Postdoctoral and Research Positions at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a private research university in Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States
Research ScientistApply NowSave
Job Number: 22163
Comp Sci & Artificial Intelligence Lab Schwarzman College of Computing Full-time (Hybrid)
RESEARCH SCIENTIST, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL), to work with Dr. Neil Thompson as part of the FutureTech research project. Will collaborate as part of an interdisciplinary group of computer scientists, engineers, and economists working on projects that uncover and quantify the foundations of progress in computing: what are the most important trends, how do they …
Research/Clinical VeterinarianApply NowSave
Job Number: 20674
Division of Comparative Medicine VP Research Full-Time
RESEARCH/CLINICAL VETERINARIAN, Division of Comparative Medicine (DCM), to provide veterinary support and oversight for a variety of species and be actively involved in training the next generation of comparative medicine professionals. DCM serves as the primary resource for the care, development, and refinement of animal models within the MIT community. It is tasked with the care of a…
Research Specialist, HistologyApply NowSave
Job Number: 22122
Koch Inst – Integrative Cancer Research VP Research Full-Time
RESEARCH SPECIALIST, Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research-Histology Core Facility, to provide technical support for wide-ranging approaches being taken in cancer research and across the MIT research community. The work will involve both routine and customized histological techniques including tissue processing, embedding, microtomy, cryotomy, and resin sectioning, as well as both automat…
Research Specialist, Flow CytometryApply NowSave
Job Number: 22130
Koch Inst – Integrative Cancer Research VP Research Full-Time
RESEARCH SPECIALIST-FLOW CYTOMETRY CORE FACILITY, Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, to provide support for over 160 groups engaged in cancer and other research across MIT. Responsibilities include operating and maintaining flow cytometers, including daily quality control and data management; engaging with researchers to design experiments, training in instrument use and supporting sc…
Associate Director for Clinical and In Vivo Research ServicesApply NowSave
Job Number: 21771
Division of Comparative Medicine VP Research Full-Time
ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR FOR CLINICAL AND IN VIVO RESEARCH SERVICES, Division of Comparative Medicine (DCM), to serve as attending veterinarian for and leader of animal services within DCM. Will aid the director of DCM with formulating and maintaining its clinical mission, take primary responsibility for managing and coordinating the implementation of this mission, and aid the director in outreach…
Research Support Associate 2, Microbial PhysiologyApply NowSave
Job Number: 22098
Civil and Environmental Engineering Engineering Full-Time Temporary
RESEARCH SUPPORT ASSOCIATE, Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE), to join a multidisciplinary group studying microbial physiology, secondary metabolite production, and plant-microbe interactions. The group focuses on small molecule exchanges among and between plants and microbes and uses techniques from microbiology, molecular biology, and geosciences. Responsibilities will include bacterial …
Senior Research Support Associate, Imperiali LabApply NowSave
Job Number: 22071
Biology Science Part-Time Temporary Nov 3, 2022
SENIOR RESEARCH SUPPORT ASSOCIATE, Biology-Imperiali Lab (part-time, 17.5 hrs/wk.), to assist with protein expression, purification, and analysis; and help spearhead general lab organization and upkeep with input from lab members. Routine tasks also include preparing stock solutions and autoclaving, generating competent cells, and running kinetic assays.
