Luxembourg Institute of Health invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoc and Academic Positions, research center in Luxembourg for basic, pre-clinical and clinical research
Phd Student: Epigenetic Mechanisms in IDH1-Mutated Gliomas – EVD0822DRC – DNA REPAIR AND CHEMORESISTANCEPHD STUDENT
PhD Student in Infectious disease research – JH0822PHD STUDENT
Legal Internship Position (Master students) – TD0822GM LO – LEGAL OFFICEINTERNSHIP/SUMMER JOB
Post-doctoral position in radiological AI – OK0722TRANSRAD – TRANSLATIONAL RADIOMICSRESEARCHER
IT Manager – MF0722DIA – DATA INTEGRATION AND ANALYSIS UNIT (DIA)RESEARCH SUPPORTThe IT Manager is mainly responsible for : 1/Defining and implementing the IT strategy to support the global strategy of the Luxembourg Institute of Health; 2/ Ensuring smooth and safeguarded running of IT infrastructure; 3/ Organizing allocated resources and managing the IT team inter alia by participating in the following activities: management of the IT infrastructure, the corporate applications and the support of users in their daily activities (helpdesk).
19 PhD student positions in Immunology and Chronic Inflammation – DTU Nextimmune2RESEARCHERNEXTIMMUNE2, standing for “Next GenerationImmunoScience: Advanced Concepts for Deciphering Acute and Chronic Inflammation2”, is the second edition of our competitive PhD training program, supported bythe doctoral research funding scheme PRIDE of the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR). It aims to integrate classical immunology and big-data analysis science in a structured doctoral training environment that is focused on two innovate research areas, immunometabolism and systems immunology.
Research Assistant in Digital Health and Data Science – FG0622DDP – DEEP DIGITAL PHENOTYPING RESEARCH UNITRESEARCHER
Clinical Research Project Manager – CB0622CPMO – CLINICAL PROJECT MANAGEMENT OFFICERESEARCH SUPPORTThe Clinical Research Project Manager oversees everystep of the clinical research projects (lead, design, setup according toprocedures, initiation, operation and closure) involving internal and externalparties. He/she ensures deliverables are achieved and budgets met. He/she alsoprovides specific expertise and know-how in clinical research/biobanking.
Head of Legal Office – MG0622GM LO – LEGAL OFFICERESEARCH SUPPORTThe Head of Legal Office is responsible for the day-to-day management of the legal office whose mission is to provide legal services to the institution to ensure maximum protection of its legal rights and maintain its operations within the limits described by law. S/he provides, in a timely manner, consultation and support to allLIH Staff on a comprehensive range of legal and associated issues, including: regulatory compliance, intellectual property, contracts and grant agreements review, research misconduct, business development and other legal issues affecting the LIH.
Internship Position in Leukemia Research (Master students) – JP0522TSI – TUMOR STROMA INTERACTIONSINTERNSHIP/SUMMER JOB
Post-Doctoral Fellow in Leukemia Research – JP0522TSI – TUMOR STROMA INTERACTIONSRESEARCHER
Postdoctoral Researcher in Behavioural Immunology – JT0522DII ALL6 – IMMUNE ENDOCRINE AND EPIGENETICSRESEARCHERThis position is part of the Immune, Endocrine and Epigenetics (IEE) Research Group (Group leader: Dr. Jonathan Turner) within the Department of Infection and Immunity at the LIH
Post-doctoral Researcher: Health Economics in digital Medicine – JK0522DMED – DIGITAL MEDICINERESEARCHER
PhD student: Social Science in Digital Medicine – JK0522DMED – DIGITAL MEDICINERESEARCHER
Team Leader – Samples/Biospecimens logistics – KB0522IBBL BIOREP – BIOREPOSITORYRESEARCH SUPPORTThe Team Leader manages the Biorepository team. S/he is responsible for logistics, handling and documentation of all samples entering, stored and exiting IBBL. S/he is also responsible for the biorepository area, its equipment, organization, tidiness and compliance with quality system requirements
Project Manager in Digital Health and Sports Medicine – LM0522PASH – PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, SPORT AND HEALTHRESEARCH SUPPORT
Data Analyst & BI Specialist – AA0422IBBL BIS – BUSINESS & INTEROPERABILITY SOLUTIONSRESEARCH SUPPORTThe Data Analyst & BISpecialist ensures data organization, storage and analysis whilealways upholding agreed-upon security standards. S/he will be responsiblefor overseeing the development and use of data & BI systems, in order todeliver high quality solutions that span multipletechnologies/platforms. Lastly, S/he will also be responsible for theimplementation of relevant reporting & KPIs.
Clinical Research Project Manager – ES0222CPMC2 – CLINICAL RESEARCH PROJECT MANAGEMENT 2The Clinical Research Project Manager takes in chargeevery step of the clinical research projects (lead, design, setup according toprocedures, initiation, operation and closure) involving internal and externalparties. He/she ensures deliverables are achieved and budgets met. He/she alsoprovides specific expertise and know-how in clinical research/biobanking.
Clinical Research Nurse – JYF 0122CIEC CRNT – CLINICAL RESEARCH NURSE TEAMRESEARCH SUPPORTTo assist the Clinical Research Team in its day to day activities, the Clinical Research Nurse will: assist the investigator and the medical team in all stages of a study / organize the research protocol and participate in data collection and management / carry out nurse-related activities as stated in the clinical research protocol / participate in communication activities for clinical research.
Spontaneous Internship applications 2022INTERNSHIP/SUMMER JOB
Internship in Toxicology/Public Health – BATB0521DOPH – DEPARTMENT OF PRECISION HEALTHINTERNSHIP/SUMMER JOBTo be part of a joint research project of the “Human Biomonitoring Research Unit” (Group Leader: Brice Appenzeller, PhD) and the “Nutrition & Health Research Group” (Group Leader: Torsten Bohn, PhD) within the Department of Population Health at the LIH, we are currently looking for a Master student in Toxicology/Public Health.
Spontaneous applicationNo Job fitting your profile right now ? this link is for you ! Feel free to send us your application!
Spontaneous Student jobsAre you interested in a student job at LIH or IBBL ? Feel free to apply here. Don’t forget to mention in your cover letter the department and the period of time that is of interest to you. For people who are interested in an internship, please use the other dedicated link. Thank you !