Consent Preferences

PhD and Academic Positions at Karolinska Institutet, a research-led medical university in Solna within the Stockholm urban area of Sweden

PositionAvdelningSista ansökningsdatum
Postdoctoral Researcher in Metabolic Engineering in RNA virus infectionDepartment of Laboratory Medicine2022-04-30
Postdoctoral studies Targeting the Ubiquitin-Proteasome System with Small Molecules (scholarship)Department of Cell and Molecular Biology2022-04-30
Title TADepartment of Oncology-Pathology2022-04-30
Doctoral (PhD) student position in brain cancer researchThe Institute of Environmental Medicine2022-04-30
Postdoctoral Researcher/The Strategic Research Programme for Diabetes (2)at one of KI’s departments2022-04-30
Postdoctoral studies in Central Nervous System Regeneration after Spinal Cord Injury (scholarship)Department of Cell and Molecular Biology2022-04-30
Postdoctoral studies in in innate lymphoid cell immunobiology (scholarship)Department of Medicine, Huddinge2022-04-30
Postdoctoral Researcher/The Strategic Research Programme for Diabetes (3)at one of KI’s departments2022-04-30
Professor in BiostatisticsDepartment of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics2022-05-03
Project CoordinatorDepartment of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics2022-05-04
Doctoral (PhD) student positionDepartment of Neuroscience2022-05-04
1-2 Software developers to Karolinska Institutet BiobankDepartment of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics2022-05-05
Postdoctoral studies of mRNA translation in cancer (scholarship)Department of Oncology-Pathology2022-05-05
Postdoctoral studies in systems biology of mRNA translation (scholarship)Department of Oncology-Pathology2022-05-05
Doctoral (PhD) student position in the project “Molecular Chaperones in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease”Department of Biosciences and Nutrition2022-05-07
Administratör inom internationell forskningsfinansieringUniversity Administration2022-05-08
Postdoctoral studies in Cancer Research (scholarship) – for Ukranian researcherDepartment of Molecular Medicine and Surgery2022-05-20
PositionAvdelningSista ansökningsdatum
Forskningsassistent i åldrandets epidemiologiDepartment of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics2022-04-25
Title TADepartment of Oncology-Pathology2022-04-25
Klinisk handledare till kliniken för oral rehabiliteringDepartment of Dental Medicine2022-04-25
Title TADepartment of Oncology-Pathology2022-04-26
Forskningsassistent i hälsovetenskapDepartment of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society2022-04-26
Professor in Translational PsychiatryDepartment of Molecular Medicine and Surgery2022-04-26
Postdoktor inom projekt om personcentrerad vårdövergång efter strokeDepartment of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society2022-04-26
Projektledare/verksamhetsutvecklare till KI:s universitetsbibliotekUniversity Library2022-04-26
Controller/ekonom i internationell miljöDepartment of Molecular Medicine and Surgery2022-04-26
Projektledare KARMA-projektetDepartment of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics2022-04-27
Doctoral studies in Central Nervous System Regeneration/Synthetic biologyDepartment of Cell and Molecular Biology2022-04-28
Ekonomichef med erfarenhet från universitet/högskolaDepartment of Dental Medicine2022-04-28
Up to eight positions as Assistant Professor in Medical Scienceat one of KI’s departments2022-04-28
InköpssamordnareUniversity Administration2022-04-28
Up to four positions as Senior Research Specialist/Principal Researcher (extensions of existing assistant professorships)at one of KI’s departments2022-04-28
Assisterande lektor i omvårdnad inom anestesisjukvårdDepartment of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society2022-04-29
Senior Lecturer in Surgery or Urology combined with a clinical position as a specialist trained physician in Surgery or Urology at Danderyd Hospital – Prolonged Application PeriodDepartment of Clinical Sciences, Danderyd Hospital2022-04-29
Postdoctoral studies in Neuroimaging (scholarship)Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society2022-04-29
Postdoctoral studies in Central Nervous System Regeneration after Spinal Cord Injury (scholarship)Department of Cell and Molecular Biology2022-04-30
Postdoctoral studies in in innate lymphoid cell immunobiology (scholarship)Department of Medicine, Huddinge2022-04-30
