new devices, machine learning models, and other technologies that can be used in the field to augment reliable data collection. | |||
Postdoctoral Associate in the Teaching of Rhetoric and Writing | 16940100 – LS-WRITING PGM GENERAL | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
The University Writing Program at the University of Florida, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, invites applications for the position of Postdoctoral Associate to begin January 1, 2025. The position is a non-tenure accruing appointment with the possibility of renewal for up to two additional years. | |||
Postdoctoral Associate in Chemistry/Proteomics/Lipidomics | 16120100 – LS-CHEMISTRY-GENERAL | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
A Post-doctoral Associate position in proteomics is available for a chemist/chemical biologist to work on a research project, “Biological Functions of Glycolipids,” led by Dr. Zhongwu Guo in the Department of Chemistry. | |||
Research and Evaluation Methodology Post-Doctoral Scholar | 18070000 – ED-SHDOSE-SCHL OF HUM DEV&ORG | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
The Research and Evaluation Methodology Program at the University of Florida invites applications for two Postdoctoral Scholar positions. The Postdoctoral Scholars will work with Dr. Wei Li on developing methods and tools for the design and analysis of longitudinal experimental and quasi-experimental studies, conducting Monte Carlo simulations, cleaning and analyzing longitudinal data, presenting findings at academic conferences, and drafting academic papers. | |||
Postdoctoral Associate in Philosoply and Ethics of AI | 16340000 – LS-PHILOSOPHY | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
The Department of Philosophy in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Florida invites applications for a Post-doctoral Associate to work on research projects in the philosophy and ethics of artificial intelligence led by Dr. Cameron Buckner, Professor of Philosophy and the Donald F. Cronin Chair in the Humanities beginning August 16, 2025. We are especially interested in individuals with both philosophical background and an understanding of recent machine learning technologies to work on topics related to explainability, interpretability, and/or the use of machine learning methods to model human cognition, as well as related ethical and epistemic issues. | |||
Clinical Postdoctoral Associate | 04030100 – SL-COUNSELING & WELLNESS CTR | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | 31 Dec 2024 |
The Counseling and Wellness Center (CWC) at the University of Florida is offering multiple Adjunct Clinical Postdoctoral Associate positions for the 2025-2026 academic year. The postdoctoral position offers advanced training in a variety of areas related to the health service field of psychology. Postdoctoral associates receive advanced training in university counseling services. The postdoctoral program currently offers generalists positions with the possibility for additional specialization in four major areas: (1) Individual and Cultural Diversity Competency (2) Intensive Support (Suicide Prevention and Intervention), (3) Alcohol and Other Drugs Prevention and Intervention, and (4) Psychological Assessment. Program development opportunities may be available, working alongside the program coordinators for these areas. The CWC training program adheres to the American Psychological Association’s profession-wide competency of individual and cultural diversity along with the mental health code of ethics and state laws and rules. We believe that this training is vital to all parts of counselor development and competence and thus, is incorporated into all areas of supervision, training seminars, evaluations, and professional activities. The training program is also committed to cultivating an atmosphere that is conducive to learning by providing clinical postdoctoral associates with an appropriate blend of support and challenge. Postdoctoral associates are treated as early career professionals and as such, are given a great deal of autonomy and responsibility. Simultaneously, postdoctoral associates will receive the professional support necessary to allow for their continued professional development. | |||
Postdoctoral Associate in Stars | 16060000 – LS-ASTRONOMY | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
A Postdoctoral Associate position is available in stars, including e.g. stellar physics, stellar evolution, stellar characterization, stellar populations or similar, to work with Dr. Jamie Tayar in the Department of Astronomy at the University of Florida to begin in Fall 2025. | |||
Post-Doctoral Associate in Computational Chemistry | 16120100 – LS-CHEMISTRY-GENERAL | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
A Post-doctoral Associate in Computational Chemistry position is available for graduates in computational or theoretical chemistry or related field to work in a project on the to implementation of the MELD Integrative structural biology approach (currently a plugin to OpenMM) into the AMBER suite of programs led by Dr. Perez and co-advised by Dr. Roitberg in the Department of Chemistry at UF. |
Postdoctoral Associate – Bhaduri-McIntosh Lab | 29093000 – MD-PEDS-INFECTIOUS DISEASES | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
