Consent Preferences 26 PhD and Academic Positions at Leiden University – Scholar Idea

PhD and Academic Positions at Leiden University, a public research university in Leiden, it is the oldest institution in the Netherlands.

PhD candidate in Secure Software Development22-088Science, Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS)

Assistant Professor of Public Administration22-086 10945Governance and Global Affairs, Institute of Public Administration

Managing editor of Common Market Law Review22-085 10949Law

Assistant Professor of Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Public Sector22-084 10944Governance and Global Affairs

Postdoctoral fellow, Early-stage quantitative sustainability assessment of emerging technologies (0.8-1.0 fte)22-079Science, Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML)

Postdoctoral fellow Industrial Ecology | Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Electric Mobility (0.8-1.0 fte; 2-3 years)22-078Science, Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML)

Business Developer – Life Sciences22-076 10881

Data Steward22-074Science

Senior research analyst22-073Science, Leiden Institute of Physics (LION)

PhD student, to apply novel biophysical methods to the study of bacterial bioenergetics and electron transport proteins22-069Science, Leiden Institute of Chemistry (LIC)

PhD position 1 (Utrecht University) – Avoiding tipping of savanna ecosystems (1.0 FTE) & PhD position 2 (Leiden University) – Spatial patterns and multi-stability (1.0 FTE)22-064

Technical Teamlead22-061Student and Educational Affairs, Centre for Innovation

Fixed-Term (2 years) Postdoctoral Researcher in Ancient Near Eastern Studies22-058Humanities, Institute for Area Studies

PhD student, to identify and characterize inhibitors of carbohydrate modifying enzymes to generate a new type of anti-viral molecule22-055Science, Leiden Institute of Chemistry (LIC)

Lab technician22-056Humanities, Centre for Linguistics

Assistant Professor French Linguistics22-057Humanities, Centre for Linguistics

Communications Officer (0,2-0,4 FTE)22-050Archaeology, FdA Faculty Board and office

2,5-year lectureship in International Relations of the Middle East22-044 10663Humanities

Research scientific programmer, Automated machine learning for spatio-temporal Earth Observation datasets22-041Science, Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS)

PhD candidate, digital hardware design of lightweight cryptographic circuits22-040Science, Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS)

Full Professor of Modern/Contemporary European Literature and Culture22-035 10582Humanities

Assistant Professor English Sociohistorical Linguistics22-027 10561Humanities, Centre for Linguistics

Assistant Professor in Global Sociology22-010 10525Social and Behavioural Sciences, Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology

Meijers PhD position22-006 10501Law

Postdoctoral researcher: ‘Global Questions, Local Sources: Connecting Global History Perspectives’21-662 10362Humanities, Institute for History

Postdoc candidate in analytical chemistry / mass spectrometry / proteomics21-648Science, Leiden Institute of Chemistry (LIC)

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