Master, PhD and Postdoctoral Positions at Jülich Research Centre, the largest interdisciplinary research centres in Europe.
PhD Position – Structure prediction of RNA using machine learning methodsJSCJülich (GER)2022-265
- Development and parameterization of mathematical models for the prediction of RNA based on machine learning
- Structure prediction and simulation of RNA
- Publication and presentation of the results on (inter)national conferences and in scientific journals
Researcher – Prospective Ecological Assessment of Energy TechnologiesIEK-STEJülich (GER)2022-254
- You will develop methods for the prospective life cycle assessment of novel, climate-friendly energy technologies, e.g. Power-2-X
- You will validate these methods on different process routes for the use of regenerative energies for Power-2-X strategies
- In this way, you support an integrative sustainability assessment of energy technologies.
- You publish your scientific results in renowned journals and present them at national and international conferences
Scientific Programmer – Simulation models for terrestrial systemsIBG-3Jülich (GER)2022D-076
You will contribute to state of the art research on the sustainable use of soil and water resources including improved predictions with terrestrial system models and impact of climate change on terrestrial systems. You will work in a young, dynamical and interdisciplinary team in an international environment. This includes especially:
- Implementation of hydrogeophysical algorithms for modelling and inversion of electromagnetical induction and surface und borehole georadar
- Parallelization of state-of-the-art simulation models on high performance computing systems
- Implementation of models on the high-performance computation systems JUWELS and JURECA
- Involvement in software development life-cycle (source control, debugging, testing and documentation)
PhD Position – Synthesis, characterization and electrochemical analysis of sustainable electrodes for post Li-ion batteriesIEK-9Jülich (GER)2022-262
- Literature research on the status of battery research on (sustainable) battery electrodes with a respect to a specific material class
- Synthesis of (electrode) powders by solid-state reaction or wet-chemical methods
- Material characterization and electrochemical analysis, as well as advanced analytical methods (e.g. spectroscopy, advanced X-ray diffraction, in-situ methods)
- Evaluation of different synthesis parameters (temperature, atmosphere, substituents) and their influence on the materials properties and electrode performance, as well as development of strategies to optimize the electrode performance
- Presentation of the research results at national and international conferences, as well as in exchange with internal and external, national and international project partners and in scientific publications and project reports in German and English
Postdoc for Quantum Computing – Algorithms, Benchmarking and SimulationsJSCJülich (GER)2022D-055
- Developing and implementing QC algorithms (QAA, QAOA, QSVM), quantum AI algorithms, use case adapted algorithms to test and benchmark latest technology focusing on gate-based QC
- Advancing JUNIQ’s user platform by integrating QCs into the Modular Supercomputer of JSC
- Developing and conducting trainings for QC users
- Collaborating with project partners from academia and industry
- Presenting research outcomes to project stack-holders and the research community at meetings, conferences and by publishing in high-impact journals
PhD Position – Development of new UHV Technologies for the “Einstein Telescope for Graviational Waves Detection”ZEA-1Jülich (GER)2022-248
Your main topics will be:
- General layout of vacuum system; simulation of the vacuum conditions; estimate of the pumping capacities
- Engineering of the pumping stations, including several types of pumps, gauges, values, etc.
- Layout of an emergency shut-off for different sections of the system, including the design and suitable protection valves; testing of prototypes of these values
- Development of strategies for leakage detection, -repair and corrosion detection
- Development of a procedure for bake-out the system; heat management during bake-out in the tunnels; dimensioning of the insulation to stabilize the vacuum tube temperature
- Project planning including time and cost estimation
- Cooperation with groups and companies working on the production and installation process of the vacuum pipes and their frames
Officer for Science CommunicationINMFreiburg (GER)2022D-073
Your Job:
- Identifying current, neuroscientifically relevant topics and editing for multimedia usage/disposition
- Writing various texts and press releases on research in the Bernstein Network in German and English
- Maintenance of the Bernstein Network website and corporate design
- Design of print materials (e.g. Bernstein Letter, Bernstein Feature)
- Conception and production of short films displaying research in the Bernstein Network
- Preperation and postprodction of interviews (e.g. written, podcast, short films)
- Preperation and moderation of press conferences
- Development of PR and communication strategies
- Developing promotion materials for the Bernstein Network
- Maintenance of Social Media platforms (Twitter, LinkedIn, Vimeo)
- Supporting network members with PR and communication issues
PhD Position in Fuel Cell Process EngineeringIEK-11Erlangen (GER)2022D-072
You will be working in the Electrocatalytic Interface Engineering department of the HI ERN led by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Simon Thiele. The department focuses on manufacturing, analysis and simulation of functional materials to find an optimum structure on small scales from the micrometer to the nanometer scale. The investigated materials and systems play an essential role in sustainable technologies like water- and CO2-electrolyzers, as well as in fuel cells. Thereby the aim is to significantly contribute to the development of electrochemical energy conversion as a future key player for electromobility and the energy policy in general. You will work as a process engineer to build up and improve fuel cell testing stations for Direct Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier (LOHC) fuel cells, such as the Direct Isopropanol Fuel Cell (DIFC).