The Bhaduri-McIntosh lab at the University of Florida is seeking a motivated Post-Doctoral candidate to pursue recently discovered novel components of the cellular DNA replication machinery driven by the cancer-causing Epstein-Barr virus. This research combines standard molecular biology, immunology, genetic, and biochemical approaches as well as cutting edge approaches such as DNA fiber analysis, mass spectrometry, and iPOND to investigate host-pathogen relationships in separated populations of latent and lytically infected cells and patient-derived cells. The Bhaduri-McIntosh lab provides a highly supportive environment with ample opportunity for collaboration. This is combined with rigorous mentoring to create an individualized development plan to achieve the career goals of each team member. The ideal candidate will be highly motivated with a strong work ethic and demonstrated creativity in prior publications. | |||
Postdoctoral Associate in Organic Chemistry | 16120100 – LS-CHEMISTRY-GENERAL | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
Two Postdoctoral Associate in Organic Chemistry positions are available in the Department of Chemistry. The successful candidates will work under the supervision of Prof. Kaibo Feng (https://feng.chem.ufl.edu), focusing on the development of new synthetic methodologies. | |||
Postdoctoral Associate | 19020000 – EG-MECHANICAL / AEROSPACE ENG | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
The Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering invites applications for a 12-month, full-time Postdoctoral Associate. The Postdoctoral Associate will work in our Integrative Mechanobiology & Biophysics Laboratory (IMBL) and engage in setting up the two-photon fluorescent and lifetime imaging microscopes and training graduate students on imaging experimental skills. A successful candidate will work independently and also collaborate with other members to participate in the cutting-edge technology-and-discovery-driven research projects in a highly dynamic and exciting environment. The ideal candidate would have at least 1-2 years of experience in optical microscopy and image processing. Skills in LabVIEW programming and development of the mechano-electronic system are a strong plus, but not required. This position offers a rich opportunity to engage research at the frontier of biomedical and biotech fields, aiming for the next stage of the candidate’s career, either in academic or industry. | |||
Postdoctoral Associate- AI-driven Drug Discovery | 32030000 – PH-MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
The Postdoctoral associate will work independently and collaboratively to develop novel deep learning algorithms for molecule design and optimization, molecular interaction modeling, and precision medicine. More details can be found: https://yanjun-li.com/openings.html. Additional duties of the role will include, but are not limited to: • Leading the development and optimization of the AI algorithms for protein- and RNA-targeted drug discovery; • Supporting the AI modeling and data analysis for the ongoing research studies; • Preparing and writing research papers, presentations, grant proposals, etc.; • Effectively coordinating research progresses with other members of a multi-faculty team regularly; • Mentoring undergraduate and graduate students; • Performing routine lab maintenance and daily lab duties. This position is in-person and is not eligible for remote work. The University of Florida College of Pharmacy values the benefit of having a team that consists of diverse talents, skills, strengths, points of view and experiences. The college is committed to cultivating an environment where everyone is respected for their intrinsic value, and developing the next generation of clinicians and scientists who will positively impact the health of others. We’re committed to creating a working environment where everyone can be heard and recognized for their contributions. In recognition of such efforts, the College of Pharmacy is the 3-time recipient of the Insight into Diversity Health Professions Higher Education Excellence in Diversity Award. | |||
Post-Doctoral Associate in Inequality, Organizations, and Quantitative Methods | 16920000 – LS-SOCIOLOGY/CRIMINOLOGY&LAW | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
The Department of Sociology and Criminology and Law at the University of Florida, in affiliation with the Department of Sociology at the University of Haifa is inviting qualified applicants for a full-time, two-year Postdoctoral Associate position. We are seeking quantitative scholars with a PhD in the fields of sociology, labor economics, organizational studies, or related disciplines. The ideal candidate will have cutting-edge skills in one or more statistical programming languages (Stata, R, or other), experience with data wrangling, data management, and analysis of very large economic data as well as substantive research experience in the areas of, or related to, quantitative economic sociology or stratification, organizational studies, and/or labor economics. | |||
Post-Doctoral Associate in Computational Chemistry | 16120100 – LS-CHEMISTRY-GENERAL | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
A Post-doctoral Associate in Computational Chemistry is available for computational chemists to work in a project on the computational modeling and AI-driven discovery for materials and molecules led by Dr. Mingjie Liu in the Department of Chemistry. | |||
Postdoctoral Associate – Hattori Lab | 37045100 – SR-NEURO-HATTORI LAB | Palm Beach | Open until filled |
The Hattori laboratory is currently seeking Postdoctoral Associates at The Herbert Wertheim UF Scripps Institute for Biomedical Innovation & Technology in Jupiter, Florida. We joined the University of Florida, one of the nation’s top five public universities, in April 2022. The Wertheim UF Scripps Institute advances human health through biomedical research, drug discovery and clinical studies, while providing outstanding educational opportunities to inspire and train the next generation of scientists. In addition, the Skaggs Graduate School of Chemical and Biological Sciences at Scripps Research trains the next generation of scientists on our campus through its nationally recognized Ph.D. program in biomedical sciences. | |||
