Consent Preferences 87 PhD and Academic Positions at Uppsala University – Scholar Idea

PhD and Academic Positions at Uppsala University, among the world’s 100 best universities, research university in Uppsala, Sweden

PhD student in Scientific Computing focusing on positivity preserving and low-rank tensor approximation of fusion2022-05-20Department of Information TechnologyLast application date: 2022-06-10

Course Assistant2022-05-20Department of Earth SciencesLast application date: 2022-06-07

Research assistant, Department of Peace and Conflict Research2022-05-20Department of Peace and Conflict ResearchLast application date: 2022-06-03

Postdoc position in Molecular Biomimetics2022-05-19Department of Chemistry – Ångström LaboratoryLast application date: 2022-06-01

Temporary position as Senior Lecturer in Aesthetics2022-05-19Department of PhilosophyLast application date: 2022-06-07

Project Coordinator2022-05-19Department of PharmacyLast application date: 2022-06-08

Researcher in the ATLAS experiment2022-05-18Department of Physics and AstronomyLast application date: 2022-06-03

Research assistant in Macromolecular Chemistry2022-05-18Department of Chemistry – Ångström LaboratoryLast application date: 2022-05-31

PhD student in Chemistry – Specializing in Molecular Biomimetics2022-05-18Department of Chemistry – Ångström LaboratoryLast application date: 2022-06-08

Up to Two positions for Postdocs in Automatic Control focusing on secure learning and control in large-scale systems2022-05-18Department of Information TechnologyLast application date: 2022-07-29

Up to Three positions for PhD in Automatic Control2022-05-18Department of Information TechnologyLast application date: 2022-06-20

T/A, Researcher2022-05-17Department of Cell and Molecular BiologyLast application date: 2022-05-31

Two PhD students in Main Group Chemistry and Organic Photochemistry2022-05-17Department of Chemistry – Ångström LaboratoryLast application date: 2022-06-10

Postdoctoral Researcher in Immunogenomics2022-05-16Department of Medical SciencesLast application date: 2022-06-13

Researcher position in Geophysics with focus on reflection seismic methods2022-05-16Department of Earth SciencesLast application date: 2022-05-30

Researcher2022-05-16Department of Medical Cell BiologyLast application date: 2022-05-30

Associate Professor in magnetic or in optical materials for sustainable energy applications (WISE Fellow)2022-05-16Faculty of Science and TechnologyLast application date: 2022-09-19

Book binder2022-05-16Avdelningen för specialsamlingarLast application date: 2022-05-31

Temporary position as Senior Lecturer at the Department of Philosophy2022-05-13Department of PhilosophyLast application date: 2022-06-07

Study abroad ambassador2022-05-13Enheten för internationell mobilitetLast application date: 2022-06-03

System administrator to NGI-Uppsala, SNP&SEQ technology platform2022-05-13Department of Medical SciencesLast application date: 2022-06-03

Digital International Student Ambassador2022-05-12Enheten för internationell mobilitetLast application date: 2022-06-02

Researcher on Gender-Based Violence and Health2022-05-11National Centre for Knowledge of Men’s Violence Against WomenLast application date: 2022-06-13

Bookbinder2022-05-11Avdelningen för specialsamlingarLast application date: 2022-05-25

PhD student position in biomedical engineering focused on fabrication of organs-on-chip systems – with one year placement abroad in USA2022-05-11Department of Materials Science and EngineeringLast application date: 2022-06-03

PhD student in experimental particle physics at Uppsala University and the University of Göttingen2022-05-11Department of Physics and AstronomyLast application date: 2022-05-31

Researcher in Thermo-nanopore technology for detection of biomolecules2022-05-11Department of Electrical EngineeringLast application date: 2022-05-25

PhD student in Biophysics, X-ray lasers2022-05-11Department of Physics and AstronomyLast application date: 2022-05-25

Postdoctoral position in Image Analysis with specialisation in Computational Social Science2022-05-10Department of Information TechnologyLast application date: 2022-05-31

Two postdoc positions in rapid single cell antibiotic susceptibility tests on a silicon chip2022-05-10Department of Electrical EngineeringLast application date: 2022-06-15

PhD student in Scientific Computing focusing on Secure Federated Machine Learning2022-05-10Department of Information TechnologyLast application date: 2022-05-27

Up to 20 teaching assistants2022-05-10Department of Information TechnologyLast application date: 2022-05-23

Project Coordinator, 50%2022-05-10Department of Materials Science and EngineeringLast application date: 2022-05-27

Postdoctoral position in trustworthy human-robot interaction2022-05-10Department of Information TechnologyLast application date: 2022-05-31

PhD student position on synthesis and study of low-dimensional composite systems based on magnetic oxides2022-05-10Department of Materials Science and EngineeringLast application date: 2022-06-23

Postdoctoral position in Algebra and Geometry2022-05-10Department of MathematicsLast application date: 2022-06-30

Lecturer in Game Design2022-05-10Department of Game DesignLast application date: 2022-05-23

Up to 10 teaching assistants2022-05-09Department of Information TechnologyLast application date: 2022-05-27

Researcher in biomedical engineering with a focus on the culture of organoids2022-05-09Department of Materials Science and EngineeringLast application date: 2022-05-27

Postdoctoral position in modelling of acoustofluidic systems2022-05-09Department of Materials Science and EngineeringLast application date: 2022-05-27

Postdoctoral Researcher/s in Cultural Anthropology2022-05-09Department of Cultural Anthropology and EthnologyLast application date: 2022-05-31

Up to 2 PhD positions Computer Systems focusing on Security at the Architectural Level2022-05-09Department of Information TechnologyLast application date: 2022-05-31

