PhD and Academic Positions at Antwerp University, one of the major Belgian universities located in the city of Antwerp, Belgium
Faculty Social Sciences
Predoctoral level
Doctoral scholarship holder, Social Policy
Postdoctoral level
Senior academic staff Visual and Digital Cultures and Methods
Senior academic staff, Social and Economic Philosophy
Senior academic staff, Sociology
Senior academic staff, European Public Policy
Senior academic staff, Social research
Senior academic staff, Sociology
Research professor (TT)ZAPBOF on migration and global mobility
Faculty of Applied Engineering
Predoctoral level
Doctoral scholarship holder Resource-efficient AI compression
Doctoral scholarship holder Electrocatalysis
Postdoctoral level
Tenured senior academic staff Mechanical design and production
Faculty of Arts & Humanities
Postdoctoral level
Tenured Senior Academic Staff, Translation studies French-Dutch
Faculty of Business and Economics
Predoctoral level
Doctoral scholarship holder, Consumer behaviours
Predoctoral or a postdoctoral researcher, Agricultural/Environmental/Engineering Economics
Doctoral scholarship holder Environmental economics
Postdoctoral level
Professor (open rank) Marketing (tenure-track or tenured academic staff)
Junior research professor (tenure track ZAPBOF), Urban logistics and economic geography.
Predoctoral or a postdoctoral researcher, Agricultural/Environmental/Engineering Economics
Faculty of Design Sciences
Postdoctoral level
Tenured Senior Academic Staff Alternative materials and construction in architecture
Senior academic staff Inclusive design and design for health & well-being
Faculty of Law
Predoctoral level
Graduate teaching & research assistant, Public international law
Graduate teaching & research assistant, Insolvency law
Graduate teaching & research assistant, Constitutional law
Graduate teaching & research assistant, Competition law
Doctoral scholarship holder, International accountability through the value chain
Doctoral scholarship holder, Enforcement of laws on crypto-assets
Doctoral scholarship holder, International economic law, sustainable development and human rights.
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Predoctoral level
Doctoral scholarship holder, Molecular Epidemiology
Postdoctoral level
Junior research professor (tenure track ZAPBOF), Breathomics en volatomics
Postdoctoral researcher (with a subsidy) “Cardiovascular Effects of Physical Exercise”
Faculty of Pharmaceutical, Biomedical and Veterinary Sciences
Postdoctoral level
Faculty of Science
Predoctoral level
Doctoral scholarship holder, Nonlinear Optics of Bistable Molecules and One-Dimensional Arrays
Graduate teaching & research assistant, Graph neural networks
Doctoral scholarship holder, Ecology of Infections
Doctoral scholarship holder, Proteomics and Protein Biochemistry
Postdoctoral level
Research professor (TT) ZAPBOF, Artificiële intelligentie in data science
Tenured senior academic staff, Biodiversity, Ecosystem Management and Ecosystem restoration
Senior Academic Staff, Biochemistry and Plant growth regulation
Professor in Algebraic Geometry
Institute of Development Policy (IOB)
Postdoctoral level
Research professor (TT)ZAPBOF, The political economy of globalization and inclusive development
Postdoctoral researcher, Development Processes, Actors and Policies