Hematology may be defined as the scientific study of the structure and function of the blood in...
Hematology Lecture
من خلال هذا الفيديو سوف تتعرف على الإختصارات المتعلقة بصورة الدم الكاملة والتي لها علاقة بخلايا الدم...
لا يمكن الإستغناء عن صورة الدم الكاملة عند تشخيص الأنيميا وأيضا يمكن من خلالها التنبؤ بالمسبب لمختلف...
Significance of Blood Smear Examination (Arabic Lecture 2017) .
Interpretation of abnormal leukocytes count (Arabic lecture 2017) .
Schilling index (Arabic lecture 2017) .
Tests of Hemostasis (Arabic lecture 2017) .
Leukemoid Reaction (Arabic 2017) .
Neoplastic Disease of the Leukocytes : Leukemia (Arabic Lecture) .
Tests of Hemostasis (Handouts 2017) ……………………….. 4th year students, clinical laboratory diagnosis [googlepdf url=”http://scholaridea.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/tests-of-haemostasis.pdf” width=”100%” height=”600″] ...
Leukemia (Handouts 2017) ……………….. 4th year students, clinical laboratory diagnosis
Interpretation of leukocytes count (Handouts 2017) ……………………………………………………………………. 4th year students, clinical laboratory diagnosis .
Polycythemia: Arabic Lecture 2017 4th year students, clinical laboratory diagnosis .
Etiological Classification of Anemia (Arabic Lecture 2017) .
Morphological Classification of Anemia (Arabic Lecture 2017) 4th year students, clinical laboratory diagnosis .
Diphasic Sedimentation of the Erythrocytes (Arabic 2017) 4th year srudents, clinical laboratory diagnosis .
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate: ESR (Arabic Lecture 2017) 4th year students, clinical laboratory diagnosis .
Nucleated red blood cells in the peripheral circulation .
Interpretation of Red blood cells count: Anemia (Handouts 2017) 4thyear students, clinical laboratory diagnosis
Complete Blood Count: Evaluation of RBCs -Part IV (Mean Corpuscular Values) Arabic Lecture 2017 4th year...
Complete Blood Count Part -III: Evaluation of Erythrocytes Morphology (Arabic Lecture 2017) 4th year students, Clinical Laboratory...
Complete blood count: Evaluation of RBCs Part-11 (Arabic lecture 2017) حجم الخلايا المصمتة Lecture for 4th year...
Complete Blood Count: Red blood cells Part-I (Arabic Lecture 2017) تقييم خلايا الدم الحمراء lecture for 4th...
Stimulation of synthesis of RBCs by the bone marrow (Arabic 2017)
Complete blood count: CBC (Arabic lecture 2017) Lecture for 4th year students, clinical laboratory diagnosis
Complete blood count (cbc)
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (Arabic Lecture) معدل الترسيب
interpretation of RBCs count (Polycythemia) Arabic lecture زيادة عدد خلايا الدم الحمراء