Consent Preferences 93 PhD and Postdocs at KTH Royal Institute of Technology – Scholar Idea

PhD and Postdocs Positions at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, a workplace that has a strong sense of fellowship, Sweden

VacancyCityDepartmentApplication deadline
Amanuenser till tillämpad fysikStockholmSkolan för teknikvetenskap vid KTH15.Jul.2022
Doctoral student in Data visualizationStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH31.May.2022
Doctoral students in Scalable and Distributed Reinforcement LearningStockholmKTH Royal Institute of Technology, EECS30.May.2022
Assistant professor in engineering acousticsStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences at KTH16.May.2022
Postdoc in Network SecurityKistaSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH16.May.2022
Doctoral student in machine learning for robotic manipulationStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH16.May.2022
Researcher in Graphical Models and CausalityStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences at KTH16.May.2022
Postdoc in artificial-intelligence methods for climate actionStockholmKTH Royal Institute of Technology, School of Engineering Sciences15.May.2022
Postdoc in spectral turbulent-wing simulations and deep-learning methodsStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences at KTH15.May.2022
Doctoral student in applied mathematics, specialisation in deep learningStockholmKTH Royal Institute of Technology, School of Engineering Sciences13.May.2022
Doctoral student in spectral turbulent-wing sims & deep-learning methodsStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences at KTH13.May.2022
Doctoral student in intelligent power systemsStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH10.May.2022
Postdoc in computational nanomagnetismStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences at KTH10.May.2022
Övningsassistenter sökes till institutionen för matematikStockholmSkolan för teknikvetenskap vid KTH06.May.2022
Doctoral student in Carbohydrate Food BiochemistryStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health at KTH06.May.2022
Postdoc in machine learning for cryogenic electron microscopyStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences at KTH06.May.2022
Doctoral student in Electroanalytical Wearable DevicesStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health at KTH05.May.2022
Doctoral student in Micromachined Microwave/THz Communication SystemsStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH05.May.2022
Doktorand inom lättkonstruktionerStockholmKungliga Tekniska högskolan, Skolan för teknikvetenskap05.May.2022
Doctoral students in Design and Development of Intimate Touch with TechnologyStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH05.May.2022
ExamenshandläggareStockholmKungliga Tekniska högskolan, Gemensamt verksamhetsstöd03.May.2022
Postdoc in Environmental impacts of digitalization based on LCAStockholmKTH Royal Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Built Environment02.May.2022
External Relations Officer/ Samverkansledare vid SciLifeLabSolnaKungliga Tekniska högskolan, Gemensamt verksamhetsstöd02.May.2022
Postdoc in task planning and control of multi-robot-human systemsStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH02.May.2022
Postdoc in Computer Vision / Machine Learning / Applied MathematicsStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH02.May.2022
Doctoral student in Robust Machine LearningStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH02.May.2022
Doctoral student in Mathematical StatisticsStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences at KTH02.May.2022
Doctoral student in molecular biophysicsStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences at KTH30.Apr.2022
Doctoral student in Computational Biology and Machine LearningSolnaKTH Royal Institute of Technology, School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health30.Apr.2022
Doctoral student in simulations of wetting of complex fluids dropletsStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences at KTH29.Apr.2022
Doctoral student (licentiate) in Multimodal Autonomous Mobility SystemsStockholmKTH, School of Architecture and Built Environment29.Apr.2022
Postdoc in Robust Learning of Probabilistic Deep Dynamic ModelsStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH29.Apr.2022
Doctoral student in Innovation/design for sustainable transport systemsStockholmIndustrial Engineering and Management, KTH29.Apr.2022
Postdoc in Remote SensingStockholmSchool of Architecture and Built Environment at KTH29.Apr.2022
Postdoc in Computational Neuroscience and Data-AnalysisStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH29.Apr.2022
Kommunikatör till KTHStockholmSkolan för arkitektur och samhällsbyggnad vid KTH29.Apr.2022
Forskningsingenjör inom OmgivningfysiologiSolnaSkolan för kemi, bioteknologi och hälsa vid KTH28.Apr.2022
Doctoral student in Organic Redox Flow BatteriesStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health28.Apr.2022
Research Engineer in health data platformsHuddingeSchool of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health at KTH27.Apr.2022
ArbetsmiljöhandläggareStockholmKungliga Tekniska högskolan, Gemensamt verksamhetsstöd27.Apr.2022
Redovisningsekonomer med fokus på EU-finansierade projektStockholmSkolan för industriell teknik och management vid KTH27.Apr.2022
Doktorand inom Arkitektur med inriktning mot stadsbyggnadStockholmSkolan för arkitektur och samhällsbyggnad vid KTH27.Apr.2022
Research EngineersSolnaSchool of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health at KTH26.Apr.2022
Handläggare till KTHStockholmGemensamt verksamhetsstöd vid KTH26.Apr.2022
Assistant professor in Electrical Engineering, Modelling of Fusion PlasmasStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH25.Apr.2022
