PhD and Postdocs at The Paul Scherrer Institute PSI, the largest research institute for natural and engineering sciences within Switzerland
RF Engineer (80-100%)
Your tasks
- You will take responsibility in the operation, maintenance and documentation of the electro-optical synchronization system
- You contribute to the improvement and further development of the synchronization system, especially with regard to low-noise and low-drift RF circuits as well as high-precision analog electronics and analog or digital control loops
- You will contribute your practical experience and develop a system overview for the coordination of cross-group development projects, partly in project-leading responsibility
- You work with both electrical and laser signals and use the advantages of both to achieve the highest time resolution and stability
HF-Ingenieurin / HF-Ingenieur (80-100%)
Ihre Aufgaben
- Sie übernehmen Verantwortung im Betrieb, der Wartung und der Dokumentation des elektro-optischen Synchronisationssystems
- Sie tragen bei zur Verbesserung und Weiterentwicklung des Synchronisationssystem, insbesondere in Hinblick auf rausch- und driftarme HF-Schaltungen sowie hochpräziser analoger Elektroniken und analoger oder digitaler Regelschleifen
- Sie bringen Ihre praktische Erfahrung ein und erarbeiten sich einen Systemüberblick für die Koordination von gruppenübergreifenden Entwicklungsprojekten, z.T. in projektleitender Verantwortung
- Sie arbeiten sowohl mit elektrischen als auch mit Lasersignalen und nutzen die Vorteile beider, um höchste Zeitauflösung und Stabilität zu erreichen
Your tasks
- Coil winding and instrumentation with voltage taps, strain gauges, temperature sensors
- Operation of furnaces for the heat treatment of LTS superconductor
- Vacuum pressure impregnation of superconducting coils with resins and waxes
- General mechanical work: turning, milling, drilling, brazing and soldering of tooling parts
- CNC machining of more complex tooling and coil parts
PhD Student
In this PhD project, we seek to understand particle formation and growth in transported air masses, based on experiments at the CLOUD chamber at CERN. The succesful candidate will characterize a new experimental setup, comprising a flow tube system coupled with the CLOUD chamber. They will also operate cutting-edge mass spectrometers for measuring the the molecules involved in aerosol formation. You will coordinate and participate in 2-3 measurement campaigns at CERN. You will be part of a dynamic, multi-disciplinary group of world-class scientists from 23 different institutes involved in the experiment. This PhD is part of a MSCA doctoral network, which includes 12 PhD students that will be trained on the experiment and through data workshops, summer schools and industrial visits. Are you ready to take up this exciting challenge?
Wissenschaftliche*r Referent*in
Sie unterstützen den Leiter des Bereichs Nukleare Energie und Sicherheit bei der wissenschaftlich-strategischen Ausrichtung des Bereichs. Zu Ihren zentralen Aufgaben gehören die Bewertung von Forschungsanträgen und die Sicherstellung wissenschaftlicher Exzellenz bei Projektvorhaben, sowie die Erstellung von Positionspapieren und Fachvorträgen für die Stakeholder des Bereichs in Forschung, Industrie, Politik und Öffentlichkeit. Sie unterstützen die Leiter der Forschungslaboratorien des Bereichs bei der Akquisition neuer Forschungsaufträge und helfen neue Tätigkeitsbereiche, insbesondere im internationalen Umfeld zu erschliessen. Daneben ist eine intensive Mitarbeit in nationalen und internationalen Gremien, wie z.B. bei OECD / NEA und IAEA erwünscht. Zu Ihrem Tätigkeitsspektrum gehört ausserdem die fachliche und administrative Koordination der umfangreichen nukleartechnischen Ausbildungsaktivitäten des Bereichs. Schliesslich arbeiten Sie gemeinsam mit dem Führungsstab an der kontinuierlichen Verbesserung der bereichsweiten Kommunikation und der professionellen Aussendarstellung der wissenschaftlichen Aktivitäten des Fachbereichs und unterstützen den Bereichsleiter bei seinen vielfältigen administrativen, finanziellen und organisatorischen Aufgaben.
