Indiana University in United States invites application for vacant Postdoc and Faculty Positions, a public research university in Bloomington, Indiana, United States, , its largest university.
Assistant Professor of Elementary Science Education
The Indiana University School of Education at IUPUI in Indianapolis is seeking an Assistant Professor in Elementary Science Education to contribute to our progressive, urban teacher education programs. The ideal candidate should have expertise with teaching and research strengths in science and STEM education.The School of Education at IUPUI is an urban-serving institution located in the heart …View Details Bookmark
Assistant Professor
Assistant ProfessorIndiana University BloomingtonDepartment of MathematicsThe Department of Mathematics seeks applications for a tenure-track position at the level of assistant professor with appointment beginning in Fall 2023. Outstanding candidates with a PhD earned by the date of appointment in any area of pure and applied mathematics are encouraged to apply. Exceptional candidates will also…View Details Bookmark
Assistant Research Professor in Anatomy, Cell Biology & Physiology
The Indiana Center for Musculoskeletal Health located at Indiana University in Indianapolis, Indiana is seeking candidates for an Assistant Research Professor position. Duties include performing research in the area of osteocyte metabolism, function, and viability; publishing results of that research in top-tier journals; as well as mentoring post-doctoral trainees, graduate students, and summe…View Details Bookmark
Postdoctoral Fellow, Physics (Nuclear Physics/Precision Measurement)
The IU experimental nuclear physics group has an active and diverse program addressing fundamental questions in nuclear physics, particle physics, and astrophysics/cosmology. Group members are leaders in a wide range of experiments, including: investigations of the flavor and spin structure of the nucleon using the STAR detector at RHIC and Belle II at KEK; studies of parity and time reversal v…View Details Bookmark
Post-Doctoral Clinical Genomic Scientist
The Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics at Indiana University School of Medicine is seeking applicants at the post-doctoral level for the Post-Doctoral Clinical Genomic Scientist position.Job DescriptionThe successful candidates must have a Ph.D. degree with a strong research background in Molecular Genetics. The ideal postdoctoral candidate will analyze and interpret genetic sequence …View Details Bookmark
Director of Pathology, IU North Hospital
The Department of Pathology of Indiana University Health Physicians and the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine of the Indiana University School of Medicine are jointly recruiting a pathologist with strong diagnostic skills in surgical pathology and cytopathology to serve as the chief of service at IU Health North Hospital located in Carmel, Indiana. This clinical track position con…View Details Bookmark
Assistant/Associate/Professor of Neurological Surgery
The Department of Neurological Surgery has Tenure Track Faculty positions available. The appointments will be made at the level of Assistant, Associate or Professor, as appropriate.The Department of Neurological Surgery provides world-class clinical care, education and research in neurosurgery and related neurosciences. Research can include “bench” or laboratory research, translational science…View Details Bookmark
Clinical Assistant Professor
The Construction Management program in the Department of Engineering Technology within the Purdue School of Engineering and Technology at IUPUI is seeking applications for a non-tenure track clinical assistant professor faculty position, beginning August 1, 2023. Duties include teaching courses, engaging in teaching or service-based scholarship, and performing appropriate service functions at …View Details Bookmark
Assistant/Associate Professor Positions in Earth & Atmospheric Sciences at Indiana University Bloomington
The Indiana University Bloomington Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences invites applications for one or more tenure-track Assistant or Associate Professor positions to begin in fall of 2023. We welcome applications that complement our research strengths in climate change, critical zone science, or evolving crust, especially in the areas of Earth materials, hydrology, paleoclimate, or …View Details Bookmark
Assistant Professor of Psychology
The Department of Psychology at Indiana University Kokomo invites applications for a full time, 10-month, Assistant Professor of Psychology position beginning August 1, 2023. Information about the department and our facilities can be found at http://iuk.edu/humanities-and-social-sciences/psychology/. The successful candidate will teach General Psychology, Behavioral Neuroscience, and other cour…View Details Bookmark
Postdoctoral Fellow in Pharmacology & Toxicology (Parasitic Disease Research)
“Cellular signaling and gene expression in the parasite Toxoplasma gondii”We are accepting applications for a postdoctoral fellow interested in the study of cellular signaling and the regulation of gene expression in the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Toxoplasma is an opportunistic pathogen that causes severe disease in congenitally infected infants and immune compromised patients. Toxop…View Details Bookmark
Academic Specialist, Head of Collections – Archives of African American Music & Culture
The Archives of African American Music and Culture (AAAMC; https://aaamc.indiana.edu/) at Indiana University, Bloomington seeks an innovative and highly motivated professional for the position of Head of Collections. This full-time position will begin spring or summer 2023, depending on availability, and be appointed as an academic specialist. Established in 1991, the AAAMC is a repository of u…View Details Bookmark
Tenure Track Position in Interior Design
Tenure Track Position in Interior DesignReview of applications will begin on November 1, 2022, and will continue until a suitable applicant is found. Interested candidates should review the application requirements and submit their application materials in separate PDF files. Interested candidates should review the application requirements and submit applications to:https://indiana.peopleadmin….View Details Bookmark
Assistant/Associate Professor of Merchandising
Indiana University is an equal employment and affirmative action employer and a provider of ADA services. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment based on individual qualifications. Indiana University prohibits discrimination based on age, ethnicity, color, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, genetic information, marital status, nat…View Details Bookmark
Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Graphic Design
The Eskenazi School of Art, Architecture, Merchandising + Design (Eskenazi School) invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track position with rank of Assistant Professor in Graphic Design, to begin August 1, 2023. Responsibilities include creative work and research requirements consistent with tenure expectations; teaching graphic design at the undergraduate and graduate levels; and servi…View Details Bookmark
Tenure Track Faculty of Comprehensive Design
The Comprehensive Design program at Indiana University’s Eskenazi School of Art, Architecture, Merchandising + Design (Eskenazi School) invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track faculty position with an emphasis on architectural design. Candidates must demonstrate their qualifications to teach and advise undergraduate students and demonstrate their contributions and standing in design …View Details Bookmark
Lecturer/Sr. Lecturer/Director of French Language Instruction
The Department of French and Italian at Indiana University – Bloomington invites applications from creative, energetic and collaborative candidates committed to innovating, enhancing and expanding the strengths of its French Language Instruction program. This is a full-time (10 months), benefits-eligible position at the rank of Lecturer or Senior Lecturer in French with a three-year renewable t…View Details Bookmark
Assistant Professor Medieval Studies
The Department of French and Italian at Indiana University, Bloomington, invites applications for a tenure-track position at the level of Assistant Professor in Italian Medieval Studies, beginning August 2023, to teach graduate and undergraduate literature and culture courses. Teaching load of 2 courses per semester. Primary specialization in Medieval Italian literature and culture is required….View Details Bookmark
Associate Librarian/Full Librarian, Director of Library NW