PhD Position – Modelling the Fabrication Process of Organic Solar CellsIEK-11Erlangen (GER)2022-255
Organic solar cells belong to the emerging photovoltaic technologies that can contribute to the energy transition in the near future. They have been greatly improved in the past few years, reaching outstanding 18% conversion efficiency. Compared to silicon devices, these solution-processed solar cells are low cost and eco-friendly, and allow new kind of application thanks to their flexibility and partial transparency. Nevertheless, the efficiency and life time of these solar cells have still to be improved. Aside from material development, the fabrication process is known to play a crucial role in their performance: during drying of the light-absorbing layer, a complex nanostructure forms that determines the layer properties. However, the understanding of the process-structure relationship has to be improved. A recently developed simulation framework enables the investigation of the film structuration during the fabrication process. The focus of the doctorate study is to gain physical insight into the formation of solution-processed bulk-heterojunction photoactive layers with the help of high-performance phase-field simulations
Research Associate – Non-invasive imaging of porous media with x-ray computed tomographyIBG-3Jülich (GER)2022D-075
Your Job:
- Installation and operation of a high-resolution x-ray computed tomography (XRCT) system that allows to investigate cm-scale soil samples with a resolution down to several µm
- Establishment of a processing workflow to analyse XRCT data, including reconstruction, filtering, segmentation, and registration for time-lapse measurements
- Support with acquisition and analysis of XRCT measurements of ongoing PhD projects dealing with salt precipitation due to evaporation, microbially induced calcite precipitation, and the effects of root exudates on soil penetration
- Development of an independent research agenda using XRCT measurement, for example dealing with soil-root interactions or soil structural characterization, in collaboration with other IBG-3 scientists
- Presentation of results at scientific conferences and in peer-reviewed publications
PhD Position – Computational investigation of ion channels and transportersIBI-1Jülich (GER)
Your Job:
- You will be part of German Research Foundation (DFG)-funded Research Units (FOR 2518: Functional dynamics of ion channels and transporters; FOR 5046: Integrated analysis of epithelial SLC26 anion transporters – from molecular structure to pathophysiology).
- You will investigate ion channels or transporters using computational structure-prediction methods, molecular-dynamics simulations, high-performance computing, and machine-learning techniques, and collaborate with experimental electrophysiologists on a daily basis.
- Depending on your interest and experience, you may learn and conduct experiments (e.g. patch-clamp recordings) on your own.
PhD Position – Development of a separation process for ammonia from electrolysis processesIEK-9Jülich (GER)2022D-071
During your PhD work, you will contribute to scientific projects in the field of energy research. For the transformation of the energy system towards renewable sources, a significant number of new fuels and energy storage systems is discussed. Ammonia is a promising candidate as a fuel as well as a hydrogen carrier. Liquid ammonia has an energy density twice as high as liquid hydrogen and can be transported more easily. Today, ammonia is synthesized in the Haber-Bosch process from nitrogen from air and hydrogen from fossil sources. To make the ammonia synthesis CO2-neutral, the University of Melbourne develops an electrolysis process to make ammonia from nitrogen, water and renewable electricity. The ammonia obtained in this process may still contain rests of nitrogen, water or side products.
PhD Position – Simulation of the German Building Stock for Decarbonization using AIIEK-3Jülich (GER)2022D-068
Your Job:
The goal of this thesis is to evaluate and generate detailed transition path for the decarbonization of the German building stock. Based on data sets about residential and commercial buildings you evaluate plans to electrify the heat supply and the potential for the usage for hydrogen for different building types.
In this PhD Thesis methods of artificial intelligence are combined with a simulation (HiSim) and an optimization model (FINE).
During this thesis you have the opportunity to collect experience in the areas of data science, artificial intelligence, modeling, building heat supply and programming. After completing this thesis, you will have an extremely in depth understanding of the German building stock, building modeling.
PhD Position – Metaplasticity of redox-based memristive thin film devicesPGI-7Jülich (GER)2022D-067
Your tasks will include:
- Growth of oxide thin films by pulsed laser deposition or sputter deposition
- In situ characterization of thin films within the Electronic Oxide Cluster (EOC) tool
- A one month stay each at University of Twente and Twente Solid State Technology for the growth of heterostructures on Si
- Fabrication of nanoscale memristive devices and co-integration into a neuromorphic CMOS chip
- Electrical testing of over a high dynamic range
- A one month stay at University of Groningen for the exchange about device properties and neuromorphic circuit design
- Participation in the training program of MANIC
- Presentation, communication, and publication of cutting-edge research in international environment
PhD Position – CMOS co-integration of memristive oxide heterostucturesPGI-7Jülich (GER)2022D-069
Within the Neurotec project, PGI-7 is aiming to develop novel, energy efficient hardware for future artificial intelligence together with several partners from academia and industry in the Aachen-Jülich area. The improved energy-efficiency is obtained by the use of memristive devices that can store data in an analogue fashion and can be employed as hardware emulation of synapses in neuromorphic circuits. Within Neurotec, the PGI-7 offers a PhD position for the optimization of nanoscale area-dependent memristive devices based on electrically-induced redox processes (so called valence change memories (VCM)). In contrast to the more common filamentary-type of VCM devices, they show superior analogue operation and an improved variability.
PhD Position – Non-invasive imaging of flow and transport in porous mediaIBG-3Jülich (GER)2022M-084
You will be part of the collaborative research center SFB1313 on “Interface-driven multi-field processes in porous media – flow, transport and deformation” (https://www.sfb1313.uni-stuttgart.de/). The SFB1313 consortium investigates interfaces in porous media, which are known to have large impact on flow, transport and deformation. An important step is to quantify how the dynamics of fluid-fluid and fluid-solid interfaces in porous-media systems are affected by pore geometry, heterogeneity, and fractures. This will be achieved through the development of experimental knowledge as well as mathematical and computational models. IBG-3 participates in the SFB1313 and is leading the project C05 with a focus on non-invasive imaging of porous media.
