Uppsala University is a comprehensive research-intensive university with a strong international standing. Our ultimate goal is to conduct education and research of the highest quality and relevance to make a long-term difference in society. Our most important assets are all the individuals whose curiosity and dedication make Uppsala University one of Sweden’s most exciting workplaces. Uppsala University has over 45,000 students, more than 7,000 employees and a turnover of around SEK 7 billion.
More than 350 teachers, doctors, researchers and doctoral students work at the Department of Neuroscience, in both clinical and basic scientific disciplines. The Department have activities at the University Hospital and at Uppsala University Biomedical Center. The position will be placed at the Biomedical Center where the basic scientific disciplines, including physiology, pharmacology cell, developmental & neurobiology are hosted.
Description of Subject Area: Physiology describes the principles for the control and the regulation of biological processes at the cellular level and in the body organs and how the body organs interact to keep the life processes in balance (homeostasis). The subject is within the Faculty of Medicine and mainly covers human physiology.
Duties: The ideal candidate conducts research, teaching and administration in physiology. The teaching tasks include course responsibility, course administration and supervision of students at all levels of education. Course responsibility and teaching mainly refers to physiology and professional development courses. Supervision of degree projects in physiology within the Bachelor and Master of Science Programme in Pharmacy. Teaching in other courses is also included. It also includes independently developing and leading a research group and actively seeking funding from external national and international funders. The tasks include following the development within one’s own subject and the development of society in general and participating in the department’s activities through e.g. administrative tasks in committees.
Eligibility requirements: Eligible to be employed as a senior lecturer is, according to the Higher Education Ordinance, a person who has completed a doctoral degree or has equivalent scientific competence and who has demonstrated both scientific and pedagogical skills. It is required that the pedagogical skills, the scientific competence and the professional skills are relevant to the subject area of the employment and the tasks that are to be included in the employment. According to Uppsala University’s employment regulations (AO), a person who is to be employed as a senior lecturer must also have undergone relevant pedagogical training for activities within the university, comprising ten weeks, or acquired corresponding knowledge. If there are special reasons, the higher education pedagogical education can be completed during the first two years of employment. According to AO, it also applies as a general eligibility requirement for teachers to have the personal qualities required to fulfill the duties well.
The applicant must have a documented ability to teach in Swedish.
Assessment Criteria: In selection among eligible applicants, the ranking of eligible applicants will be based primarily on research and teaching expertise, which will be given equal weight.
In assessing scientific skills, special weight will be attached to merits in research merits in experimental integrative (in vivo) physiology.
In assessing pedagogical skills, special weight will be attached to merits in teaching experience in the subject of human medical physiology and documented pedagogical competence in physiology; especially in cardiovascular physiology, renal and bladder physiology and basic endocrinology.
Scientific skill refers to research merits. When assessing scientific skill, scientific quality will primarily be taken into account. The scope of the research, primarily with regard to depth and breadth, must also be given importance. Furthermore, the ability to plan, initiate, lead and develop research and education at the doctoral level, the ability to obtain funding for research in competition, as well as the demonstrated ability to interact both within the scientific community and with the surrounding society. See 21 § AO §. See also Section 7 Guidelines and assessment criteria for the recruitment and promotion of teachers in the field of science for medicine and pharmacy (RB).
Pedagogical skills refer to educational and teaching qualifications. When assessing pedagogical skills, pedagogical quality must primarily be taken into account. Extent, both width and depth, must also be given importance. Furthermore, the ability to plan, initiate, lead and develop education and teaching, as well as the ability to research the teaching, must be given importance. Ability to interact on higher education pedagogical issues with actors within and outside the university is also included in the pedagogical skills. See also RB § 8.
Assessment criteria, other skills: Management skills and administrative skills are important for the employment and will both be given consideration. The ability to collaborate within the Department and with the surrounding society as well as to inform the society about research and educational work will be taken into account.
Management skills are demonstrated through the ability to lead projects and staff, make decisions, take responsibility and motivate and provide others with the conditions required to effectively achieve common goals. The ability to coordinate the activities in a research group as well as to contribute to creating commitment, participation and job satisfaction as well as the ability to handle conflicts are further examples of demonstrated skill.
Administrative skills are demonstrated, among other things, through the ability to plan, organize and prioritize work in an efficient and purpose-adapted manner, as well as through the ability to set and keep time frames. Skills include overall business planning and the ability to manage resources in a way that reflects the business’s priorities as well as the ability to work in a structured manner and based on an awareness of goals and quality. See also (RB) § 9
When assessing skills for collaboration with the society, experience of and skills in popular science work, editorial work and other activities related to the exchange of knowledge between universities and the outside world, as well as experience of innovation and entrepreneurship, shall be given importance. See 6 § RB.
All qualifications must be documented so that both quality and scope can be assessed.
When the university hires a new teacher, the applicant will be selected who, after a qualitative overall assessment of competence, skill and suitability, is judged to have the best abilities to complete and develop the current tasks and contribute to a positive development of the department’s activities. Personal suitability will also be given importance. Personal circumstances (eg. parental leave) that can be credited to the applicant in the merit evaluation should be stated in connection with the portfolio of merits and experiences.
Uppsala University values the qualities that even gender distribution and diversity bring to the business. We therefore welcome applicants of all genders and with different backgrounds, functionality and life experience.
For further information about the position please contact: Senior lecturer/Associate Professor Markus Sjöblom, epost: markus.sjoblom@neuro.uu.se, telephone: 018-471 4186.
Salary: Individually negotiated salary.
Starting date: As agreed.
Type of position: Permanent position.
Scope of employment: 100 %
Appointment regulations of Uppsala University (AR)
Please submit your application, which should be written in English, by November 1, UFV-PA 2021/3346.
Are you considering moving to Sweden to work at Uppsala University? If so, you will find more information about working and living in Sweden at www.uu.se/joinus. You are also welcome to contact International Faculty and Staff Services at ifss@uadm.uu.se.
In the event of any disagreement between the English and the Swedish versions of this announcement, the Swedish version takes precedence.
Please do not send offers of recruitment or advertising services.
Submit your application through Uppsala University’s recruitment system.
Placement: Department of Neuroscience
Type of employment: Full time , Permanent position
Pay: Individually negotiated salary.
Number of positions: 1
Working hours: 100%
Town: Uppsala
County: Uppsala län
Country: Sweden
Union representative: Seko Universitetsklubben seko@uadm.uu.se
ST/TCO tco@fackorg.uu.se
Saco-rådet saco@uadm.uu.se
Number of reference: UFV-PA 2021/3346
Last application date: 2021-11-01