Bielefeld University in Germany invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoc and Academic Positions, a university in Bielefeld, Germany.
Professorship (W3) for Clinical Radiology
Professorship (W2 or W2 TT W2) for Interdisciplinary Intensive Care Medicine
(in German )Professur (W2) für Epileptologische Behindertenmedizin
Professorship (W3) for Urology
Professorship (W2 )for Pediatric Pneumology
(in German) Professur (W2 bzw. W2 TT W2) für Schmerzmedizin
Professorship (W3) for Pediatric Surgery
(in German) Professur (W3) für Neurochirurgie
(in German) Universitätsprofessur (W3) für Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie
(in German) Universitätsprofessur (W2 TT W3) für Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie
(in German) Universitätsprofessur (W2) für interaktive Robotik in Medizin und Pflege
(in German) Juniorprofessur (W1) für Medizinrecht
Professorship (W2) for Clinical and Experimental Developmental Psychiatry
Professorship (W3) for General and Visceral Surgery
Professorship (W2 tt W3) for Emergency Medicine
Professorship (W3) for Orthopedics
(in German) Universitätsprofessur (W2 tt W3) für Gastroenterologie und Infektiologie
(in German) Universitätsprofessur (W2 tt W3) für transsektorale Neurologie
Professorship (W3) for Radiotherapy & Radiation Oncology
Professorship (W3) for Pediatrics with focus on Neonatology
Professorship (W2) for Neonatology
Professorship (W2 TT W3 or W3) for Ophthalmology
Professorship (W3 or W2 TT W3) for Internal Medicine – Focus on Pneumology
Professorship (W2) for Outpatient Psychosocial Medicine
Professor (W1 with tenure track to W2) of Statistical Modelling
(in German) Professur (W2) für Mathematische Versicherungsökonomik
(in German) Professur (W3) für Finanzmathematik
Professor (W2 with tenure track to W3 or W3) for Managerial Accounting and Business Taxation
Professor (W3) of Service Science in the Life Sciences
Professorship (W1 TT to W2 or W2) for Knowledge Representation and Machine Learning
Professorship (W3) for Interactive Extended Reality
Professorship (W3) for Digital Services in the Life Sciences
Professorship (W2 or W3) for Modelling in the Life Sciences
Junior Professorship (W1) for Evolutionary Developmental AI
Junior Professorship (W1) for Genome Engineering/Editing
(in German) W3-Professur für Kooperative Robotik mit Schwerpunkt „Automation in der Produktion“
Professorship (W3) for Media Sociology
Professorship (W2) of Comparative Politics and Policy Analysis
(in German) Professur (W2) für Politische Theorie und Ideengeschichte
(in German) Professur (W2 mit Tenure Track W3) für Sozialstrukturanalyse
(in German) Juniorprofessur (W1) für Medizinrecht
(in German) Professur (W2) für Öffentliches Recht
(in German) Professur (W3) für Strafrecht, Strafprozessrecht und ein Grundlagenfach
Professor (W3) of Biological Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience
Professor (W2) of Mathematics, in particular Geometry/Topology
Professor (W1 TT W2) of Mathematics
(in German) Professur (W3) für Mathematik und ihre Didaktik
(in German) Professur (W2) für Germanistische Linguistik
(in German) Professur (W3) für Germanistische Literaturwissenschaft
(in German) Professur (W2) für die Didaktik der deutschen Literatur
Professorship (W2) for Language and Communication
Professorship (W2 with tenure track to W3/W3) for Clinical Linguistics/Neurocognition of Language
Professor (W3) of Public Health with a focus on Nursing Science
Professor (W3) of Public Health with a focus on Environment & Health
Junior professor (W1) in Public Health with a focus on qualitative research methods
Professorship (W2 with Tenure Track W3 or W3) for the History of Modern Societies
Professorship for Systematic Theology (W3 or W1/W2 with Tenure Track W3)
Professorship (W2 TT W3) in Biology Didactics