The University of Helsinki is a community founded on research, learning and courageous thought, where ground-breaking basic research, open-minded curiosity and cooperation engender opportunities for solving global challenges. Our everyday work and interaction are guided by the University’s strategic plan as well as its shared values: truth, Bildung, freedom and inclusivity.
The Faculty of Law at the University of Helsinki is the leading Finnish institute of legal research and education. Some of the degrees awarded by the Faculty are completed at its bilingual Vaasa Unit of Legal Studies. The Faculty’s mission is to train qualified, ethically responsible legal professionals for both the Finnish and international markets through research of a good international standard and research-based teaching. The Faculty offers undergraduate degrees in Finnish, Swedish and English as well as a bilingual degree in Swedish and Finnish. The Faculty offers two international master’s programmes (Global Governance Law and International Business Law). The Faculty has a teaching and research staff of around 130 people and 2,400 undergraduate and postgraduate students.
The Faculty of Law at the University of Helsinki invites applications for the position of
of international law.
The appointee must provide instruction to the Faculty’s undergraduate students and, if needed, in the Faculty’s international master’s programmes. Furthermore, the appointee will provide supervision to under- and postgraduate students.
Applications are invited, in particular, from scholars who can be appointed to a permanent professorship. The successful applicant may also be appointed to a fixed-term associate/assistant professorship (tenure track system), depending on their qualifications and career stage. Further information on the University of Helsinki career path and the tenure track system can be found at https://www.helsinki.fi/en/about-us/careers/academic-careers/tenure-track.
An appointee to the position of professor must hold a doctoral degree and have high-level academic qualifications in the field of international law; experience in leading scholarly research; the ability to provide high-level research-based teaching and supervise theses; as well as evidence of international cooperation in the research field they represent. Furthermore, the position also calls for academic leadership skills.
An appointee to the position of assistant/associate professor must hold a doctoral degree and have the ability to conduct independent scholarly work, as well as the teaching skills necessary for the position. In addition, the appointee must have the ability and motivation to pursue an academic career as demonstrated by publications and other means.
Applicants are required to have extensive expertise in international law. Applications are particularly welcome from active and critical scholars specialised in global political economy law, i.e. with demonstrated expertise in the legal structures and systems underpinning the global economy.
Pursuant to section 1 of the Government Decree on Universities (770/2009), appointees to teaching positions at the University of Helsinki must be proficient in the language in which they provide instruction, i.e., Finnish or Swedish. In addition, they must have at least satisfactory oral and written skills in both languages. To successfully attend to the duties of the position, the appointee must have good English skills. Before an employment decision is made, the language proficiency stipulated in the Government Decree on Universities and the other language skills required for the position must be verified, in accordance with section 32 of the Regulations of the University of Helsinki, through application documents and, where relevant, a teaching demonstration and an interview. The above section of the Regulations also determines the possibility of granting an exemption from the language requirement laid down in the Government Decree.
When considering applicants’ qualifications, attention will be paid to scholarly and teaching qualifications. Scholarly qualifications include scholarly publications and other research results of scholarly value, success in obtaining external research funding, scholarly work outside Finland, and international specialist and elected positions. As regards teaching qualifications, teaching experience and pedagogical training, the ability to produce learning material, other teaching merits and, if necessary, a teaching demonstration, as well as participation in doctoral education will be considered. Furthermore, the applicants’ leadership and interaction skills, as well as activity in the research community, will be taken into account.
We offer the opportunity to work in an inspiring, international and multidisciplinary environment. In addition, the University of Helsinki provides diverse staff benefits and opportunities, such as sports, exercise and wellbeing services and opportunities for professional development. Further information is available at https://www.helsinki.fi/en/about-us/careers.
The salary will be based on levels 7 (assistant/associate professor) or 8–10 (professor) of the job requirement scheme for teaching and research personnel in the salary system of Finnish universities. In addition, the appointee will be paid a salary component based on personal performance. Applications must be accompanied by a single PDF file that includes the English-language documents:
• A curriculum vitae
• A report on teaching experience and qualifications
• A full list of publications
• A plan for the development of the applicant’s research and teaching (max. 2 pages)
• Or, alternatively, an academic portfolio containing the above documents and information. Further information on the academic portfolio is available at https://www.helsinki.fi/en/about-us/careers/open-positions/instructions-…
Applicants are kindly asked to be prepared, after the application period, to submit for assessment no more than 10 publications of their choosing from their list of publications. The application must be submitted through the University of Helsinki electronic recruitment system by clicking on the link below. Current employees of the University of Helsinki must submit their applications at https://msap.helsinki.fi.
The closing date for applications is 7 November2021.
Further information on careers at the University of Helsinki: www.helsinki.fi/en/university/careers-at-the-university-of-helsinki
Further information on the assessment of teaching skills: https://www.helsinki.fi/en/faculty-of-law/faculty/applying-for-teaching-…
Further information on the position can be obtained from Dean Pia Letto-Vanamo, pia.letto-vanamo(at)helsinki.fi. Further information on the recruitment process can be obtained from HR Specialist Minna Boström, hr-oiktdk(at)helsinki.fi.
Due date
07.11.2021 23:59 EET