Research and Faculty Positions at Queen’s University Belfast, a public research university in Belfast, Northern Ireland. United Kingdom
Lecturer (Ed) in Biology, Environmental Management or Sustainable Development
Ref: 22/109959
School of Biological Sciences
Closing date: 01-08-2022
Lecturer (Education) in Physical Geography (Part-time 0.25 fte)
Ref: 22/109997
School of Natural and Built Environment
Closing date: 25-07-2022
Lecturer in Law (2 posts) Senior Lecturer in Law (1 post)
Ref: 22/109919
School of Law
Closing date: 08-08-2022
Lecturer in Medieval Irish History (c.400-c.1500)
Ref: 22/109955
School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics
Closing date: 22-07-2022
Ref: 22/109956
School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics
Closing date: 22-07-2022
Ref: 22/109971
School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics
Closing date: 20-07-2022
Part time Clinical Teaching Fellow
Ref: 22/109972
Centre for Medical Education
Closing date: 25-07-2022
Part Time Lecturer in Environmental Management and Sustainable Development
Ref: 22/109914
School of Biological Sciences
Closing date: 01-08-2022
Ref: 22/109967
Queen’s Management School
Closing date: 18-07-2022
Senior Lecturer or Lecturer in Metabolomics and Biomarker Discovery
Ref: 22/109895
School of Biological Sciences
Closing date: 08-08-2022
Teaching Assistant (Adult Nursing)
Ref: 22/109912
School of Nursing and Midwifery
Closing date: 18-07-2022
Ref: 22/109922
Patrick G Johnston Centre for Cancer Research
Closing date: 18-07-2022
Ref: 22/109957
School of Nursing and Midwifery
Closing date: 01-08-2022
Ref: 22/109925
The Wellcome-Wolfson Institute for Experimental Medicine
Closing date: 18-07-2022
Ref: 22/109928
The Wellcome-Wolfson Institute for Experimental Medicine
Closing date: 20-07-2022
Ref: 22/109962
School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Closing date: 04-08-2022
Research Fellow in Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disease Research
Ref: 22/109897
School of Biological Sciences
Closing date: 18-07-2022
Research Fellow in Metataxonomic analysis of microbial communities
Ref: 22/109948
School of Biological Sciences
Closing date: 25-07-2022
Research Fellow in Soil Biogeochemistry and Sustainable Agriculture
Ref: 22/109944
School of Biological Sciences
Closing date: 25-07-2022
Ref: 22/109930
School of Biological Sciences
Closing date: 25-07-2022
Research Fellow, Intelligent Infrastructure
Ref: 22/109983
School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Closing date: 25-07-2022