PhD and Academic Positions at The Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Germany

Student assistant in the SEA staff unit (m/f/d) | Job no.: 22/18/2/SH  | Type: Full time  | Position: Student Assistant  | Department: Science and Education at AWI  | Bremerhaven
Assistant (m/f/d) of the Arctic Office | Job no.: 22/37/G/Dir-b  | Type: Part-time  | Position: Administration  | Department: Arctic Office  | Potsdam
Project manager (m/f/d) for the research program and program spokesperson/assistant director | Job no.: 22/42/G/Dir-e  | Type: Full time  | Position: Board of Directors  | Department: Programm Management  | Bremerhaven
Office Manager (m/f/d) with a share of clerical work in project coordination | Job no.: 22/40/G/Kli-u  | Type: Full time  | Position: Science  | Department: Climate Dynamics, Palaeoclimate Dynamics  | Bremerhaven
Assistant to the Deputy Director of the AWI & Director of the Biological Institute Helgoland (BAH) (m/f/d) | Job no.: 22/36/G/Dir-u  | Type: Full time  | Position: Board of Directors  | Department: Direcorate’s Office  | Sylt
Assistant to the section head (m/f/d) in polar research | Job no.: 22/41/G/Geo-u  | Type: Part-time  | Position: Administration  | Department: Polar Terrestrial Environmental Systems  | Potsdam
PhD position “Numerical modelling of the Sylt-Rømø Bight” (m/f/d) | Job no.: 22/31/D/Kli-b  | Type: Full time  | Position: PhD Position  | Department: Coastal Ecology, Climate Dynamics  | Bremerhaven
PhD position “Reactivity and Ecological Hypergraphs” (m/f/d) | Job no.: 22/29/G/Bio-b  | Type: Part-time  | Position: PhD Position  | Department: HIFMB Oldenburg  | Oldenburg
PostDoc (m/w/d) “Modelling small-scale coupled processes in Antarctic sea ice” | Job no.: 22/33/D/Bio-b  | Type: Part-time  | Position: Postdoc  | Department: Ecological Chemistry  | Bremerhaven
PostDoc “Antarctic ice sheets in warming climates” (m/f/d) | Job no.: 22/30/G/INSPIRESN-b  | Type: Full time  | Position: Postdoc  | Department: Palaeoclimate Dynamics  | Bremerhaven

PhD position “The impact of iron on phytoplankton ecology and biogeochemistry” (m/f/d) | Job no.: 22/10/G/INSPIRES-b  | Type: Part-time  | Position: PhD Position  | Department: Ecological Chemistry  | Bremerhaven

PhD position in “Dynamic modelling of Ecological Networks” (m/f/d) | Job no.: 22/11/G/INSPIRES-b  | Type: Part-time  | Position: PhD Position  | Department: Coastal Ecology  | Sylt

PhD position “Flow characteristics of the North East Greenland Ice Stream” (m/f/d) | Job no.: 22/13/G/INSPIRES-b  | Type: Part-time  | Position: PhD Position  | Department: Glaciology  | Bremerhaven

PhD position in physical oceanography (m/f/d) | Job no.: 22/14/G/INSPIRES-b  | Type: Part-time  | Position: PhD Position  | Department: Physical Oceanography of Polar Seas  | Bremerhaven

PhD position “Resolving the Antarctic sea-ice paradox” (m/f/d) | Job no.: 22/16/G/INSPIRES-b  | Type: Part-time  | Position: PhD Position  | Department: Climate Dynamics  | Bremerhaven

PhD position “Data-based Probabilistic Parameter Estimation for Ocean and Earth System Models” (m/f/d) | Job no.: 22/18/G/MarD-INSP-b  | Type: Full time  | Position: PhD Position  | Department: Climate Dynamics  | Bremerhaven

PhD position “Trophodynamic Shifts in the Arctic: Biochemical Capacities and Limits of Benthic Marine Invertebrates” (m/f/d) | Job no.: 22/8/G/INSPIRES-b  | Type: Part-time  | Position: PhD Position  | Department: Functional Ecology  | Bremerhaven

PhD position “Adaptation of organisms” (m/f/d) | Job no.: 22/9/G/INSPIRES-b  | Type: Part-time  | Position: PhD Position  | Department: Polar Biological Oceanography  | Bremerhaven

PhD position “Terrestrial biosphere constraints on marine carbon sequestration and biodiversity in contrasting Arctic/Antarctic and Glacial/Interglacial settings – an ancient DNA approach to sediment cores” (m/f/d) | Job no.: 22/23/G/INSPIRES-b  | Type: Part-time  | Position: PhD Position  | Department: Polar Terrestrial Environmental Systems  | Potsdam

PhD position in “Global change impact on planktonic food webs” (m/f/d) | Job no.: 22/7/G/INSPIRES-b  | Type: Part-time  | Position: PhD Position  | Department: Shelf Sea System Ecology, Junior Research Group Dr. Cedric Meunier  | Helgoland