Post-Doctoral Associate in Numerical/Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics | 16360000 – LS-PHYSICS | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
A Post-doctoral Associate position in numerical/theoretical condensed matter physics is available in the group led by Prof. Jiabin Yu in the Department of Physics at the University of Florida, starting Fall 2025. This position will be initially awarded for two years (renewed annually), and, contingent upon strong performance, conduct and availability of funds, may be renewed for up to three years. The successful candidate will conduct numerical and theoretical research on topological quantum materials, correlated phenomena in moiré superlattices, quantum field theory, quantum dynamics, and/or related areas. | |||
Postdoctoral Associate | 19020000 – EG-MECHANICAL / AEROSPACE ENG | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
The Precision Space Systems Laboratory in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of Florida is seeking to fill a postdoctoral scholar position in the area of space technology development for drag-free inertial sensors for the NASA-ESA Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) gravitational wave observatory and future Earth geodesy missions beyond GRACE-Follow On. This position may also contribute to the development of intersatellite laser ranging and laser communications technology for the NASA CLICK CubeSat mission. Appointments as Research Scientist may be considered for candidates’ appropriate qualifications. Duties and Responsibilities: Be a technical lead for space technology development and flight hardware fabrication and testing for the LISA Charge Management Device and for precision accelerometers for future Earth geodesy missions. Technical expertise involves some or all of the following: Capacitive sensors, mechanisms and mechanical design, digital and analog electronics, and optomechanics, including fiber optics. Mentor graduate and undergraduate students involved in these projects and support technical and programmatic reports and reviews, journal articles and conference presentations. Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: Knowledge and experience in a sub-set of the following topics is desired: Design, development, fabrication, integration and testing, flight operations for space flight programs; Mechanical/thermal design for space systems; Fiber-coupled lasers and LEDs and associated analog current drivers; Digital electronics, microprocessors, and FPGAs; Development of flight software/firmware for microprocessors and FPGAs, including VHDL; Experience with laboratory experiments, including the use of vacuum systems, UV and IR light sources and detectors, data acquisition and instrumentation. | |||
Post Doctoral Associate – Garcia Lab | 37044150 – SR-MM-GARCIA LAB | Palm Beach | Open until filled |
The Joe GN “Skip” Garcia laboratory is seeking a Post Doctoral Associate at The Herbert Wertheim UF Scripps Institute for Biomedical Innovation & Technology in Jupiter, Florida, to join our laboratory doing high level research. The successful candidate will work in a fast-paced laboratory, on various projects pertaining to, inflammation biology, lung disease and more, gaining additional experience and skills during their tenure. This individual will have basic biological and laboratory experience, be hard-working and has a desire to learn and grow. The Wertheim UF Scripps Institute advances human health through biomedical research, drug discovery and clinical studies, while providing outstanding educational opportunities to inspire and train the next generation of scientists. In addition, the Skaggs Graduate School of Chemical and Biological Sciences at Scripps Research trains the next generation of scientists on our campus through its nationally recognized Ph.D. program in biomedical sciences. | |||
Postdoctoral Associate in Theoretical/Computational Astrophysics | 16060000 – LS-ASTRONOMY | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
The Department of Astronomy at the University of Florida invites applications for a postdoctoral associate in theoretical/computational astrophysics to conduct research on topics related to galaxy evolution, dust in galaxies, and/or the physics of the ISM. | |||
Postdoctoral Associate in Chemistry or BIology | 16120100 – LS-CHEMISTRY-GENERAL | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
The Tang Research Group in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Florida (UF) in Gainesville, FL is seeking applicants for two Postdoctoral Associate positions in chemistry or biology. Additionally, multiple PhD student positions are available. | |||
Postdoctoral Associate – Martemyanov Lab | 37045040 – SR-NEURO-MARTEMYANOV LAB | Palm Beach | Open until filled |
The Herbert Wertheim UF Scripps Institute for Biomedical Innovation & Technology is currently seeking a Postdoctoral Associate for the laboratory of Dr. Kirill Martemyanov at the Jupiter, Florida campus. We joined the University of Florida, one of the nation’s top five public universities, in April 2022. Together, UF Health and UF Scripps Biomedical Research work to advance science, science education and medicine, all for the benefit of humanity. | |||
Postdoctoral Associate | 19090000 – EG-MATERIALS SCI ENGINEERING | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
