Erasmus University Rotterdam in Netherlands invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoc and Academic Positions, a public university located in Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Open academic vacancies
Tenure Track Positions in Marketing Opens externalThe Department of Marketing Management at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM), seeks applications for two tenure-track faculty positions at the assistant professorship level.The Department of Marketing Management is broad and interdisciplinary, with more than 30 faculty …
Lecturer trainer/education advisor (0.8 – 1.0 FTE) Risbo Opens externalWe are looking for a colleague who: is motivated to develop and give didactic training to lecturers; has the drive to help lecturers in higher education develop innovative education in a physical, hybrid or online setting; is keen to give lecturers full support: from idea to implementation; has …
Phd student: Etnografisch onderzoek naar sturingsvraagstukken en regionalisering van zorg (1,0 fte) Opens externalDe Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management (ESHPM) is op zoek naar een PhD student voor etnografisch onderzoek naar sturingsvraagstukken bij de regionalisering van zorg. Het onderzoek maakt deel uit van de samenwerking tussen ESHPM en Zorginstituut Nederland in de Academische Werkplaats …
Universitair docent Health Systems & Insurance (1,0 fte) Opens externalAls Universitair Docent (UD) bij de sectie HSI van ESHPM combineer je onderzoek en onderwijs. Je krijgt een divers en uitdagend takenpakket. Voor je onderwijstaken, die jaarlijks ongeveer 35% van je werktijd in beslag nemen, word je als werkgroep- en/of hoorcollegedocent en …
Promovendus: “Werken aan passende zorg en pakketbeheer – een opgave voor zorgverzekeraars en Zorginstituut Nederland” (1,0 fte) Opens externalOp verzoek van het Ministerie van VWS heeft Zorginstituut Nederland (ZIN) deze zomer het ‘Kader Passende zorg’ opgesteld. Dit kader beschrijft de maatschappelijke opgaven waarvoor partijen in de zorg zich gesteld zien om de Nederlandse gezondheidszorg toekomstbestendig te maken. Er is …
PhD Candidate Project REINCARNATE (f/m, 1.0 FTE) Opens externalWe are looking for a highly motivated PhD candidate who wishes to conduct a PhD research in the context of a new Horizon Europe project called REINCARNATE. The REINCARNATE consortium combines 16 partners from different EU member countries with strong expertise in digital twins, lifecycle …
Lecturer in Medical Biology (1.0 FTE) Opens externalAs Lecturer in the Department Life Sciences of Erasmus University College (EUC), you will become part of an international team of enthusiastic and highly motivated tutors, lecturers, and senior lecturers. Your tasks will include: coordination and teaching of courses in the field of medical …
Wetenschappelijk docent Orthopedagogiek (0,8- 1,0 FTE) Opens externalAls wetenschappelijk docent Orthopedagogiek lever je in nauwe samenwerking met collega’s van de sectie Ortho- en Gezinspedagiek (OGP) een bijdrage aan het onderwijs aan studenten (ortho)pedagogiek binnen de opleiding Pedagogische Wetenschappen. De onderwijstaken worden in onderling overleg …
Kwantitatieve junior onderzoeker (minimaal 32 uur per week) Opens externalWij zijn op zoek naar een junior onderzoeker met een economische achtergrond die enthousiast wordt van databestanden en kwantitatieve methoden en technieken. Activiteiten als het koppelen en analyseren van databestanden, het uitvoeren van kwantitatieve, statistische analyses, en modelbouw en …
PhD Positions in Finance & Accounting at Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) Opens external*(up to) 5-year fully-funded projects & state-of-the-art facilities* About the PhD Positions (Job Description) Each year ERIM initiates and starts a substantial number of new and internationally oriented PhD research projects. The focus is on pioneering and innovative research in the field of …
PhD Positions in Business Processes, Logistics & Information Systems at Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) Opens external*(up to) 5-year fully-funded projects & state-of-the-art facilities* About the PhD Positions (Job Description) Each year ERIM initiates and starts a substantial number of new and internationally oriented PhD research projects. The focus is on pioneering and innovative research in the field of …
PhD Positions in Marketing at Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) Opens externalEach year ERIM initiates and starts a substantial number of new and internationally oriented PhD research projects. The focus is on pioneering and innovative research in the field of management and business research. ERIM distinguishes five areas of research in management and offers fully funded …
PhD Positions in Organisational Behaviour, Human Resource Management, Governance of Organisations, and Value-Based Organising at Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) Opens external*(up to) 5-year fully-funded projects & state-of-the-art facilities* About the PhD Positions (Job Description) Each year ERIM initiates and starts a substantial number of new and internationally oriented PhD research projects. The focus is on pioneering and innovative research in the field of …
PhD Positions in Strategy & Entrepreneurship at Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) Opens external*(up to) 5-year fully-funded projects & state-of-the-art facilities* About the PhD Positions (Job Description) Each year ERIM initiates and starts a substantial number of new and internationally oriented PhD research projects. The focus is on pioneering and innovative research in the field of …