Comparative Pathologist/Assistant Director of Comparative PathologyApply NowSave
Job Number: 22085
Division of Comparative Medicine VP Research Full-Time
COMPARATIVE PATHOLOGIST/ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF COMPARATIVE PATHOLOGY, Division of Comparative Medicine (DCM), to direct DCM’s efforts to provide diagnostic and research pathology support and train the next generation of comparative medicine professionals in pathology. Will join twelve other veterinarians in fulfilling DCM’s mission to provide the very best in animal care and collaborati…
Postdoctoral AssociateApply NowSave
Job Number: 22113
Center for Transportation & Logistics Engineering Full-Time
POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATE, Center for Transportation & Logistics (CTL)-MIT Megacity Logistics Lab MLL), to support research and teaching activities in the area of logistics and supply chain management (SCM) This involves conducting research and disseminating knowledge in support of the research projects of Dr. Matthias Winkenbach and the MLL Lab, supporting Dr. Winkenbah’s graduate-level te…
Senior Financial CoordinatorApply NowSave
Job Number: 22087
Chemical Engineering Engineering Full-time (Hybrid)
SENIOR FINANCIAL COORDINATOR, Chemical Engineering (ChemE), to perform comprehensive financial management of a portfolio of the department’s sponsored research activities, including pre-award administration in the development and submission of research proposals; post-award administration in the monitoring of the financial performance of grants and contracts to ensure compliance with MIT pol…
Senior Program Manager, MIT and Accenture Convergence InitiativeApply NowSave
Job Number: 21990
School of Engineering Engineering Part-time Temporary (Hybrid)
SENIOR PROGRAM MANAGER, School of Engineering (SoE)-MIT and Accenture Convergence Initiative (part-time, 50%), to lead the initiative’s operations and administration to ensure maximum impact and provide oversight for human resources and student administrative matters, finances, IT, communications and outreach, facilities, and other functions. Responsibilities include developing an…
Postdoctoral AssociateApply NowSave
Job Number: 22086
Kavli Inst for Astrophysics & Space Rsrch Science Full-Time Temporary
POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATE, Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research (MKI), to join the group of Professor Sarah Millholland and conduct research on exoplanet dynamics, formation, and evolution. Research topics may include the study of planetary orbital dynamics using semi-analytic secular models and numerical simulations, the study of exoplanet architectures and demographics using statisti…
Fiscal OfficerApply NowSave
Job Number: 21988
Research Laboratory of Electronics HQ VP Research Full-time (Hybrid)
FISCAL OFFICER, Research Laboratory of Electronics (RLE), to join the fiscal team of a large, interdisciplinary laboratory with a diverse sponsor base and annual activities exceeding $50M and over 175 federal and industrial sponsor proposal submissions per year. Will advise and act as the primary point of contact for principal investigators (PIs) and project leaders on complex post-award matters; …
Technical Associate I – Gabrieli LabApply NowSave
Job Number: 22152
McGovern Institute for Brain Research Office of Provost Full-Time
TECHNICAL ASSISTANT, McGovern Institute for Brain Research, to join the Gabrieli Lab and assist with all phases of neuroimaging and behavioral studies on developmental disabilities, especially dyslexia. Will capitalize on skills related to project management and the administration and scoring of standardized psychoeducational assessments measuring language, literacy, and cognition. Responsib…
Technical Associate I – Wang LabApply NowSave
Job Number: 22079
McGovern Institute for Brain Research Office of Provost Full-Time
TECHNICAL ASSOCIATE I, McGovern Institute for Brain Research, to join the laboratory of Professor Fan Wang and conduct research on the neurobiology of sensorimotor behaviors and addiction. Responsibilities include rodent surgery and rodent behavior training, performing cryosection and histological staining experiments, performing confocal imaging, analyzing behavioral and imaging data, creat…
Postdoctoral Associate, Quantum Photonics Group (QPG)Apply NowSave
Job Number: 22128
Research Laboratory of Electronics VP Research Full-Time
POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATE, Research Laboratory of Electronics (RLE), to join Professor Dirk Englund’s Quantum Photonics Group (QPG). Will pursue experimental and theoretical research in advanced photonics, quantum information science and engineering, and machine learning/AI. Much of the work is heavy in computing (see GitHub). Will collaborate with a team of forty-plus scientis…
Financial and Sponsored Activities CoordinatorApply NowSave
Job Number: 21903
Urban Studies & Planning Architecture & Planning Full-time (Hybrid)