A postdoctoral position is available in the Center for Molecular Magnetic Quantum Materials (M2QM) at the University of Florida and Florida State University. The position will be jointly supervised by Prof. Stephen Hill and Prof. Richard Hennig. The project involves fundamental spectroscopic investigations of molecular quantum materials in the Electron Magnetic Resonance (EMR) group at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (MagLab, employing state-of-the-art instrumentation available at the MagLab for both continuous-wave and pulsed EPR at high magnetic fields. Additional stimuli, such as light irradiation and electric fields, will also be available to further modulate the quantum properties of the molecules under study. Areas of interest within M2QM that are under active investigation at the MagLab include understanding decoherence processes and the development of strategies for enhancing coherence in molecular spin qubits; demonstration of multi-qubit entanglement and quantum logic operations in magnetic molecules; and exploitation of magnetoelectric coupling and optical activity for realization of electrically and optically switchable spin qubits. The successful applicant should have a PhD in either physics, physical chemistry, or a closely related discipline. Some experience in the use of EPR spectroscopy is preferred. Strong consideration will also be given to applicants who have experience with other spectroscopic or magnetic characterization methods, particularly as applied to molecular materials. | |||
Postdoctoral Associate in computational biology | 19340000 – EG-BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
Dr. Xiao Fan’s laboratory (https://xiaofan-lab.github.io/) in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Florida has a fully-funded postdoctoral associate position. Fan Lab aims to understand genetic causes of rare human diseases using case-control association studies, and improving interpretation of genetic variations using machine learning methods. Research projects will involve study design, data acquisition, method development, data analysis, and software/database maintenance. Attributes of UF and Gainesville: The BME Department is located in health sciences at UF and is steps from engineering. The University of Florida is one of only a few comprehensive universities, having medical, veterinary, dental, nursing, public health, and engineering disciplines all co-localized on the same, contiguous campus. UF is a highly collaborative environment that provides researchers with many opportunities for learning (e.g., top seminar programs, excellent core research facilities) and research collaborations. Gainesville is located in the northern region of Florida, within 1-1.5 hours of each coast, and just 1.5-2 hours to Orlando and Tampa. It is a small to medium-sized city with a low cost of living, good restaurants and entertainment, and southern hospitality. While Gainesville is widely recognized as the home of the Gators, it is quickly becoming known as a center for innovation and a place with a lifestyle that’s comfortable for families, yet attractive for young professionals. The University of Florida is the flagship campus of the State of Florida university system and is ranked as the #5 best public US university according to US News and World Report. The J. Crayton Pruitt Family Department of Biomedical Engineering is ranked as the #17 best public graduate BME program among public institutes. This is a time-limited position. | |||
Postdoctoral Associate in Computational Chemistry | 16120100 – LS-CHEMISTRY-GENERAL | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
The Perez Lab at the Department of Chemistry, University of Florida (UF), Gainesville, FL invites applications for a Postdoctoral Associate position in Computational Chemistry. The successful candidate will work under the supervision of Prof. Alberto Perez (https://perez.chem.ufl.edu/), focusing on the study of BET proteins, the complexes it forms with different peptide epitopes, and identifying new viral and host protein-protein interactions involving BET proteins. | |||
Post-Doctoral Associate in Star Formation | 16060000 – LS-ASTRONOMY | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
A Post-doctoral Associate in the Department of Astronomy is available to work with Dr. Elizabeth Lada to investigate the properties of star-forming regions in the LMC and Milky Way. | |||
Postdoctoral Associate – Department of Pediatrics, Boye Research Laboratory | 29092300 – MD-PEDS-CELL / MOLEC THERP DIV | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
The University of Florida, Department of Pediatrics, Boye Research Laboratory seeks a highly motivated Postdoctoral Research Associate to join a team. | |||
Postdoctoral Associate- Davis Lab | 37045010 – SR-NEURO-DAVIS LAB | Palm Beach | Open until filled |
The Davis laboratory is seeking a postdoctoral associate at The Herbert Wertheim UF Scripps Institute for Biomedical Innovation & Technology in Jupiter, Florida. We joined the University of Florida, one of the nation’s top five public universities, in April 2022. The Wertheim UF Scripps Institute advances human health through biomedical research, drug discovery and clinical studies, while providing outstanding educational opportunities to inspire and train the next generation of scientists. In addition, the Skaggs Graduate School of Chemical and Biological Sciences at Scripps Research trains the next generation of scientists on our campus through its nationally recognized Ph.D. program in biomedical sciences. | |||
Postdoctoral Associate in Microfluidics (Lab-on-a-chip) | 16240100 – LS-GEOLOGY-GENERAL | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
