Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH) is the leading public research center in Luxembourg for basic, pre-clinical and clinical research in biomedicine and public health.
Agent de maintenance – SP0122ADM BE – BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENTSRESEARCH SUPPORTL’agent de maintenance sera principalement en charge de : 1/ La gestion de la maintenance et contrôles techniques du bâtiment IBBL du Luxembourg Institute of Health 2/ Gestion des systèmes d’alarme technique du bâtiment ainsi que des équipement présents dans les unités de recherche via un système de contrôle de gestion centralisé 3/Encodage divers : Rapport d’activité (maintenance préventive et curative des équipements et installations techniques)
Veterinarian – SS0122ANIFAC – ANIMAL FACILITYRESEARCH SUPPORTThe veterinarian is mainly be responsible for: 1/ Acting as the designed veterinarian for the LIH; 2/ Overseeing the activities of the institutional animal facilities and in particular the well-being and treatment of the animals.
Program Manager – RK0122TTM – TRANSVERSAL TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINERESEARCH SUPPORTThe Program Manager will be a core member of the TransversalTranslational Medicine team. S/he will work closely with the Research andStrategy Specialist to give scientific advice, provide expertise to support translational,collaborative and multidisciplinary projects for fostering personalizedmedicine in the Luxembourgish ecosystem and abroad.
Pathology Assistant – AC0122IBBL CLPAT – PATHOLOGY TEAMRESEARCH SUPPORTThe Pathology Assistant is responsible for preparing specimens forPathologist examinations and diagnosis.
Clinical Research Nurse – JYF 0122CIEC CRNT – CLINICAL RESEARCH NURSE TEAMRESEARCH SUPPORTTo assist the Clinical Research Team in its day to day activities, the Clinical Research Nurse will: assist the investigator and the medical team in all stages of a study / organize the research protocol and participate in data collection and management / carry out nurse-related activities as stated in the clinical research protocol / participate in communication activities for clinical research.
Clinical Research Project Manager – CB0122CPMC1 – CLINICAL RESEARCH PROJECT MANAGEMENT 1The Clinical Research Project Manager takes in chargeevery step of the clinical research projects (lead, design, setup according toprocedures, initiation, operation and closure) involving internal and externalparties. He/she ensures deliverables are achieved and budgets met. He/she alsoprovides specific expertise and know-how in clinical research/biobanking.
PhD student in Cancer Research – ACJP0122TSI – TUMOR STROMA INTERACTIONSPHD STUDENTTo work on a joint project between the Immuno-Pharmacologyand Interactomics group (Dr. Andy Chevigné andy Dr. Martyna Szpakowska) within the Department of Immunity and Infection and the Tumor StromaInteractions group (Dr. E. Moussay and Dr. Jérôme Paggetti) within the Department of Cancer Research at the LIH, we are currently looking for a dedicated PhD student
Digital Marketing & Communication Officer – ADA0122IBBL MARCOM – MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONRESEARCH SUPPORTThe Digital M&C Officer has responsibility for the management, maintenance and continuous improvement of the LIH digital presence to drive awareness and increase the visibility of the institute.
Spontaneous Internship applications 2022INTERNSHIP/SUMMER JOB
Post-doctoral Fellow in Leukemia Research – JP1221TSI – TUMOR STROMA INTERACTIONSRESEARCHERTo be part of the Tumor Stroma Interactions research group (Heads: Dr E. Moussay and Dr Jérôme Paggetti) within the Department of Cancer Research at the LIH
Post-doctoral Fellow in Cancer Metabolism – JM1221CMG – CANCER METABOLISM GROUPRESEARCHER
Post-doctoral Researcher – GD1221CELL – PROTEOMICS OF CELLULAR SIGNALINGRESEARCHERThe Proteomicsof Cellular Signalling research group within the Department of Infection and Immunity is currently looking for a Post-doctoral Fellow as part of an EU-funded project.
Post-doctoral Fellow – GD1221CELL – PROTEOMICS OF CELLULAR SIGNALINGRESEARCHERThe Proteomicsof Cellular Signalling research group within the Department of Infection and Immunity is currently looking for a Post-doctoral Fellow, as part of an FNR-funded project.
Post-doctoral Fellow in Computational Biology:Tumour heterogeneity and resistance mechanisms – AG112NORLUX – NORLUX NEURO-ONCOLOGY LABORATORYRESEARCHERWe are currently looking for a Post-doctoral Researcher to be part of the interdisciplinary project between NORLUX Neuro-Oncology laboratory (PIs: Dr Anna Golebiewska, Prof Simone Niclou) and Multiomics Data Analysis group (MODAS, PI: Dr Petr Nazarov) within the Department of Cancer Research at the LIH,
Technology & Data Expert – BG1121HOSD – HUMAN MOTION, ORTHOPAEDICS, SPORTS MEDICINE AND DIGITAL METHODSRESEARCH SUPPORTThe “Human Motion, Orthopaedics, Sports Medicine, Digital Methods” (HOSD) unit is a transversal and translational research platform of the Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH) conducting and supporting research related to movement, physical activity, physical function and mobility using laboratory-based, free-field, real-world and digital tools in orthopaedics and sports medicine as well as in other disease areas.
Head of Disease Modeling & Screening Platform (DMSP) – HT1121DMSP – DISEASE MODELING & SCREENING PLATFORMRESEARCHER
Internship in Health Data Science/Bioinformatics/Biostatistics – Locovclust Project – GF0921DDP – DEEP DIGITAL PHENOTYPING RESEARCH UNITINTERNSHIP/SUMMER JOB
Internship in Toxicology/Public Health – BATB0521DOPH – DEPARTMENT OF PRECISION HEALTHINTERNSHIP/SUMMER JOBTo be part of a joint research project of the “Human Biomonitoring Research Unit” (Group Leader: Brice Appenzeller, PhD) and the “Nutrition & Health Research Group” (Group Leader: Torsten Bohn, PhD) within the Department of Population Health at the LIH, we are currently looking for a Master student in Toxicology/Public Health.
Spontaneous applicationNo Job fitting your profile right now ? this link is for you ! Feel free to send us your application!
Spontaneous Student jobsAre you interested in a student job at LIH or IBBL ? Feel free to apply here. Don’t forget to mention in your cover letter the department and the period of time that is of interest to you. For people who are interested in an internship, please use the other dedicated link. Thank you !