PhD and Academic Positions at Eindhoven University of Technology, a technical university in the Netherlands, operating in English.
Team manager Study Progress 1,0 fte
Non academic staff (supporting staff), Education and Student Affairs
PhD: Sustainable business model development for agroecological farming in Africa
PhD-student, Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences
PhD Position on Bayesian Machine Learning for Audio Processing
PhD-student, Electrical Engineering
PDEng student on Deep learning to detect bitmap artefacts
Professional Doctorate in Engineering (PDEng trainee), Electrical Engineering
PDEng position on Fast Machine Learning-based Image Analysis and Control
Professional Doctorate in Engineering (PDEng trainee), Electrical Engineering, EAISI – Eindhoven Artificial Intelligence Systems Institute
Medewerker Kwaliteitszorg Onderwijs
Non academic staff (supporting staff), Biomedical Engineering
Junior Education Designer (0.8-1.0 FTE)
Non academic staff (supporting staff), Innovation Space
PostDoc on Fetal movement for fetal wellbeing detection
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, Electrical Engineering, Health
PhD: PISANO The first 100 nights of sleep apnea therapy
PhD-student, Electrical Engineering, Health
PhD in de novo design of ice-binding proteins
PhD-student, Chemical Engineering and Chemistry
Postdoctoral researcher Engineered Ice-Binders
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, Chemical Engineering and Chemistry
Secretaresse / Management Assistant (0,6 FTE)
Non academic staff (supporting staff), Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences
Secretaris Examencommissie Wiskunde & Informatica 0,8 – 1,0 Fte
Non academic staff (supporting staff), Education and Student Affairs
Communicatie medewerker The Gate
Non academic staff (supporting staff), Communication Expertise Center
Facultair Communicatie Adviseur
Non academic staff (supporting staff), Communication Expertise Center
Medewerker studentzaken Honors Academy
Non academic staff (supporting staff), Education and Student Affairs
PDEng on Model-driven paper-path engineering for digital production printing
Professional Doctorate in Engineering (PDEng trainee), Electrical Engineering
Project Officer (0,8 – 1,0 fte)
Other academic staff, Industrial Design
Officemanager (0,4-0,6 fte)
Non academic staff (supporting staff), Research Support and Valorization
Technical software engineer
Non academic staff (supporting staff), Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences
Program Coordinator Mathematics (0.8 -1 fte)
Non academic staff (supporting staff), Mathematics and Computer Science
PhD position on threat intelligence operationalization
PhD-student, Mathematics and Computer Science, Computer Science , Data Science Center Eindhoven
Medewerker HR Services (0,8 tot 1 fte)
Non academic staff (supporting staff), Human Resources Management
Secretaris Examencommissie 0,5 Fte ID
Non academic staff (supporting staff), Education and Student Affairs
Medewerker studentzaken Electrical Engineering (0,7 – 0,9 fte)
Non academic staff (supporting staff), Education and Student Affairs
PhD in Macrophage Mechanobiology
PhD-student, Biomedical Engineering, Health
PhD in Material-Driven Tissue Engineering
PhD-student, Biomedical Engineering, Health
Post-Doctoral Researcher on Macrophage Mechanobiology
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, Biomedical Engineering, Health
PDEng on Reduced Dissipation Converter For Fast Charging of Electric Vehicle
Professional Doctorate in Engineering (PDEng trainee), Electrical Engineering
PhD on Multi-terminal Hybrid HVDC system
PhD-student, Electrical Engineering
PhD on Grid-Forming Control of Offshore Wind Farm
PhD-student, Electrical Engineering
PhD Position ‘3D Printing for Sustainable Structural Applications’
PhD-student, Built Environment
Electric engineer position in electronically actuated soft matter
Other academic staff, Chemical Engineering and Chemistry
PhD on How hydration transitions let a salt hydrate particle grow
PhD-student, Applied Physics and Science Education
Non academic staff (supporting staff), Facility Management Center
PDEng Process and Product Design
Professional Doctorate in Engineering (PDEng trainee), Chemical Engineering and Chemistry
PhD position: Autonomous engineering systems and autonomous motion control
PhD-student, Electrical Engineering
PHD Position in Data-Driven Modelling of Cellular System Dynamics (1.0 fte)
PhD-student, Electrical Engineering
Researcher / Process Engineer – Photonic ICs
Other academic staff, Electrical Engineering, Photonics
Postdoctoral Position on Dimension Reduction and Uncertainty Quantification
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, Mathematics and Computer Science
PDEng student on machine learning to prevent media step errors
Professional Doctorate in Engineering (PDEng trainee), Electrical Engineering
Assistant/Associate Professor – Optical Communication and Photonic Systems
Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering
PDEng trainee positions (TOIO) ‘Automotive Systems Design’
Professional Doctorate in Engineering (PDEng trainee), Mathematics and Computer Science
PDEng trainee positions (TOIO) ‘Mechatronic Systems Design’
Professional Doctorate in Engineering (PDEng trainee), Mathematics and Computer Science
PhD on Integration of Design and Control for Next Generation of Electrolyzers
PhD-student, Electrical Engineering
PDEng: Klinisch informaticus in opleiding
Professional Doctorate in Engineering (PDEng trainee), Applied Physics and Science Education, Health
PhD position on Engineering Brain-on-chip for AI computing