Indiana University Northwest invites applications and nominations for the position of Director of Library Services. The successful candidate will have experience in academic library administration, collaborative leadership skills, an understanding and vision of the academic library as a space (both physical and virtual) that supports all efforts toward student success; student and faculty resea…View Details Bookmark
Academic Specialist – Costume Studio Supervisor
Costume Studio Supervisor:The Department of Theatre, Drama, & Contemporary Dance www.theatre.indiana.edu at Indiana University, Bloomington, invites applicants for a full-time (12-month) Costume Studio Supervisor in a non-tenure-track position of Academic Specialist. Ideal start date June 1st, 2023.Position serves as Costume Studio Supervisor of an artistically diverse and robust academic p…View Details Bookmark
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Director of Genitourinary Pathology
The Department of Pathology of Indiana University Health Physicians and the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine of the Indiana University School of Medicine are jointly recruiting an experienced surgical pathologist with subspecialist expertise in genitourinary pathology for the position of Director of the Genitourinary Pathology Service.The Genitourinary Pathology Service is respon…View Details Bookmark
Assistant/Associate/Professor of Clinical Neurology
INDIANA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE:Assistant/Associate/Professor of Clinical NeurologyThe Department of Neurology has clinical track faculty positions available. This position includes clinical practice at central Indianapolis hospitals.A strong commitment to clinical teaching of residents and medical students is expected. Many opportunities for clinical research exist. Salary and benefits a…View Details Bookmark
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in Psychological and Brain SciencesThe Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Indiana University (IU) is seeking applicants for an open rank (i.e., Assistant, Associate, or Full) tenure-track professor faculty position in the area of clinical psychology. Area of research specialization within clinical psychology is completely open. To continue our d…View Details Bookmark
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer Probationary/Senior Lecturer, Kelley School of Business (Professional Skills)
The Kelley School of Business at Indiana University, Bloomington is accepting applications for full-time Lecturer (rank open) positions to teach Professional Skills (career/professional development) courses in the Communication, Professional, and Computer Skills area, effective fall 2023. These are 10-month appointments with an 18 credit hour teaching assignment.The ideal candidate will have ex…View Details Bookmark
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer Probationary/Senior Lecturer, Kelley School of Business (Communication Skills)
The Kelley School of Business at Indiana University, Bloomington is accepting applications for full-time Lecturer (rank open) positions to teach Communication Skills (business writing, business presentations) courses in the Communication, Professional, and Computer Skills area, effective fall 2023. These are 10-month appointments with an 18-24 credit hour teaching assignment. The ideal candidat…View Details Bookmark
Visiting Assistant Professor for Spring 2023
The Department of Statistics (https://stat.indiana.edu/) at Indiana University Bloomington invites applications for a one-semester Visiting Assistant Professor position for the Spring, 2023 semester. We seek an individual with expertise at teaching introductory level statistics to non-majors. We expect successful candidates to have a PhD in Statistics or a related field or to be ABD.Applicants …View Details Bookmark
Lecturer position in Biology
The Department of Biology in the College of Arts and Sciences at Indiana University invites applications for a full-time non-tenure track Lecturer position to teach a Research Course as part of its innovative Arts + Sciences Undergraduate Research Experience program (ASURE, https://college.indiana.edu/academics/opportunities/asure/index.html). Position would begin August 1, 2023. The initial ap…View Details Bookmark
Associate or Full Professor of Music (Piano)
The Indiana University Jacobs School of Music seeks candidates for a tenured or tenure-track position in piano. Expected start date: 08/01/2023. Responsibilities include studio teaching of piano majors at all levels and in all degree and diploma programs; possible coaching of chamber music; potential teaching of doctoral seminar in piano literature if candidate’s interests and qualifications wa…View Details Bookmark
Postdoctoral position in lattice field theory that will investigate enhancement of multigrid algorithms for staggered quarks
The Physics Department at Indiana University Bloomington invites applications for two postdoctoral positions in lattice field theory.One position is focused on performance analysis and optimization of theMILC code for configuration generation(with possible extensions to support GPUs with QUDA or Grid).This position will help in the design of the next generation of highestperformance computer fo…View Details Bookmark
Postdoctoral positions in lattice field theory focused on performance analysis
The Physics Department at Indiana University Bloomington invites applications for two postdoctoral positions in lattice field theory.One position is focused on performance analysis and optimization of theMILC code for configuration generation(with possible extensions to support GPUs with QUDA or Grid).This position will help in the design of the next generation of highestperformance computer fo…View Details Bookmark
Assistant Librarian-Information Literacy Coordinator
The Indiana University Kokomo Library invites applications for the position of Assistant Librarian, Information Literacy Coordinator. The IU Kokomo Library seeks a collaborative and innovative librarian to provide strategic leadership for the library’s information literacy program. This tenure-track position is responsible for promoting, teaching, coordinating, and assessing the information lit…View Details Bookmark
Assistant, Associate or Full Professor in Operations & Supply Chain Mgt
ACADEMIC POSITION VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENTIndiana UniversityKelley School of Business IndianapolisFaculty Position in Operations and Supply Chain Management (Tenure Track)Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business Indianapolis invites applications for a tenured/tenure-track position in Operations and Supply Chain Management beginning Fall 2023.Appointment rank will be dependent on qualification…View Details Bookmark
Faculty Position in Marketing (Lecturer or Clinical Ranks)
ACADEMIC POSITION VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENTIndiana UniversityKelley School of Business IndianapolisFaculty Position in Marketing (Lecturer or Clinical Ranks) Indiana University Kelley School of Business Indianapolis invites applications for a position in marketing at the Lecturer or Clinical rank with a start date no later than August 1, 2023. We are seeking a faculty member to teach marketing cour…View Details Bookmark
Faculty Position in Management (Lecturer or Clinical Ranks)
ACADEMIC POSITION VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENTIndiana UniversityKelley School of Business IndianapolisFaculty Position in Management (Lecturer or Clinical Ranks) Indiana University Kelley School of Business Indianapolis invites applications for a position in management at the Lecturer or Clinical rank with a start date no later than August 1, 2023. We are seeking a faculty member to teach management c…View Details Bookmark
Visiting Lecturer in Art Education and Foundations of Education
The School of Education at Indiana University South Bend is seeking a visiting lecturer in Art Education and Foundations of Education in the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 Academic Years. Qualified applicants will hold at least a Master’s Degree in Education or related field, with at least three years of teaching experience in Art education classrooms. Preferred qualifications include a terminal degre…View Details Bookmark
Faculty Position in Technology & Business Analytics (Lecturer or Clinical Ranks)
ACADEMIC POSITION VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENTIndiana UniversityKelley School of Business IndianapolisFaculty Position in Technology & Business Analytics (Lecturer or Clinical Ranks)Indiana University Kelley School of Business Indianapolis invites applications for a position in technology and business analytics at the Lecturer or Clinical rank with a start date no later than August 1, 2023. We are …View Details Bookmark