Assistant professor in Speech TechnologyStockhoilmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH25.Apr.2022
Postdoc in 6G Wireless NetworksStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH25.Apr.2022
The project has no titleStockholmKTH Royal Institute of Technology, Universitetsförvaltningen25.Apr.2022
Doctoral student in space physics: magnetospheric sources of polar auroraStockholmKTH Royal Institute of Technology, EECS25.Apr.2022
Adjunkt på konstnärlig grund i arktektur, sammansatt gestaltning (40%)StockholmSkolan för arkitektur och samhällsbyggnad vid KTH25.Apr.2022
Adjunkt på konstnärlig grund i arkitektur, hållbar stadsbyggnad (40%)StockholmSkolan för arkitektur och samhällsbyggnad vid KTH25.Apr.2022
Systemutvecklare med fokus på backendSolnaSkolan för kemi, bioteknologi och hälsa vid KTH25.Apr.2022
Laboratorietekniker/biomedicinsk analytiker inom precisionsmedicin (vik)SolnaSkolan för kemi, bioteknologi och hälsa vid KTH25.Apr.2022
Chef för KTH:s IT-driftStockholmKungliga Tekniska högskolan, Gemensamt verksamhetsstöd25.Apr.2022
Assistant professor in Physics with specialization in condensed matter theoryStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences at KTH22.Apr.2022
Associate Professor, Computer Science, specialisation in Computer SystemsKistaKTH Royal Institute of Technology, School of EECS22.Apr.2022
Doctoral students in mathematicsStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences at KTH22.Apr.2022
Four PhD-students in Mathematics, Mechanics, Physics, Applied PhysicsStockholmKTH Royal Institute of Technology, School of Engineering Sciences22.Apr.2022
Postdoc in geometric PDEs and mathematical relativityStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences at KTH22.Apr.2022
Postdoc in Cyber resilience and security for energy systemsStockholmKTH Royal Institute of Technology, School of EECS22.Apr.2022
Postdoc in quantum technology to study entanglement in quantum circutisStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences at KTH22.Apr.2022
Redovisningsekonom till KTHStockholmSkolan för kemi, bioteknologi och hälsa vid KTH22.Apr.2022
Pedagogisk utvecklare, inriktning digital lärandeStockholmSkolan för industriell teknik och management vid KTH22.Apr.2022
Forskare i industriell ekonomiStockholmKungliga Tekniska högskolan, Skolan för industriell teknik och management22.Apr.2022
Research student assistant to transport systems analysisStockholmSchool of Architecture and Built Environment at KTH22.Apr.2022
Redovisningsekonom till skolan för teknikvetenskap (SCI)StockholmSkolan för teknikvetenskap vid KTH22.Apr.2022
Amanuens för jämförelse av gymnasiets läroplan med kurser inom matematikStockholmKungliga Tekniska högskolan, Skolan för industriell teknik och management22.Apr.2022
Forskningsstödjande koordinator, KTH biblioteketStockholmKungliga Tekniska högskolan, Gemensamt verksamhetsstöd20.Apr.2022
IT-koordinatorSolnaGemensamt verksamhetsstöd vid KTH20.Apr.2022
Bibliotekarie undervisningStockholmKungliga Tekniska högskolan, Gemensamt verksamhetsstöd20.Apr.2022
Postdoc in microchip-based exosome sensorStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences at KTH20.Apr.2022
Administratör lärartillsättningarStockholmGemensamt verksamhetsstöd vid KTH19.Apr.2022
Teknisk projektledareSolnaGemensamt verksamhetsstöd vid KTH19.Apr.2022
Doctoral student in business models for electrific road transportsStockholmSchool of Industrial Engineering and Management at KTH19.Apr.2022
Assistant professor in Data-driven production logisticsSödertäljeSchool of Industrial Engineering and Management at KTH18.Apr.2022
PlattformsadministratörStockholmGemensamt verksamhetsstöd vid KTH18.Apr.2022
Doktorand inom Arkitekturens teori och historiaStockholmSkolan för arkitektur och samhällsbyggnad vid KTH18.Apr.2022
Redovisningsekonom till KTHStockholmSkolan för arkitektur och samhällsbyggnad vid KTH18.Apr.2022
LöneadministratörStockholmGemensamt verksamhetsstöd vid KTH18.Apr.2022
Doctoral student in microfluidics with focus on fiber optics and diagnosticsStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health at KTH18.Apr.2022
Student employees at KTH InnovationStockholmUniversity Administration at KTH18.Apr.2022
Adjunkt i Industriell drift- och underhållsteknikSödertäljeSkolan för industriell teknik och management vid KTH15.Apr.2022
Doctoral student in quantum communicationStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences at KTH15.Apr.2022
Doctoral student in cloud roboticsStockholmSchool of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH15.Apr.2022
Doctoral student in distributed coordination of underwater robotsStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences at KTH15.Apr.2022
Hållbarhetsstrateg med inriktning på miljöledningStockholmKungliga Tekniska högskolan, Gemensamt verksamhetsstöd15.Apr.2022
Research Engineer in tribology and air quality measurementsStockholmKTH, School of Industrial Engineering and Management15.Apr.2022
Postdoc in quantum optics with novel materialsStockholmSchool of Engineering Sciences at KTH15.Apr.2022
Postdoc in structure of bioenergetic protein complexesSolnaKTH Royal Institute of Technology, School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health14.Apr.2022
Postdoc in Spatial Biology with focus on precision medicineSolnaSchool of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health at KTH13.Apr.2022
StudievägledareStockholmSkolan för industriell teknik och management vid KTH13.Apr.2022
Utbildningsadministratör till Institutionen för arkitektur, KTHStockholmSkolan för arkitektur och samhällsbyggnad vid KTH12.Apr.2022
Postdoc in organic chemistryStockholmKTH Royal Institute of Technology, School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health12.Apr.2022

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