Do you have a passion for microfluidics and a desire to explore biogeochemical processes in geological environments? The Geofluids Laboratory at the University of Florida’s Department of Geological Sciences seeks a highly motivated and results-oriented postdoctoral associate to join our interdisciplinary research team. |
Post-Doctoral Associate in optical spectroscopies in low-dimensional materials | 16360100 – LS-PHYSICS-GENERAL | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
A Post-doctoral Associate position is available to work optical spectroscopies in low-dimensional materials led by Dr. Xiao-Xiao Zhang in the Department of Physics. | |||
Postdoctoral Associate | 19340000 – EG-BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
The Gong Lab (https://gong-lab.com/) at the University of Florida (UF) currently has an opening for a postdoctoral associate interested in working on diffusion models-based medical image analysis and reconstruction. The research projects focus on leveraging diffusion models-based techniques to enhance the diagnosis and progression tracking of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and cancer. These projects involve collaborations with esteemed researchers and clinicians from Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Aging Brain Study, and MD Anderson Cancer Center. This position is available immediately and is open until filled. Environments: UF is the premier higher education institution in the state and is currently ranked #6 nationally among all public universities (2024 U.S. News & World Report) and among the top 20 research Universities by the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education. UF is making artificial intelligence the centerpiece of a major, long-term initiative that is combining world-class research infrastructure, leading-edge research and a transformational approach to curriculum. The HiPerGator supercomputer at UF provides us with great resources (~20 A100 GPUs per lab member) to work on computing-intensive projects. | |||
Post-Doctoral Associate in Wetland Carbon and Microbiome Research | 16900000 – LS-BIOLOGY | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
A Post-doctoral Associate position in Wetland Carbon Biogeochemistry and Microbiome Research is available in the Department of Biology to work on several projects led by Dr. Amanda Subalusky and Dr. Christopher Dutton. | |||
Post-Doctoral Associate in Astronomy | 16060000 – LS-ASTRONOMY | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
A Post-doctoral Associate position is available to work on a project on the TOU high-resolution spectrograph and the DHARMA optical telescope with Dr. Jason Dittmann in the Department of Astronomy. This position is available immediately and is open until filled. | |||
Postdoctoral Associate- Disney Lab | 37041030 – SR-CHEM-DISNEY LAB | Palm Beach | Open until filled |
The Disney laboratory is seeking a postdoc associate at The Herbert Wertheim UF Scripps Institute for Biomedical Innovation & Technology in Jupiter, Florida. We joined the University of Florida, one of the nation’s top five public universities, in April 2022. The Wertheim UF Scripps Institute advances human health through biomedical research, drug discovery and clinical studies, while providing outstanding educational opportunities to inspire and train the next generation of scientists. In addition, the Skaggs Graduate School of Chemical and Biological Sciences at Scripps Research trains the next generation of scientists on our campus through its nationally recognized Ph.D. program in biomedical sciences. | |||
Postdoctoral Associate in Polymer Science | 16120100 – LS-CHEMISTRY-GENERAL | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
The Evans Research Group at the Department of Chemistry, University of Florida (UF), Gainesville, FL invites applications for two Postdoctoral Associate positions in Polymer Chemistry. | |||
Postdoctoral Associate in cryogenic electron microscopy (CryoEM) | 37043010 – SR-IS&CB-IZARD LAB | Palm Beach | Open until filled |
Postdoctoral Associate positions are immediately available for several projects including structure-function studies of cytoskeletal proteins that control signaling downstream of adherens junctions and focal adhesions with implications in cancer and heart diseases. Fellows will join an exciting research environment in new state-of-the-art facilities. The laboratory is recognized as a world leader in the cytoskeleton field and recently purchased and installed a 300 kV cryogenic electron microscope. | |||
Postdoctoral Associate – Zhang Lab | 37046040 – SR-CISSM-ZHANG LAB | Palm Beach | Open until filled |
The Zhang laboratory is currently seeking Postdoctoral Associates at The Herbert Wertheim UF Scripps Institute for Biomedical Innovation & Technology in Jupiter, Florida. We joined the University of Florida, one of the nation’s top five public universities, in April 2022. The Wertheim UF Scripps Institute advances human health through biomedical research, drug discovery and clinical studies, while providing outstanding educational opportunities to inspire and train the next generation of scientists. In addition, the Skaggs Graduate School of Chemical and Biological Sciences at Scripps Research trains the next generation of scientists on our campus through its nationally recognized Ph.D. program in biomedical sciences. | |||
Post-Doctoral Associate in Synthetic Biology | 16900000 – LS-BIOLOGY | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
A Post-doctoral Associate position in the field of Synthetic Biology is available in a project on Bottom-Up Engineering of a Synthetic Living System led by Dr. Zhanar Abil in the Department of Biology at the University of Florida. | |||
Post-Doctoral Associate in Protoplanetary Disk and Planet Formation | 16060000 – LS-ASTRONOMY | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