Ihre Aufgaben
- Probenvorbereitung und Ausführung von massenspektrometrischen Analysen im Rahmen von Dienstleistungsaufträgen und Forschungsprojekten
- Dokumentation und Erstellung von Analyseberichten und QM-Dokumenten
- Pflege und Erweiterung der bestehenden Probendatenbank
- Verantwortung für Wartung und Betrieb von analytischen Geräten (ICP-MS, IC) sowie Routineaufgaben im Laborbetrieb
Scientist (Tenure Track)
Your tasks
- Develop and extend the scientific program for the ultrafast dynamics of condensed matter and quantum materials with emphasis on implementation and execution of original research in time-resolved phenomena
- Contribute to the design, construction, commissioning, future upgrade and operation of the experimental station
- Develop and implement new measurement concepts and devices for FELs
- User support for experiments at SwissFEL
Postdoctoral Fellow
Your tasks
- Evaluate acoustic and synchrotron X-ray tomographic measurements of soundinduced motion patterns of fish auditory structures
- Develop and establish a data processing pipeline for the quantification, visualization and morphological interpretation of motion patterns from timeresolved tomographic data sets
- Adapt and apply the developed experimental and quantification techniques to similar bio-mechanical system investigations
- Work hand in hand with the other international team members on the data acquisition and the biomechanical modelling of the fish hearing structures
- Present and publish research results in scientific articles, research presentations and at international conferences
Ihre Aufgaben
- Führung und Leitung der Sekretariate der beiden Labore in diversen organisatorischen und inhaltlichen Themen
- Allgemeine administrative Aufgaben und Korrespondenz (Terminmanagement, Dienstreisen und Kursen) in deutscher und englischer Sprache
- Unterstützung und Koordination in der Vor- und Nachbearbeitung verschiedener Sitzungen und Seminaren
- Administrative Organisation von internationalen Konferenzen und Workshops
- Administrative Betreuung von Gastwissenschaftlern und Praktikanten
- Aufbereitung und Controlling von Finanzberichten
- Administrative Unterstützung der Labore für das institutsweite Dokumentenlenkungssystem
- Erstellen von Statistiken in Zusammenarbeit mit internen und externen Stellen
- Erstellen von neuen adminstrativen Prozessen
- Ansprechsperson und Kompetenzzentrum für administrative Prozesse und Unterstützung der Labor-, Gruppenleitungen und Mitarbeitenden
PSI SDSC Hub Group Leader
Your tasks
- Lead and develop the Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC) Hub at PSI (approx. 20% of time)
- Play an active role in machine learning related research projects and specifically those relate to Large-Scale Infrastructures at PSI, EMPA, EAWAG and WSL (approx. 60% of time)
- Participate in the activities of SDSC at large e.g. evaluation of projects submitted (approx. 20% of time)
- Publish in scientific journals and present at conference the reseach results from the aforementioned projects, as well as from own fundamental research in data science
- Secure funding for the group and for own projects via national and internatial sources
Praktikum im Bereich Controlling
Ihre Aufgaben
- Unterstützung der Bereichscontroller bei ihrer Tätigkeit als Bindeglied zwischen der Abteilung Finanzen und Dienste und den zugeteilten Bereichen
- Unterstützung bei der Durchführung regelmässiger Hochrechnungen und der jährlichen Budgetierung
- Selbstständige Erstellung von regelmässigen und ad hoc Reports und Analysen
- Mitarbeit bei der Weiterentwicklung unserer Tools
- Mitarbeit in Projekten der Abteilung Finanzen und Dienste
Control System Specialist
Your tasks
- Integration of different state-of-the art accelerator subsystem hardware and software components into the EPICS control system including their ongoing maintenance
- Take part in development of customised control system applications used by accelerator expert groups
- Providing 1st level control system support to chosen accelerator expert groups
- Planning and coordination of control system integration tasks with different stakeholders
- Advising the customers in control system related projects
PhD Student
To study the formation kinetics of solids from solution5103‐ 0010010.06.2022
Control System Specialist
The study of solid formation from solutions is a fascinating research field with many implications, from synthesis of nanomaterials to biomedical applications to functional material properties. Your tasks will be to collect accurate experimental kinetic data from solution via in‐situ techniques, study of the influence of polymeric additives at the early stage of the solid phase formation, develop computational models of the experimental results in the framework of the nucleation and growth theories, and eventually participate in related experiments using large scale facilities.
