Postdocs and Academic Positions at Copenhagen University, the second oldest institution for higher education in Denmark.

Postdoctoral position in the Ocean Infrastructure Group, Department of Political Science, University of CopenhagenFaculty of Social SciencesDepartment of Political Science01-10-2022
211-0138/22-2N Tenure-track Assistant Professor of Innovation and Sustainability TransitionsFaculty of ScienceDepartment of Food and Resource Economics04-09-2022
211-0429/22-2E Associate Professor of Innovation and Sustainability TransitionsFaculty of ScienceDepartment of Food and Resource Economics04-09-2022
211-1135/22-2I Postdoctoral researcher in Haptics and Human-Computer InteractionFaculty of ScienceDepartment of Computer Science04-09-2022
Postdoc to SNM, Field/Work in the Archive: Herbaria as Sites of Cultural ExchangeFaculty of ScienceDepartment for Natural History Museum of Denmark02-09-2022
Associate Professor/Tenure-track Assistant Professor of Actuarial MathematicsFaculty of ScienceDepartment of Matematical Sciences21-08-2022
156711 Clinical Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology with special focus on medical education and clinical learning (fixed-term 5 years)Faculty of Health and Medical SciencesRigshospitalet/Juliane Marie Centret, Afdeling for Graviditet, Fødsel og Barsel15-08-2022
Open-rank academic position(s) in Social, Developmental and Integration PsychologyFaculty of Social SciencesInstitut for Psykologi15-08-2022
211-0130/22-2N Tenure-track Assistant Professor of Computational Thinking and Science EducationFaculty of ScienceDepartment of Science Education14-08-2022
Postdoc in AI and Machine Learning in Food Processing TechnologyFaculty of ScienceFOOD14-08-2022

Tenure-track Assistant Professor or Associate Professor in History and Philosophy of ScienceFaculty of ScienceDepartment of Science Education14-08-2022
211-0177/22-2K Professor in single molecule microscopy of proteins and biophysics of cellular responsesFaculty of ScienceDepartment of Chemistry14-08-2022
211-0426/22-2E Associate Professor of University Science EducationFaculty of ScienceDepartment of Science Education14-08-2022
156931 Professor of Veterinary Cell Biology and BiochemistryFaculty of Health and Medical SciencesDepartment of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Section of Pathobiology14-08-2022
Tenure-track Assistant Professor in study of religions, with special regards to global ChristianityFaculty of HumanitiesInstitut for Tværkulturelle og Regionale Studier10-08-2022
Tenure-track Assistant Professorship or Associate Professorship in English Foreign Language Acquisition and Language PedagogyFaculty of HumanitiesInstitut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk09-08-2022
Assistant or Associate professor in New Testament Studies, Faculty of Theology, University of CopenhagenFaculty of TheologyAfdelingen For bibelsk Eksegese09-08-2022
Tenure-track Assistant Professorship in Psychology and Social Data ScienceFaculty of Social SciencesInstitut for Psykologi08-08-2022
Tenure-Track Assistant Professorship in Political Science & Social Data ScienceFaculty of Social SciencesInstitut for Statskundskab08-08-2022
211-0121/22-2N Tenure-track Assistant Professor of Resource EconomicsFaculty of ScienceDepartment of Food and Resource Economics07-08-2022

211-0403/22-2E Associate Professor of Resource EconomicsFaculty of ScienceDepartment of Food and Resource Economics07-08-2022
156657 Two Associate Professor or Tenure Track Assistant Professor positions at the Department of Biomedical SciencesFaculty of Health and Medical SciencesDepartment of Biomedical Sciences07-08-2022
Associate Professor/Tenure-track Assistant Professor of StatisticsFaculty of ScienceDepartment of Matematical Sciences07-08-2022
211-0170/22-2K Professor in Computational Food and Health ScienceFaculty of ScienceDepartment of Food Science07-08-2022
Associate professorship or tenure-track assistant professorship in Computational Linguistics and Natural Language ProcessingFaculty of HumanitiesInstitut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab01-08-2022
Research assistant in biostatistics, Department of Public HealthFaculty of Health and Medical SciencesDepartment of Public Health01-08-2022
Postdoc in CRISPR Bioinformatics in the Gorodkin labFaculty of Health and Medical SciencesDepartment of Veterinary and Animal Sciences31-07-2022
Postdoc in computational RNA structure-based probe design in the Gorodkin labFaculty of Health and Medical SciencesDepartment of Veterinary and Animal Sciences31-07-2022
211-0128/22-2N Tenure-track Assistant Professor of Experimental Atmospheric Physical ChemistryFaculty of ScienceDepartment of Chemistry31-07-2022
Postdoc in computational modeling of enhancer-gene communicationFaculty of ScienceDepartment of Biology31-07-2022

Postdoc positions (experimental or computational) in normal and malignant hematopoietic stem cell biologyFaculty of Health and Medical SciencesBRIC31-07-2022
Research assistant in Circadian Biology in the Zierath GroupFaculty of Health and Medical SciencesNovo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research25-07-2022
Postdoc of Quantum OptomechanicsFaculty of ScienceDepartment of Niels Bohr Institute23-07-2022
156714 Professor of Pancreas Development and Stem Cell Medicine (Fixed-Term, 4 Years)Faculty of Health and Medical SciencesNovo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Medicine, reNEW21-07-2022
PhD fellowship/Postdoc/Assistant Professor within the Machine Learning and Global Health NetworkFaculty of Health and Medical SciencesDepartment of Public Health17-07-2022
Postdoc in computational ancient DNA analyses at Lundbeck Foundation GeoGenetics CentreFaculty of Health and Medical SciencesGlobe Institute17-07-2022
Postdoc in Functional GenomicsFaculty of Health and Medical SciencesNovo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research17-07-2022
156494 Professor of Molecular ParasitologyFaculty of Health and Medical SciencesDepartment of Immunology and Microbiology14-07-2022
Postdoc in bioinformatics/epigenetics/transcription at Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein ResearchFaculty of Health and Medical SciencesNovo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research14-07-2022
Postdoc in Anti-Nutrient Biosynthesis in Faba BeanFaculty of ScienceDepartment of Plant and Environmental Sciences13-07-2022
Postdoc Position in Molecular Microbiology, Chemical Biology and ImmunologyFaculty of Health and Medical SciencesDepartment of Immunology and Microbiology08-07-2022
Assistant Professor of Functional Genetics at Sørensen Group, BRICFaculty of Health and Medical SciencesAssistant Professor of Functional Genetics at Sørensen Group, BRIC08-07-2022

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