Consent Preferences 83 PhD and Postdocs at KTH Royal Institute of Technology – Scholar Idea

PhD and Postdocs Positions at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, a workplace that has a strong sense of fellowship, Sweden

VacancyCityDepartmentApplication deadline
Amanuenser till tillämpad fysikStockholmSkolan för teknikvetenskap vid KTH15.Jul.2022
Övningsassistenter sökes till institutionen för matematikStockholmSkolan för teknikvetenskap vid KTH06.May.2022
Doctoral students in mathematicsStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences at KTH22.Apr.2022
Postdoc in geometric PDEs and mathematical relativityStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences at KTH22.Apr.2022
Assistant professor in Physics with specialization in condensed matter theoryStockholmKTH Royal Institute of Technology, School of Engineering Sciences11.Apr.2022
Doctoral student in Human-Robot Interaction and Social Decision MakingStockholmSchool of EECS at KTH01.Apr.2022
Doctoral student in quantum communicationStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences at KTH24.Mar.2022
FörvaltningsjuristStockholmKungliga Tekniska högskolan, Gemensamt verksamhetsstöd22.Mar.2022
Assistant professor in Electrical Engineering, Modelling of Fusion PlasmasStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH21.Mar.2022
FastighetschefStockholmGemensamt verksamhetsstöd vid KTH21.Mar.2022
Assistant professor in engineering acousticsStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences at KTH18.Mar.2022
Associate Professor in Engineering acousticsStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences at KTH18.Mar.2022
Postdoc in Machine Learning for Perturbational Single Cell AnalysisStockholmKTH Royal Institute of Technology, EECS18.Mar.2022
Postdoc in quantum technology to study entanglement in quantum circutisStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences at KTH17.Mar.2022
Postdoc in GlycoscienceStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health at KTH16.Mar.2022

Postdoc in cereal cell wall structure and food technology
StockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health at KTH16.Mar.2022
Doctoral student in Distributed Control in Weightless Environments.StockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH15.Mar.2022
Doctoral student in simulations of wetting of complex fluids dropletsStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences at KTH15.Mar.2022
Doctoral student in cloud roboticsStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH15.Mar.2022
The project has no titleStockholmKTH Royal Institute of Technology, Universitetsförvaltningen15.Mar.2022
Researcher in Discrete Geometry and Artificial IntelligenceStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences at KTH15.Mar.2022
Doctoral student in distributed coordination of space robotsStockholmKTH Royal Institute of Technology, School of Engineering Sciences15.Mar.2022
Doctoral student in distributed coordination of underwater robotsStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences at KTH15.Mar.2022
Research Engineer in computational wave propagationStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences at KTH15.Mar.2022
Assistant professor in mathematics – mathematical foundations of artificial intelligenceStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences at KTH14.Mar.2022
Doctoral student in intelligent power systemsStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH14.Mar.2022
BibliotekarieStockholmKungliga Tekniska högskolan, Gemensamt verksamhetsstöd14.Mar.2022
Postdoc in Resilient Critical InfrastructuresStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH14.Mar.2022
HR- handläggare inriktning rekryteringStockholmKungliga Tekniska högskolan, Skolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap14.Mar.2022
Utbildningsadministratör till KTHStockholmKungliga Tekniska högskolan, Skolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap14.Mar.2022
Lecturer in Industrial Ecology: Environmental and Sustainability ScienceStockholmSchool of Architecture and Built Environment at KTH11.Mar.2022
Assoc. Prof. industrial economics and management spec. tech. innovationsStockholmSchool of Industrial Engineering and Management at KTH11.Mar.2022

StockholmKungliga Tekniska högskolan, Gemensamt verksamhetsstöd11.Mar.2022
Doctoral student in Computer Vision and Machine LearningStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH11.Mar.2022
Doctoral student in Conv. speech synthesis for collaborative robotsStockholmSchool of EECS at KTH11.Mar.2022
Doctoral student in modelling and characterization of bearing steelStockholmKTH, School of Industrial Engineering and Management11.Mar.2022
Doctoral student in thermodynamic and mechanical simulations of steelStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences at KTH11.Mar.2022
HR-administratörer till Skolan för TeknikvetenskapStockholmSkolan för teknikvetenskap vid KTH11.Mar.2022
Doctoral student in Lignin-based MaterialsStockholmKTH, School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health10.Mar.2022
Affärsutvecklingscoach bioteknologi och livsvetenskap till KTH InnovationStockholmGemensamt verksamhetsstöd vid KTH10.Mar.2022
Doctoral students in Communication Theory for Wireless 6G TechnologyStockholmKTH Royal Institute of Technology, EECS10.Mar.2022
Doctoral student in Computational Fluid MechanicsStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences at KTH10.Mar.2022
Doctoral students in 6G Wireless Networks for Connected SkyStockholmEECS vid KTH10.Mar.2022
Doctoral student in X-ray polarimetry for astrophysicsStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences at KTH10.Mar.2022
IT- och AV-teknikerStockholmKungliga Tekniska högskolan, Gemensamt verksamhetsstöd10.Mar.2022
KTH söker AdministratörStockholmKungliga Tekniska högskolan, Gemensamt verksamhetsstöd09.Mar.2022
Doctoral student in trustworthy machine learning for cyber-physical systemsStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH09.Mar.2022