PhD Positions in Business and Management at Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) Opens external*(up to) 5-year fully-funded projects & state-of-the-art facilities* About the PhD Positions (Job Description) Each year ERIM initiates and starts a substantial number of new and internationally oriented PhD research projects. The focus is on pioneering and innovative research in the field of …
Postdoctoral Researcher in Decision Neuroscience Opens externalWe are recruiting for the position of a Postdoctoral researcher at the Erasmus Centre for Neuroeconomics at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM). We seek outstanding applicants whose research interests lay at the intersection of psychology, economics, marketing, and …
Postdoctoral researcher in the inclusive circular economy Opens externalThis postdoctoral research position is part of the Erasmus Initiative “Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity” (DoIP) connecting members of Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) with Erasmus School of Law and Erasmus School of Philosophy to channel their expertise into ambitious …
Phd/ Postdoc Convergence Health & Technology Opens externalWithin Health and Technology we have the mission to shape the future of health(care) in a transformative way with the aim to improve health and societal participation for all. We strive for: Life-long health, from pre-birth to end of life. Socio-economic equality in health(care). Prevention and …
Vacature Actieonderzoeker Mentale Vitaliteit van Medewerkers (0.8-1.0 fte) Opens externalVoor het door ZonMw gefinancierde project ‘Innovatieve interventies voor het versterken van de mentale vitaliteit van werknemers’ zijn we op zoek naar een onderzoeker die actieonderzoek gaat uitvoeren bij diverse organisaties die hun medewerkers willen ondersteunen in het versterken …
Two PhD positions European Doctorate in Law and Economics Opens externalLaw and Economics today pervades research in all fields of interest. The application of economic thought to legal analysis enables innovative solutions to problems of the law – be it the design of transnational legal relations, organizational statutes for states or corporations, the drafting …
Universitair Docent (1,0 fte) Opens externalBeleidswijzigingen in de gezondheidszorg zijn aan de orde van de dag. Bestuderen van de ontwikkelingen in het beleid en de effecten daarvan op de zorg zijn dan ook van groot belang. De sectie Healthcare governance heeft een sterke reputatie opgebouwd waar het gaat om het bestuderen van en …
Lecturer in Business (0.5 FTE) Opens externalAs a Lecturer at Erasmus University College, you will become part of a team of enthusiastic and highly motivated tutors, lecturers, and senior lecturers who are responsible for the courses in Economics & Business of our Liberal Arts & Sciences programme. Our courses adopt a small-scall, …
Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Finance Opens externalAre you ready for a role that will help to create the future of finance? You’ll join a dynamic and international department of dedicated educators and ambitious academics in a department that engages in top quality research and hosts specialised conferences and seminars. Education and research …
Assistant Professor of Accounting (1.0 fte) Opens externalAs new assistant professor, you are highly motivated to contribute through excellent research, teaching and engagement. You will be expected to teach in English, with a moderate teaching load.Your main tasksYour role will contribute to the future of accounting and business through teaching our …
PhD Position in Organisational Behaviour Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) : Team Diversity Change: A Dynamic Perspective on Team Diversity and Performance Opens external*(up to) 5-year fully-funded projects & state-of-the-art facilities* Project summary With increasing globalization and labor mobility, it is important to study not only the effects of the level of team diversity on performance but also how change in team diversity from adding, replacing, or …
Kwantitatieve junior onderzoeker (minimaal 32 uur per week) Opens externalWij zijn op zoek naar een junior onderzoeker met een economische achtergrond die enthousiast wordt van databestanden en kwantitatieve methoden en technieken. Activiteiten als het koppelen en analyseren van databestanden, het uitvoeren van kwantitatieve, statistische analyses, en modelbouw en …
Promovendus: “Concentratie en spreiding van medisch specialistische zorg” (1,0 fte) Opens externalOm in Nederland te komen tot een toekomstbestendig zorglandschap is een belangrijke rol weggelegd voor de concentratie en spreiding van medisch specialistische zorg. Dit onderwerp heeft dan ook een prominente plek toebedeeld gekregen in het Integraal Zorgakkoord (IZA) dat het Ministerie van VWS …
Assistant Professor in Digitalization & Responsible Business (0.8-1.0 FTE) Opens externalThe successful candidate is expected to perform teaching and supervising tasks for the International Bachelor’s programme in Communication and Media (IBCoM) and/or the Master’s programme Media & Business. We are particularly looking for a candidate with knowledge and expertise in …
Tenure Track Assistant / Associate Professor in Information Systems Opens externalAs assistant professor or associate professor on the tenure track in the Department of Technology & Operation Management at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM), you join the faculty of MSc Business Information Management (BIM) and collaborate regularly with the Erasmus …
PhD Position in Business Processes, Logistics & Information Systems at Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) Opens external*(up to) 5-year fully-funded projects & state-of-the-art facilities* ERIM currently offers the following PhD projects within its LIS research programme: – Business model innovation for the electronics industry More information about ERIM …