Master thesis on the topic of “Determination of selective contact properties and selective losses in perovskite solar cells using capacitance methods”IEK-5Jülich (GER)2022M-083
Your Job:
- Applying various frequency domain techniques such as impedance spectroscopy to perovskite solar cells
- Analysis of the experimental data
- Numerical simulations of the frequency dependent measurements
- Quantification of losses due to resistive contact layers
- Reduction of losses by more conductive contact layers
Master thesis on the topic of “Determination of surface recombination velocities at interfaces of perovskite solar cells from photoluminescence measurements”IEK-5Jülich (GER)2022D-065
Your Job:
- Measuring transient photoluminescence spectra on perovskite films and layer stacks
- Simulation of the transient photoluminescence spectra using different numerical and analytical approaches
- Determination of surface and interface recombination velocities
- Quantification of losses due to interfacial recombination in perovskite solar cells
- Reduction of losses by using suitable passivation layers
PhD Position – Agronomy or Botany, funded within the framework of the international EU Root2Resilience ProjectIBG-2Jülich (GER)2022D-066
Your Job:
- Develop mathematical models that simulate root growth and functioning. For examples, visit our page at http://rootmodels.gitlab.io
- Apply the models to different scenarios, parameterize them with data from partners
- Test hypothesis on how root traits contribute to crop resilience
- Network and collaborate in the EU Root2Resilience Project
- To disseminate your finding at international workshops/conferences
- Write a PhD thesis and defend it
PhD Position – Root system molecular physiology within the framework of the international EU Root2Resilience ProjectIBG-2Jülich (GER)2022D-051
Your Job:
- Investigate root growth/physiology of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) in a changing environment
- Study the molecular physiology of storage root development
- Study root architecture and anatomy under different climatic conditions
- Collaborate within and contribute to the EU Root2Resilience Project
- Disseminate your finding to stakeholders at international workshops/conferences
PhD Position – Modelling Human Brain Development at the Cellular LevelINM-1Jülich (GER)2022M-080
Your Job:
- Generating mechanistic models of human neurodevelopment
- Developing automated pipelines to analyse and compare cellular distributions in histological sections of brain tissue
- Creating a translation dictionary between ultra-high-resolution histology (1μm pixels) and in vivo MRI (~1mm voxels)
- Close cooperation with an interdisciplinary team of neuroscientists, computer scientists and physicists
- Production of high-quality scientific articles
- National and international travel to present at scientific conferences and strengthen inter-lab cooperations
Master Thesis – Evaluation of a Robot-assisted Sensor Platform for the 3-dimensional Survey of Plant ShootsIBG-2Jülich (GER)2022M-082
Your Job:
- Working in our greenhouse to grow plants for your case studies with selected plant species
- Developing new measurement protocols for different plant-sensor combinations
- Optimizing and calibrate sensor configurations and measurement geometries
- Estimating the accuracy and error for different methods with the help of artificial targets
- Processing the raw data further to compute 3d reconstructions with existing software (or with own software tools)
- Deriving simple shoot parameters like leaf area and leaf inclination with different case studies
Master Thesis – SiGeSn growth by CVD for optoelectronic applicationsPGI-9Jülich (GER)2022-238
Your Job:
Your primary scientific tasks will be:
- Growth and characterization of SiGeSn heterostructures by CDV
- Cleanroom fabrication of photonic, thermoelectric, or magneto-electrical devices
- Optical and electrical characterization of the obtained devices
Postdoc – Fully coupled regional reanalysisIBG-3Jülich (GER)2021D-120
As a Postdoc at the IBG-3 you contribute to the DFG funded project DETECT (Regional climate change: Disentangling the role of land use and water management). DETECT is a research network of hydrologists, meteorologists, land-use modellers, geodesists, data assimilation and remote sensing specialists, data scientists, agricultural economists, and social scientists from the Faculties of Agriculture and Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University Bonn, the Universities of Cologne and Göttingen, the Forschungszentrum Jülich and the Deutscher Wetterdienst. Projects within DETECT investigate how land-use and water management lead to persistent modifications in the coupled water and energy cycles of land and atmosphere (‘drying’ and ‘wetting’); and thus disentangle the role of these drivers of regional climate change from radiative forcing.
PhD Position – Electrochemical Nitrogen ReductionIEK-9Jülich (GER)2022M-066
Electrochemical nitrogen reduction under ambient conditions is an attractive technology to produce ammonia – a key component in fertilizers and a promising energy carrier. Compared with the traditional Haber-Bosch process, electrochemical nitrogen reduction is a less energy-intensive process and sustainable because renewable electricity can be used directly. Due to this technology`s potential, further developments are currently under strong investigation. Many studies focus on the exploration of new catalyst materials. Although ammonia is often detected as a product, it has also been shown that this does not always originate from actual N2-reduction, but from NOx reduction or other experimentally induced impurities. Therefore, careful analytical detection of the reaction educts and products is the basis of new catalysis research.
In this project, we want to construct a high-end electrochemical setup with all necessary purity and analytical measures to ensure the detection of “true” electrochemical N2-reduction before investigating suitable electrocatalysts.
Master Thesis for Scalasca Performance Analysis GroupJSCJülich (GER)2020D-081
Your Job:
Your tasks will inlcude:
- Research and development in the area of programming tools for parallel computing
- Experience in software engeneering
- Working in an international team
- Preparation of a master thesis in HPC research area
PhD Position – Conception, Design and Development of Modern Power System Simulation and Control SolutionsIEK-10Jülich (GER)2021D-013
Your Job:
- Analysis of the current state of the art in control of multi-modal energy systems
- Develop innovative control solutions for multi-modal decentralized energy systems
- Support the design and development of a Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL) laboratory
- Development of real-time capable models for the energy infrastructures on the campus Forschungszentrum Jülich
- Validation of the simulation models on the basis of the energy infrastructures of the campus of Forschungszentrum Jülich
PhD-Position – Conception, Design and Development of Multi-FPGA Simulation Methods for Real-time Verification of Power Electronics enabled Energy SystemsIEK-10Jülich (GER)2021D-015
Your Job:
- Analysis of the current state of the art in real-time simulation methods
- Development of simulation methods for multi-FPGA platforms
- Programming of a simulation solution that is able to execute on multi-FPGA platforms with execution time below 50ns
- Development of test case and scenarios for the evaluation of the developed platform
- Development of simulation interfaces between the developed simulator and commercial products
- Validation of the simulation models on the basis of the energy infrastructures of the campus Forschungszentrum Jülich
PhD Position – Methodical Conception, Design and Development of Modern Multi-Modal Energy System SimulationIEK-10Jülich (GER)2021D-024
Your Job:
- Analysis of the current state of the art in continuous and discrete simulation
- Development of innovative approaches for the simulation of multi-modal energy systems with the aid of hybrid simulation and co-simulation