FINANCIAL AND SPONSORED ACTIVITIES COORDINATOR, Urban Studies and Planning (DUSP), to perform diverse financial duties associated with sponsored research and projects. Will support pre- and post-award research administration, including federal, industry, and foundation grants and contracts; and work with principal investigators (PIs) to manage their research and serve as a liaison with department …
Assistant Director for Large Animal Medicine and Surgery – VeterinarianApply NowSave
Job Number: 21770
Division of Comparative Medicine VP Research Full-Time
ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR LARGE ANIMAL MEDICINE AND SURGERY-VETERINARIAN, Division of Comparative Medicine (DCM), to oversee and participate in all aspects of the medical and surgical care of a variety of large animal species. Will join twelve other veterinarians in fulfilling DCM’s mission to provide the best in animal care and collaborative research support. Will lead DCM’s surger…
Postdoctoral Associate, MIT Laboratory for Acoustics and SensingApply NowSave
Job Number: 22137
Mechanical Engineering Engineering Full-Time
POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATE, Mechanical Engineering (MechE)-MIT Laboratory for Acoustics and Sensing, to conduct pioneering research in acoustic sensing of the ocean environment. Will conduct novel research to advance the state-of-the-art in synoptic wide-area sensing of marine life, geophysical processes/features, and human activities in the ocean with acoustics. The research includes both theoretical…
Lead Scientific Coordinator For DIII-D CollaborationApply NowSave
Job Number: 22138
Plasma Science and Fusion Center VP Research Full-Time
LEAD SCIENTIFIC COORDINATOR FOR DIII-D COLLABORATION, Plasma Science and Fusion Center-Magnetic Fusion Energy Group, to coordinate the research performed by PSFC at DIII-D, optimizing interaction with the broader DIII-D experimental planning program. Will provide off-campus oversight of projects totaling approximately $5,000,000 in annual research funding; maintain regular communications wit…
Postdoctoral AssociateApply NowSave
Job Number: 22084
Plasma Science and Fusion Center VP Research Full-Time
POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATE, PLasma Science and Fusion Center (PSFC), to work in the area of experimental fusion plasma physics research. Research will focus on the DIII-D tokamak, with an emphasis on pedestal physics and core-edge integration to aid in development of exhaust solutions compatible with a high-performance plasma core and pedestal. Will design and lead DIII-D experiments, analyze an…
Deputy DirectorApply NowSave
Job Number: 22164
Comp Sci & Artificial Intelligence Lab Schwarzman College of Computing Full-time (Hybrid)
DEPUTY DIRECTOR, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), to work with Dr. Neil Thompson as part of the FutureTech research project. Will be responsible for helping lead projects that uncover and quantify the foundations of progress in computing: what are the most important trends, how do they underpin economic productivity and growth, and how can we harness them to s…
Postdoctoral Associate, AbuGoot LabApply NowSave
Job Number: 21948
McGovern Institute for Brain Research Office of Provost Full-Time
POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATE, McGovern Institute for Brain Research, to join the Abudayyeh-Gootenberg Lab and develop genome editing, gene therapy, and cellular engineering methods for exploring and treating models of aging in the blood and brain. Will apply novel genome editing and transcription factor-based tools for understanding the mechanisms of rejuvenation and cellular reprogrammi…
Senior Fiscal OfficerApply NowSave
Job Number: 22106
Haystack Observatory VP Research Full-Time
SENIOR FISCAL OFFICER, Haystack Observatory, to be responsible for all aspects of financial administration. Haystack Observatory has a diverse sponsor base and annual activities exceeding $12M. Will be responsible for advising principal investigators (PIs) on complex post-award matters; monitoring the financial performance of grants/contracts, providing regular updates to PIs on the proper d…
Postdoctoral Associate in Atmospheric Convection and Machine LearningApply NowSave
Job Number: 22127
Earth, Atmospheric & Planetary Sciences Science Full-Time Temporary
POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATE IN ATMOSPHERIC CONVECTION AND MACHINE LEARNING, Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciencs (EAPS), to assume a position at the interface of climate science and machine learning. Will work with Professor Paul O’Gorman on the development of subgrid parameterizations of atmospheric convection based on machine learning and implementation of the parameterizations in climate m…
Postdoctoral AssociateApply NowSave
Job Number: 22063
Materials Science and Engineering Engineering Full-Time
POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATE, Materials Science and Engineering (DMSE), to join the group of Professor Cem Tasan and work in the field of alloy design and additive manufacturing, with specific focus on high entropy alloys. Information regarding the team and its research interests and capabilities is available here.