Gopal Krishna Professor of Pediatric Anesthesia
Vice Chair/Chief of Pediatric Anesthesia
Indiana University Health Physicians and the Indiana University School of Medicine seek a strong academic leader for the Vice Chair of Pediatric Anesthesia and Anesthesiologist in Chief at Riley Hospital for Children at Indiana University Health with the additional title of the Gopal Krishna Professor of Pediatric Anesthesia. This individual must be board certified in anesthesiology, fellowship…View Details Bookmark
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor, Kelley School of Business (Business Economics and Public Policy)
The Business Economics and Public Policy Department at the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, Bloomington, invites applications for open rank tenure-track/tenured faculty positions to begin fall 2023. We welcome candidates whose work will help us advance the School’s diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging initiatives and programs.View Details Bookmark
Tenure Track Faculty (Bloomington Campus)
The Indiana University School of Social Work (IUSSW) anticipates hiring two tenure-track or tenured faculty positions at the assistant or associate rank on the IU Bloomington campus. While all areas of scholarly interest will be considered, our focal needs are mental health and addictions, and/or health. Applicant experience should reflect potential for or an established record of success in sc…View Details Bookmark
Head, Education Library, Assistant or Associate Librarian
The Indiana University Bloomington Libraries seek a creative and enthusiastic individual to work with university partners, faculty, and librarians to envision, develop, and sustain student-centered library services and programming for graduate and undergraduate students and faculty. This position will provide all necessary library support for and serve as liaison to all departments in the Schoo…View Details Bookmark
Postdoctoral Fellow, Physics (Nuclear Theory / Astrophysics)
The IU theoretical nuclear physics group has an active and diverse program addressing fundamental questions in nuclear physics and astrophysics. Horowitz works in a range of areas, including: neutron rich dense matter in astrophysics, neutron rich skins of atomic nuclei studied with parity violation in the PREX and CREX experiments, nuclear and neutrino interactions in supernovae, molecular dyn…View Details Bookmark
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, Criminal Justice
The Department of Criminal Justice at Indiana University, Bloomington, invites applications for a full-time 10-month non-tenure-track position at the level of Lecturer/Senior Lecturer to begin in the fall of 2023. The initial appointment for both ranks is for three years. Lecturers are then reviewed for annual reappointment until they are considered for promotion to Senior Lecturer and long-ter…View Details Bookmark
Assistant or Associate Professor
The Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences at Indiana University is seeking candidates for two positions at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor in the areas of speech science, language science, or speech-language pathology. Researchers incorporating diverse methodologies to understand motor speech disorders and/or bilingualism are especially encouraged to apply. Both posit…View Details Bookmark
Postdoctoral Fellow (Quantum Chemistry)
Department Information:The Department of Chemistry at Indiana University, Bloomington, consists of a well-rounded research community with cutting-edge expertise in a wide variety of modern disciplines including analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, materials chemistry, and biochemistry.Job Summary:Shushkov Lab in the Department of Chemistry at Indiana…View Details Bookmark
Tenure Track Professor of Japanese Language Studies, Open Rank
Indiana University Bloomington’s Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies invites applications for a tenured/tenure-track position (open rank) in Japanese Language, broadly defined, to begin August 1, 2023. The position is 100% in HLS’s renowned multidisciplinary Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures (EALC). The fields of possible specialization include, but are not l…View Details Bookmark
Glenn Family Chair in Philanthropy and Professor of Philanthropic Studies
The Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, located in Indianapolis, Indiana, invites nominations and applications for a visionary scholar to serve as a faculty member in the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy. This position is a ten-month open rank tenured or tenure-track faculty position. The holder of the chair will be a full-time faculty member in Philanthropic Studies at t…View Details Bookmark
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor, Vision Science
Assistant, Associate or Full professor,Vision ScienceThe Vision Science Program of the Indiana University School of Optometry seeks candidates for at least two tenured or tenure- track faculty positions. Applications are welcome from those working in all areas of vision science, but are particularly invited from scientists conducting innovative research in any of the following areas:• Retinal i…View Details Bookmark
Assistant Professor in Business Analytics
The School of Business invites applications for a full-time, 10-month tenure-track position in business analytics starting August 2023. The successful candidate will teach primarily undergraduate courses and graduate classes in business analytics. The teaching responsibility is three courses per fall and spring semester.One of eight campuses of Indiana University, Indiana University Kokomo, is …View Details Bookmark
Postdoctoral Fellow – Smith Lab
The Smith Lab in the Department of Chemistry at Indiana University is taking applications for postdoctoral research position. The position offers an opportunity to develop the metal-ligand multiple bond chemistry of low-coordinate base metal complexes, including in organometallic catalysis. The successful candidate will synthesize air-sensitive, paramagnetic transition metal complexes, characte…View Details Bookmark
Assistant/Associate Rank Tenure-Track Faculty in Public Administration and Public Policy
The Paul H. O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs (“O’Neill School” hereafter) at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) invites applications for a full-time faculty position in public administration and public policy. This position will be at the rank of either tenured Associate Professor or tenure-track Assistant Professor. The O’Neill School welcomes all areas…View Details Bookmark
Special Education Clinical Assistant Faculty Position
The Indiana University School of Education’s Department of Curriculum & Instruction invites applications for a Clinical Assistant Professor in Special Education. The position is a ten-month academic appointment beginning August 2023. The new faculty member will be expected to participate in appropriate service obligations such as departmental and school committees and teach a minimum of thr…View Details Bookmark
Assistant Professor of Korean Literature and Cultural Studies
Indiana University Bloomington’s Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies seeks a full-time tenure-track assistant professor of modern and contemporary Korean Literature and Cultural Studies, broadly defined, to begin August 1, 2023. The position is 100% in HLS’s renowned multidisciplinary Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures (EALC).Candidates must have a doctoral de…View Details Bookmark
Tenure Track Professor of Iranian-Persian Linguistics and Literature, Open Rank
The Department of Central Eurasian Studies in the Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies at Indiana University Bloomington announces an Open Rank, Tenure Track search for a Professor of Iranian-Persian Linguistics and Literature focusing on Persian (Farsi) and its historical developments. The appointment begins August 1, 2023. Applicants should be capable of conducting resear…View Details Bookmark
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor for Fall 2023
As part of an anticipated multiyear expansion, the Department of Statistics in the College of Arts and Sciences at Indiana University invites applications for one tenure track/tenured faculty position at the assistant/associate/full professor level with an August 1, 2023 start date.Applicants should have a strong record of research productivity commensurate with their experience, and a commitme…View Details Bookmark
Chair, Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences
Indiana University (IU) School of Medicine, a national leader in research, education, and clinical care, is announcing the search for Chair of the Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences. This is an extraordinary opportunity for a visionary leader to provide strategic leadership for all aspects of the Department, including education, research, and clinical care. IU School of Medicine is t…View Details Bookmark
Assistant/Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics
The Department of Pediatrics at Indiana University School of Medicine is seeking to add a clinical track faculty physician to provide patient care and serve as a clinician educator. The department consists of 19 specialty divisions based at Riley Hospital for Children at Indiana University Health, which is ranked as one of America’s Best Children’s Hospitals in 10 out of 10 specialties in US Ne…View Details Bookmark
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
The Division of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine at Indiana University and Riley Hospital for Children, in Indianapolis, Indiana has an immediate opening for an Assistant/Associate Professor of Pediatrics. This faculty position is on the tenure track and rank will be commensurate with experience.The Division of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine at Indiana University School of Medicine is one of the leadin…View Details Bookmark
Lecturer, Multichannel Web Design and Development
The Department of Human-Centered Computing, Indiana University School of Informatics and Computing (SoIC) at IUPUI, invites applicants for a Lecturer appointment in the area of Multichannel Web Design and Development. Exceptional instructors are being sought to join our fast-growing department.The responsibilities of the position include teaching assigned courses in the Media Arts and Science a…View Details Bookmark
Associate Professor – Cariology & Operative Dentistry
The Department of Cariology, Operative Dentistry and Dental Public Health (DCODDPH) and the Oral Health Research Institute (OHRI) at the Indiana University School of Dentistry (IUSD) in Indianapolis are seeking qualified applicants for a tenure-track faculty position. This will be a 12-month, 1.0 FTE appointment at the rank of associate professor, with an anticipated start date of July 3, 2023,…View Details Bookmark
Associate Professor of Law or Professor of Law
Indiana University Maurer School of Law in Bloomington is seeking outstanding entry-level and lateral tenure/tenure-track applicants to meet needs in a variety of curricular areas including civil rights, commercial law, comparative constitutional law/constitutional design, corporate law, criminal law, criminal procedure, race and the law, and torts, among others. Features of the Maurer School o…View Details Bookmark
Clinical Assistant Professor (AFWC), Occupational Therapy
The Department of Occupational Therapy in the School of Health & Human Sciences at IUPUI invites applicants for a 12-month clinical track faculty position beginning January 2023. The AFWC is responsible for the development, coordination, and monitoring of student fieldwork experiences in compliance with the standards of the ACOTE accreditation. Additional responsibilities include teaching a…View Details Bookmark
Lecturer, Health Informatics
The Department of BioHealth Informatics, Indiana University School of Informatics and Computing (SoIC) at IUPUI, invites applicants for a Lecturer appointment in the Health Informatics Program. Exceptional instructors are being sought to join our fast-growing department.The responsibilities of the position include teaching in the Health Informatics Program, developing courses for the traditiona…View Details Bookmark
Postdoctoral Position in Experimental Particle/Nuclear Physics at Indiana University
The Physics Department at Indiana University Bloomington invites applications for a postdoctoral position with its experimental hadronic physics group (hpg.sitehost.iu.edu). The research activities of the group focus on hadron spectroscopy with an emphasis on the search for and study of nonconventional mesons. The group plays a leading role in the study of nonconventional charmonium mesons at t…View Details Bookmark
Tenure Track, Assistant Professor of DramaturgyIndiana University Department of Theatre, Drama, and Contemporary Dance invites applicants for a tenure track position of Assistant Professor of Dramaturgy. Requires evidence of an emerging national profile in Dramaturgy. This position will lead an MFA track in Dramaturgy recruiting students for entry in fall 2023. The department upholds the standa…View Details Bookmark
Visiting Assistant Professor in Folklore
JOB ANNOUNCEMENTVISITING ASSISTANT PROFESSOR IN FOLKLORESpring 2023The Department of Folklore and Ethnomusicology at Indiana University seeks applicants for a Visiting Assistant Professor in Folklore for the Spring 2023 semester, with a possibility of renewal for the 23-24 academic year. We seek creative scholars who integrate ethnography and theoretical analysis, and who deepen our dialogue wi…View Details Bookmark
Clinical Assistant/Associate/Professor, Kelley School of Business (Management & Entrepreneurship, OBHR)
The Management and Entrepreneurship Department at the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University-Bloomington seeks applications for an open rank non-tenure track Clinical Faculty position in the Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management area to begin fall 2023.We would be pleased to hear from candidates who will advance the School’s diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging ini…View Details Bookmark
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer position in Biotechnology
The Department of Biology in the College of Arts and Sciences at Indiana is seeking a scientist with experience in biotechnology research and/or product regulation for a lecturer or senior lecturer position, to begin August 1, 2023. Primary responsibilities are to teach undergraduate and graduate biotechnology courses in the Biotechnology B.S., B.A, and M.S. programs. Experience related to prod…View Details Bookmark
Lecturers for Fall 2023
As part of an anticipated multiyear expansion, the Department of Statistics in the College of Arts and Sciences at Indiana University invites applications for two non-tenure-track lecturer positions with an August 1, 2023 start date.Applicants should have a strong record of teaching excellence at the undergraduate service-course level. A commitment to cooperation in teaching and/or managing our…View Details Bookmark
Visiting Assistant Professor of Counseling and Human Services
The Counseling and Human Services Department at Indiana University South Bend is seeking a full-time Visiting Assistant Professor to teach in our CACREP-accredited master’s degree and other related programs. The Counseling and Human Services department offers program tracks in clinical mental health and school counseling, along with a minor in counseling for undergraduates and participates in a…View Details Bookmark
Lecturer, Data Science
The Department of Human-Centered Computing, Indiana University School of Informatics and Computing (SoIC) at IUPUI, invites applicants for a Lecturer appointment in the area of Data Science. Exceptional instructors are being sought to join our fast-growing department.The responsibilities of the position include teaching assigned courses in the Data Science graduate programs, developing courses …View Details Bookmark
Associate Dean/MSW Program Director – Bloomington campus
The Indiana University School of Social Work (IUSSW) invites applications for Associate Dean and MSW Program Director of the IU Bloomington campus. The IUSSW, founded in 1911, is a university-wide system school with CSWE- accredited MSW and BSW Programs since 1923 and 1975 respectively, reaffirmed in 2021. School headquarters are located in Indianapolis at Indiana University-Purdue University I…View Details Bookmark
Lecturer positions in Biology
The Department of Biology in the College of Arts and Sciences at Indiana University invites applications to fill three full-time non-tenure track Lecturer positions beginning August 1, 2023.The initial appointments are for three years. These are intended to be long-term positions and there is a promotion track, through the rank of Senior Lecturer, followed by Teaching Professor. Responsibilitie…View Details Bookmark
Clinical Assistant/Associate/Professor, Kelley School of Business (Management & Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship)
