Researcher for AI-based wireless network design

The “WAVES” research group ( is the expertise center of the Department of Information Technology of Ghent University/IMEC in Belgium for physical-layer research of advanced wireless networks and bioelectromagnetics.

Wireless network design is a research domain with large potential providing coverage and capacity while at the same time being energy-efficient and having a low electromagnetic exposure footprint. With the emerging 5G (and beyond), as well as the enormous increase of the Internet of Things (IoT), this research domain has recently gain even more importance. Compared to pre-5G networks, 5G will employ multiple innovative technologies such as antenna densification, use of frequency bands in millimeter wave range (30 to 300 GHz), and massive MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output). Furthermore, the future network will also consist of a huge number of devices and connected “things”, including many sensors on and in the body of humans and animals. IoT network planning for such monitoring applications is becoming very relevant as small and cheap biocompatible and connected smart pills and sensors are entering the market.

Optimizing this kind of complex 5G and IoT networks and accounting for energy- and EMF (Electromagnetic Field)-constraints requires an AI (Artificial Intelligent) based wireless network design where the base station and the network determine themselves the best configuration by processing previous and even real-time data. Important research domains in this context are:

  • AI and machine learning techniques for wireless energy- and EMF-aware network design
  • Network design and optimization for 5G (and beyond) and IoT applications

Job profile

We are looking for enthusiastic candidates to perform research in the domains above in both national and international projects. Candidates with a Master degree in computer science engineering, electrical engineering, informatics, or a related Master of Science degree qualify for this research job.

We offer a pleasant work climate within a young dynamic team and the possibility of obtaining a PhD.

How to apply

If you are interested in this position, please send your application letter and cv to:
Isabelle Van der Elstraeten
Ghent University
iGent, Technologiepark-Zwijnaarde 126
9052 Gent, BELGIUM – Tel.: +32-9-2643321

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