Postdoctoral AssociateApply NowSave
Job Number: 22089
Plasma Science and Fusion Center VP Research Full-Time
POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATE, TRANSPORT AND INTEGRATED MODELING, Plasma Science and Fusion Cener (PSFC), to perform research which is primarily focused on scenario and performance predictions on the SPARC tokamak and exploration of ARC power plant regimes with integrated modeling toolsets. Will lead the development of a database of scenarios that include medium-fidelity turbulent transport models such a…
Program Manager Venture Builder, Fusion and Clean EnergyApply NowSave
Job Number: 22078
Office of Innovation Office of Provost Full-Time
PROGRAM MANAGER VENTURE BUILDER, FUSION AND CLEAN ENERGY, Office of Innovation/Plasma Science and Fusion Center (PSFC), to assume an entrepreneur-in-residence (venture builder) position in the Proto Ventures office. Will be based at MIT’s PSFC and work across the entire MIT ecosystem to determine what problems within the clean energy science space require solutions that are not ye…
Postdoctoral AssociateApply NowSave
Job Number: 22146
Mechanical Engineering Engineering Full-Time Temporary
POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATE, Mechanical Engineering (MechE), to join The 77 Lab and perform research in the fields of computer vision and deep learning. Will work on computer vision, sensing, and deep learning with an emphasis on estimating clinical score of patients from video images. The project is multidisciplinary and requires collaboration with other scientists, postdoctoral associates, grad…
Postdoctoral AssociateApply NowSave
Job Number: 22064
Materials Science and Engineering Engineering Full-Time
POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATE, Materials Science and Engineering (DMSE), to develop mechanically robust coatings (multi-layer hydrogen permeation barrier coating) on metals and industrially scalable processing methods (e.g., spraying, evaporation, conversion coatings) for future hydrogen transport and storage infrastructure. This position supported by the groups of professors Cem Tasan, Bi…
Software Developer 1 (MFE)Apply NowSave
Job Number: 21828
Plasma Science and Fusion Center VP Research Full-time (Hybrid)
SOFTWARE DEVELOPER 1 (MFE), Plasma Science and Fusion Center (PFSC), to develop and support the MDSplus data acquisition system, and assist Plasma Science and Fusion Center researchers in their scientific collaborations. MIT is one of the primary authors of the MDSplus data system which is a de facto standard for data organization, data acquisition, and remote data access in the wo…
Technical Associate I, Tsai LabApply NowSave
Job Number: 22080
Picower Institute for Learning & Memory Science Full-Time
TECHNICAL ASSOCIATE I, Picower Institute for Learning and Memory-Tsai Lab, to assist with pre-clinical studies assessing responses to non-invasive 40 Hz brain stimulation in different mouse models (normal aging, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and others). Duties include running stimulation paradigms, behavioral assays, tissue collection, protein and RNA measurements (e.g., i…
Postdoctoral AssociateApply NowSave
Job Number: 22134
Plasma Science and Fusion Center VP Research Full-Time
POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATE, Plasma Science and Fusion Center (PSFC), to carry out fundamental and applied research in support of the design of the SPARC and ARC tokamaks. Will build an axisymmetric model for simulating magnetic equilibrium and control of ARC and study the controllability of ARC plasmas given reduced diagnostic capability. Magnetic diagnostics will be either fewer in number, furt…
Senior Administrative Assistant to the DirectorApply NowSave
Job Number: 21551
Institute for Medical Eng. and Science Engineering Full-Time
SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT TO THE DIRECTOR, Institute for Medical Engineering and Science (IMES), to provide a wide range of complex and diverse administrative support for the director’s academic, teaching, and research activities and for events. Responsibilities include complex calendar management; composing and editing correspondence and documentation; scheduling, planning, and …
Technical Associate IApply NowSave
Job Number: 22088
Center for Transportation & Logistics Engineering Full-Time
TECHNICAL ASSOCIATE I, Center for Transportation & Logistics-AgeLab, to support naturalistic driving research on vehicle automation through hands-on engineering-oriented technical skills. Will work with hardware and software engineers building, calibrating, and managing data acquisition systems and the resultant data. Responsibilities include assembling data recording devices (soldering,…
Mechanical Engineer, Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO),Apply NowSave
Job Number: 22094
Kavli Inst for Astrophysics & Space Rsrch Science Full-Time