The Management and Entrepreneurship Department at the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University-Bloomington seeks applications for open rank non-tenure track Clinical Faculty positions in the Entrepreneurship area to begin fall 2023.We would be pleased to hear from candidates who will advance the School’s diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging initiatives.View Details Bookmark
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Genitourinary Pathologist
The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the Indiana University School of Medicine (IUSM) in conjunction with IU Health Physicians (IUHP), is seeking a genitourinary pathologist preferentially with additional surgical pathology responsibilities, to join its faculty. The individual selected will be based at the IU Health Central Pathology Laboratory (IUHPL). The Pathology team se…View Details Bookmark
Postdoctoral Fellow in Medicine – Hematology/Oncology
Postdoctoral Fellow for Brown Center for Immunotherapy and Cellular Therapy
A postdoctoral position in the laboratory of Dr. Salman is available to work in translational research studies in Immuno-oncology. Dr. Salman’s Immuno-oncology lab works on tumor immunology, immune monitoring, and CAR T cell generation and seeks highly motivated researchers with a PhD in the area of cancer biology and tumor immunology or related fields to apply. This position will play a key ro…View Details Bookmark
Postdoctoral Fellow in Hematology/Oncology
Post-doctoral fellow – Epigenetics
A postdoctoral position in the laboratory of Dr. Walker is available to work in translational research studies in multiple myeloma. Highly motivated individuals with a PhD in the area of cell and molecular biology, genomics, epigenetics, cancer biology or related fields are encouraged to apply. This position is to perform comprehensive genomics on patient samples, cell lines, and patient derive…View Details Bookmark
Open Rank Non Tenure Track positions, Kelley School of Business (Management and Entrepreneurship, International Business)
The Management and Entrepreneurship Department at the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University-Bloomington seeks applications for open rank non-tenure-track faculty positions in the International Business area to begin fall 2023.Candidates should have significant professional experience and, ideally, experience teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels; teaching experience with lar…View Details Bookmark
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer
The Department of Chemistry at Indiana University (https://www.chem.indiana.edu/) is seeking applications for up to two full-time, 10-month positions appointed at the level of Lecturer or Senior Lecturer, dependent on prior teaching experience, to begin in August 2023. We seek individuals who are committed to excellence in teaching at the undergraduate level in courses ranging from general chem…View Details Bookmark
Associate/Full Professor of Counseling and Counselor Education
The Indiana University School of Education at IUPUI in Indianapolis is seeking 2 positions for Associate or Full Professors in Counseling and Counselor Education to contribute to our academic community and the advancement of urban school counseling in our CACREP accredited program. The ideal candidate should have expertise with teaching and research strengths in a CACREP accredited program.The …View Details Bookmark
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer Probationary/Senior Lecturer Kelley School of Business (Management & Entrepreneurship, Strategy)
The Management and Entrepreneurship Department at the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University-Bloomington seeks applications for open rank non-tenure-track Lecturer position in the Strategy area to begin fall 2023.We would be pleased to hear from candidates who will advance the School’s diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging initiatives.View Details Bookmark
Assistant Professor in Information and Library Science
The Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering at Indiana University (IU) in Bloomington, Indiana invites applications for a tenure track assistant professor position to begin in August 2023 in the Department of Information and Library Science (ILS). Faculty research areas in ILS include social informatics, digital humanities, documentation, digital libraries, data curation, inform…View Details Bookmark
Postdoctoral Fellow, Chemistry
The Department of Chemistry at Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana consists of a well-rounded research community with cutting-edge expertise in a wide variety of modern disciplines including analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, materials chemistry, and biochemistry.One NIH-funded postdoc opening is presently available in Prof. Yan Yu’s laborator…View Details Bookmark
EBIO Research Associate – Data Manager
Research Associate – Data Manager position in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at IU School of Public Health-BloomingtonA Research Associate/Data Manager position is available in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. The anticipated start date for this appointment is September 12, 2022. Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis, but applications received by A…View Details Bookmark
PostDoctoral Appointee
The Observatory on Social Media (OSoMe) at Indiana University – Bloomington invites applications for a Postdoctoral Fellow (one year term with renewal available for up to 3 years). The annual salary is $55,000-$65,000. The position includes standard benefits at Indiana University commensurate with those for faculty members, such as health, vision, and dental coverage, along with participation i…View Details Bookmark
Research Associate – Biostatistician I or II
We have an immediate opening for a Research Associate – Biostatistician position in the Biostatistics Consulting Center in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics within the School of Public Health- Bloomington at Indiana University, Bloomington.The Biostatistics Consulting Center provides statistical support to health-related research projects from SPH, IU, and external universities a…View Details Bookmark
Assistant Professor of Mongolian Studies
The Department of Central Eurasian Studies in the Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies at Indiana University Bloomington seeks a tenure track Assistant Professor of Mongolian Studies. The appointment begins August 1, 2023. Applicants should be capable of conducting research and teaching on issues relating to contemporary and traditional Mongolian history, politics, religion…View Details Bookmark
Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Virology
The Microbiology Program in the Indiana University Department of Biology (https://biology.indiana.edu/graduate/microbiology/index.html) invites applications for a tenured/tenure-track position in Virology at the level of Assistant or Associate Professor. We are particularly interested in scientists studying emerging viruses. We encourage applications from candidates focused on the following are…View Details Bookmark
Tenure Track Faculty, Hydrology
POSITION ANNOUNCEMENTO’Neill SCHOOL OF PUBLIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS (O’Neill)INDIANA UNIVERSITY-BLOOMINGTON CAMPUSTENURE TRACK POSITION IN HYDROLOGYThe O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University – Bloomington seeks applicants for a tenure-track position in the field of hydrology. We are particularly interested in applicants whose research integrates hydrologic …View Details Bookmark
Graduate Program Director, Endodontics
Department of EndodonticsGraduate Endodontics Program DirectorIndiana University School of Dentistry (IUSD) invites applications for our Graduate Endodontics Program Director position. This will be a full-time 12-month appointment type on either clinical or tenure-track at the rank of assistant or associate professor, all based upon credentials and qualifications. The anticipated start date is …View Details Bookmark
Edward A. and Mary Lou Otting Chair in Special Education (Associate/Full rank)
The Department of Curriculum and Instruction in the School of Education at Indiana University- Bloomington (IU), the flagship campus of the Indiana University and a major comprehensive research university, is accepting applications for a cluster hire that includes two endowed chairs. The Edward A. and Mary Lou Otting Chair in Special Education is an Associate or Full rank with tenure position.T…View Details Bookmark
Dr. Ted S. Hasselbring Chair in Special Education Technology (open rank)