A Post-doctoral Associate position is available to work on a project on the protoplanetary disk and planet formation research led by Dr. Jaehan Bae in the Department of Astronomy. The anticipated start date is September 1, 2024, but can be negotiated. | |||
Post-Doctoral Associate in Medical Geography in Global Health | 16220000 – LS-GEOGRAPHY | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
The Spatial Epidemiology and Ecology Laboratory (SEER Lab) is recruiting a Post-Doctoral Associate in Medical Geography in Global Health with a focus on modeling infectious disease distributions, transmission, and persistence led by Dr. Jason Blackburn in Geography. SEER Lab is jointly housed in the Department of Geography and the Emerging Pathogens Institute, both on the UF Campus in Gainesville. | |||
Postdoctoral Associate- Hacisuleyman | 37044160 – SR-MM-HACISULEYMAN LAB | Palm Beach | Open until filled |
Dr. Hacisuleyman’s laboratory is seeking a postdoctoral associate at The Herbert Wertheim UF Scripps Institute for Biomedical Innovation & Technology in Jupiter, Florida. We joined the University of Florida, one of the nation’s top five public universities, in April 2022. The Wertheim UF Scripps Institute advances human health through biomedical research, drug discovery and clinical studies, while providing outstanding educational opportunities to inspire and train the next generation of scientists. In addition, the Skaggs Graduate School of Chemical and Biological Sciences at Scripps Research trains the next generation of scientists on our campus through its nationally recognized Ph.D. program in biomedical sciences. | |||
Post-Doctoral Associate in modeling human diseases in the nematode model Caenorhabditis elegans | 16900000 – LS-BIOLOGY | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
A Post-doctoral Associate at the University of Florida is available to contribute to exciting projects centered around modeling human diseases in the nematode model Caenorhabditis elegans led by Dr. Xiaofei Bai in the Department of Biology. | |||
Postdoctoral Associate-Solt Lab | 37042100 – SR-IM-SOLT LAB | Palm Beach | Open until filled |
The Solt lab in the Department of Immunology and Microbiology at The Herbert Wertheim UF Scripps Institute for Biomedical Innovation & Technology has a NIH funded postdoctoral position available for a highly talented, creative, independent, and self-motivated researcher. The Solt lab focuses on understanding how a superfamily of ligand-regulated transcription factors, termed nuclear receptors, influence T cell development, function, and chronic inflammatory diseases. Our goals are two-fold: 1) better understand how nuclear receptors function in immunity, and 2) develop and characterize small molecule ligands that modulate nuclear receptor function to determine their therapeutic value. We joined the University of Florida, one of the nation’s top five public universities, in April 2022. The Wertheim UF Scripps Institute advances human health through biomedical research, drug discovery and clinical studies, while providing outstanding educational opportunities to inspire and train the next generation of scientists. In addition, the Skaggs Graduate School of Chemical and Biological Sciences at Scripps Research trains the next generation of scientists on our campus through its nationally recognized Ph.D. program in biomedical sciences. | |||
Postdoctoral Associate- Solt Lab | 37042100 – SR-IM-SOLT LAB | Palm Beach | Open until filled |
The Solt lab in the Department of Immunology and Microbiology at The Herbert Wertheim UF Scripps Institute for Biomedical Innovation & Technology has a NIH funded postdoctoral position available for a highly talented, creative, independent, and self-motivated scholar. The Solt lab focuses on understanding and characterizing how nuclear receptors, a family of ligand-regulated transcription factors, influence T cell development, function, and chronic inflammatory diseases. Our goals are two-fold: 1) better understand how nuclear receptors function in immunity, and 2) develop and characterize small molecule ligands that modulate nuclear receptor function as tools to understand biology as well as potential therapeutic approaches. We joined the University of Florida, one of the nation’s top five public universities, in April 2022. The Wertheim UF Scripps Institute advances human health through biomedical research, drug discovery and clinical studies, while providing outstanding educational opportunities to inspire and train the next generation of scientists. In addition, the Skaggs Graduate School of Chemical and Biological Sciences at Scripps Research trains the next generation of scientists on our campus through its nationally recognized Ph.D. program in biomedical sciences. | |||
Postdoctoral Associate | 19030000 – EG-CHEMICAL ENGINEERING | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
Highly motivated candidates are sought for a postdoctoral position in the laboratory of Dr. Carlos M. Rinaldi-Ramos, within the Department of Chemical Engineering, the J. Crayton Pruitt Family Department of Biomedical Engineering, and the UF Brain Tumor Immunotherapy Program at the University of Florida within the Lillian S. Wells Department of Neurosurgery. The Rinaldi-Ramos lab is working at the frontier of the emerging field of magnetic particle imaging, developing tracers to track nanomedicines, immune cell therapies, and immune responses in the context of cancer, arthritis, and traumatic brain injury. Current projects are supported by several multi-year grants focused on the development of nanoparticle tracers optimized for high sensitivity and resolution in MPI and for ex vivo and in vivo labeling of target cells and tissues. Successful applicants will have the opportunity to design, formulate, and test new magnetic particle imaging tracers by bringing together expertise in chemistry, nanotechnology, magnetism, and biology. | |||