MECHANICAL ENGINEER, Kavli Inst for Astrophysics and Space Research-Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO), to play a major role in designing and constructing new high-precision instrumentation that will be used for R&D and improvements to current/future gravitational-wave detectors. Scopes of work may include seismic isolation and suspensions for optical components, therma…
Systems Administrator 1Apply NowSave
Job Number: 22121
Koch Inst – Integrative Cancer Research VP Research Full-Time
SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR 1, Koch Institute (KI) for Integrative Cancer Research, to be responsible for a range of applications, services, and solutions supporting students, faculty, and staff. Will provide technical support to a diverse customer base while supporting a wide range of technology and services. Responsibilities include business and occasional off-hours incident response; problem ma…
Administrative Assistant 2Apply NowSave
Job Number: 22120
Koch Inst – Integrative Cancer Research VP Research Full-Time
ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 2, Koch Institute (KI) for Integrative Cancer Research, to perform complex and diverse administrative duties in support of a group of individuals, including faculty. Responsibilities include using broad understanding of work-area policies and procedures to respond to inquiries; providing explanations and instructions for clients and visitors; ensuring inquiries are a…
Financial CoordinatorApply NowSave
Job Number: 22132
Office of Innovation Office of Provost Full-time (Hybrid)
FINANCIAL COORDINATOR, Office of Innovation-Innovation Services Team, to perform complex research administration services. This will include resolving and advising on all pre- and post-award components of research administration, including fixed price contracts; STTR and SBIR phase I and II proposals; interpreting MIT and government policies such as Federal Acquisition Requisitions, Cost Acc…
Financial Assistant 1Apply NowSave
Job Number: 22131
Office of Innovation Office of Provost Full-time (Hybrid)
FINANCIAL ASSISTANT 1, Office of Innovation-Innovation Services Team, to be responsible for general compliance of department and research accounts and serving as a key member of the department’s research operation. Will handle daily transactional activities such as procurement and travel card verifications; fund transfers; requisition creating; invoice and purchase order processing; an…
Senior Program Manager, Center for Quantum Engineering (CQE)Apply NowSave
Job Number: 22141
Research Laboratory of Electronics VP Research Full-time (Hybrid)
SENIOR PROGRAM MANAGER, Research Laboratory of Electronics (RLE)-Center for Quantum Engineering (CQE)/Quanum Science and Engineering Consortium (QSEC), to manage day-to-day operations, administration, and efforts to conceptualize and implement programs/initiatives that advance CQE directives for all programs associated with approximately sixty-five CQE members, fifteen QSEC members, and several U….
Video Systems AdministratorApply NowSave
Job Number: 22151
VP for Research VP Research Full-Time
VIDEO SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR, Office of the Vice President for Research, to perform administrative and operational functions required to manage, maintain, and support videoconferencing-equipped class and conference room systems; and set up built-in multi-camera-equipped classrooms for local and remote classes/presentations. Responsibilities include maintaining Cisco Telepresence videoconferen…
Financial OfficerApply NowSave
Job Number: 21510
Mechanical Engineering Engineering Full-time (Hybrid)
FINANCIAL OFFICER, Mechanical Engineering (MechE), to administer and oversee pre- and post-award sponsored activities and provide cradle-to-grave contract/grant and financial management for faculty and principal investigators (PIs). Responsibilities include administering all pre-award activities, including reviewing solicitations, proposal and budget development, and proposal submission to MIT Res…
Technology Licensing Associate, Physical SciencesApply NowSave
Job Number: 21662
OSATT-Technology Licensing Office Office of Provost Full-Time
TECHNOLOGY LICENSING ASSOCIATE, PHYSICAL SCIENCES, Office of Strategic Alliances and Technology Transfer (OSATT)-Technology Licensing Office (TLO), to work under the direct supervision of technology licensing officers to administer and manage information and activities related to intellectual property (IP) portfolios. General responsibilities will include data validation, data entry, drafting corr…
Financial OfficerApply NowSave
Job Number: 22072
Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering Full-time (Hybrid)