PhD-student, Mechanical Engineering, EAISI – Eindhoven Artificial Intelligence Systems Institute
PDEng trainee – Development of a digital twin for advanced façade systems
Professional Doctorate in Engineering (PDEng trainee), Built Environment
PhD on the thermodynamic modelling of complex colloidal mixtures
PhD-student, Chemical Engineering and Chemistry
Technical Support / Expert electronics (1,0 fte)
Non academic staff (supporting staff), Industrial Design
PhD candidate in servitization for manufacturing firms
PhD-student, Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences
PhD on AI-based CS for Next Generation High Capacity Photonic Networks
PhD-student, Electrical Engineering
PhD on Multiband Low Latency Optical Networks Node and Techniques
PhD-student, Electrical Engineering
Postdoc Position: Heterogeneous integration of III-N on silicon nitride
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, Electrical Engineering
Postdoctoral Teacher “Ethics and Brain-on-Chip”
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences
Senior adviseur Corporate Communicatie
Non academic staff (supporting staff), Communication Expertise Center
Postdoc: Reliability of Low Hit Spare Parts
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, Mathematics and Computer Science, Industrial and Applied Mathematics , Data Science Center Eindhoven
Assistant Professor (1,0 fte) in Operations Management
Assistant Professor, Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences
PhD on modelling room acoustics via the diffusion equation
PhD-student, Built Environment
PhD; Protein engineering of biomolecular nanoswitches for continuous biosensing
PhD-student, Biomedical Engineering
PhD in Chemical Recycling of Polymers
PhD-student, Chemical Engineering and Chemistry
Full Professor “Innovation of STEM education” Eindhoven School of Education
Professor, Applied Physics and Science Education, Eindhoven School of Education
Assistant Professor – Applied Analysis
Assistant Professor, Mathematics and Computer Science
Post-doc on modeling cardiac growth and remodeling
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, Biomedical Engineering
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in Photonic Integration
Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, Electrical Engineering
Polymeric stabilization of millimeter-size salt particles for a new heat battery
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, Applied Physics and Science Education, EIRES – Eindhoven Institute for Renewable Energy Systems
PhD – Modeling and design optimization of buildings in local energy communities
PhD-student, Built Environment
Project Controller (0.8-1,0 fte)
Non academic staff (supporting staff), Finance and Control
Assistant/Associate Professor Learning control complex multi-physical systems
Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering
Senior IT Architect
Non academic staff (supporting staff), Information Management and Services
DevOps Engineer
Non academic staff (supporting staff), Information Management and Services
Assistant Professor in Formal System Analysis
Assistant Professor, Mathematics and Computer Science
Postdoc Validation of multi-night ambulatory PSG recordings in sleep disorders
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, Electrical Engineering
Postdoc in Nonlinear Methods for High-Dimensional Forward and Inverse Problems
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, Mathematics and Computer Science
PhD in Physicalisation for Human-AI Interaction
PhD-student, Industrial Design
Agile Coach (0.8-1.0 fte)
Non academic staff (supporting staff), Information Management and Services
PhD student on “Beyond Kalman Neural Network-controlled Smart Digital Filters
PhD-student, Electrical Engineering, Electrical Engineering
.NET Developer
Non academic staff (supporting staff), Information Management and Services
Program Officer for division Computational and Experimental Mechanics
Other academic staff, Mechanical Engineering
2 Postdocs in force transmissions in multicellular constructs & organoids
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, Biomedical Engineering
Operational Security Officer
Non academic staff (supporting staff), Information Management and Services
Post-Doctoral Researcher Mammalian Synthetic Biology
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, Biomedical Engineering
Head of Education & Student Affairs 0,8 fte / 1 fte
Non academic staff (supporting staff), Mechanical Engineering
PhD on thermoplasmonic nanoparticles for single-molecule folding
PhD-student, Applied Physics and Science Education
Postdoc CAT-2 quantum protocols
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, Applied Physics and Science Education, Mathematics and Computer Science
PhD student on polymer electrolyte fuel cell materials
PhD-student, Chemical Engineering and Chemistry
Research Engineer/Technician Electrochemical Engineering
Non academic staff (supporting staff), Chemical Engineering and Chemistry
PhD positions on ultra-reliable intra-aircraft wireless communication
PhD-student, Electrical Engineering
PDEng trainee positions (TOIO) Software Technology
Professional Doctorate in Engineering (PDEng trainee), Mathematics and Computer Science
Non academic staff (supporting staff), Electrical Engineering
PDEng position on Fast Machine Learning-based Image Analysis and Control
Professional Doctorate in Engineering (PDEng trainee), Electrical Engineering, EAISI – Eindhoven Artificial Intelligence Systems Institute
PhD on Molecular Data Storage
PhD-student, Biomedical Engineering
PhD in Intervertebral Disc Tissue Characterization during Adolescent Growth
PhD-student, Biomedical Engineering