PhD and Postdoctoral Scholarships at Zurich University, located in the city of Zürich, is the largest university in Switzerland
Funktion | Anstellung % | Institut / Bereich |
Predoctoral Fellow in Economics | 70 % | Department of Economics |
Predoctoral Fellow in Economics | 70 % | Department of Economics |
Postdoc position in evolutionary genomics of polyploid robustness | 80 % | Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies |
PhD position in Indian / South Asian Studies | 50 % | Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, Department of Indian Studies |
PhD Student Position in Organic and Supramolecular Chemistry | 60 % | Department of Chemistry |
PhD position in Geomorphology | 60 % | Department of Geography |
PhD Student (Research Assistant) | 60 % | Department of Business Administration |
Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Research Associate) | 80 % | Department of Business Administration |
PhD student position: Aging and the control of mineral metabolism | 100 % | Department of Physiology |
PhD student position: Molecular and functional identification of basolateral phosphate transporter(s) | 100 % | Department of Physiology |
Oberassistent:in / Postdoc in der Abteilung Medien & Internet Governance des IKMZ | 80 % | IKMZ – Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung; Abteilung Medien & Internet Governance (Prof. Dr. Natascha Just) |
PhD student position – Remote Sensing of vegetation dynamics in urban environments | 60 % | Department of Geography / RSWS |
PhD Position “Sound propagation in bone conduction hearing” | 100 % | University Hospital Zurich Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery |
PhD Stelle im Bereich neurokognitive Grundlagen des Leseerwerbs, Lernverlaufsdiagnostik, Sprach- und Leseförderung | 60 % | Developmental Neuroimaging Group, Psychiatrische Universitätsklinik Zürich, Klinik für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie |
Doktorierendenstelle im Projekt COV-19-DILEMMA | 100 % | Institut für Biomedizinische Ethik und Medizingeschichte (IBME) |
Postdoktorand*in am Lehrstuhl für Sonderpädagogik: Bildung und Integration | 60 % | Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft |
Postdoc Position in Motivation and Adult Development | 75 % | Department of Psychology, Developmental Psychology: Adulthood |
Doktorand:in Mediennutzung & Medienwirkung / Gesundheitskommunikation | 60 % | Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung (IKMZ) |
PhD Position Media Use & Media Effects / Health Communication | 60 % | Department of Communication and Media Research (IKMZ) |
Post-doctoral research position | 80 % | Department of Political Science |
Three-Year Post-Doctoral Research Position | 80 % | Department of Political Science |
Postdoctoral Researcher in Machine Learning and Chemistry | 100 % | Department of Chemistry |
Postdoc Position at the UZH Social Computing Group | 100 % | Institut für Informatik |
Postdoctoral Researcher in Natural Language Processing | 100 % | Department of Computational Linguistics |
Two PhD positions | 100 % | Seminar für Griechische und Lateinische Philogogie |
Post-DoktorandIn | 80 % | Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre Lehrstuhl „Grundlagen der BWL und Theorien der Unternehmung” |
PostDoc in Gene Therapy and Epigenetics | 100 % | Faculty of Medicine, Lab for retinal gene therapy |
Geschäftsführung | 35 % | Institut für Mathematik |
Doktorand/in | 100 % | Institut für Tierernährung und Diätetik |
Postdoc in experimental evolutionary biology | 100 % | Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies |
PhD student | 60 % | Department of Computational Linguistics, Digital Linguistics Group |
Postdoc Fellow | 50 -100 % | Institute of Law |
Senior Research and Teaching Associate / Postdoctoral Position in Societal Implications of the Internet | 80 -100 % | Department of Communication and Media Research (IKMZ) |
Postdoctoral Researcher | 100 % | Department of Computational Linguistics, Digital Linguistics Group and Zurich Center for Linguistics |