FINANCIAL OFFICER, Aeronautics and Astronautics, to assume an an integral role on the department’s financial team and report directly to the senior financial officer. Will manage and perform complex, comprehensive financial management of sponsored research activities. Responsibilities include pre-award administration, including developing and submitting research proposals; post-award a…
Foundation Relations CoordinatorApply NowSave
Job Number: 22031
Vice Pres for Resource Development VP for Resource Development Full-time (Hybrid)
FOUNDATION RELATIONS COORDINATOR, Resource Development, to join a team providing development support to frontline fundraising staff within MIT’s Office of Foundation Relations (OFR), a fundraising unit within Resource Development. This development support may take the form of preparing grant acknowledgment letters and internal memoranda; creating briefings for foundation visits; producing co…
Policy AssociateApply NowSave
Job Number: 22140
Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab Humanities, Arts, & Social Sciences Full-Time Nov 23, 2022
POLICY ASSOCIATE, Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL), to join a global research center working to reduce poverty by ensuring that policy is informed by scientific evidence. Will write publications that translate economic research into lessons for policymakers around the world; support senior staff to create materials for policy outreach, including publications, evalu…
Senior Policy AssociateApply NowSave
Job Number: 22139
Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab Humanities, Arts, & Social Sciences Full-Time
SENIOR POLICY ASSOCIATE, Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL), to join a global research center working to reduce poverty by ensuring that policy is informed by scientific evidence. Will write publications that translate economic research into lessons for policymakers around the world; support senior staff to create materials for policy outreach, including publications…
Academic Programs AssistantApply NowSave
Job Number: 22107
Institute for Medical Eng. and Science Engineering Full-time (Hybrid)
ACADEMIC PROGRAM ASSISTANT, Institute for Medical Engineering and Science (IMES), to perform complex and diverse administrative support for IMES’ academic programs, including the Harvard-MIT Health Sciences & Technology (HST) program and any future expansion of IMES program offerings. Responsibilities include acting as a resource to all stakeholders on processes and procedures; coo…
Postdoctoral AssociateApply NowSave
Job Number: 21711
Plasma Science and Fusion Center VP Research Full-Time
POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATE, Plasma Science and Fusion Center (PSFC), to join the MIT Phase Contrast Imaging (PCI) project at DIII-D at General Atomics. PCI is an imaging interferometer that provides an absolutely calibrated, wide bandwidth, spatially resolved measurement of density fluctuations and has been used to measure turbulence and related transport as well as MHD modes and ICRF wave propa…
Data ScientistApply NowSave
Job Number: 21319
Brain & Cognitive Sciences Science Full-time (Hybrid)
DATA SCIENTIST, Brain and Cognitive Sciences, to serve as data scientist for the InBRAIN Collaboration, a collaboration with the Neurosurgery Department at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) that creates opportunities for ethical and innovative human basic and translational intracranial neuroscience research, with a focus on robust data standards and sharing policies. Responsibilities incl…
Financial Assistant 2Apply NowSave
Job Number: 21245
Center for Transportation & Logistics Engineering Full-Time
FINANCIAL ASSISTANT 2, Center for Transportation & Logistics (CTL)/Supply Chain Management (SCM), to provide complex and diverse financial support for CTL and SCM. Responsibilities include reconciling accounting statements and monitoring expenses for compliance with sponsor guidelines; reviewing and certifying purchase transactions; reviewing, processing, and tracking payments and reconciling …
Administrative Assistant 2Apply NowSave
Job Number: 22081
Civil and Environmental Engineering Engineering Full-time (Hybrid)
ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 2, Civil and Environmental Engineering, to provide complex administrative support for faculty members and their research groups and students. Will manage the office; maintain calendars and schedules; make complex travel arrangements; organize meetings, seminars, and conferences; proofread and edit written materials; and process financial forms for purchasing an…
Prospect Management Analyst IIApply NowSave
Job Number: 22074
Vice Pres for Resource Development VP for Resource Development Full-time (Hybrid) Nov 28, 2022
PROSPECT MANAGEMENT ANALYST II, Resource Development (2 openings), to collaborate with all MIT fundraisers and Strategic Information Management (SIM) colleagues to create optimal portfolios and strategic prospect pipelines that secure comprehensive philanthropic support for the Institute.
