Consent Preferences The Paul Scherrer Institute PSI in Switzerland invites application for vacant (58) PhD, Postdoc and Academic Positions – Scholar Idea

The Paul Scherrer Institute PSI in Switzerland invites application for vacant (58) PhD, Postdoc and Academic Positions, the largest research institute for natural and engineering sciences within Switzerland

DescriptionCode digitPensum
Accelerator/FEL Physicist80 % or moreindex no. 8122-0080 – 100
Linux Engineer / System EngineerScience IT Infrastructure and Services / Core Linux Research Services7906-00100
Hochschulpraktikant*in Diversity & Inclusion80 – 100 %80 – 100
Postdoctoral FellowFor Algorithms and software development for EUV wafer metrology6217-02100
Mitarbeiter*in UnterhaltsreinigungArbeitspensum 36.56%9231-0030 – 40
Miterzieher*in80 – 100% (Springer*in)1302-0480 – 100
ScientistSafety, resilience, and human performance, 80 – 100%4503-0080 – 100
Intern to develop archetype for Positive Energy Districts4501-T2100
Scientist (Tenure Track)Neutron Spectroscopy3302-00100
Fachfrau/Fachmann Betreuung EFZFachrichtung Kinder100
Konstrukteurin/Konstrukteur EFZ100
Scientist (Tenure Track)In fundamental physics with ultracold neutrons3204-01100
Elektroinstallateurin/Elektroinstallateur EFZ100
Kauffrau/Kaufmann EFZ,Fachrichtung Dienstleistung und Administration100
Polymechanikerin/Polymechaniker EFZ100
Informatikerin/Informatiker EFZApplikationsentwicklung100
Laborantin/Laborant EFZ,Fachrichtung Chemie100
Elektronikerin/Elektroniker EFZ100
Köchin/Koch EFZ100
Anlage- und Apparatebauerin/Anlage- und Apparatebauer EFZ100
Automatikerin/Automatiker EFZ100
Informatikerin/Informatiker EFZPlattformentwicklung100
Physiklaborantin/Physiklaborant EFZ100
Postdoctoral FellowSystem Thermal-hydraulics Analysis of a Dual Fluid Reactor4103-00100
Techniker*inStrahllinien-Techniker*in an der Synchrotron Lichtquelle Schweiz SLS und SwissFEL6318-01100
Elektroinstallateur*in EFZ9332-01100
Assistent*in80 %3300-0080
Techniker*in HF (Maschinenbau)8432-00100
Psycho-oncologist20 %1711-0120
Technician HTS Accelerator Magnets8433-03100
Accelerator Physicist8131-02100
Berufsbildner*in Informatik EFZ als Gruppenleiter*in80 bis 100 %1392-0080 – 100
Postdoctoral FellowNeutronics Analysis of a Dual Fluid Reactor7104-00100
Gruppenleiter*in Vertrags- und Leistungscontrolling9112-00100
PhD StudentResonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering on two-dimensional quantum materials6516-00100
PhD Studenton Integrated Material Flows in Life Cycle Assessment4501-02100
Engineer / Physicist8142-00100
Ingenieur*in für Fortluftüberwachung80 – 100 %9621-0080 – 100
PhD Studenton organic aerosols and impacts on health5503-00100
PhD StudentIn fundamental muon physics to work on the search for a muon electric dipole moment3203-01100
Beamline Scientist (Tenure Track)Macromolecular Crystallography6121-00100
Automatikerin / Automatiker9334-00100
Logistikkoordinator*in80 – 100 %8342-0180 – 100
Layout Designer*in IMPACT80 – 100 %8342-0280 – 100
Polymechaniker(in) (EPFL)100
Postdoctoral Fellow / Process Engineer6111-01100
RF Engineer80 – 100 %8232-0080 – 100
HF-Ingenieur*in80 – 100 %8232-0080 – 100
DescriptionCode digitPensum
Mechanic Superconducting Magnets8433-01100
Scientist (Tenure Track)Soft X-ray beamline at SwissFEL Athos6515-00100
Praktikum im Bereich Controlling60 – 100 %9102-T1100
Control System Specialist8216-01100
PhD StudentTo study the formation kinetics of solids from solution5103‐ 00100
Control System Specialist8215-00100
Site Reliability Engineer80 – 100 %8213-00100
Postdoctoral Fellow3201-00100

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