Post-Doctoral Scholar | 18010100 – ED-DN OFFICE-GENERAL | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
The University of Florida’s Kenneth C. Griffin CS for All Education Initiative seeks candidates for a 12-month, full-time postdoctoral scholar position to support the research and development of programs and resources in K-12 computer science teacher preparation. In collaboration with the PI, Dr. Maya Israel, the postdoctoral scholar will engage in research as well as development, organization, and dissemination of programs and activities in support of building a sustainable teacher preparation program in computer science education at the University of Florida and throughout the state of Florida. The postdoctoral fellow will plan and coordinate data collection and analysis for the project. This is a 12-month time-limited non-tenure accruing appointment | |||
Postdoctoral Associate | 19050000 – EG-ELECTRICAL / COMPUTER ENG | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
The Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering at the University of Florida is seeking a highly motivated candidate for a Postdoctoral Researcher: Developing game-theoretic planning algorithms for multi-robot interactions in dynamic environments. The project is sponsored by Army Research Laboratory. It is to develop fundamental reinforcement learning and game-theoretic planning algorithms for a multi-robot/human-robot team in a dynamic, uncertain environment. The research topic will investigate the asymmetric information between multiple players and develop fundamental solution concepts that can be used for adaptive planning, decision-making, and multi-agent collaboration, with applications to safety-critical cyber-physical systems. | |||
Postdoctoral Associate – Davis Lab | 37045010 – SR-NEURO-DAVIS LAB | Palm Beach | Open until filled |
Dr. Ronald Davis laboratory is seeking a Postdoctoral Associate at The Herbert Wertheim UF Scripps Institute for Biomedical Innovation & Technology in Jupiter, Florida. We joined the University of Florida, one of the nation’s top five public universities, in April 2022. The Wertheim UF Scripps Institute advances human health through biomedical research, drug discovery and clinical studies, while providing outstanding educational opportunities to inspire and train the next generation of scientists. In addition, the Skaggs Graduate School of Chemical and Biological Sciences at Scripps Research trains the next generation of scientists on our campus through its nationally recognized Ph.D. program in biomedical sciences. | |||
Research Post-Doctoral Associate – Medical AI Research | 29130000 – MD-RADIOLOGY | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
A one-year Research Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Medical AI Research, UF Health – Department of Radiology |
Postdoctoral Associate | 19030000 – EG-CHEMICAL ENGINEERING | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
The research lab of protein engineering and synthetic biology led by Dr. Denard (THE DENARD LAB AT UF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING – Home) in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Florida invites applications for a fully funded post-doctoral position. The Denard lab focuses on developing high-throughput tools to evolve and reprogram enzymes that catalyze post-translational modifications (PTM-enzymes), including proteases, kinases, and others. The postdoctoral associate would be involved in several ongoing projects in the lab. One project is to discover modulatory proteins (antibodies, nanobodies, etc…) that can reprogram the activity of PTM-enzymes using a powerful high-throughput discovery platform. In this project, the postdoctoral associate will introduce deep learning to the project to establish sequence function relationships and predict modulator properties from sequence (funded by NIH MIRA) and expand the platform to other enzymes. Other projects in the lab include: 1) comprehensive profiling and engineering of sortase substrate specificity, 2) developing an aggregation sensor to study the sequence function relationship of a human protein aggregation disease, 3) engineering protein disaggregases, and 4) building a yeast model to study the mutational landscape of SRP54 and uncover how congenital mutations lead to human disorders (funded by Live Like Bella Foundation Grant) (UF researcher receives grant to study gene involved in pediatric cancers » Cancer Center » UF Health Cancer Center » University of Florida (ufl.edu)). The Denard lab is funded by an NIH MIRA, a Live Like Bella Foundation Grant and the NSF CAREER award. The Denard is a young, vibrant, and inclusive research. In the Spring of 2022, we moved in brand new facilities. We are supported by state-of-the-art instruments, both in our lab and in core facilities. The postdoctoral associate will be involved in multiple projects, able to advance their career on multiple fronts. | |||
Postdoctoral Associate | 19050000 – EG-ELECTRICAL / COMPUTER ENG | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