Communications and Program OfficerApply NowSave
Job Number: 22154
Institute Affairs VP & Secretary of Corp Full-Time
COMMUNICATIONS AND PROGRAM OFFICER, Institute Affairs, to serve as public information officer and point person for events and programs organized by Institute Events, including commencement, lectures, and dedications. Will collaborate with colleagues to identify objectives and audiences, integrate information regarding event plans, and strategize communications for events and programs of Institute-…
Administrative Assistant 2Apply NowSave
Job Number: 22073
Center for Advanced Urbanism Architecture & Planning Full-time (Hybrid)
ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 2, Norman B. Leventhal Center for Advanced Urbanism (CAU), to provide varied and complex administrative support. Will schedule complex appointments, meetings, and travel; prepare complex itineraries and process travel reports; handle purchasing, expense tracking, and monthly reconciliations; coordinate and arrange meetings, workshops, and conferences, including logis…
Software Developer 1 (SPARC)Apply NowSave
Job Number: 21829
Plasma Science and Fusion Center VP Research Full-time (Hybrid)
SOFTWARE DEVELOPER 1 (SPARC), Plasma Science and Fusion Center (PFSC), to develop data acquisition and real-time control software for the SPARC experiment. MIT is collaborating with Commonwealth Fusion Systems (CFS) on the development of the real-time control system and the data acquisition/management system for the upcoming SPARC experiment. The data system will use the…
Financial Assistant 2Apply NowSave
Job Number: 20792
MIT Professional Education Engineering Full-Time
FINANCIAL ASSISTANT 2, MIT Professional Education (PE), to provide advanced support for the financial needs of multiple programs and ongoing projects within the department under the direction of the financial officer. The main responsibilities will include verifying purchases, reviewing expenditures, and processing financial transactions in MIT’s system. Transactions will include journ…
Asset CoordinatorApply NowSave
Job Number: 21817
Dof Repair & Maintenance Department of Facilities Full-Time
ASSET COORDINATOR, Facilities-Repair and Maintenance (R&M), to document, tag, and track all mechanical, electrical, piping, plumbing, and structural assets in all campus buildings. Will provide leadership in managing data associated with current equipment, but also work with department personnel in documenting newly installed or removed equipment as part of a construction or repair project; ta…
Senior Administrative AssistantApply NowSave
Job Number: 21987
Chemistry Science Full-Time
SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT, Chemistry, to assist the academic administrator with administration of the graduate program and graduate admissions process. Responsibilities include compiling and tracking applications; researching and updating the application process to reflect best practices/requirements; generating and distributing official decision letters; managing communications with g…
Manager, Retirement PlansApply NowSave
Job Number: 22104
Human Resources VP for Human Resources Full-time (Hybrid)
MANAGER, RETIREMENT PLANS, Human Resources (HR), to be responsible for operational management of MIT’s retirement plans, including 401(k), pension, and 457(b); and serve as a key expert/resource on retirement plan industry and regulatory matters. Responsibilities include managing relationships with third-party vendors; performing plan reviews; reviewing, evaluating, and recommending im…
Adult Programs ProducerApply NowSave
Job Number: 22114
Museum Associate Provost for the Arts Full-Time
ADULT PROGRAMS PRODUCER, MIT Museum, to assume a critical position on a small team that produces the MIT Museum’s educational and public programs. Will be responsible for conceptualizing and executing a portfolio of innovative programs for the museum’s adult audiences. These programs will be developed in collaboration with members of the museum’s staff, the MIT community (f…
Program Manager, Postdoctoral Fellowship Program for Engineering ExcellenceApply NowSave
Job Number: 21960
School of Engineering Engineering Full-time (Hybrid)
PROGRAM MANAGER, School of Engineering-Postdoctoral Fellowship Program for Engineering Excellence (PDPEE), to be responsible for the development and implementation of a program that seeks to discover and develop the next generation of faculty leaders. Will manage PFPEE operations and administration, including outreach, communications, marketing, and budgets. Responsibilities include ov…
