PhD student position in Astronomy o dig into the details of how complex geometric and physical information can be derived

Are you fascinated by the fact that we can observe molecules on other planetary bodies or where new stars and planets are forming and learn more about the origin of life? Chalmers is looking for a motivated and analytical PhD candidate who wants to dig into the details of how complex geometric and physical information can be derived from such observations. You will have the opportunity to work on theoretical modeling that is closely connected to planned and ongoing space missions, in particular ESAs JUICE mission to Jupiter.

Information about the research and the division
This research project will focus on the planning and interpretation of astronomical observations, in particular upcoming observations of the thin, gaseous exospheres of water associated with the icy Galilean moons of Jupiter: Ganymede, Callisto and Europa. This water gas is very difficult to observe from ground because of Earth’s atmosphere, so the JUICE mission will carry a small sum-mm telescope (SWI) capable of observing water emission at high spectral resolution. In particular, we want to use SWI to constrain the composition of the exospheres and determine the distribution of water. The work will involve implementing sophisticated 3D structures in non-LTE radiative transfer models (e.g., LIME, RADMC-3D, Hyperion, ALI), to interpret spatially and spectrally resolved line profiles as well as emission in continuum. Using data acquired with ALMA and the recently launched JWST, there will also be opportunities to model the emission from young star forming regions. The work will be supervised by associate professors Eva Wirström and Per Bjerkeli.

As a PhD student you will be part of the Onsala Space Observatory Division of the Department of Space, Earth and EnvironmentOnsala Space Observatory is the Swedish national facility for Radio Astronomy, hosting the Nordic ALMA Regional Centre and also research groups in Advanced Receiver Development and Space Geodesy and Geodynamics. Astronomy and astrophysics research is hosted within two divisions at SEE, Onsala Space Observatory and Astronomy and Plasma Physics. Our members work in close connection and research covers a wide range of topics including astrochemistry, the birth and death of stars, exoplanets, formation and evolution of galaxies and the solar system. The research spans theoretical and computational studies, observational programs and instrumentation development for ground and space-based observatories. Physically, we are situated both at the observatory in Onsala south of Gothenburg and at the main Johanneberg campus in Gothenburg.

Major responsibilities
Your major responsibility as a PhD student is to pursue your own doctoral studies to become an independent researcher. You are expected to develop your own scientific concepts and communicate the results of your research verbally and in writing. The position may also include teaching at Chalmers or performing other duties corresponding to up to 20% of working hours, thereby increasing the duration of the position beyond 4 years. You are expected to write a licentiate thesis within 2-3 years and defend your doctoral thesis within 4-5 years.

To qualify for the position you must have completed a MSc or equivalent degree corresponding to at least 240 higher education (ECTS) credits in astrophysics, astronomy, physics, or scientific computing, by July 2022. Completed courses in astronomy and experience in programming (e.g. python, C++, Matlab), radio astronomy observational techniques, teaching, scientific writing and communication are all considered assets for the position.

Excellent writing and communication skills in English are required.

Contract terms
Full-time temporary employment for 4 years. Departmental duties in the form of astronomy outreach and/or teaching can extend the position to a maximum of 5 years. Starting date is expected as soon as possible, but no later than 1 December 2022. The starting salary for PhD positions is approximately 31,000 SEK per month.

We offerChalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg
Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Chalmers aims to actively improve our gender balance. We work broadly with equality projects, for example the GENIE Initiative on gender equality for excellence. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be marked with Ref 20220151 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically and be attached as pdf-files, as below:

CV: (Please name the document: CV, Family name, Ref. number)
• CV
• Two references that we can contact.

Personal letter: (Please name the document as: Personal letter, Family name, Ref. number)
1-3 pages where you:
• Introduce yourself 
• Describe your previous experience of relevance for the position (e.g. education, thesis work and, if applicable, any other research activities)
• Describe your research interest and future goals

Other documents:
• Copies of bachelor and/or master’s thesis.
• Attested copies and transcripts of completed education, grades and other certificates.

Please use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form. The files may be compressed (zipped).

Application deadline: 15 May, 2022

For questions, please contact:
Associate professor Eva Wirström, Onsala Space Observatory, SEE
Phone: +46 31 7725520, +46 70 949 2363

Associate professor Per Bjerkeli, Astronomy and Plasma Physics, SEE
Phone: +46 31 7726430

*** Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position. *** 

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