Postdoctoral Researcher/The Strategic Research Programme for Diabetes (3)at one of KI’s departments2022-04-30
Research Specialist in media and suicide preventionDepartment of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics2022-04-30
Postdoctoral Researcher in NK cell biologyDepartment of Medicine, Huddinge2022-04-30
Postdoctoral Researcher/The Strategic Research Programme for Diabetes (4)at one of KI’s departments2022-04-30
Postdoctoral Researcher in NK cell biologyDepartment of Medicine, Huddinge2022-04-30
PositionAvdelningSista ansökningsdatum
ForskningsassistentDepartment of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society2022-04-20
Research Specialist in Research specialist in structural and biophysical protein immunologyDepartment of Medicine, Solna2022-04-20
Optiker till OptikerutbildningarnaDepartment of Clinical Neuroscience2022-04-20
Optiker till OptikerutbildningarnaDepartment of Clinical Neuroscience2022-04-20
Administrativ samordnareDepartment of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society2022-04-20
Post doc position with a focus on host-microbe interplay in health and diseaseThe Institute of Environmental Medicine2022-04-20
Doctoral (PhD) student position in human T cell immunologyDepartment of Medicine, Huddinge2022-04-21
Engagerad HR-Partner till MEB, Karolinska InstitutetDepartment of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics2022-04-21
Research assistant, T cell immunologyDepartment of Medicine, Solna2022-04-22
Administrativ forskningssamordnare till Nordic Brain NetworkDepartment of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society2022-04-22
Doktorandplats inom arbets- och organisationspsykologiDepartment of Clinical Neuroscience2022-04-22
Principal Researcher in Tumor GenomicsDepartment of Biosciences and Nutrition2022-04-22
Postdoctoral Researcher in Molecular NeuropharmacologyDepartment of Clinical Neuroscience2022-04-22
Forskningsspecialist i Klinisk bakteriologiDepartment of Laboratory Medicine2022-04-22
Professor of Health EconomicsDepartment of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society2022-04-22
Administrativ chef till institutionen för Fysiologi och FarmakologiDepartment of Physiology and Pharmacology2022-04-22
Research position in translational hematology with focus on modelling human diseaseDepartment of Medicine, Huddinge2022-04-23
Postdoctoral Researcher in Enzyme Engineering2022-04-24
Doctoral (PhD) student position within the project: Sexual and reproductive health and rights of young people: how does digitalization in healthcare services impact on accessibility, content and quality of care?Department of Global Public Health2022-04-24
Receptionist/tandsköterska till kliniken för barn- och ungdomDepartment of Dental Medicine2022-04-24
Doctoral (PhD) student position in cancer computational biologyDepartment of Cell and Molecular Biology2022-04-24
Projektledare / projektkoordinatorDepartment of Molecular Medicine and Surgery2022-04-24
Biomedicinsk analytikerDepartment of Molecular Medicine and Surgery2022-04-24
Postdoctoral Researcher in RNA Biology2022-04-24
Klinisk handledare till kliniken för oral rehabiliteringDepartment of Dental Medicine2022-04-25
PositionAvdelningSista ansökningsdatum
Forskningsassistent i klonala studierDepartment of Cell and Molecular Biology2022-04-15
Doctoral candidate in psychiatric epidemiologyDepartment of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics2022-04-15
Adjunkt i audiologiDepartment for Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology2022-04-15
Research specialist in cancer biology and immunologyDepartment of Cell and Molecular Biology2022-04-15
Research assistant with a focus on data managementThe Institute of Environmental Medicine2022-04-15
Research Specialist in Applied Immunology & ImmunotherapyDepartment of Clinical Neuroscience2022-04-17
Assistant Senior Lecturer in Cell and Molecular BiologyDepartment of Physiology and Pharmacology2022-04-17
Research Specialist in Signal Transduction in Pancreatic Islet CellsDepartment of Molecular Medicine and Surgery2022-04-17
Postdoctoral studies in Integrative PhysiologyDepartment of Molecular Medicine and Surgery2022-04-17
Postdoctoral researcher to study synergistic effects between DNA damaging cancer therapeutics and targeted agents for an industrial collaborationDepartment of Oncology-Pathology2022-04-18
Erfaren HR-Partner till Karolinska InstitutetDepartment of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics2022-04-18