Life Sciences CoordinatorApply NowSave
Job Number: 22116
Museum Associate Provost for the Arts Full-Time
LIFE SCIENCES COORDINATOR, MIT Museum, to assume a critical role on a small team that produces and leads the Museum’s educational and public programs in collaboration with faculty, staff, students, and community partners. Will be responsible for conceptualizing, developing, implementing, and facilitating programming in the life sciences. Programs include drop-in labs and hands-on exper…
Digital Marketing Strategist, Annual GivingApply NowSave
Job Number: 22126
Alumni Association Alumni Association Full-time (Hybrid)
DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGIST, ANNUAL GIVING, Alumni Association (MITAA), to lead and manage digital marketing initiatives for MIT annual giving. Will stay abreast of current trends; create and execute e-mail solicitation campaigns for Annual Giving and campus partners; manage highly segmented e-solicitation and e-cultivation projects and complex testing and analyze results of appeals and cam…
Customer Service RepresentativeApply NowSave
Job Number: 21919
Center for Transportation & Logistics Engineering Full-Time
CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE, Center for Transportation & Logistics (CTL)-Supply Chain Exchange (SCE), to support SCE efforts to expand its membership, increase retention, improve service, increase engagement, and provide overall support to its partners and prospects. Will perform data analysis and prepare reports on partner engagement, communicate with partners and prospects, manage …
Administrative Assistant 2Apply NowSave
Job Number: 21445
Institute for Medical Eng. and Science Engineering Full-Time
ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 2, Institute for Medical Engineering and Science (IMES) (multiple openings), to provide comprehensive administrative support to principal investigators with teaching responsibilities and active research groups. Responsibilities include acting as a primary contact for assigned professors; performing general office tasks, including calendar management, responding to in…
Administrative Assistant II, Laboratory for Financial Engineering (LFE)Apply NowSave
Job Number: 22148
MIT Sloan Econ, Fin & Accounting Staff Sloan School of Management Full-time Temporary (Hybrid)
ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT II, Sloan School of Management-Laboratory for Financial Engineering (LFE), to provide diverse administrative, financial, and business support for multiple initiatives and projects. Will use broad understanding of MIT policies and procedures to perform a variety of tasks for faculty director and senior staff; handle financial transactions such as vendor selection, processin…
Custodian/UtilityApply NowSave
Job Number: 21994
Campus Activities Complex Dean for Student Life Full-Time
CUSTODIAN/UTILITY, Campus Activities Complex (CAC), to clean assigned areas, move trash, and set up and break down Institute events. Will clean classrooms, laboratories, research facilities, conference rooms, lounges, bathrooms, hallways, stairwells, entryways, elevators, private offices, auditoriums, and gymnasiums; inspect and change light bulbs, emergency lights, and filters; refinish/maintain …
Assistant Director of Intercultural Engagement for Women and Gender Services (WXGS)Apply NowSave
Job Number: 22103
LGBTQ+ Services Dean for Student Life Full-Time
ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF INTERCULTURAL ENGAGEMENT FOR WOMEN AND GENDER SERVICES (WXGS), LGBTQ+ Services, to join a team of professionals that focuses on women and gender services, LBGTQ+ services, and multicultural programs. Will provide support, advising, and co-curricular leadership and inclusion programs for and regarding students of diverse marginalized gender identities as it relates to wo…
CustodianApply NowSave
Job Number: 22118
Dof Custodial Services Department of Facilities Full-Time
CUSTODIAN, Facilities-Custodial Services (multiple openings), to clean all assigned areas of the Institute, which may include classrooms, laboratories, research facilities, conference rooms, lounges, bathrooms, hallways, stairwells, entryways, elevators, private offices, auditoriums, gymnasiums, and secure areas such as entrance and office doors. Duties will include emptying trash and recycling re…