- Validation of the approaches with benchmark and real-world energy system models
PhD position – Use of Hardware Solutions for Modern Energy System Simulation and ControlIEK-10Jülich (GER)2021D-035
Your Job:
- Analysis of the current state of the art in the simulation and control of energy systems with the aid of specialized computer hardware (e.g. based on FPGAs)
- Definition of innovative methods for the simulation and control of multi-modal energy systems based on application-specific instruction-set processors
- Development of test cases and scenarios for the evaluation of implemented methods
- Validation of the approaches with benchmarks and real-world energy system models (data is, for instance, available from research projects such as Living Lab Energy Campus)
- Evaluation of defined methods` performance using last generation computer hardware and Hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) approaches
PhD position – Development and application of high-performance models for the analysis of European energy systemsIEK-10Jülich (GER)2021D-118
Your Job:
- Modelling and analysis of the European energy markets
- Modeling and analysis of Europeans power and gas grids
- Development of energy scenarios
- Development of a data basis and models for the erngy infrastructures of the European Electricity market
- Development and programming af a simulation platform that is able to capture the interaction between markets and grids using HPC infrastructures
- Development of integrated software tools for automated data analysis
- Integration of web interfaces for user-friendly operation and application
PhD Position – Graph Convolutional Neural Networks in computational enzyme engineeringIBG-4Jülich (GER)2021D-140
Your Job:
- Development and parameterization of machine learning models to guide enzyme engineering
- Iterative application of the machine learning models in cycles of predictions/experiments (together with collaboration partners)/re-training to increase performance and address additive and cooperative effects
- Publication and presentation of the results on (inter)national conferences and in scientific journals
PhD-Position – Development of scalable superconducting quantum systemsPGI-13Jülich (GER)2021-419
Your Job:
This position focuses on building, operating, and testing superconducting quantum devices. Your tasks in detail are:
- Design and fabrication of superconducting quantum circuits
- Setting up experimental systems for cryogenic measurements
- Development of a microwave quantum control & readout stack
- Development of Python code to operate quantum systems
- Detailed experimental characterization of superconducting qubits to quantify performance and identify limiting physical mechanisms
- Perform quantum device calibrations, benchmarking, and run quantum algorithms
- Presenting and publishing the research on an international stage
Postdoc – Development of scalable superconducting quantum systemsPGI-13Jülich (GER)2021D-149
Your Job:
This position focuses on developing, operating, and characterizing superconducting quantum devices. Your tasks in detail are:
- Development of novel methods for experimentation, fabrication, and characterization
- Develop gate implementations, benchmarking and algorithms
- Work on the interdisciplinary challenges in systems engineering
- Install and improve experimental setups and fabrication tools
- Supervising and guiding Master and PhD students
- Active participation in project meetings and events
- Presenting and publishing the research on an international stage
PhD Position – Chemical mechanism development of atmospheric VOC degradation aided by pattern analysis of high-resolution mass spectrometric dataIEK-8Jülich (GER)2021D-151
The PhD work will maximize the use of such mass spectrometric information in a model-based prediction-comparison-refinement approach, which comprises:
- Generating chemical mechanisms applying structure activity relationships (SARs) for organic radical chemistry based on an established approach (GeckoA).
- Running model simulations based on that explicit mechanism for the conditions of our experiments in the simulation chambers SAPHIR and SAPHIRSTAR (further information on the atmospheric simulation chambers can be found here: https://go.fzj.de/SAPHIR_IEK-8 and https://go.fzj.de/SAPHIRSTAR_IEK-8 )
- Categorizing the products/intermediates in the model, to visualize their correspondence to the mass spectrometric measures
- Identifying the important pathways and pruning the unimportant pathways
- Optimization of the GeckoA/SAR input and reruns to improve the predictive capability of the mechanism relative to its agreement with the mass spectrometric data.
- Support of SAPHIR and SAPHIRSTAR experiments by model predictions from existing operational chamber models
PhD-Position: Data-driven modelling for power system operationIEK-10Jülich (GER)2021D-153
Your Job:
The increasing availability of data has motivated the whole scientific community in developing data-driven approaches (e.g. based on machine learning) for the analysis and operation of modern power systems. At IEK-10, you will focus on the development of new methodologies for the development of data-driven models using probabilistic machine learning approaches and demonstrate the use of such models in power systems operation. A large volume of data is available at IEK-10 for validation of the developed methods.
PhD-Position: Operation of Local Energy CommunitiesIEK-10Jülich (GER)2021-442
Your Job:
The concept of organizing energy systems in Local Energy Communities (LEC) coordinated across multiple energy carriers has gained significant attention in the last few years as a way to combine local coordination with the need for national and international interconnection. In the EU framework, LECs have been recognized by the EU as a key component of the energy transition. The European Commission’s Clean Energy Package has also defined a legislative framework for the operation of LECs that aim at participation of LECs in energy markets. While coupling of multiple energy carriers seems a promising solution to further reduce carbon emission and to maximize generation from renewable sources, their coordinated operation is still a challenge.
Postdoc – HPC solutions for Energy SystemsIEK-10Jülich (GER)2021-447
Your Job:
Computing performance plays a very critical role in the use of model-based approaches to the planning, design, and operation of energy systems. At IEK-10, the department of High-Performance Computing focuses on the development of innovative methodologies for the parallelization of simulation algorithms as well as on the best exploitation of hardware architectures. In this context, we are developing an innovative solver for the simulation of multi-modal energy system with founding from Helmholtz Foundation and DFG.
Postdoc – Coherent Control of Correlations in Spin Systems using Scanning Probe MethodsPGI-3Jülich (GER)2021-435
Your Job:
- Design and execution of scientific experiments on our low-temperature scanning probe microscopes
- Development and utilization of time-resolved (pump-probe) and coherent microwave excitations on nanoscale structures for applications in quantum information and quantum technology
- Sample preparation, data evaluation and comparison with elaborated models
- Presentation and documentation of research results by means of posters, talks, and reports at national and international workshops, conferences and internal meetings
- Supervision and support of Master and PhD students
Scientific Programmer or Research Software EngineersJSCJülich (GER)2021-453
The ESM support team will be tasked with optimising resources, promoting synergies, sharing insights and disseminating knowledge. While the individual scientific code development is done at the Earth system science research institutions, the technical challenges related to HPC, modularization, and coupling are often similar and will be coordinated by the ESM team.