Doktorandplats – Individanpassat stöd till patienter med matstrups- eller magsäckscancerDepartment of Molecular Medicine and Surgery2022-04-18
Sommarjobb/ ForskningsassistentDepartment of Molecular Medicine and Surgery2022-04-18
Postdoctoral Researcher in Risk and Resilience in Neurodevelopmental Conditions using the ICF systemDepartment of Women´s and Children’s Health2022-04-18
Professor in Molecular NeurophysiologyDepartment of Physiology and Pharmacology2022-04-18
Utbildningsadministratör med känsla för serviceDepartment of Medicine, Solna2022-04-18
Professor in Mitochondrial Biology at the Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics combined with position as Specialist Trained Physician at the Karolinska University Hospital (extended application period)Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics2022-04-19
Enhetschef Centrum för Translationell Mikrobiomforskning, CTMRDepartment of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology2022-04-19
Postdoctor in ImmunologyDepartment of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology2022-04-19
Research assistant in environmental medicineThe Institute of Environmental Medicine2022-04-19
Researcher in Molecular Eicosanoid ResearchDepartment of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics2022-04-19
Forskningsspecialist i BSL3Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology2022-04-19
Optiker till OptikerutbildningarnaDepartment of Clinical Neuroscience2022-04-20
Administrativ samordnareDepartment of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society2022-04-20
Post doc position with a focus on host-microbe interplay in health and diseaseThe Institute of Environmental Medicine2022-04-20
PositionAvdelningSista ansökningsdatum
Laboratory engineerDepartment of Laboratory Medicine2022-04-10
KommunikatörUniversity Administration2022-04-10
HR-administratör till Karolinska InstitutetDepartment for Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology2022-04-10
Doctoral (PhD) student positions in NeuroepidemiologyThe Institute of Environmental Medicine2022-04-10
AV-support/serviceUniversity Administration2022-04-10
Assistant Professor in integrative physiologyDepartment of Physiology and Pharmacology2022-04-10
HR-Ansvarig, Institutionen för LaboratoriemedicinDepartment of Laboratory Medicine2022-04-11
Postdoc Researcher in Translational Melanoma ResearchDepartment of Oncology-Pathology2022-04-11
Research Specialist in Breast Cancer Translational MedicineDepartment of Oncology-Pathology2022-04-11
Professor in oncological immunotherapy (extended application period)Department of Oncology-Pathology2022-04-11
Erfaren kundansvarig (BRM) till IT-avdelningen på Karolinska InstitutetUniversity Administration2022-04-11
Senior Research Specialist to the Unit of Integrative ToxicologyThe Institute of Environmental Medicine2022-04-11
Projektkoordinator till forskningsinfrastrukturen Clinical Genomics (Vikariat)Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology2022-04-11
Forskningsassistent till Avdelningen för psykologiDepartment of Clinical Neuroscience2022-04-11
Forskningsassistent i neurovetenskapDepartment of Cell and Molecular Biology2022-04-12
Statistiker till enheten för miljömedicinsk epidemiologiThe Institute of Environmental Medicine2022-04-12
Title TADepartment of Oncology-Pathology2022-04-12
Postdoctoral Researcher in protein biochemistry and biotechnologyDepartment of Biosciences and Nutrition2022-04-12
Senior forskare i Neuropsykologi: kognitiv åldrande och hjärnavbildning i neurodegenerativa sjukdomarDepartment of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society2022-04-12
ONE Postdoctoral Researcher in chemical and genetic screensDepartment of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics2022-04-13
Handläggare till läkarprogrammets kansli, tidsbegränsad anställningUniversity Administration2022-04-13
Postdoctoral researcher in skeletal stem cellsDepartment of Women´s and Children’s Health2022-04-14
Postdoctoral Researcher in project focused on dopamine neuron maintenance in Parkinson’s diseaseDepartment of Cell and Molecular Biology2022-04-14
Doctoral (PhD) student position in Epidemiology and Causal InferenceThe Institute of Environmental Medicine2022-04-14
Doctoral candidate in psychiatric epidemiologyDepartment of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics2022-04-15

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