The University of Twente in Netherlands invites application for vacant PhD, Postdocs and Academic Positions, a public technical university located in Enschede, the Netherlands.

PHD CANDIDATE FOR THE HORIZON EUROPE PROJECT PARATUS CLOUD-BASED DECISION TOOL FOR MANAGING THE SYSTEMIC RISK OF COMPOUNDING DISASTERSAcademic staff PhD Higher education (HBO) ITC40 hr.€ 2,541 – € 3,247Good working atmospherePublished: 20 Jul 2022Deadline: 1 Sep 2022View position 

JUNIOR RESEARCHER ‘ONLINE FIRST AID FOR GRIEF IN UKRAINIAN REFUGEES’Academic staff Research, development, innovation Master BMS20 hr.€ 2,960Challenging workPublished: 20 Jul 2022Deadline: 25 Aug 2022View position 

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT & CO-DESIGNAcademic staff Assistant professor Doctorate ET40 hr.€ 3,974 – € 6,181Challenging workPublished: 20 Jul 2022Deadline: 24 Aug 2022View position 

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR FUTURE EXPLORATIONAcademic staff Assistant professor Doctorate ET40 hr.€ 3,974 – € 6,181Good working atmospherePublished: 20 Jul 2022Deadline: 24 Aug 2022View position 

PHD POSITION “ENERGY HUBS FOR INTEGRATION OF LARGE-SCALE RENEWABLE ENERGY: MODELLING AND OPTIMIZATION OF AN ENERGY HUB”Academic staff PhD Master ET40 hr.€ 2,541 – € 3,247Concerned employerPublished: 20 Jul 2022Deadline: 14 Aug 2022View position 

REGISTRATION OFFICER (TUITION FEES AND EXAM OFFICE)Support staff Administrative & facility Higher education (HBO) CES28 hr.€ 2,471 – € 3,336Challenging workPublished: 19 Jul 2022Deadline: 14 Aug 2022View position 

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR DESIGN FOR BEHAVIOUR CHANGE IN HEALTH & WELLBEING -EVALUATION AND VALIDATIONAcademic staff Assistant professor Doctorate ET32 – 40 hr.€ 3,974 – € 6,181Development opportunitiesPublished: 19 Jul 2022Deadline: 28 Aug 2022View position 

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR IMPACT OF SYSTEMS THINKING IN DESIGNAcademic staff Assistant professor Doctorate ET32 – 40 hr.€ 3,974 – € 6,181Good working atmospherePublished: 19 Jul 2022Deadline: 28 Aug 2022View position 

PHD POSITION: COASTAL VULNERABILITY (CVI) ASSESSMENT FOR PRESENT AND FUTUREAcademic staff PhD Master ET38 hr.€ 2,541 – € 3,247Concerned employerPublished: 18 Jul 2022Deadline: 26 Aug 2022View position 

PHD POSITION IN GERMANIUM PHOTODIODESAcademic staff PhD Master EEMCS40 hr.€ 2,541 – € 3,247Challenging workPublished: 18 Jul 2022Deadline: 31 Aug 2022View position 

POSTDOC POSITION IN GERMANIUM PHOTODIODESAcademic staff PostDoc Doctorate EEMCS40 hr.€ 3,557 – € 4,670Challenging workPublished: 18 Jul 2022Deadline: 31 Aug 2022View position 

PHD RESEARCH POSITION INSPEXT “IN-SITU PELLICLE EXPOSURE AND TRANSMISSION ”Academic staff PhD Master TNW40 hr.€ 2,541 – € 3,247Challenging workPublished: 17 Jul 2022Deadline: 30 Sep 2022View position 

STRATEGIC POLICY ADVISORSupport staff Policy and staff University education SP32 – 40 hr.€ 3,974 – € 6,181Challenging workPublished: 17 Jul 2022Deadline: 18 Aug 2022View position 

SENIOR PROGRAMMAMANAGERSupport staff Policy and staff Higher education (HBO) SP32 – 40 hr.€ 5,506 – € 6,702Challenging workPublished: 17 Jul 2022View position 

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR NEXT GENERATION DIGITAL PLATFORMSAcademic staff Assistant professor Doctorate BMS38 – 40 hr.€ 3,974 – € 6,181Challenging workPublished: 17 Jul 2022Deadline: 1 Sep 2022View position 

