The University of Basel in Switzerland invites application for vacant PhD and Academic Positions, offers attractive terms of employment and supports the advancement of staff.
Studentische Hilfsassistenz IT Service Center
Wissenschaftliche Assistenz in Geschlechterforschung auf Stufe Doktorat
Wissenschaftliche Assistenz in Geschlechterforschung auf Stufe PostDoc
PhD position on plant ecophysiology modelling in urban environments
Projektleitung/Management Hochschulgastronomie
Doktorandenstelle Entwicklungs- und Persönlichkeitspsychologie
Leiter*in Cash Management 100%
Senior Program Officer (80 – 100 %)
Anschubstipendium des Doktoratsprogramms «Recht im Wandel»
PhD Opportunity in Biomedical Ethics and/or Social Psychology
Student Assistant HPC user support
Entomology laboratory technician 60%-100%
Postdoc Position in Molecular Toxicology
2 PhD positions in Implementation Science Research / Health Economics in Long-Term Care
Two PhD positions in the Delley Group, Department of Chemistry, University of Basel
Administrative studentische Mitarbeiterin*in Back-Office
Hilfsassistent*in Video / Social Media
Postdoctoral position in social science research on religion/sustainability
Studentische Hilfsassistenz für den Bereich Mac Client Services, OS und Betrieb
Informatiker*in EFZ Plattformentwicklung
Didaktisch-technische Assistenz 60%
Postdoc position “Unraveling the genomic origin of species in the large white-headed gull radiation”
Organizational Change & Culture Development Expert
Postdoctoral Scientist Position in Liver Immunology
Informations- und Dokumentationsspezialist*in FH für die UB Wirtschaft – das SWA
two open Phd or one PostDoc positions
Projektleiter*in Bauherrenvertretung
Objektbetreuer*in Campus Services Life Sciences
Postdoc Position in Analytical Chemistry and Pharmacokinetics
Studierende in Assistenzfunktion
Scientific Officer (Postdoctoral level)
Lehrstelle als Polymechaniker*in EFZ
Postdoc position in Supramolecular Catalysis
Ph.D. position in Supramolecular Catalysis
Professur für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie (open-rank)
Studentische Hilfsassistenz – Gefängnispsychologie
PhD Position in Environmental / Energy Economics
PhD position: NanoPhase, a multi-scale view of phase separation from cells to nanostructure (P2204)
Postdoctoral position in Plant Evolutionary Ecology and Climate Adaptation
2 PhD candidate positions in SNF-Project Shared Reading in the Digital Age
PhD position on the search for 2D ferromagnetism at room temperature (P2202)
Lehrstelle Kauffrau / Kaufmann EFZ
Junior Project Accountant / Controller
Assistent*in des Verwaltungsdirektors
Hilfsassistent*in Psychologie mit Programmierkenntnissen gesucht
Forschungspraktikant*in Psychologie (Durchführen von Intelligenztests)
Procurement and Supply Management Expert – health products Position based in lusophone Africa
Open PhD position in soil erosion research