Consent Preferences 76 PhD, Postdoctoral and Faculty positions at University of Basel, Switzerland – Scholar Idea

PhD, Postdoctoral scholarships and Faculty positions at University of Basel, Switzerland, with good support for employment.

Tutorinnen/Tutoren (m/w/d) Schweizerisches Staatsrecht

Anschubstipendium des Doktoratsprogramms «Recht im Wandel»

Studentische Hilfskraft in der Tumordokumentation

Technische Assistentin / technischer Assistent Mückenhaltung (60%)

Hilfswissenschaftlerin / Hilfswissenschaftler

Doktorandin / Doktorand oder Hilfswissenschaftler / Hilfswissenschaftlerin

Doctoral Fellowship in Urban Studies

Sachbearbeiter*in Zentrum für Psychotherapie

Sachbearbeiter*in Advanced Studies in Psychotherapy

Sachbearbeiter*in Weiterbildungen und Psychotherapie

Postdoctoral (remote) position in Computational Microbiology 1000

Assistenzstelle 60%

Assistant Professorship in Corporate Finance / Sustainable Finance (Non-Tenure Track)

DoktorandInnenstelle SNF (100%) zu besetzen

Junior Flow Cytometry Specialist (100%)

Betriebsassistent/in mit Fokus auf die Einkaufs- und Bestellverwaltung

DoktorandInnenstelle SNF (100%) zu besetzen

Post-Doctoral Research Position: „Occurrence, Fate and Effects of Microplastics in the Aquatic Envir

Doctoral Thesis in Medicine Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery University Hospital Basel

Research associate/Technical staff at the Research Instrumentation Facility of the Biozentrum, University of Basel

Administrative and scientific assistant

Administrative und wissenschaftliche Assistentin

Lecturer in English Linguistics

Zentrale*r Koordinator*in Arbeitssicherheit & Gesundheitsschutz

1 Postdoctoral Fellow (100%)

PhD student position in AI-based Drug Discovery

PhD position in Land-Use Change

Controller (80%)

Technician position in ecology

Tenure-Track Assistant Professor of Chemistry

Postdoc position in mountain ecology

PhD position in alpine plant ecology

Klinische Professur für Medizinische Onkologie

Digital Communications Intern

Professorship in Medical Oncology

Assistenzprofessur Orale Implantologie (non-tenure)

Assistenzprofessur Orale Implantologie (non-tenure)

Professur für Italienische und Allgemeine Literaturwissenschaft (open rank), 75%

Posto di professore/essa di Letteratura italiana e generale (open rank), 75%

Administrative Specialist (70% – 100%)


Bioinformatician / Data Analyst (100%)

PhD position in mathematical epidemiology

PhD position in Psychology

Cleanroom technician/engineer

Post-doctoral fellow in Cancer Immunology

Clinical Specialist Digital Decision Support Systems

Ferromagnetism of mobile electrons in a two-dimensional semiconductor (P2105)

Ph.D. Position in Cancer Immunology

PhD position in Economics / Environmental sustainability 100%

Tenure-track Assistant Professorship in Quantum Condensed Matter Theory and Quantum Computing

PhD Position on Innovative Catalytic Strategies to Combat Cancer (P2106)

PhD Position on Goldnanoparticle assemblies for SERS based detection of EGFR family expressing ovarian cancer cells in tumor xenografts (P2103)

PhD Position on the Structure and Assembly Mechanism of the Ninjurin-1 Membrane Perforation Pore in Executing Cell Death (P2102)

PhD position in bosonic quantum error correction with superconducting circuits (P2101)

PhD Position on Methods to understand the role of ordered waters and disordered residues in enzyme catalysis using macromolecular crystallography at physiological temperatures (P2104)

Universitätsdozent/in für Anatomie

Studierende/r in Assistenzfunktion 50%

2 PhD positions in Palaeoecology / mountain lake ecology

Lehrstelle Kauffrau / Kaufmann

InformatikerIn als MitarbeiterIn bei der digitalen Edition der Bernoulli-Briefwechsel an der Universität Basel

2 PhD positions in Psychology, Neuroscience, or related field (each position 100%, 4 years)

Leiter/in Facility Management (80-100%)

PhD position within the Department of Chemistry, University of Basel

Postdoc fellowship in Evolutionary Genomics

Administrative Student Assistant / Back Office Assistant

Junior Communications Manager (80%-100%) – Ref.: IOB091

Praktikant/in Patientenzentriertes Management 100%

Studentische Hilfskraft Servicecenter Med. Dokumentation 40-50%

Elektroniker/in (80%)

Chief Information Security Officer (m/w/d) 80 – 100%

Technical Assistant position for supporting the Histology Core Facility (80%-100%)

Professur Urban Public Health

Professorship Urban Public Health

Informations- und Dokumentations-Spezialist/in

100% Postdoctoral Position in Bioinformatics to study Gene Regulatory Networks

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