RESEARCHER ON DEVELOPMENT OF MEMBRANES FOR BLOOD PURIFICATIONAcademic staff PostDoc Doctorate TNW40 hr.€ 3,557 – € 4,670Good work-life balancePublished: 12 Jul 2022Deadline: 15 Aug 2022View position 

MANAGEMENT ASSISTENT BIJ TEAM BESTUURSONDERSTEUNING COLLEGE VAN BESTUUR (CVB)Support staff Administrative & facility Higher education (HBO) GA40 hr.€ 2,818 – € 3,764Challenging workPublished: 12 Jul 2022Deadline: 21 Aug 2022View position 

ASSISTANT OR ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR IN NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND SCIENTIFIC COMPUTINGAcademic staff Assistant professor Doctorate EEMCS32 – 40 hr.€ 3,974 – € 7,362Career opportunitiesPublished: 11 Jul 2022Deadline: 11 Sep 2022View position 

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR CHANGING ORGANIZATIONSAcademic staff Assistant professor University education BMS40 hr.€ 3,974 – € 6,181Challenging workPublished: 11 Jul 2022Deadline: 31 Aug 2022View position 

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR EXPLAINABLE AI FOR AN INCLUSIVE SOCIETYAcademic staff Assistant professor University education BMS40 hr.€ 3,974 – € 6,181Career opportunitiesPublished: 11 Jul 2022Deadline: 31 Aug 2022View position 

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR IN BEHAVIOR CHANGE OF PROFESSIONALS IN THE SAFETY DOMAINAcademic staff Assistant professor University education BMS40 hr.€ 3,974 – € 6,181Challenging workPublished: 11 Jul 2022Deadline: 31 Aug 2022View position 

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR IN HUMAN – VIRTUAL AVATAR / AGENT INTERACTIONSAcademic staff Assistant professor University education BMS40 hr.€ 3,974 – € 6,181Challenging workPublished: 11 Jul 2022Deadline: 31 Aug 2022View position 

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR IN RESPONSIBLE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN MENTAL HEALTH CAREAcademic staff Assistant professor University education BMS40 hr.€ 3,974 – € 6,181Challenging workPublished: 11 Jul 2022Deadline: 31 Aug 2022View position 

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR IN PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR HEALTH TECHNOLOGYAcademic staff Assistant professor University education BMS40 hr.€ 3,974 – € 6,181Challenging workPublished: 11 Jul 2022Deadline: 31 Aug 2022View position 

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR IN TRANSFORMATIONAL GOVERNANCEAcademic staff Assistant professor University education BMS40 hr.€ 3,974 – € 6,181Challenging workPublished: 11 Jul 2022Deadline: 31 Aug 2022View position 

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR IN PUBLIC SECTOR TRANSFORMATIONAcademic staff Assistant professor University education BMS40 hr.€ 3,974 – € 6,181Challenging workPublished: 11 Jul 2022Deadline: 31 Aug 2022View position 

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR IN SUSTAINABLE INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMSAcademic staff Assistant professor Doctorate ET32 – 40 hr.€ 3,974 – € 6,181Concerned employerPublished: 10 Jul 2022Deadline: 31 Aug 2022View position 

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR MEMBRANE PROCESS DESIGNAcademic staff Assistant professor Doctorate TNW40 hr.€ 3,974 – € 6,181Challenging workPublished: 10 Jul 2022Deadline: 30 Sep 2022View position 


AFDELINGSHOOFD LISA CUSTOMER SUPPORTSupport staff IT Higher education (HBO) LISA32 – 40 hr.€ 5,506 – € 6,702Challenging workPublished: 7 Jul 2022Deadline: 31 Jul 2022View position 

TRAINEESHIP FINANCE UTSupport staff Finance Higher education (HBO) EB32 – 40 hr.€ 2,818Career opportunitiesPublished: 7 Jul 2022Deadline: 31 Jul 2022View position 

OPLEIDINGSDIRECTEUR VAN DE UNIVERSITAIRE LERARENOPLEIDINGEN & UNIVERSITAIR (HOOFD)DOCENTAcademic staff Assistant professor Doctorate BMS32 hr.€ 5,039 – € 6,738Career opportunitiesPublished: 6 Jul 2022Deadline: 28 Aug 2022View position 

2 PHD POSITIONS TRANSPORT IN SOFT POROUS MEDIA FOR ADVANCED GREASE LUBRICATIONAcademic staff PhD Master TNW40 hr.€ 2,541 – € 3,247Challenging workPublished: 6 Jul 2022Deadline: 30 Aug 2022View position 