Site Reliability Engineer
Your tasks
- Operate, scale, enhance and improve the current backend data acquisition systems (archivers) of the PSI accelerators together with our Software Engineering team
- Streamlining, shaping and improving other core Controls infrastructure services to facilitate the smooth operation of the control systems
- Collaborate with people outside of your field of experience and work together towards efficient solutions in an interdisciplinary, international research environment
- Manage an up-to-date documentation of the data acquisition system
Beamline Scientist
Your tasks
- Contributing to maintenance and continuous upgrading of the SuperXAS beamline at the Swiss Light Source (SLS)
- Establish a high-class research program centered on x-ray spectroscopic investigations of energy materials
- Active collaboration with and support of external user groups of the SuperXAS beamline
Postdoctoral Fellow
Your tasks
- Development of a phase change (boiling and condensation) model for Volume of Fluid method
- Implementation of the model into the in-house unstructured finite volume CFD code T-Flows
- Verification and validation of the developed code for nucleate boiling flow
- Participate in the research project sponsored by swissNuclear
Postdoctoral Fellow
Your tasks
- Establish optical characterization routines for scaled photodetectors
- Develop device fabrication in the cleanroom and support the device fabrication team by developing processing routines
- Act as delegate of the PSI team at IBM Research Europe with respect to running projects and supervision of PhD students
- Presentation of results at conferences and publication in relevant journals
Postdoctoral Fellow
Your tasks
- Perform research in particle physics phenomenology with emphasis on topics related to experiments at PSI and LHC
- Help with the organization of colloquia and summer schools
- Maintenance of international scientific collaborations
Laser Scientist (Tenure Track)
Your tasks
- Establish future time-resolved laser spectroscopy facility and high-field mid-IR and THz source
- Maintain CPA lasers, expand experimental capabilities, and support R&D activities at SwissFEL
- Establish an independent research program in new laser technologies and secondary sources based on OPCPA drive laser
- Coordinate laboratory activities in multi-disciplinary teams and projects
Leitung Career Center & Projekte
Ihre Aufgaben
- Leitung und Weiterentwicklung des Career Centers
- Laufbahnberatung und CV-Checks
- Organisation und Durchführung von Career Events inkl. Moderation (in Englisch)
- Pflege und gezielte Weiterentwicklung von Netzwerken zu Partner*innen und Firmen in Akademie, Wirtschaft und Industrie
- Pflege und Ausbau des PSI Alumni-Netzwerkes
- Erhöhung der Sichtbarkeit des Career Centers durch Nutzung von zeitgemässen Kommunikationskanälen und Employer Branding
- Aktive Mitwirkung in Gremien und Career Netzwerken
- Nutzen von Synergien mit Hochschulen und Forschungsinstitutionen
- Projektleitung CONNECT (Connecting Women’s Careers in Academia and Industry)
- Mitarbeit in weiteren Projekten innerhalb des PSI und Bildungszentrums
Windows System Engineer Cloud & IAM
Ihre Aufgaben
- Leitung und Mitarbeit von IT Infrastrukturvorhaben mit Fokus Cloud (M365/Azure) und IAM (One Identity)
- Betrieb der neu aufgebauten IAM Infrastruktur
- Erstellung und Betrieb automatisierter IAM Lifecycle Prozesse
- Beratung, Aufbau, Koordination und Betrieb von Windows Server Systemen
- Unterstützung des Teams im Betrieb und 2nd Level Support von diversen Basis IT Services (Exchange Online/M365, Backup & Recover, AD, Windows Server, Floating Licenses)
Group Leader: Core Linux Research Services
Your tasks
You will work in an interdisciplinary, multinational research environment and collaborate with your team members as well as the users of your infrastructure. Part of your responsibilities will be:
- Coordinate the newly established Core Linux Research Services team at PSI (2-4 people)
- Support Linux on critical IT experimental infrastructure composed of thousands of clients
- Facilitate a high-performance team environment and employee engagement
- Define of the Linux infrastructure architecture and participate in the definition of a PSI Linux strategy
- Gather requirements from colleagues and stakeholders, ensuring a cross-departmental collaboration
- Development and operation of the central Linux installation, software distribution and monitoring infrastructure
- Definition, packaging, test and support of the fundamental software stack required to operate PSI large scale research facilities
- Deployment and support of the Remote Access solution for Linux systems required by our scientists to perform experiments
- Perform 2nd level support for the Linux infrastructure
Linux Engineer / System Engineer
Your tasks
You will work in an interdisciplinary, multinational research environment and collaborate with your team members as well as the users of your infrastructure. Part of your responsibilities will be:
- Contribute to the Linux Core team at PSI, supporting Linux on critical IT experimental infrastructure (thousand of clients)
- Development and operation of the central Linux installation, software distribution and monitoring infrastructure
- Participate in the definition of the Linux infrastructure architecture
- Definition, packaging, test and support of the fundamental software stack required to operate PSI large scale research facilities
- Deployment and support of the Remote Access solution for Linux systems required by our scientists to perform experiments
- Perform 2nd level support for the Linux infrastructure
- Manage an up-to-date documentation and transfer knowledge to the 1st level support