2 PhD Scholarships at the Faculty of Theology
Subject to available grants, the Faculty of Theology, University of Copenhagen, hereby announces that two three-year PhD scholarships will be available from 1 December 2022 or as soon as possible thereafter. The granting of a scholarship carries with it enrolment as a PhD student in the PhD school of the Faculty of Theology.
One PhD scholarship is available within all research areas at the Faculty of Theology including Center for African Studies with no special focus areas.
One PhD scholarship is available within all research areas at the Faculty of Theology including Center for African Studies but requires that the PhD project employs to a substantial degree methods deriving from the field of data science, e.g. machine learning, web scraping, or artificial intelligence.
The PhD programme provides PhD students with strong research training which opens up a window of opportunity to a variety of careers within the private and public sectors. The programme includes the drafting of a PhD thesis, active participation in research networks, PhD courses, teaching, and other forms of knowledge dissemination.
The granting of the PhD scholarships will take place under the agreement in force between the Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations, AC. Under this agreement, a PhD scholarship holder is entitled to carry out relevant duties amounting to a total of 840 hours over the three-year period. The scholarship holder must also be prepared to take an active part in the Faculty’s research environment.
To be considered, applicants must have a Master’s degree in Theology or any other relevant Master’s degree or similar qualifications. Besides attention to the scientific quality and the feasibility of the proposed PhD project, the assessment will put emphasis on the talent for independent research demonstrated by the applicant usually through a Master’s thesis or similar.
Duties and Responsibilities
Further information about the PhD programme is available on our website: https://teol.ku.dk/english/research/phd_programme/
The Danish Ministerial Order on the PhD programme at the Universities can be found here: https://teol.ku.dk/english/research/phd_programme/hoejreboks/documents/ministerial_order
Applicants should familiarise themselves with the research strategy and the ongoing research at the Faculty before submitting their application. Further information can be found here:
How to apply
The application must be made on a special form (see link at bottom of page). The application must be accompanied by the following appendices (scanned electronically):
- Documentation of Master’s degree and BA degree
- Short CV
- Draft outline of the study programme
- Budget for the three years of study
If available, the following documents should also be submitted as appendices:
- Master’s thesis
- Master’s thesis assessment
- List of publications
Application and documentation can be submitted either in Danish or in English.
The draft outline of the study programme must contain a description of the planned research project (max. 5 pages/12.000 key strokes incl. spaces) and a realistic plan for the fulfillment of requirements under the Ministerial Order on PhD degrees with regard to participation in courses and periods of study at other institutions. The Faculty expects the project to be kept within the usual annuum for a PhD fellowship, but any other major expenses must be described explicitly in the application as “budget” (e.g. travelling, field work, equipment, or external expert assistance necessary for the project).
The University of Copenhagen wishes our staff to reflect the diversity of society and thus welcomes applications for the scholarship from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.
The recruitment process
After the expiry of the deadline for applications, the authorized recruitment manager selects applicants for assessment on the advice of the Appointment Committee. All applicants are then immediately notified whether their application has been passed for assessment by an expert assessment committee. Selected applicants are notified of the composition of the committee and each applicant has the opportunity to comment on the part of the assessment that relates to the applicant him/herself. You can read about the recruitment process at http://employment.ku.dk
The Ministerial Order on PhD degrees and other relevant documents can be downloaded from the faculty homepage at: https://www.teol.ku.dk/ or by contacting the Faculty of Theology, Karen Blixens Plads 16, 2300 Copenhagen S. If you have questions concerning the PhD scholarship please contact Head of the PhD school Carsten Pallesen (cp@teol.ku.dk). If you have technical questions concerning your application, please contact HR South and City Campuses, email: hrsc@hrsc.ku.dk.
International applicant?
The University of Copenhagen offers a broad variety of services for international researchers and accompanying families, including support before and during your relocation and career counselling to expat partners. Please find more information about these services as well as information on entering and working in Denmark here: https://ism.ku.dk/
Contact information
Information about the recruitment process is available from HRSC, E-mail: hrsc@hrsc.ku.dk, please refer to ID number: 211-1082/22-2H#1
Additional information about the position can be obtained from Carsten Pallesen, e-mail: cp@teol.ku.dk.
The closing date for applications is 1 September 2022 at 23:59 CET
Applications received after the deadline will not be taken into account.