The Oweiss lab at the University of Florida is seeking highly-motivated candidates for a postdoctoral position. The chosen candidate will conduct research focused on studying basic mechanisms of sensorimotor integration in healthy and pathological brain states and translate this knowledge to clinical applications of movement and cognitive disorders. Current projects funded by NIH include: 1- Using multi-photon microscopy and optogenetic techniques to monitor and perturb neural circuits at cellular and subcellular resolution in awake behaving mice to investigate mechanisms of neural plasticity during learning Brain Machine Interface (BMI) control, sensory- and memory-guided navigation in virtual reality environments. 2- Using chronic deep brain recording and stimulation (DBR/DBS) in human subjects to characterize neurophysiological signatures of motor control in thalamic nuclei and use these biomarkers to provide closed loop control of DBS therapy to alleviate pathological symptoms of essential tremor. The position will focus on carrying out experiments to record and analyze brain activity in the presence and absence of targeted stimulation. The candidate will receive training on data analysis and machine learning (ML) techniques to guide the optimization of stimulation parameters in animal (optogenetics) and human (electrical) studies. Candidates will publish peer-reviewed journal articles and help mentor graduate students carrying out experiments. Desirable skills may include any of the following: single and/or population neural recording, two-photon imaging/optogenetic control in awake behaving mice, or machine learning/computational neuroscience. | |||
Post-Doctoral Associate in Cell Biology or Cancer Signaling | 16360100 – LS-PHYSICS-GENERAL | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
A Post-Doctoral Associate in Cell Biology or Cancer Signaling is available in the Department of Physics at the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. This position will work closely with Dr. Juan Guan. To learn more about the lab, please visit https://guanlab.weebly.com/. | |||
Post-Doctoral Associate: Advanced Research and Training in Early Childhood Studies | 18380000 – ED-CTR EXCEL EARLY CHILD STUD | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
The Anita Zucker Center for Excellence in Early Childhood Studies at the University of Florida is seeking qualified and enthusiastic Postdoctoral Associates interested in joining a team of highly productive and committed researchers working in collaboration with local, state, national, and international partners to inform and advance evidence-based practices and policies in early childhood studies and to disseminate this information to practitioners, families, policymakers, program leaders, and professional learning personnel. | |||
Post-Doctoral Associate: Implementation Science and Practice | 18380000 – ED-CTR EXCEL EARLY CHILD STUD | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
The Anita Zucker Center for Excellence in Early Childhood Studies at the University of Florida is seeking qualified and enthusiastic Postdoctoral Associates interested in joining a team of highly productive and committed scholars working in collaboration with local, state, national, and international partners to inform and advance evidence-based practices and policies in early childhood studies and to disseminate this information to practitioners, families, policymakers, program leaders, and professional learning personnel. | |||
Post Doctoral Associate in the Center for Molecular Magnetic Quantum Materials (M2QM) | 16360100 – LS-PHYSICS-GENERAL | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
The Center for Molecular Magnetic Quantum Materials (M2QM) at the Department of Physics, University of Florida is seeking 3 Post Doctoral Associates. See https://efrc.ufl.edu/. M2QM is a renewed (Aug. 1, 2022) Energy Frontier Research Center funded by the US Department of Energy; See https://science.osti.gov/-/media/bes/pdf/awards/EFRC-awards-sheet-8-25.pdf. Successful candidates will work on spin transitions and magnetoelectric couplings in molecular magnetic systems, dynamics, and decoherence of spin and clock transition, spin-spin couplings, spin-environment interactions in junctions, simulation of inelastic tunneling spectroscopy (IETS) etc. Experience in DFT and beyond DFT methods, high-level quantum chemistry, machine learning, high-throughput modeling of complex materials, model Hamiltonian-based spin dynamics, or in IETS is a plus. This is a time-limited position. | |||
Postdoctoral Associate – Pediatrics Cellular and Molecular Therapy, Zolotukhin Lab | 29092300 – MD-PEDS-CELL / MOLEC THERP DIV | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
A post-doctoral position is available immediately in the Zolotukhin Lab in the Division of Cell and Molecular Therapy. | |||
Postdoctoral Associate – Hoffman Lab @ University of Florida | 29092300 – MD-PEDS-CELL / MOLEC THERP DIV | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
A post-doctoral position is available immediately in the Hoffman Lab in the Division of Cell and Molecular Therapy. https://hoffman.cellular.pediatrics.med.ufl.edu The overall research program for the Hoffman Lab is developing novel immunotherapies for autoimmune diseases through immune tolerance induction, Regulatory T cells (Tregs) and adeno-associated virus (AAV) gene therapy. | |||
Postdoctoral Associate | 19090000 – EG-MATERIALS SCI ENGINEERING | Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) | Open until filled |
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral associate position with an immediate opening in Professor Michele V. Manuel’s group at the University of Florida. The position will be in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering. The department is a highly collaborative environment, and Professor Manuel’s group studies a range of materials from lightweight alloys to ferrous alloys using alloy design and advanced manufacturing techniques. Highly motivated individuals are sought to develop advanced alloys through the use of computational thermodynamics and kinetics. |