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR NETWORKING AND SECURITYAcademic staff Assistant professor Doctorate EEMCS40 hr.€ 3,974 – € 6,181Career opportunitiesPublished: 6 Jul 2022Deadline: 31 Aug 2022View position 

JUNIOR ONDERWIJSCOÖRDINATORSupport staff Education MBO-level TNW24 hr.€ 2,818 – € 3,764Challenging workPublished: 6 Jul 2022Deadline: 4 Aug 2022View position 

PHD POSITION ON ACCUMULATION-MODE BIDISWITCH FARM FOR ENERGY EFFICIENT BATTERY CHARGERSAcademic staff PhD Master EEMCS40 hr.€ 2,541 – € 3,247Challenging workPublished: 4 Jul 2022Deadline: 14 Aug 2022View position 

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR BIOMEDICAL SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS WITH RESEARCH FOCUS IN HUMAN MOVEMENT ANALYSIS DURING DAILY-LIFEAcademic staff Assistant professor Doctorate EEMCS32 – 40 hr.€ 3,974 – € 6,181Career opportunitiesPublished: 4 Jul 2022Deadline: 21 Aug 2022View position 

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR IN ENTREPRENEURSHIPAcademic staff Assistant professor University education BMS40 hr.€ 3,974 – € 6,181Challenging workPublished: 4 Jul 2022Deadline: 1 Sep 2022View position 

TWO PHD POSITIONS ON THERMAL MANAGEMENT INNOVATION THROUGH NEW MATERIALS AND ADDITIVE MANUFACTURINGAcademic staff PhD Master EEMCS40 hr.€ 2,541 – € 3,247Challenging workPublished: 4 Jul 2022Deadline: 14 Aug 2022View position 

HR-ADVISEUR (1,0 FTE)Support staff HRM Higher education (HBO) HR36 – 38 hr.€ 2,960 – € 4,670Challenging workPublished: 4 Jul 2022Deadline: 21 Aug 2022View position 

VOORZITTER VAN DE KLACHTENCOMMISSIE UNIVERSITEIT TWENTESupport staff Policy and staff University education GA2 – 4 hr.€ 750Challenging workPublished: 30 Jun 2022Deadline: 20 Aug 2022View position 

(DIGITAL) MARKETEER / GROWTH HACKERSupport staff Marketing and communications Higher education (HBO) GA32 – 38 hr.€ 2,846 – € 4,490Challenging workPublished: 30 Jun 2022Deadline: 19 Aug 2022View position 

POST-DOCTORAL POSITION (1 YEAR) – IMAGE ANALYSIS IN PHOTOACOUSTIC/ULTRASOUND BREAST IMAGINGAcademic staff PostDoc Doctorate TNW40 hr.€ 3,557 – € 4,670Challenging workPublished: 29 Jun 2022Deadline: 1 Aug 2022View position 

PHD POSITION: ROLLING CONTACT FATIGUE LIFE AND MATERIAL OPTIMIZATION FOR MICRO DROP/DOSAGE HIGH SPEED BEARINGSAcademic staff PhD Master ET40 hr.€ 2,541 – € 3,247Development opportunitiesPublished: 27 Jun 2022Deadline: 14 Aug 2022View position 

SOFTWARE ENGINEERSupport staff Higher education (HBO) ET40 hr.€ 3,098 – € 4,670Challenging workPublished: 26 Jun 2022Deadline: 31 Aug 2022View position 

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR MECHANICSAcademic staff Assistant professor Doctorate ET32 – 40 hr.€ 3,974 – € 5,439Career opportunitiesPublished: 26 Jun 2022Deadline: 7 Aug 2022View position 

PHD ON BIOPLASTIC MATERIALS PROCESSINGAcademic staff PhD Master TNW38 – 40 hr.€ 2,541 – € 3,247Challenging workPublished: 26 Jun 2022Deadline: 15 Aug 2022View position 

JUNIOR LECTURER HUMANITARIAN ENGINEERING (0,8 FTE)Academic staff Education Master ET32 hr.€ 2,960 – € 4,670Challenging workPublished: 22 Jun 2022Deadline: 31 Jul 2022View position 

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR HUMANITARIAN ENGINEERINGAcademic staff Assistant professor Doctorate ET40 hr.€ 3,974 – € 6,181Challenging workPublished: 22 Jun 2022Deadline: 31 Jul 2022View position 

