The Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in Germany invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoc and Academic Positions, , Germany is one of the sixteen research centers of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres.
Postdoctoral researcher (m/f/d) Data Analysis
Genetics and Genomics of Cardiovascular Diseases
The Hubner Lab is looking for a computational scientist with strong interest in single-cell genomics and medical research.
We are studying cardiovascular biology in health and disease. Our general approach is to dissect genetic networks in humans, increasingly focused towards disease relevant tissues and cell lines obtained from patients. We are interested in understanding the precise composition of cardiac cell populations as well as the complex genomic architecture of individual cells. To this end, we employ new technologies including single cell RNAseq, iPS cells, and murine models to dissect how cardiac non-myocyte populations mediate both physiologic and pathophysiologic processes. Our projects are interdisciplinary, developed within a collaborative team of bioinformaticians, clinicians, and experimentalists, and have strong translational potential.
Unterstützende Tätigkeit im organisatorischen und administrativen Bereich
Referent*in Wissenstransfer in der Stabsstelle Kommunikation
Als Referent*in für Wissenstransfer sind Sie innerhalb der Stabsstelle zuständig für Wissenstransferformate des Max Delbrück Centers. Dabei arbeiten Sie Hand in Hand mit den Kolleg*innen der Abteilung sowie mit Forscherinnen und Forschern.
Management Assistance for the Head Of The Department People & Culture
You are responsible for the office and task management of the department management and support them in the organisation and coordination of administrative processes.
Senior Research Scientist (F/M/D)
Pancreatic Organoid Research and Disease Modeling
A senior scientist position is available in the laboratory of Prof. Dr. Maike Sander at the Max Delbrück Center (MDC). Research in the Sander laboratory aims to understand and reverse pancreatic beta cell dysfunction in diabetes. To understand cellular processes leading to diabetes, the Sander laboratory employs human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC)-based models and interrogates these models combining functional and single-cell based genomic assays.
Administrator (f/m/d) for Linux-based systems and applications
We are looking for an experienced administrator with expertise in complex and heterogeneous IT environments used in science and research.
The position will focus on applications in the Linux environment.
Epidemiologist (Scientist / Postdoc) (m/f/d)
The Molecular Epidemiology Research Group at MDC invites applications for the position for one Epidemiologist (Scientist / Postdoc) (f/m/d) with expertise in the field of biomarkers and/or omics and chronic diseases.
Duales Studium Informatik (m/w/d), Studienbeginn 01.10.2023
Du willst mit einem 3-jährigen dualen Studium den Grundstein für deine Karriere legen?
Starte zum 01.10.2023 dein duales Studium Informatik (B.Sc.) beim MDC und unserer Kooperationshochschule HWR Berlin.
Fremdsprachensekretär*in (m/w/d)
Genetics and Genomics of Cardiovascular Diseases
Für die Arbeitsgruppe „Genetik und Genomik von Herz-Kreislauferkrankungen“ am Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Molekulare Medizin (MDC) in Berlin-Buch wird zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt (01.12.2022 oder früher) ein*e Fremdsprachensekretär*in in Vollzeit gesucht.
Postdoc positions available in the Gouti Lab funded by the ERC project GPSorganoids
Gouti Lab
We are looking for highly motivated, talented postdoctoral fellows to work on the development of novel organoid technologies that will enhance our understanding of human neuromuscular system development and disease.
Postdoctoral researcher (m/f/d)
Proteome Dynamics
We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher who is excited at the prospect of further developing and applying ultrasensitive and high-throughput proteomics to study the dynamic proteome. We offer an excellent science-driven working environment in a highly collaborative international team. We have the latest generation of mass spectrometers (Orbitrap Exploris 480, timsTOF Pro2, timsTOF SCP), pipetting robots, computer hard- and software as well as a fully equipped cell biology/biochemistry lab.
Innenrevisor*in / Leitung Stabsstelle Innenrevison (m/w/d)
Administrative Directorate
Kommen Sie zu uns als Leiter*in des Stabes Innenrevision (Vollzeit).
Seien Sie Berater*in, der*die konstruktiv mit dem Vorstand und den Fachabteilungen zusammenarbeitet, um Prozesse und Abläufe kontinuierlich zu verbessern.
Postdoctoral Position (f/m/d) in Skeletal Muscle Research
The Group headed by Prof. Carmen Birchmeier at the Max-Delbrueck-Centrum (MDC) in Berlin carries out cutting-edge research on skeletal muscle biology and regeneration. By combining molecular biology, mouse genetics, cell biology and imaging methods, new repair and regeneration mechanisms are investigated.
Auszubildende Biologielaboranten*innen (w/m/d) 2023
Biologielaborant*innen Ausbildungsteam
Durch diese dreieinhalbjährige Ausbildung (Verkürzung möglich) leisten Sie einen wichtigen Beitrag in jedem Labor. Sie führen molekularbiologische, immunologische, biochemische und mikrobiologische Arbeiten durch, ergänzt durch Arbeiten mit Zellkulturen sowie tierschutzgerechtes Arbeiten an Versuchstieren wie Maus und Ratte. Ihre qualitätsgesicherte Arbeit wird durch laborbezogene Informationstechnik unterstützt.
2 Auszubildende Tierpfleger*innen (w/m/d) für Forschung und Klinik 2023
Auszubildende Kaufleute für Büromanagement (w/m/d) ab 2023
Personnel Department
ein*e Tierarzt*in / Tierschutzbeauftragte/r (m/w/d)
Animal Facilities
Die Tierhaltung des MDC sucht eine*n Tierschutzbeauftragte*n
Postdoctoral position in a single-cell genomic lab
Genome instability and somatic mosaicism
We are seeking a fantastic post-doctoral researcher with a background in computational biology and an interest in clinical research. The successful applicant will join the new and growing ‘Single Cell Approaches for Personalized Medicine’ Focus Area, within the laboratory of Dr. Ashley D. Sanders.