Bachelor/Master StudentPGI-11Aachen (GER)2021-441
Your Job:
Support of the institute management with general administrative tasks:
- Assistance in the creation of reports
- Support with public relations and the organization for trade fairs and events
- Support in the creation of digital and print media
- Supporting work in the implementation the website relaunch and the Website migration
Postdoc Position – Modelling and Simulation of Energy GridsIEK-10Jülich (GER)2021D-200
Your Job:
The increasing share of fluctuating renewable energies in electricity generation leads to increased volatility as well as a strongly changed distribution of the power fed into the grid. This increases the requirements on the flexibility of the system and the operation of power grids. Additional electricity demand to decarbonize various energy sectors, such as transport and heating, as well as intersectoral flexibility options such as power-to-X lead to increasing sectoral interdependencies. Your task is to support our institute in the development of multi-modal energy models that are able to analyze this interaction of energy networks (electricity, gas, heat) and markets at high resolution.
PhD Position – The Role of Agriculture in the Global Energy TransitionIEK-3Jülich (GER)2021-473
Your Job:
Support us in providing orientation knowledge for politics, industry and society for the success of the energy transition by joining our team in the topic area Global Emissions from Agriculture. You will work on the following crucial tasks:
- Identification and analysis of agricultural production systems, including regional conditions
- Identification of agricultural land use and quantification of emissions
- Modelling of the global agricultural sector with a focus on dual land use (e.g. Agri-PV) and future land use change
- Potential extension to forestry land and other land uses
Postdoc in the domain of coherent spin shuttling for scaling semiconductor qubitsPGI-11Jülich (GER)2021-508
Your Job:
Building on in-house fabricated devices, we have recently demonstrated the ability to shuttle electrons between gate defined quantum dots in Si/SiGe over micron-scale distances using only four different AC-voltages, independent of the distance covered https://arxiv.org/abs/2108.00879 . Theoretical consideration indicate good prospects for maintaining spin-coherence of the shuttled electron, which would make this approach very promising for scaling up semiconductor spin qubit devices. This position focuses on experimentally demonstrating coherent spin shuttling, shuttling-compatible high-fidelity qubit control and further ingredients for a shuttling-based architecture, using devices from academic or industrial fabrication.
Software EngineerZEA-2Jülich (GER)2021D-214
Your Job:
The Software Development team is in charge for consulting in project preparation, designing the software architectures as well as software implementation and testing of complex scientific experiments under consideration of modern quality standards. In addition, junior specialists in the dual study course Mathematical Technical Software Engineers (MATSE) are involved in all development steps by training-on-the-project.
PhD Position – Coherent Control of Correlations in Spin Systems using Scanning Probe MethodsPGI-3Jülich (GER)2022D-002
Your Job:
Your primary scientific tasks will be:
- Execution of scientific experiments on our new low-temperature (0.3K), high magnetic field (9T) combined scanning tunneling and atomic force microscope at the atomic scale
- Preparation of samples, data analysis and comparison with quantum models
- Utilization of time-resolved (pump-probe) and coherent microwave excitations on nanoscale structures for applications in quantum information and quantum technology
- Presentation and documentation of research results by means of posters, talks, and reports at national and international workshops, conferences and internal meetings
- Supervision of Master students (optional)
PhD Position – Cryogenic Digital-to-Analog Converter Design in CMOS for Quantum Computing ApplicationsZEA-2Jülich (GER)2022-007
Your Job:
Our team is working on integrated circuits (ICs) which combine analog and digital components from modern CMOS technologies. One research focus is the development of ICs for scalable control and read-out of semiconductor quantum bits (qubits) for Quantum Computing (QC). The ICs will be operated at temperatures below 1 Kelvin, generating very special requirements on circuit design as well as ultra-low power consumption. The focus of this doctoral work will be on the design and implementation of a Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) operated at cryogenic temperatures with the goal of locally tuning qubits into their operational state. The addition of innovative digital-assistance techniques to boost the DAC’s performance should be evaluated and integrated depending on a trade-off to power and area.
Postdoc Positions – Automated Parameter / State Estimation, Uncertainty Quantification, and Optimal Control for Epidemiological ModelsIEK-10Jülich (GER)2021-512
Your Job:
Development of this platform is about to start in January 2022, and we are now looking for two candidates with strong commitment to bring state-of-the-art research algorithms into production software. The postdoc candidates will be responsible for contributing the functionalities related to automated parameter/state estimation, uncertainty quantification, and optimal control. The advertised positions therefore center on the orchestration and implementation of numerical methods and statistical algorithms from the research domain into a fully automated workflow that becomes a core part of the envisioned platform. To this end, we will work closely with the Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) operating one of the top-10 supercomputers. Furthermore, extensive collaboration and joint software development with our partners from the Helmholtz Association will be integral to the project. As the platform is supposed to be used by non-scientific personnel, also knowledge transfer plays an important role. Particularly, features and functionalities of the platform shall be developed according to FAIR and open principles and tested jointly with the potential end users.