PhD position “Methane Hotspots? Bridging scale differences to quantify emissions from thawing permafrost” (m/f/d) – Beschreibung | Job no.: 22/15/G/INSPIRES-b  | Type: Part-time  | Position: PhD Position  | Department: Permafost Research, Junior Research Group Dr. Clair Terat  | Potsdam
PhD position “Organic matter characterization with the radiocarbon method” (m/f/d) | Job no.: 22/12/G/INSPIRES-b  | Type: Part-time  | Position: PhD Position  | Department: Marine Geochemistry  | Bremerhaven
PhD position “Employing data science for mapping sea ice surface change on decadal time scales” (m/f/d) | Job no.: 22/21/G/MarD-INSP-b  | Type: Full time  | Position: PhD Position  | Department: Sea Ice Physics  | Bremerhaven
PhD position “Pattern Recognition in CT-images of Polar Ice Cores” (m/f/d) | Job no.: 22/22/G/MarD-INSP-b  | Type: Full time  | Position: PhD Position  | Department: Glaciology  | Bremerhaven
PhD position “Interactive exploration and visualization of chemical ocean data” (m/f/d) | Job no.: 22/27/G/MarD-INSP-b  | Type: Full time  | Position: PhD Position  | Department: Ecological Chemistry  | Bremerhaven
PhD position “Bayesian Chronology Modelling for Paleoclimate Archives” (m/f/d) | Job no.: 22/19/G/MarD-INSP-b  | Type: Full time  | Position: PhD Position  | Department: Marine Geochemistry  | Bremen
PhD position “Climate Modelling with AWI-ESM3” (m/f/d) | Job no.: 22/28/G/INSPIRES-b  | Type: Part-time  | Position: PhD Position  | Department: Palaeoclimate Dynamics  | Bremerhaven
PhD position “Ice Borehole Geometry Logger” (m/f/d) | Job no.: 22/25/G/INSPIRES-b  | Type: Part-time  | Position: PhD Position  | Department: Glaciology  | Bremerhaven
PhD position “Integrated image and acoustic data-based habitat mapping across diverse deep-sea ecosystems” (m/f/d) | Job no.: 22/24/G/INSPIRES-b  | Type: Part-time  | Position: PhD Position  | Department: Deep-Sea Ecology and Technology  | Bremerhaven
Master/Bachelor thesis or compulsory internship: Aquaculture research group | Job no.: 22/26/2/MT  | Type: Full time  | Position: Internship  | Department: Aquaculture  | Bremerhaven

PhD position “Structural Glaciology” (m/f/d) | Job no.: 21/230/D/Geo-b  | Type: Part-time  | Position: PhD Position  | Department: Glaciology  | Bremerhaven
Student assistant at the AWI Centre for Scientific Diving (m/f/d) | Job no.: 22/25/2/SH  | Type: Part-time  | Position: Student Assistant  | Department: Logistics and Research Platforms  | Helgoland
PhD position “Ocean Controls on Sea-Ice Melt in the Marginal Ice Zone North of Fram Strait” (m/f/d) | Job no.: 22/17/G/INSPIRES-b  | Type: Part-time  | Position: PhD Position  | Department: Physical Oceanography of Polar Seas  | Bremerhaven
PhD position “Bremerhaven experimental house for a bio-inspired, climate- and people-friendly, resource-efficient architecture (BEA)” (m/f/d) | Job no.: 22/26/D/G/INSPIRES-b  | Type: Full time  | Position: PhD Position  | Bremerhaven
Station leader (m/f/d) for the German-French Arctic station AWIPEV | Job no.: 22/6/G/ÜWI-P  | Type: Full time  | Position: Logistics  | Department: Logistics and Research Platforms  | Ny-Ålesund on Svalbard
Engineer (m/f/d) within the field of optics, electronics, physical technique, electro technique | Job no.: 22/5/G/ÜWI-P  | Type: Full time  | Position: Logistics  | Department: Logistics and Research Platforms  | Ny-Ålesund on Svalbard
Subproject Manager “Electrical” in the Project Office Shipbuilding in the Polarstern II Project (m/f/d) | Job no.: 21/225/D/Dir-b  | Type: Full time  | Position: Board of Directors  | Department: Project Polarstern II  | Bremerhaven
Subproject Manager “Mechanical/Ship Engineering” in the Project Office Shipbuilding in the Polarstern II Project (m/f/d) | Job no.: 21/224/D/Dir-b  | Type: Full time  | Position: Board of Directors  | Department: Project Polarstern II  | Bremerhaven
Subproject Manager “Sustainability” in the Project Office Shipbuilding in the Polarstern II Project (m/f/d) | Job no.: 21/223/D/Dir-b  | Type: Full time  | Position: Board of Directors  | Department: Project Polarstern II  | Bremerhaven
Master thesis: Quantification and characterization of potentially pathogenic Vibrio spp. in the Helgoland Oyster Hatchery | Job no.: 22/17/2/MT  | Type: Full time  | Position: Bachelor/master thesis  | Department: Shelf Sea System Ecology  | Helgoland