PhD in Physical Chemistry2022-05-09Department of Chemistry – Ångström LaboratoryLast application date: 2022-05-30

PhD student in Physical Chemistry with Focus on Organocatalysts for Fuel Production2022-05-09Department of Chemistry – Ångström LaboratoryLast application date: 2022-05-31

Research Assistants to Uppsala Immigration Lab and Urban Lab2022-05-09Department of EconomicsLast application date: 2022-05-30

Associate Senior Lecturer in Economics, especially Macroeconomics2022-05-09Department of EconomicsLast application date: 2022-06-07

PhD student in computer science2022-05-06Department of Information TechnologyLast application date: 2022-05-31

Postdoctoral position in Machine learning in cell biology – finding dynamical structures2022-05-05Department of Information TechnologyLast application date: 2022-06-09

Associate Professor in in Physics with focus on nuclear instrumentation, analysis and methodology for nuclear disarmament2022-05-05Department of Physics and AstronomyLast application date: 2022-07-29

Associate Professor in Physics with specialization in Experimental Fusion Plasma Physics2022-05-05Department of Physics and AstronomyLast application date: 2022-07-29

Senior Lecturer in Information Systems2022-05-05Department of Informatics and MediaLast application date: 2022-06-02

Application Expert in Scientific Visualization2022-05-03Department of Information TechnologyLast application date: 2022-05-31

PhD student in Scientific Computing focusing on multiscale numerical computations of mechanical metamaterials2022-05-02Department of Information TechnologyLast application date: 2022-05-23

PhD student in applied geophysics with focus on reflection seismic methods2022-05-02Department of Earth SciencesLast application date: 2022-05-31

PhD student in Gender Studies with an orientation towards the Technologization of Everyday Life2022-04-29Centre for Gender ResearchLast application date: 2022-06-07

PhD Student in Prokaryotic Microbiology2022-04-29Department of Cell and Molecular BiologyLast application date: 2022-05-25

PhD student in Eukaryotic Microbiology – RNA biology2022-04-29Department of Cell and Molecular BiologyLast application date: 2022-05-25

PhD student in Data Science for the analysis of online communication2022-04-28Department of Information TechnologyLast application date: 2022-05-31

PhD student in Diamond Semiconductor Physics2022-04-28Department of Electrical EngineeringLast application date: 2022-06-15

Research engineer2022-04-28Department of Earth SciencesLast application date: 2022-05-31

Research assistants, Department of Peace and Conflict Research2022-04-28Department of Peace and Conflict ResearchLast application date: 2022-06-01

Postdoctoral position in computational medicinal chemistry and structure-based drug design2022-04-27Department of Cell and Molecular BiologyLast application date: 2022-05-25

Postdoctoral position in Bioinformatics2022-04-27Department of Cell and Molecular BiologyLast application date: 2022-05-25

Postdoctoral position in Russian and Eurasian Studies, specializing in Social Science2022-04-27Uppsala Centre for Russian and Eurasian StudiesLast application date: 2022-06-01

PhD student in Medical Sciences in the field of Psychoneuroendocrinology2022-04-25Department of Women’s and Children’s HealthLast application date: 2022-05-30

Professor of Information Systems specialising in the design of digital practices2022-04-25Department of Informatics and MediaLast application date: 2022-05-31

Professor of Social Work2022-04-25CESARLast application date: 2022-05-31

Associate Professor in Computing Science with specialization in Data Management2022-04-25Department of Information TechnologyLast application date: 2022-06-03

Two postdocs in fabrication and characterisation of Josephson field-effect transistors for quantum computing2022-04-21Department of Electrical EngineeringLast application date: 2022-05-31

Researcher in family law2022-04-21Department of LawLast application date: 2022-05-23

Doctoral student position in environmental law with an interdisciplinary focus2022-04-21Department of LawLast application date: 2022-06-01

PhD student in astronomical classification with 4MOST2022-04-21Department of Physics and AstronomyLast application date: 2022-05-23

PhD student in experimental hadron physics2022-04-20Department of Physics and AstronomyLast application date: 2022-06-03

Postdoctoral position in Epigenetic and multi-OMICs data analysis2022-04-19Department of Organismal BiologyLast application date: 2022-06-19

Postdoctoral fellow in Translational Autoimmunity2022-04-14Department of Medical Biochemistry and MicrobiologyLast application date: 2022-05-25

Postdoctoral position in Holocaust and Genocide Studies in Terms of Social Sciences2022-04-14Department of HistoryLast application date: 2022-05-23

PhD student in Population genomics2022-04-12Department of Ecology and GeneticsLast application date: 2022-06-01

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Holocaust and Genocide Studies2022-04-08Department of HistoryLast application date: 2022-05-23

Associate Senior Lecturer in Digital Humanities2022-04-08Department of ALMLast application date: 2022-05-30

Postdoctoral position i neurobiology2022-04-05Department of Organismal BiologyLast application date: 2022-05-25

Professor in experimental diabetes research2022-04-05Department of Medical Cell BiologyLast application date: 2022-08-01

1 PhD position in History of Science2022-03-22Department of History of Science and IdeasLast application date: 2022-05-31

2–3 PhD positions in the History of Science and Ideas2022-03-22Department of History of Science and IdeasLast application date: 2022-05-31

Researcher in neuromorphic thermal sensors2022-03-22Department of Electrical EngineeringLast application date: 2022-05-31

PhD-student in Rhetoric2022-03-21Department of LiteratureLast application date: 2022-08-01

Assistant Professor in Computer Science with a specialization in Formal Verification2022-03-14Department of Information TechnologyLast application date: 2022-06-21

Professor in Russian and Eurasian Studies, specialising in Social Science2022-02-22Uppsala Centre for Russian and Eurasian StudiesLast application date: 2022-05-25

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