Victoria University in New Zealand invites application for vacant Research and Academic Positions, a public research university based in Victoria, New Zealand
Position Location Student Finance Adviser New Zealand, Kelburn Apply Project Manager New Zealand, Kelburn Apply Programme Coordinator New Zealand, Pipitea Apply Marketing Coordinator—WSBG and Law New Zealand, Pipitea Apply Expression of Interest -Student Reviewer Human Ethics Committee New Zealand, Kelburn Apply Communications and Web Adviser, Faculty of Law New Zealand, Pipitea Apply Integration Developer New Zealand, Kelburn Apply Subject Librarian New Zealand, Kelburn Apply Admissions and Enrolments Assistant New Zealand, Kelburn Apply Applications Support Specialist New Zealand, Kelburn Apply Lecturer (Teaching) in Samoan Studies New Zealand, Kelburn Apply Research Assistant New Zealand, Newtown Apply School Administrator New Zealand, Kelburn Apply Executive Assistant New Zealand, Kelburn Apply Cook New Zealand, Kelburn Apply Admission and Enrolment Adviser New Zealand, Kelburn Apply Emerging Maori Writer in Residence New Zealand, Kelburn Apply Business Manager New Zealand, Kelburn Apply HR Manager New Zealand, Kelburn Apply Senior Tutor in Biological Sciences New Zealand, Kelburn Apply
Position Location Team Coordinator New Zealand, Kelburn Apply Senior Advisor Training and Emergency Planning New Zealand, Kelburn Apply School Administrator New Zealand, Kelburn Apply Research Capability Team Leader New Zealand, Kelburn Apply Lecturer in Political Science New Zealand, Kelburn Apply Digital Projects Lead (Development and Operations Specialist) New Zealand, Pipitea Apply Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Interior Architecture New Zealand, Te Aro Apply Professional Practice Adviser New Zealand, Kelburn Apply Hall Administrator New Zealand, Kelburn Apply Lecturer in Law New Zealand, Pipitea Apply Student Service Centre Adviser New Zealand, Kelburn Apply Senior Adviser, Information and Records Management New Zealand, Kelburn Apply Lecturer (Teaching) in Japanese New Zealand, Kelburn Apply Clubs Manager New Zealand, Kelburn Apply Lecturer (Teaching) in Midwifery New Zealand, Wellington Apply Associate Professor in Clinical Psychology New Zealand, Kelburn Apply Lecturer in Taxation and Accounting New Zealand, Pipitea Apply Clinical Practice Manager New Zealand, Kelburn Apply Post-Doctoral Fellow in Mathematics New Zealand, Kelburn Apply Lecturer in Philosophy New Zealand, Kelburn Apply
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