Luleå University of Technology in Sweden invites application for vacant PhD and Postdoctoral Positions, Scandinavia’s northernmost university of technology
Postdoc position in Machine Learning with focus on Neuromorphic Sensing for machine health monitoring14/08/20222679-2022
PhD-student in laser metal Additive Manufacturing (numerical simulation and experiments)14/08/20222022-2022
Associate professor Engineering Materials14/08/20221857-2022
PhD Student in Polymeric Composite Materials07/08/20221893-2022
PhD Student in Space Science04/08/20222253-2022
PhD Student in Atmospheric Science04/08/20222252-2022
PhD Student in Planetary Science04/08/20222251-2022
PhD Students in Robotics and AI01/08/20222701-2022
PhD-Student in Mining and Rock Enigineering, with special focus on Hydrogen Storage31/07/20222206-2022
Researcher position in Exploration geophysics31/07/20221782-2022
PhD-students in Wood and Bionanocomposites – Process-structure-property relationship of novel biobased nanomaterials30/07/20222660-2022
PhD student in Operation and maintenance with specialization in Industrial Artificial Intelligence and eMaintenance30/07/20222265-2022