Voluntary Social Year In Science Technology and Sustainability (FJN) | Job no.: 22/16/2/FSJ  | Type: Full time  | Position: Technics  | Department: Construction and Facility Management  | Helgoland
Scientific Coordinator in Guest Research (m/f/d) | Job no.: 21/209/G/Bio-e  | Type: Full time  | Position: Administration  | Department: Coastal Ecology  | Helgoland
Statistician climate/environmental data (m/f/d) | Job no.: 21/203/G/Geo-tt  | Type: Full time  | Position: Science  | Department: Polar Terrestrial Environmental Systems, department of earth sciences  | Potsdam
Master of Science Project “Impact of heatwaves on microbial communities” | Job no.: 22/15/2MT  | Type: Full time  | Position: Bachelor/master thesis  | Department: Junior Research Group Dr. Cedric Meunier  | Bremen
Doctor (Surgery) (m/f/d) | Job no.: 22/1/G/ÜWI-b  | Type: Full time  | Position: Logistics  | Department: Logistics and Research Platforms  | Antarktica (Neumayer)
“SCENIC Storyline Scenarios of Extreme Weather, Climate, and Environmental Events along with their Impacts in a Warmer World” | Job no.: 22/14/2/SCENIC  | Type: Full time  | Position: Postdoc  | Department: Climate Dynamics  | Bremerhaven
Scientist Air Chemical Observatory (overwintering) (m/f/d) | Job no.: 22/4/G/ÜWI-b  | Type: Full time  | Position: Logistics  | Department: Logistics and Research Platforms  | Antarktica (Neumayer)
Scientist Meteorological Observatory (overwintering) (m/f/d) | Job no.: 22/3/G/ÜWI-b  | Type: Full time  | Position: Logistics  | Department: Logistics and Research Platforms  | Antarktica (Neumayer)
Scientist Geophysics (overwintering) (m/f/d) | Job no.: 22/2/G/ÜWI-b  | Type: Full time  | Position: Logistics  | Department: Logistics and Research Platforms  | Antarktica (Neumayer)
Student assistant (m/f/d) | Job no.: 22/13/2/SH  | Type: Full time  | Position: Bachelor/master thesis  | Potsdam

Master thesis: Antarctic marine sediment chronologies | Job no.: 21/33/2/MT  | Type: Full time  | Position: Bachelor/master thesis  | Department: Marine Geology and Palaeontology  | Bremerhaven
(Voluntary) environmental gap year in the working group Ecosystem Functions(one position) | Job no.: 22/8/2/FÖJ  | Type: Part-time  | Position: Voluntary Ecological Service Year  | Department: Administration and Organization  | Bremerhaven
(Voluntary) environmental gap year in the working group Highsea (one position) | Job no.: 22/7/2/FÖJ  | Type: Full time  | Position: Voluntary Ecological Service Year  | Department: Administration and Organization  | Bremerhaven
(Voluntary) environmental gap year in the working group Centre for Aquaculture Research (two positions) | Job no.: 22/6/2/FÖJ  | Type: Full time  | Position: Voluntary Ecological Service Year  | Department: Administration and Organization  | Bremerhaven
(Voluntary) environmental gap year in the working group on deep-sea research (one position) | Job no.: 22/5/2/FÖJ  | Type: Full time  | Position: Voluntary Ecological Service Year  | Department: Administration and Organization  | Bremerhaven
(Voluntary) environmental gap year in the working group Food Web Project on Helgoland (one position) | Job no.: 22/9/2/FÖJ  | Type: Full time  | Position: Voluntary Ecological Service Year  | Department: Administration and Organization  | Helgoland
Cook/ Chef de cuisine (overwintering) (m/f/d) | Job no.: 22/4/2/ÜWI  | Type: Full time  | Position: Logistics  | Department: Logistics and Research Platforms  | Antarktica (Neumayer)
Electrical Engineer / Technician (overwintering) (m/f/d) | Job no.: 22/3/2/ÜWI  | Type: Full time  | Position: Logistics  | Department: Logistics and Research Platforms  | Antarktica (Neumayer)
Engineer /Operating engineer (overwintering) (m/f/d) | Job no.: 22/2/2/ÜWI  | Type: Full time  | Position: Logistics  | Department: Logistics and Research Platforms  | Antarktica (Neumayer)
Electrical Engineer (overwintering) (m/f/d) | Job no.: 22/1/2/ÜWI  | Type: Full time  | Position: Logistics  | Department: Logistics and Research Platforms  | Antarktica (Neumayer)
Master thesis: How will global changes impact planktonic food webs? | Job no.: 22/11/2/MT  | Type: Part-time  | Position: Bachelor/master thesis  | Department: Shelf Sea System Ecology  | Helgoland
Master thesis: climate modelling | Job no.: 22/10/2/MT  | Type: Part-time  | Position: Bachelor/master thesis  | Department: Climate Dynamics  | Bremerhaven
Master thesis: Zooplankton adaptation to climate change | Job no.: 22/12/2/MT  | Type: Part-time  | Position: Bachelor/master thesis  | Department: Shelf Sea System Ecology  | Helgoland

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