Optical Engineer / PhysicistIEK-7Jülich (GER)2022D-022
Your Job:
- Develop, implement, adjust and operate optical calibration facilities
- Calibrate optical instruments for atmospheric research
- Contribute to the development of new remote sensing instruments (SHI-based and others)
- Perform simulations with optical raytracing software (ZEMAX) for the aforementioned tasks
- Analyse and process the measurement data for subsequent data products
- Design mechanical structures for optical setups
- Guide students in their participation in our projects
PhD Position – High Throughput Assembly, Characterization and Testing of Membrane ElectrodesIEK-11Erlangen (GER)2022D-025
Your Job:
- Design and optimization of a high throughput setup for assembly and characterization of MEAs (catalysts and protective coatings)
- Design, build and validation of the project setup in collaboration with other PhD students
- Benchmarking state of the art materials and components as a baseline for the developed system
- Study of next-generation materials for electrolysis
- Close collaboration with data scientists and automation specialists to develop a reliable, fast, component testing process
PhD Position – Photonics based on SiGeSn heterostructuresPGI-9Jülich (GER)2022D-027
Your Job:
Your primary scientific tasks will be:
- Growth and characterization of SiGeSn heterostructures by CVD
- Cleanroom fabrication of integrated photonic devices, such as waveguide coupled light emitters (LEDs, lasers) and photodetectors (PDs, APDs, SPADs)
- Large gated FETs devices for material characterization
- Optical and electrical characterization of the obtained devices
PhD Position – Development of an Open-Source Model Framework for Identifying Wind Power PotentialsIEK-3Jülich (GER)2022M-022
Your Job:
The large-scale expansion and deployment of renewable energies (RE) is an important means of reducing greenhouse gases. The location-specific determination of RE potentials is therefore an important basis for energy industry decision-makers to plan the future energy system. Within a national research project, an open-source framework is to be developed, allowing optimization and simulation methods to be flexibly integrated into model workflows and used for these potential analyses. The focus is on the optimal exploitation of wind power potentials, which are determined on the basis of high-resolution weather and geodata. In order to increase the transparency and traceability of investigation results, the model framework will support the reproducibility of model workflows.
Internship or Bachelor Thesis – Development of Models and Methods for Parallel Power System SimulationIEK-10Jülich (GER)2022M-038
Your Job:
To meet the need of advanced simulation capability required by the energy transition, we’re developing software that enables large-scale parallel simulation of power systems on with the aid of cutting-edge technologies such as the supercomputers at our Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) and high-performance computing (HPC) clusters with newest GPU and FPGA based accelerators.
Master Thesis – Design of digitally enhanced power management circuits for Future Quantum ComputersZEA-2Jülich (GER)2022D-033
Your Job:
Investigate the feasibility of various digital or mixed signal power management circuits and systems for operation under cryogenic temperatures at highest efficiency and implement the same in a state-of-the-art, modern and commercial CMOS technology.
PhD Position – Model-Based Analysis and Optimization of Intra- and Inter-Chip Communication for High Speed ComputingZEA-2Jülich (GER)2022-113
Your Job:
Join us in designing processors for high-performance computing made in Europe.
In 2018, the European Union started with the European Processor Initiative (EPI) a long-term program with the goal to develop a low-power High Performance Computing (HPC) processor, to increase Europe’s sovereignty in the processor market. One major goal is chip-architecture optimization in order to deliver a competitive product with maximum compute throughput in 2024. For this task, modeling of the intra- and inter-chip communication is paramount, as it enables the design teams to perform a quick and cost-efficient exploration of various architecture variants.
Team Leader Organic Chemistry / ElectrosynthesisIEK-11Erlangen (GER)2022M-045
Your Job:
You will lead a scientific team, aiming at mechanistic insights and developing concepts in the field of organic electrosynthesis. With the growing demand for sustainable electrocatalysis and energy conversion, a need in developing novel principles for the design of active and selective electrocatalytic systems for organic reactions emerges. Tuning of the electrode/electrolyte interfaces presents a powerful and simple tool for controlling the course of various electrochemical processes. Changing of the electrode material, composition of the supporting electrolyte, varying immobilization methods and adjusting the structure of organic interface modifiers allow for a deep insight in reaction mechanisms and to finely tune the properties of electrocatalyst interfaces for relevant reactions. In order to follow the target processes, unique high-troughput electrochemical flow cells coupled to online mass-spectrometry techniques exist in our department for swift screening of materials and monitoring of the electrochemical processes in real time, which in combination with a plethora of offline analytical methods allows to rapidly characterize the electrocatalytic system of interest. The aim is to significantly contribute to the development of selective electrosynthetic processes, which are key for sustainable production of chemical goods and energy conversion-related tasks.
Internship position in electrical engineering, power engineering, computer science, or related subjectsIEK-10Jülich (GER)2022D-036
our Job:
New and efficient simulation methods are required to design and operate the multi-modal energy systems emerging with the integration of renewables. Hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) co-simulation is a good option to simulate such energy systems and test devices in a safe and flexible environment. Co-simulation integrates well-developed models in individual simulation environments and can also integrate other methods such as Digital Twin, which enables the information exchange between the real system and its simulation counterpart in real-time.
PhD Position – High Dimensional Multi Omics Data IntegrationIBG-4Jülich (GER)2022D-037
Your Job:
Your project has the aim to develop novel (interactive) workflow tools for high dimensional data integration and data mining. The data used should comprise multiple omics disciplines e.g. transcripts, metabolites and epigenetic sig-nals. Currently many analyses comprise ad-hoc methods or “standard” procedures that are disjunct.
PhD Position – The role of CO2 as a resource in a global greenhouse gas-neutral energy systemIEK-3Jülich (GER)2022-120
Your Job:
Support us in providing orientation knowledge for politics, industry and society for the success of the energy transition by contributing to the further development of our energy system models.
Postdoc – Global Energy Systems ModelingIEK-3Jülich (GER)2022M-049
Your Job:
To support the transformation of the global energy system, orientation knowledge for politics, industry and society is needed. Help us to further develop open source decision support models for the energy transition and thus generate new insights.
Master thesis – Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, PhysicsIEK-10Jülich (GER)2022D-039
Your Job:
Due to the increasing share of renewable energy in the electrical network, the decarbonization focus has also been extended to other energy sectors. Sector coupling refers to the concept of interconnecting different energy sectors with the power sector, which can offer flexibility to the power sector and contribute to the decarbonization progress in other sectors. Therefore, new and efficient simulation methods and tools are needed in order to illustrate interactions between different energy sectors. Among which are the power, gas and heat sectors of special interest. The scope of this master thesis will be the further development of modeling and simulation tools for the gas and heat network which is capable to run co-simulation with power system.
