Master, PhD and Postdoctoral Positions at Jülich Research Centre, the largest interdisciplinary research centres in Europe.
Reference number | Title | Institute |
2021M-050, Materials Science, Chemistry, or Physics | Master Thesis: Electrochemical Characterization of Metal-Air Batteries | IEK-9 – Fundamental Electrochemistry |
2021M-093, Electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, energy engineering, physics, mathematics, computer science | Master thesis: Computational experiments using aggregated scenarios in stochastic optimization models | IEK-3 – Techno-economic Systems Analysis |
2021M-019, Mathematics, Physics | Internship: Methods and Tools for Parallel Energy System Simulation | IEK-10 – Energy Systems Engineering |
2021M-008 | Master thesis on the development of novel algorithms for highly scalable molecular dynamics simulations | IAS-5 – Computational Biomedicine |
2020M-091, Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering | Master Thesis: Methods and Tools for Parallel Energy System Simulation | IEK-10 – Energy Systems Engineering |
2020M-047, Physics, chemistry, material science, CES (computational engineering science) | Internship, Bachelor or Master Thesis: Research and Development on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells and Electrolysis Cells (SOFC/SOEC) | IEK-9 – Fundamental Electrochemistry |
2020M-010, Mathematics, (bio)physics, computational science and engineering, (bio)informatics and similar | Master Thesis: Efficient Markov Chain Monte Carlo Techniques for Studying Large-scale Metabolic Models | IBG-1 – Biotechnology |
D089/2017, Condensed Matter Physics, Theoretical Physics, Computational Physics, Spintronics, Materials Physics | Master theses: Skyrmions in anisotropic chiral magnets | IAS-1 – Quantum Theory of Materials |
D003/2014, Condensed Matter Physics, Theoretical Physics, Computational Physics, Spintronics, Materials Physics | Master theses: Topological Insulator | PGI-1 – Quantum Theory of Materials |
Reference number | Title | Institute | Location |
2022-113 | Team Leader Electrosynthesis | IEK-11 – Helmholtz Institute Erlangen-Nürnberg for Renewable Energy | Erlangen-Nürnberg |
2022-149 | Postdoc in the field of Long-range Electrodynamic Interactions between Proteins | INM-9 – Computational Biomedicine | Jülich |
2022-146 | Postdoc in the domain of ultrafast characterization of memristive devices | PGI-7 – Electronic Materials | Aachen/ Jülich |
2022-150 | Postdoc in Machine Learning for Microscopic Image Analysis | INM-1 – Structural and Functional Organisation of the Brain | Jülich |
2022-155 | Scientific Coordinator | IBG-2 – Plant Sciences | Jülich |
2022-153 | Staff Member in Project Coordination (for 19 h/week) | IEK-11 – Helmholtz Institute Erlangen-Nürnberg for Renewable Energy | Erlangen-Nürnberg |
2022-129 | Postdoc / Group Leader in the field of Dislocation Dynamics and Multiscale Plasticity | IAS-9 – Materials Data Science and Informatics | Aachen |
2022-130 | Postdoc for Data Science and Machine Learning in Microscopy | IAS-9 – Materials Data Science and Informatics | Aachen |
2022-151 | Chemical Laboratory Assistant / Chemical-Technical Assistant as Lab Manager | IEK-11 – Helmholtz Institute Erlangen-Nürnberg for Renewable Energy | Erlangen-Nürnberg |
2022-135 | Postdoc – Ultra-high vacuum lithography of high-performance superconducting qubits | PGI-9 – Semiconductor Nanoelectronics | Jülich |
2022-142 | Mechatronics Engineer in the Field of Research | IEK-11 – Helmholtz Institute Erlangen-Nürnberg for Renewable Energy | Erlangen-Nürnberg |
2022-140 | Researcher – Prospective Ecological Assessment of Energy Technologies | IEK-STE – Systems Analysis and Technology Evaluation | Jülich |
2022-139 | Economist / Industrial Engineer | IEK-STE – Systems Analysis and Technology Evaluation | Jülich |
2022-121 | Engineer, postdoc or research associate in the field of solid-state batteries | IEK-1 – Materials Synthesis and Processing | Jülich |
2021-512 | Optical Engineer / Physicist | IEK-7 – Stratosphere | Jülich |
2022-127 | Research Associate in the field of numerical simulation | JSC – Jülich Supercomputing Centre | Jülich |
2022-131 | Postdoc – Optimization of the reactor architectures for the electrochemical reduction of CO2 | IEK-9 – Fundamental Electrochemistry | Jülich |
2022-124 | Cryo-EM Scientist | ER-C-3 – Structural Biology | Jülich |
2022-117 | Full-Stack Software Developer | IAS-9 – Materials Data Science and Informatics | Aachen |
2022-120 | Postdoc – Global Energy Systems Modeling | IEK-3 – Techno-economic Systems Analysis | Jülich |