The Technology, Human and Institutional Behaviour (HIB)-department, section Psychology, Health and Technology (PHT) at the University of Twente (UT) is seeking a post-doc researcher for the project “Navigating Stories in Times of Transition: The Covid-19 Pandemic as a Use Case”, funded by the Netherlands eScience Center.
This project wants to advance multidisciplinary approaches to digital storytelling. When major transitions happen, people respond by telling stories that create continuity and change. In a digital age, storytelling has become even more abundant, rich in variety, and accelerating in pace. The current Covid-19 pandemic allows to study digital stories while transitions are happening, rather than in hindsight. In a multidisciplinary team of researchers, we will access existing and growing databases to analyze how different types of stories evolve over time. With regard to eScience methodologies, the goal is to develop a Story Navigator, a dashboard that visualizes the multilayered, multidimensional, and changing contextual network of stories, building in particular on Digital Story Grammar methodology that allows to study narrative elements in their mutual relations. The Story Navigator allows for an optimal interaction between human and computer analysis to further advance the field. The project provides proof of concept and then integrates the Story Navigator into the Media Suite of the Dutch infrastructure for digital humanities and social sciences (CLARIAH) to facilitate dissemination and long-term use. The tool will find broad use in interdisciplinary narrative studies, in domains like health, cultures of organizations, oral histories, and public debates.
You will be responsible for coordinating and carrying out the project together with escience engineers from the Netherlands eScience Center and under supervision of an interdisciplinary group of researchers. The project is carried out in close collaboration with the Department of Media Studies and the Institute of Language, Logic, and Computation at the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands eScience Center, the National Library of the Netherlands, the Institute for Sound and Vision as well as the Danish National Center for Social Research.
- experience in narrative theory and research
- experience in computational methods for analyzing language or the willingness to learn such methods
- an interdisciplinary team worker in the fields of social sciences, humanities, and/or computer sciences
- a PhD degree in a relevant discipline, like Psychology, Social Sciences, or Humanities
- a creative, and ‘getting-things-done’ mindset
- excellent communication and networking skills
- proficient in English and Dutch
- we offer an exciting fulltime position for 2 years in a stimulating, international environment
- we have a strong culture of interdisciplinary research within the Institutional Behaviour department
- throughout the faculty and university, we work together with scholars from the humanities, social sciences, and computer sciences. Various initiatives and infastructures at Twente will enable exciting opportunities, in specific the Story Lab
- depending on experience and qualifications, the gross monthly salary on a full-time basis range between € 3.974, – to € 5.439, – (scale 11) (the 30% tax ruling might be applicable)
- a minimum of 29 leave days in case of full-time employment based on a formal workweek of 38 hours (a fulltime employment in practice means 40 hours a week, therefore resulting in 96 extra leave hours on an annual basis)
Are you interested in this position? Please submit your application until January 9th, 2023, by using the ‘Apply now’ button and include a motivation letter outlining your specific interest, qualifications to apply for this position, your cv including contact information of two academic references and a writing sample. For additional information about this position, please contact prof. dr. G.J. (Gerben) Westerhof (e-mail: g.j.westerhof@utwente.nl or dr. A.M. (Anneke) Sools (e-mail: a.m.sools@utwente.nl