PhD Position – Theoretical condensed-matter physicsPGI-9Jülich (GER)2022-155
Your Job:
- Modeling and simulation of magnetic topological insulator-based hybrid nanodevices and superconducting qubits
- Participation in international conferences in Germany and abroad (incl. presenting your research results)
- Exchange with internal and external as well as national and international project partners, both theorists and experimentalists
- Preparing scientific publications and project reports
- Mentoring students
Scientific CoordinatorIBG-2Jülich (GER)2022M-054
Your Job:
- Support in project management on an international level under close coordination with partners from a wide range of fields (science, industry, politics)
- Support in the establishment and operation of a Europe-wide access procedure to research infrastructures in the field of agroecology
- Communication of project content with project partners with representatives from science, industry, politics and the general public
- Conception, organization and coordination of analog, hybrid and web-based events
- Collaboration in the further development of communication strategies around EMPHASIS as well as implementation in concrete measures (e.g. social media, homepage, newsletter, trade fair appearances, exhibitions)
Master Thesis – Model-based analysis of traffic flow and travel times for the deployment of automated and connected vehiclesIEK-3Jülich (GER)2022M-056
Your Job:
- Literature review on the state of traffic flow modeling for conventional and automated vehicles (approaches, available models)
- Development of a suitable modeling approach and determination of data requirements
- Implementation of the traffic flow model and validation of travel times for conventional traffic
- Implementation of automated and connected driving in the model
Master Thesis – Simulating topological material-based quantum information processing devicesPGI-9Jülich (GER)2022-136
Your Job:
State-of-the-art topological material-based quantum devices are currently being fabricated at Forschungszentrum Jülich. Your task is to contribute to the development of a high-throughput simulation platform for such devices, making use of state-of-the-art open-source simulation packages and high-performance computing (HPC) techniques.
Postdoc – Cryogenic CMOS for Quantum Computing ApplicationsZEA-2Jülich (GER)2022-189
Your Job:
- Conceptualize, implement and perform cryogenic characterization of CMOS devices and circuits inside cryostats at temperatures below 10 K
- DC, RF S-parameter (up to 20GHz) and noise measurements
- Work together in close cooperation with device modelling companies and CMOS manufacturing companies to generate a cryo-PDK for a 22nm FDSOI CMOS process
- Take responsibility for operation and maintenance of cryostats
IC Concept Engineer / PostDoc for Memristive ApplicationsZEA-2Jülich (GER)2022M-064
Your Job:
Our team is engaged in the BMBF funded project “NEUROTEC II”, and within this project, we work on the IC development for demonstrating the memristor-based realization of neuromorphic computational paradigms. These paradigms include, amongst others, Computing-In-Memory, Artificial Neural Networks, Content Addressable Memories and Spiking Neural Networks. Thus, your specific challenge will be to develop the conceptual and design approaches fulfilling the different memristor circuit requirements for CMOS-memristor co-integration based on a limited number of CMOS building blocks and together with leading experts in the memristor research. Do you have experience with integrated circuits from concept level down to the physical design and are you interested to work on emerging technologies? Then we might be looking just for you!
Master thesis: Development of innovative double-layer Gd2Zr2O7/YSZ thermal barrier coating systems for load-flexible and high-temperature applications in gas turbinesIEK-1Jülich (GER)2022M-065
Your Job:
In the project supported by the MatKat foundation, an innovative double-layer thermal barrier coating system made of Gd2Zr2O7 and YSZ is being developed for use in stationary gas turbines. In the master thesis, the pyrochlore coating is to be optimized to withstand high operating temperatures in the turbine as well as to enable a load-flexible operation of the turbine. In this case, the process-dependent microstructure of the coating is of major importance, as it influences the thermal insulating effect of the coating. In addition, it also affects the tolerance of the coating to stresses arising from thermal expansion mismatch. Enhanced application temperatures allow either an increase in turbine efficiency or the addition of green-produced hydrogen to the combustion process, which combusts much hotter than natural gas. Both alternatives help reduce CO2 emissions during electricity production with gas turbines. The additional increased load flexibility of the thermal barrier coating system makes it possible to compensate the fluctuations in the energy supply to the power grid caused by renewable energies.
Master Thesis – Methodology to assess the future energy demand in the household & service sector in EuropeIEK-3Jülich (GER)2022D-054
Your Job:
In this work, you first assess the status quo of energy consumption based on building characteristics in the household and service sector in the different European countries. Based on this, you will develop a methodology that will allow you to model and investigate the possible development of energy demand in these sectors starting from the status quo, taking into account various measures, incentives and new technologies.
PhD Position – Mechanobiological regulation of breast epithelium organization and cell invasionIBI-2Jülich (GER)2022M-067
Your project concentrates on the cellular signal processing mechanisms between cells, the basement membrane (BM) migration barrier and the extracellular matrix (ECM). You will apply nature-like tissue strain on BM-covered 3D breast cell spheroids to investigate how mechanical ECM stresses regulate epithelial tissue homeostasis and BM invasion.
Master Thesis – Efficient Markov Chain Monte Carlo Techniques for Studying Large-scale Metabolic ModelsIBG-1Jülich (GER)2022D-056
Your Job:
- Work on the scientific fundamentals and process implementation of technologies for chemical hydrogen storage – mainly in the field of catalysis, analytics or system development depending on agreement and qualification
- Participation in H2 demonstration projects
- Participation in project meetings
- Coordination with internal and external partners
- Publication and presentation of research results in relevant journals and/or at national and international conferences
- Participation in the establishment of the institute (e.g. laboratory and pilot plant infrastructure, experimental test field for chemical hydrogen storage)
PhD Position – Sustainable Hydrogen EconomyINW-IBrainergy Park Jülich (GER)2022-217
Your Job:
- Work on the scientific fundamentals and process implementation of technologies for chemical hydrogen storage – mainly in the field of catalysis, analytics or system development depending on agreement and qualification
- Participation in H2 demonstration projects
- Participation in project meetings
- Coordination with internal and external partners
- Publication and presentation of research results in relevant journals and/or at national and international conferences
- Participation in the establishment of the institute (e.g. laboratory and pilot plant infrastructure, experimental test field for chemical hydrogen storage)
Research Associate / Postdoc – Sustainable Hydrogen Economy and H2-Demonstration ProjectsINW-IBrainergy Park Jülich (GER)2022D-057
Your Job:
- Work on the scientific fundamentals and process implementation of technologies for chemical hydrogen storage – mainly in the field of catalysis, analytics or system development depending on agreement and qualification
- Participation in H2-Demonstration projects with the opportunity to lead (partial) work packages
- Participation in project meetings
- Coordination with internal and external partners
- Publication and presentation of research results in relevant journals and/or at national and international conferences
- Participation in the establishment of the institute (e.g. laboratory and pilot plant infrastructure, experimental test field for chemical hydrogen storage)
PhD Position – Three dimensional mapping of epidermal tissue mechanobiology upon mechanical stretchingIBI-2Jülich (GER)2022D-058
Your Job:
The human skin is the largest organ in the human body. As a multi-layered epithelium it depends functionally on a precise regulation of cell division and cellular adhesion. Faulty regulation and impaired adhesion lead to a variety of human diseases that require detailed analysis in biomimetic 3D cell culture systems. You will cultivate three dimensional, multilayered models of the epidermis on stretchable substrates and subject them to defined mechanical strain. This signal will induce cellular mechanoadaptations like reinforcement of the actin cytoskeleton and cellular adhesions that you will image and quantify in all layers. You will use photobleaching techniques to explore protein exchange upon mechanoadaptation. Moreover, you will compare cells of different genetic background.