Amanuenser till avdelningen Digitalt lärande, institutionen för lärande
StockholmSkolan för industriell teknik och management vid KTH09.Mar.2022
Doctoral student in secure networked control systemsStockholmEECS vid KTH08.Mar.2022
Forskningsingenjör inom proteinbaserade läkemedel (timanställning)StockholmKungliga Tekniska högskolan, Skolan för kemi, bioteknologi och hälsa08.Mar.2022
Sommarjobb: Forskningsingenjörer inom proteinbaserade läkemedelStockholmKungliga Tekniska högskolan, Skolan för kemi, bioteknologi och hälsa08.Mar.2022
Postdoc in wireless communications and sensing for vehicle communicationsStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH07.Mar.2022
Postdoc in Edge Computing Systems and Beyond 5G Mobile NetworksStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH07.Mar.2022
Postdoc in numerical simulations of flows and complex surfacesStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences at KTH07.Mar.2022
BibliotekarieStockholmKungliga Tekniska högskolan, Gemensamt verksamhetsstöd07.Mar.2022
SystembibliotekarieStockholmKungliga Tekniska högskolan, Gemensamt verksamhetsstöd07.Mar.2022
Doctoral student in Networked Data-driven Gas Sensor CalibrationStockholmKTH Royal Institute of Technology, School of EECS07.Mar.2022
Assist. prof. in Materials Science spec. Mechanical Properties of MaterialsStockholmSchool of Industrial Engineering and Management at KTH04.Mar.2022
Doctoral student in urban and regional studiesStockholmSchool of Architecture and Built Environment at KTH04.Mar.2022
Doctoral student in Sensor Systems and Signal Processing for HealthStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health at KTH04.Mar.2022

Doctoral (licentiate) student in Geographic Information Science
StockholmSchool of Architecture and Built Environment at KTH03.Mar.2022
Doctoral student (Licentiate) in Fluid and Climate TheoryStockholmSchool of Architecture and Built Environment at KTH03.Mar.2022
Doctoral student in Edge Computing and Beyond 5G Mobile NetworkingStockholmSchool of EECS at KTH03.Mar.2022
Postdoc in Cellular BiophysicsStockholmKTH Royal Institute of Technology, School of Engineering Sciences03.Mar.2022
Doctoral student in numerical studies of mass flux at interfacesStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences at KTH02.Mar.2022
Research Engineer at the Smart Mobility LabStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH01.Mar.2022
Postdoc in Networked SystemsKistaSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH28.Feb.2022
Lecturer in Environmental GeologyStockholmSchool of Architecture and Built Environment at KTH28.Feb.2022
Postdoc in Deep learning for protein-protein interactionsStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH28.Feb.2022
Upphandlingschef KTHStockholmGemensamt verksamhetsstöd vid KTH28.Feb.2022
Postdoc in Network SecurityKistaSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH28.Feb.2022
EkonomiansvarigStockholmSkolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap vid KTH28.Feb.2022
Vice director at Integrated Transport Research LabStockholmSchool of Industrial Engineering and Management at KTH28.Feb.2022
Postdoc in reinforcement learning for identification in live cell imagingStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH28.Feb.2022
Doktorand inom strategisk bio-CCS-samverkan genom artikel 6StockholmSkolan för kemi, bioteknologi och hälsa vid KTH28.Feb.2022
KodkupesamordnareHuddingeSkolan för kemi, bioteknologi och hälsa vid KTH28.Feb.2022
Doctoral student in distributed model pred. control for smart constructionStockholmEECS at KTH28.Feb.2022
Doctoral student in distributed robust control in weightless environmentsStockholmEECS at KTH28.Feb.2022
ForskarutbildningshandläggareStockholmSkolan för teknikvetenskap vid KTH28.Feb.2022
HR-handläggare till ITM-skolan (Vikariat 12 månader)StockholmSkolan för industriell teknik och management vid KTH28.Feb.2022
Postdoc in bioinformatics and integrative omicsSolnaSchool of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health at KTH25.Feb.2022
Projektekonom till KTHStockholmSkolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap vid KTH25.Feb.2022
FörvaltningskoordinatorStockholmSkolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap vid KTH25.Feb.2022

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