PHD POSITION: PLURIPOTENT STEM CELL-DERIVED GUT-BRAIN AXIS ON A MICROFLUIDIC CHIP.Academic staff PhD Master TNW38 – 40 hr.€ 2,541 – € 3,247Challenging workPublished: 22 Jun 2022Deadline: 1 Aug 2022View position 

TEAMLEIDER BUREAU ONDERWIJSZAKENSupport staff Administrative & facility Higher education (HBO) CES32 – 38 hr.€ 2,979 – € 4,093Career opportunitiesPublished: 21 Jun 2022Deadline: 19 Aug 2022View position 

TWO PHD POSITIONS IN “INTERNET MEASUREMENT AND CYBERSECURITY (RESPONSIBLE INTERNET)”Academic staff PhD Master EEMCS40 hr.€ 2,541 – € 3,247Challenging workPublished: 20 Jun 2022Deadline: 14 Aug 2022View position 

COÖRDINATOR DUURZAAMHEIDSupport staff Management Higher education (HBO) CFM32 – 40 hr.€ 3,974 – € 5,439Challenging workPublished: 20 Jun 2022Deadline: 3 Sep 2022View position 

LABORATORY TECHNICIANSupport staff Technical and laboratory MBO-level TNW38 – 40 hr.€ 2,471 – € 3,336Good working atmospherePublished: 19 Jun 2022Deadline: 31 Jul 2022View position 

FULL PROFESSOR TECHNOLOGY ENHANCED LEARNING AND INSTRUCTION (TELI)Academic staff Professor Doctorate BMS38 – 40 hr.€ 5,864 – € 10,309Challenging workPublished: 13 Jun 2022Deadline: 31 Dec 2022View position 

INFORMATION SPECIALIST FOR THE FACULTY EEMCSSupport staff University education LISA28 – 32 hr.€ 3,974 – € 5,439Varied workPublished: 13 Jun 2022Deadline: 27 Jul 2022View position 

SPATIAL SAAS SOFTWARE DEVELOPER (FULLTIME)Support staff IT Higher education (HBO) ITC40 hr.€ 2,846 – € 5,230Development opportunitiesPublished: 12 Jun 2022Deadline: 14 Aug 2022View position 

SENIOR JAVA DEVELOPERSupport staff IT Higher education (HBO) LISA38 hr.€ 3,821 – € 5,230Challenging workPublished: 12 Jun 2022Deadline: 31 Jul 2022View position 

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF X-RAY IMAGINGAcademic staff Assistant professor Doctorate TNW40 hr.€ 3,812 – € 5,943Challenging workPublished: 8 Jun 2022Deadline: 1 Aug 2022View position 

MEDTECH R&D IMPLEMENTATION SPECIALISTSupport staff Research, development, innovation Doctorate BMS40 hr.€ 3,557 – € 4,670Challenging workPublished: 8 Jun 2022Deadline: 31 Aug 2022View position 

TECHNISCH APPLICATIEBEHEERDERSupport staff IT Higher education (HBO) LISA38 hr.€ 2,979 – € 4,093Challenging workPublished: 1 Jun 2022Deadline: 31 Oct 2022View position 

NETWERK ENGINEERSupport staff IT Higher education (HBO) LISA38 hr.€ 3,821 – € 5,230Challenging workPublished: 1 Jun 2022Deadline: 31 Oct 2022View position 

MEDEWERKER BOOKING OFFICESupport staff Administrative & facility MBO-level CFM24 hr.€ 2,402 – € 3,026Varied workPublished: 29 May 2022Deadline: 2 Sep 2022View position 

TECHNISCH PROJECTMEDEWERKER BOUWKUNDESupport staff Technical and laboratory Higher education (HBO) CFM38 – 40 hr.€ 3,420 – € 4,490Challenging workPublished: 15 May 2022Deadline: 29 Jul 2022View position 

PROGRAM MANAGER RENAL HEALTHSupport staff Bachelor TNW32 – 38 hr.€ 3,821 – € 5,230Development opportunitiesPublished: 11 May 2022Deadline: 1 Sep 2022View position 

SIMULATIEPATIËNTEN (VRIJWILLIGERSWERK)Support staff Education MBO-level TNWContinuous vacancyPublished: 21 Apr 2022Deadline: 31 Dec 2022View position 

PHD POSITION IN IC DESIGN GROUPAcademic staff PhD Master EEMCS40 hr.€ 2,541 – € 3,247Continuous vacancyPublished: 29 Jun 2021Deadline: 31 Jul 2022View position 

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