The Department of Curriculum and Instruction in the School of Education at Indiana University- Bloomington (IU), the flagship campus of the Indiana University and a major comprehensive research university, is accepting applications for a cluster hire that includes two endowed chairs. The Dr. Ted S. Hasselbring Chair in Special Education Technology is an open rank, tenure track position.The Spec…View Details Bookmark
Assistant Research Professor in Microbiology & Immunology STD Research
The Department of Microbiology and Immunology is hiring a scientist track faculty member with competency in teaching, training, and research of bacterial sexually transmitted infections. The assistant research professor will be experienced in sexually transmitted infection research in the context of host-bacterial interactions using multi-omics approaches and continue to develop research with t…View Details Bookmark
Clinical Track Faculty – Fort Wayne Campus
INDIANA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF NURSING, FORT WAYNE Clinical Track Faculty Position Indiana University School of Nursing, Fort Wayne (IUSON-FW) seeks qualified candidates for a clinical track faculty position with nursing expertise in areas such as pediatric health, mental/behavioral health, medical surgical nursing, and other areas as needed. The person is responsible for teaching clinical an…View Details Bookmark
Lecturer – Fort Wayne Campus
Indiana University School of Nursing Fort Wayne (IUSON-FW) seeks qualified candidate for a lecturer faculty position with nursing expertise in areas such as pediatric health, mental/behavioral health, medical surgical nursing, and other areas as needed. The lecturer would be responsible for teaching clinical and/or didactic courses in the undergraduate program and other courses as appropriate. …View Details Bookmark
Postdoctoral Fellowship
The Center for Research on Race and Ethnicity in Society (CRRES) at Indiana University, Bloomington, invites applications for up to two CRRES Postdoctoral Fellowships. These fellowships provide support to scholars studying race and ethnicity from a broad range of fields in the social sciences and humanities, including education, criminal justice, environment, gender/sexualities, and media. We a…View Details Bookmark
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in Anatomy, Cell Biology, & Physiology
The IU School of Medicine (IUSM) Department of Anatomy, Cell Biology, & Physiology (ACBP) is seeking well-qualified and highly motivated applicants for a tenure-track faculty position in medical education. The successful candidate will join an internationally-recognized team of anatomy and physiology medical educators that are dedicated to delivering inquiry-driven content to a wide range o…View Details Bookmark
Clinical Assistant or Clinical Associate Professor of Nursing
The Clinical Assistant/Clinical Associate Professor is a full-time, 10-month, non-tenure track, academic position in the School of Nursing, which is part of the College of Health and Human Services at Indiana University Northwest. The position is a non-tenure track faculty position that is focused on teaching undergraduate/graduate didactic and clinical nursing courses with a focus on nursing c…View Details Bookmark
Research Associate, Biology
The Biology Department at Indiana University is seeking applicants for a full-time Research Associate in the laboratory of Dr. Heather Hundley (www.hundleylab.org).The Hundley Lab focuses on understanding how cellular RNAs are modified and RNA-mediated gene regulation in human cells and the model organism C. elegans. This position provides and excellent opportunity to continue scientific learni…View Details Bookmark
Lecturer – Fort Wayne campus
The Indiana University School of Social Work (IUSSW) invites applications for a non-tenure track faculty position (full-time lecturer) on the IU Fort Wayne campus. This twelve-month appointment, beginning January 1, 2023, will have the responsibility for teaching 4 courses in the Fall Semester, 4 courses in the Spring Semester, and 1 course during summer, across the BSW and MSW curricula. This …View Details Bookmark
Assistant/Associate/Professor of Clinical Radiology & Imaging Sciences: Neuroradiology
NeuroradiologyThe Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences at Indiana University School of Medicine in partnership with Indiana University Health Partners is seeking a neuroradiologist to become a member of an early evening internal nighthawk group covering multiple in-state hospitals and imaging facilities. The work rotation will be 26 weeks ON / 26 weeks OFF, with shifts ending at 9 PM. N…View Details Bookmark
Assistant/Associate/Professor of Clinical- Radiology & Imaging Sciences: Community Radiology
Community RadiologistThe Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences at Indiana University School of Medicine in partnership with Indiana University Health Physicians is seeking a radiologist to fill an open position in our Community Radiology Division covering IU Health suburban hospital work in the Indianapolis metropolitan area. This is a clinical track position.Excellent interpersonal skil…View Details Bookmark
Assistant/Associate Professor of Clinical Radiology, General Emergency
General Emergency RadiologySIGN ON BONUS $48,000The Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences at Indiana University School of Medicine in partnership with Indiana University Health Physicians is seeking Emergency Radiologists to join our team. Our Indianapolis-based practice of 20+ Emergency Radiologists is expanding teleradiology services throughout the state and we are looking for candidat…View Details Bookmark
Professor of Immunology/Oral Microbiology
The Biomedical Sciences division of the Department of Biomedical Sciences and Comprehensive Care at the Indiana University School of Dentistry (IUSD) invites persons with a strong teaching background in both immunology and microbiology to apply for a full-time, tenure/tenure-track, position at either the rank of assistant, associate, or full professor. Rank will be determined based upon qualifi…View Details Bookmark
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor positions, Kelley School of Business (Operations and Decision Technologies, Information Systems)
The Operations and Decision Technologies Department of the Kelley School of Business invites applicants for a tenured/tenure-track position to begin fall 2023.We welcome applications from individuals with research interests in the broad domains of information systems, software development, cybersecurity, IT in organizations, and policies/applications for AI in organizations. The likely teaching…View Details Bookmark
Lecturer of Organizational Leadership
The Department of Technology Leadership and Communication (TLC) in the Purdue School of Engineering and Technology at Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) seeks applicants for a Lecturer (non-tenure track) in Organizational Leadership. This 10-month position (non-tenure track) will begin in August of 2023, subject to the availability of funding. Applications should be rece…View Details Bookmark
Postdoctoral Fellow in Neuroimaging
Post-doctoral Research Fellow in Neuroimaging and Other Biomarkers of Alzheimer’s DiseaseIU Center for Neuroimaging and the Indiana Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN USAThe Center for Neuroimaging (CfN; medicine.iu.edu/radiology/research/neuroimaging) and the Neuroimaging Core of the NIH-designated Indiana Alzheimer’s Disease Research C…View Details Bookmark
Postdoctoral Fellow in Microbiology & Immunology (Brown Center)
A Postdoctoral Fellow position is available in the Brown Center for Immunotherapy at IUPUI School of Medicine. We are seeking a talented and self-motivated candidate with an interest in the area of cancer immunology. The successful candidate will join our team studying the role of T cells in anti-cancer immune responses triggered by chemotherapy and/or immunomodulators. Our interests also invol…View Details Bookmark
Postdoctoral Fellow in Anatomy, Cell Biology & Physiology
The laboratory of Dr. Dr. Steven S. Welc, within the Department of Anatomy, Cell Biology & Physiology and Center for Musculoskeletal Health at the Indiana University School of Medicine, is seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral to study the pathophysiological mechanisms of skeletal and cardiac muscle adaptation in conditions of aging, exercise and disease. Our ongoing NIH-funded research i…View Details Bookmark
Assistant Scientist in Anatomy, Cell Biology & Physiology
The IU School of Medicine (IUSM) Department of Anatomy, Cell Biology & Physiology has an opening for a faculty at the Research Assistant Scientist level for a talented and ambitious individual to work on a basic and translational research project directed towards investigating muscle regeneration and pathophysiology. The successful candidate will join a research group affiliated with the In…View Details Bookmark