PhD position in applied hydrometeorologic sciences and data analyticsIBG-3Jülich (GER)2022D-059
Your Job:
The work will be part of the collaborative project ClimXtreme funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany. The goal of the project is to identify and analyze extreme events especially related to drought, and study the anthropogenic impact due to e.g. groundwater pumping and irrigation.
You will setup and perform unique terrestrial simulations using existing scientific software ( terrsysmp.org ) at the climate time scale in cooperation with our project partners, and develop novel data analytics technologies to analyze existing and new results from regional climate simulations. The project will be conducted in collaboration with the Centre of High-Performance Computing in Terrestrial System, Geoverbund ABC/J.
PhD Position – Nanoscale study of superconductors for qubitsPGI-3Jülich (GER)2022M-070
Your Job:
We look for excellent candidates who are interested in experimental work on the fundamental physics and materials science of superconductors. Samples will be fabricated by our collaborators within QSolid, as well as our own laboratories and will be analyzed using our state-of-the-art low-temperature scanning tunneling and atomic force microscopes.
Your primary scientific tasks will be:
- Conduction of scanning probe measurements
- Preparation of samples under ultra-high vacuum conditions
- Collaboration with internal project partners
- Work in an international group environment
- Preparation of scientific publications and presentations
- Participation in conferences in Germany and abroad
- Supervision of Master students (optional)
Master thesis – Simplified solid oxide electrolysis cell manufacturingIEK-1Jülich (GER)2022D-060
The advertised master`s thesis is being carried out as part of a project funded by the MatKat Foundation and deals with the direct integration of an alternative fuel electrode material into an innovative, cost- and time-saving manufacturing chain of electrolysis cells. The cells are manufactured using the screen printing process. Following the application of the individual layers, the respective shrinkage kinetics of the layer composites are analysed in a thermo-optical measuring stand. After successful production and sintering of the electrolysis cells, they are finally characterised electrochemically. The aim of the novel manufacturing chain is to carry out co-sintering of the alternative fuel electrode together with the carrier substrate as well as the electrolyte, thereby significantly shortening the usual development chain. In addition, the degradation of the alternative fuel electrode and the resulting power loss of the cell over the operating time will be investigated and compared with values of cells with a commonly used fuel electrode made of nickel + yttria stabilised zirconia (YSZ).
PhD Position – Multi-scale high resolution near surface geophysics to image the soil-root zone of agricultural plantsIBG-3Jülich (GER)2022-224
Your Job:
- The successful candidate will deal with the development and application of high resolution time-lapse GPR imaging methods (e.g., full-waveform inversion) at multiple scales to enhance the understanding of the soil-root system.
- The aim is to find links between non-invasive geophysical monitoring, 3D root-soil modelling and the availability of N in the soil.
- By investigating different scales from the root-system scale up to the field scale, the goal is to improve the small-scale process understanding controlling soil-plant interactions and to extend the gained understanding to the large scale to be used in precision agricultural management.
- A significant part of the position consists of applying and analyzing GPR at the different scales ranging from soil column to horizontal boreholes at the plot-scale and field-scale.
- The project offers the unique opportunity to connect novel processing and inversion techniques to real data from different scales and link the findings to relevant processes of the soil-plant system.
Postdoc – Reduction of uncertainty of flash flood simulations by data assimilationIBG-3Jülich (GER)2022D-063
Your Job:
As a Postdoc at the IBG-3 you contribute to the BMBF funded project AVOSS (Impact-based prediction of heavy rainfall and flash floods at different scales: potentials, uncertainties and limits). AVOSS investigates relationships between a heavy rain event, the resulting flash flood hazards and potential damages on different spatial scales. In particular, the improvement of the early warning and local implementation is in the focus.
PhD Position – Nanostructured metallic / ceramic multilayer thin filmsIEK-2Jülich (GER)2022M-074
Within this project you will be dealing with reactive, nanometer sized aluminum and nickel multilayer stacks and how ceramic interlayers can influence the mechanical performance as well as reaction of the purely metallic stacks.
Specific tasks may include but are not limited to:
- Synthesis of metallic / ceramic multilayers in cooperation with project partners
- Characterization of multilayers by advanced scanning and transmission electron microscopy
- Collection and analysis of (in situ) mechanical deformation data at micro-/nanometer length scales
- Development and validation of mechanistic models based on experimental results
- Publication of your results in recognized scientific journals and presentations at international scientific conferences
Master Thesis – Investigating the Electrode Defining Dispersion for PEM Water ElectrolyzersIEK-14Jülich (GER)
Your Job:
- Analysing different dispersion formulations consisting of metal, ionomer and solvents
- Physical chemical characterization of the dispersion by ultrasound spectroscopy and methods of choice
- Helping to create a library for catalyst layers
- Revealing the correlation between electrode structure, dispersion and electrochemistry using provided image processing tools