Assistant or Associate Professor of English
IU East at a GlanceIndiana University East, a regional campus of Indiana University, offers residents of eastern Indiana, western Ohio and beyond a broad range of bachelor’s degrees, selected master’s degrees, and certificates through its traditional main campus in Richmond, off-campus site and online program options. Indiana University East challenges students to grow intellectually and person…View Details Bookmark
Visiting Lecturer of Nursing
IUPUC is committed to being a welcoming campus community that reflects and enacts the values of diversity, equity and inclusion that inform academic excellence. We seek candidates who will not only enhance our representational diversity but whose research, teaching, and community engagement efforts contribute to diverse, equitable, and inclusive learning and working environments for our student…View Details Bookmark
Graduate Program Director, Periodontology
The Department of Periodontology at the Indiana University School of Dentistry (IUSD) is seeking qualified applicants for a full time, position as Graduate Director of the Periodontology Residency Program. Candidates will be expected to be on the tenure track with a rank at Associate Professor or Full Professor in the Department of Periodontology.This will be a 12-month appointment with an anti…View Details Bookmark
Lecturer of Construction Management
The Construction Management program in the Department of Engineering Technology within the Purdue School of Engineering and Technology at IUPUI is seeking applications for a non-tenure track lecturer or senior lecturer position, beginning August 1, 2023. Duties include teaching courses as well as collaborating with faculty and staff for program improvement and accreditation. Candidates should h…View Details Bookmark
Postdoctoral Fellow in Otolaryngology
Dr. Xue Yuan in the Department of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery at Indiana University School of Medicine is recruiting a highly motivated and creative post-doctoral fellow to join the team. The lab is working on exciting projects studying stem cells and cancer stem cells. Current and future projects include 1) Head and neck cancer and cancer stem cells; 2) Chronic wounds and stem cell …View Details Bookmark
Tenured/Tenure Track Faculty Position, Public Budgeting and Financial Management
POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT O’Neill SCHOOL OF PUBLIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS INDIANA UNIVERSITY-BLOOMINGTON CAMPUS Tenured/Tenure Track Faculty Position in Public Budgeting and Financial Management The O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs (O’Neill) at Indiana University-Bloomington invites applications for a tenured/tenure-track appointment in the general field of public budgeting an…View Details Bookmark
Post Doc Fellowship, SPH (Sexual & Reproductive Health Measure Dev. & Research)
The Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington invites applications for a post-doctoral fellowship in sexual and reproductive health measure development and research within the Department of Applied Health Science. We are seeking a post-doctoral research fellow for a multi-year study aimed at developing and psychometrically assessing sexual and reproductive health measures for use i…View Details Bookmark
Associate Dean or Executive Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs and Enrollment
The Indiana University School of Public Health‐Bloomington (SPH‐B) invites applications for the position of Associate Dean or Executive Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs and Enrollment. This is a tenured/tenure-track/non-tenure track, open-rank search, welcoming applications from diverse, highly qualified, and dedicated faculty member committed to the highest standards in research and teachin…View Details Bookmark
The Department of Chemistry at Indiana University (https://www.chem.indiana.edu/) is seeking applications for an outstanding tenure track faculty member at the Assistant Professor level to start in Fall, 2023.View Details Bookmark
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer Probationary/Senior Lecturer/Clinical Assistant/Associate/Professor, Kelley School of Business (Accounting)
The Accounting Department at the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University-Bloomington invites applications for open rank non-tenure-track faculty positions to begin fall 2023. We encourage applications from excellent candidates, particularly those who are eager to help us advance the School’s diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging initiatives and programs.View Details Bookmark
Assistant Professor of Political Science – Gender and Politics
Gender and Politics (Assistant Professor)The Department of Political Science at Indiana University-Bloomington invites applications for a full-time tenure track professor in the field of Gender and Politics, beginning August of 2023. Our goal is to hire the strongest candidate available who is doing interesting and important scholarship on questions of gender and politics. This thematic focus m…View Details Bookmark
Assistant Professor of Political Science
IU East At A Glance Indiana University East, a regional campus of Indiana University, offers residents of eastern Indiana, western Ohio and beyond a broad range of bachelor’s degrees, selected master’s degrees, and certificates through its traditional main campus in Richmond, off-campus sites, and online program options. Learn more about IU East. Indiana University East challenges students …View Details Bookmark
Clinical Assistant Professor of Accounting/Finance
The Clinical Assistant Professor of Accounting/Finance is a full-time, 10-month academic position. The position is responsible for a 12-credit-hour per semester teaching load in accounting, finance, and related areas at both the undergraduate level and graduate level if the successful candidate holds a doctorate in Accounting or Finance. A productive program of professional development is expec…View Details Bookmark
Clinical Assistant/Associate/Professor, Kelley School of Business (Operations and Decision Technologies, Information Systems)
The Operations and Decision Technologies (ODT) Department of the Kelley School of Business invites applications for open rank non tenure track clinical faculty positions in Information Systems (IS) to begin Fall 2023. The ODT Department consists of the Information Systems, Operations Management, and Decision Sciences groups and offers IS programs at the undergraduate, Masters, and Doctoral levels.View Details Bookmark
Industrial and Organizational Psychology Lecturer
Full-time Teaching Faculty in I/O, Human factors, Consumer psychology, or User Experience (UX) DesignDepartment of Psychological & Brain Sciences, Indiana University-Bloomington.The Indiana University Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences is seeking applications for a full-time non-tenure track Lecturer whose responsibilities will consist primarily of undergraduate teaching; the po…View Details Bookmark
Full-time Teaching Faculty, Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences, Indiana University-Bloomington.The Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences seeks to fill a full-time non-tenure track Lecturer position whose responsibilities will consistent primarily of undergraduate teaching in the area of cognitive psychology, including candidates at the intersection of cognitive psychology…View Details Bookmark
Lecturer or Senior Lecturer, Public Budgeting and Financial Management
POSITION ANNOUNCEMENTO’Neill SCHOOL OF PUBLIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS (O’Neill)INDIANA UNIVERSITY-BLOOMINGTON CAMPUSFull-Time Lecturer or Senior Lecturer Position in public budgeting and financial managementThe O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs (O’Neill) at Indiana University-Bloomington invites applications for a full-time, renewable, non-tenure track academic year appointme…View Details Bookmark
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor of Clinical Medical and Molecular Genetics
FACULTY POSITION – Genetic CounselorINDIANA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINEDepartment of Medical and Molecular GeneticsThe Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics at the Indiana University School ofMedicine is seeking applicants at the assistant, associate or professor level with expertise in genetic counseling in particular within the area of cancer genetics. The Department provides compreh…View Details Bookmark
Clinical Professor, Associate Director of Continuing Education
The Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy is seeking qualified candidates for the position of Clinical Professor (open rank) of Philanthropic Studies and Associate Director of Continuing Education, located on the Indianapolis campus. This is a 12-month appointment. The primary responsibilities for this position include:1) Identifying relevant continuing education topics in the …View Details Bookmark
Assistant Research Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
The Indiana University School of Medicine in Indianapolis, Indiana is seeking candidates for an Assistant Research Professor position. We seek candidates in the field of biochemical mechanisms underlying premature ovarian failure, uterine aplasia and/or genetic disorders of sexual differentiation (DSD) to undertake research with an opportunity for mentored transition to independence over three …View Details Bookmark
Multiple Open-Rank T/TT Faculty Positions Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
The Indiana University School of Public Health‐Bloomington (SPH‐B) invites applications for multiple tenured/tenure-track faculty positions in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. This is an open-rank search and applicants at all levels (assistant, associate, or full professors) are welcome. The SPH-B seeks individuals who will contribute scientific excellence through rigorous rese…View Details Bookmark
Dean of Nursing
| Indiana University Southeast, one of nine campuses of Indiana University, is seeking a dynamic and innovative leader as Dean of the School of Nursing. Located in historic New Albany, Indiana, our beautiful 180-acre campus is only 10 minutes across a bridge to Louisville, Kentucky’s largest city. IU Southeast serves over 3600 students enrolled in more than 180 undergraduate and graduate deg…View Details Bookmark
Postdoctoral Fellow in Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
The Indiana University School of Medicine has an exciting Postdoctoral Fellow opportunity within the development team led by Drs. Anita Bellail, Chunhai “Charlie” Hao and Chafiq Hamdouchi in the Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine to support anticancer and antiaging drug discovery and development programs.Our team investigates targeted protein degradation for the discovery of smal…View Details Bookmark
Postdoctoral Fellow in Pharmacology & Toxicology (Neurological Research)
The Laboratory of Dr. Michelle L. Block is currently accepting applications for a postdoctoral appointee focused on discovering the molecular mechanisms underlying how air pollution impacts Alzheimer’s disease neuropathology.The individual selected for this position will explore how the pulmonary and peripheral immune responses regulate the central nervous system response to air pollution in Al…View Details Bookmark
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Professor of Practice in Game Design
The Media School at Indiana University Bloomington invites applications for a Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, or Professor of Practice position in game design (appointment dependent on professional experience and impact in the field). We seek candidates with senior experience in the game industry as well as a deep understanding of game design and/or systemic design. The ideal applicant will have som…View Details Bookmark
Visiting Assistant Professor
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences, Indiana University-BloomingtonWe seek to fill one position for a visiting assistant professor to teach undergraduate courses in the area of either Developmental Psychology or Industrial/Organizational Psychology. The candidate will also contribute to general introductory courses in our psychology or neuroscience maj…View Details Bookmark
Chair, Department of Intelligent Systems Engineering
The Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering at Indiana University Bloomington (IUB) invites applications for Chair of the Department of Intelligent Systems Engineering (ISE), a full-time tenured faculty position to begin on or before August 1, 2023. We expect to fill the position at the full professor level but exceptional candidates at the associate professor level may be consi…View Details Bookmark
Postdoctoral Fellow in Medicine – Hematology/Oncology
Postdoctoral Fellow – Single Cell Immune Profiling and Cancer Immunotherapy
A postdoctoral position in the laboratory of Dr. Reza Shahbazi is available to work on single-cell immune profiling and cancer immunotherapy project. Highly motivated individuals with a Ph.D. in the area of Bioinformatics, Immunology, Cell and Molecular Biology, Genomics, Proteomics, Cancer Biology, or related fields are encouraged to apply. Duties or techniques may include, but are not limite…View Details Bookmark
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Advertising
The Media School at Indiana University Bloomington seeks industry professionals interested in transitioning to educating and mentoring the next generation of advertising leaders. We invite applications for two full-time non-tenure-track faculty positions in advertising, the largest and fastest-growing concentration in our school. Substantial experience in creative concept and current cross chan…View Details Bookmark
Clinical Assistant Professor in Arts Education
Indiana University seeks to appoint a Clinical Assistant Professor of Curriculum and Instruction: Arts Education in the School of Education, Bloomington beginning with the fall semester of the 2023 – 2024 academic year. This is a search for a full-time 10-month position. The Arts Education program seeks applicants with expertise in equitable and inclusive learning environments and a broad knowl…View Details Bookmark
Visiting Lecturer
The Department of Chemistry at Indiana University, Bloomington, invites applications for an 18-month Visiting Lecturer position to begin in January 2023. We seek an individual who is committed to excellence in teaching at the undergraduate level in courses ranging from general chemistry to upper-level courses in candidate’s area of disciplinary expertise. The candidate will teach 2-3 courses pe…View Details Bookmark
Postdoctoral fellow in mathematical and computational biology
Position Type: Postdoctoral FellowStart Date: 2023 (Negotiable, Winter, Spring, or Summer)Faculty Advisor: Dr. William R. HolmesPosition Description:The Holmes lab at Indiana University is looking for an enthusiastic and talented mathematician, physicist, engineer or quantitative scientist with experience with mathematical modelling, analysis, and simulation of biological systems. This fellow w…View Details Bookmark
Postdoctoral Fellow (Surface Chemistry)
Department Information:The Department of Chemistry consists of a well-rounded research community with cutting-edge expertise in a wide variety of modern disciplines including analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, materials chemistry, and biochemistry.Job Summary:Prof. Steven Tait in the Department of Chemistry at Indiana University – Bloomington is ac…View Details Bookmark
Clinical Assistant Professor
The Indiana University Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences has a full-time 12-month non-tenure track faculty position in speech-language pathology available at the rank of Clinical Assistant Professor. The position requires a Master’s degree or PhD in speech-language pathology, ASHA certification (CCC-SLP), two hours of professional development in the area of supervision-post ce…View Details Bookmark
American Sign Language Lecturer or Senior Lecturer
A non-tenure-track Lecturer or Senior Lecturer position in ASL position available beginning January 1, 2023. This is a 10-month academic-year appointment with the possibility for additional teaching in the summer.View Details Bookmark
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor of Emergency Medicine
The Department of Emergency Medicine at Indiana University is one of the oldest residency programs in the country. We are looking for leaders, teachers, and scholars with a passion for our tripartite mission: patient care, teaching, and scholarship. Indiana University School of Medicine has nine campuses across the state and educates the largest medical student body in the U.S. IUSM EM provides…View Details Bookmark
Assistant/Associate Professor of Medicine – General Internal Medicine and Geriatrics
The Department of Medicine at the Indiana University School of Medicine (IUSM) is seeking outstanding candidates for two Tenure track faculty positions in the Division of General Internal Medicine and Geriatrics and IU Center for Health Services Research at Regenstrief Institute. The appointments will be made at the level of Assistant or Associate Professor, as appropriate. Candidates should ha…View Details Bookmark