Erasmus University Rotterdam in Netherlands invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoc and Academic Positions, a public university located in Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Open academic vacancies
Vaardighedendocent Rechtsgeleerdheid B3 (0,1-0,3 fte) Opens externalAls vaardighedendocent rechtsgeleerdheid begeleid je onze studenten bij het ontwikkelen van hun schriftelijke en mondelinge vaardigheden. Je stoomt onze studenten klaar voor de juridische praktijk, door hen te leren zichzelf helder, overtuigend en op academisch verantwoorde wijze uit te drukken. …
PhD student eHealth junior project (1,0 fte) Opens externalAls promovendus maak je deel uit van het samenwerkingsverband eHealth Junior van het programma ‘Onderzoek op Routes door Consortia’ van de NWO (Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek). Het eHealth junior project richt zich op het ontwikkelen van een platform met …
Rector International Institute of Social Studies Opens externalErasmus University of Rotterdam seeks to appoint a new Rector for the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS). The successful candidate will be an inspiring collaborative leader with the ability to build cohesion within a multidisciplinary and international institute, as well as spot …
PhD-studenten naar welbevinden adolescenten voor ERC project PARADOx (2 x 0,9-1FTE) Opens externalVeel jongeren hebben wel eens last van depressie gevoelens of angst. Over het algemeen geldt: hoe meer steun ouders geven tijdens de opvoeding, hoe beter het gaat met het mentale welbevinden. In het PARADOx project onderzoeken we hoe het kan dat ouders tegenwoordig meer steun bieden dan, maar dat …
Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Leadership Development Opens externalAs the department of Organisation and Personnel Management’s tenure track assistant professor in leadership development at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM), you explore every aspect of the field of leadership development. Your specific focus lies on the current trends in …
Junior onderzoeker in het Academisch Outreach Programma (0,8 fte-1,0 fte) Opens externalJij gaat als junior onderzoeker aan de slag in het Academisch Outreach Programma ‘Onze Toekomst Verbinden’ van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR). Met dit programma wil de EUR bijdragen aan gelijke onderwijskansen voor alle jongeren. Specifiek beoogt het programma om het aandeel …
PhD Student – Resilient health care financing (1,0 fte) Opens externalWe are recruiting a PhD candidate for a project on resilient health care financing, with a focus on care for the older population. Health systems in the EU are under pressure due to changes such as large-scale disease outbreaks, but also population ageing which have simultaneously increased the …
POSTDOC / ASSISTANT PROFESSOR QUANTITATIVE EMPIRICAL LEGAL STUDIES Opens externalWithin the framework of the national sectoral plan for legal science, Erasmus School of Law is launching a new research center with a dual focus: Empirical Legal Studies and Public & Private Interests. The center encompasses ten dedicated PhD-researchers, four postdoctoral projects and five …
Postdoc Convergentie 1,0 FTE: ‘Dynamiek van precair werk in Rotterdam Zuid’ (ESSB/DPAS) Opens externalPrecair werk is werk waarbij de arbeidsvoorwaarden, arbeidsomstandigheden en sociale bescherming relatief slecht zijn. Doorgaans draagt de werknemer bij precair werk (deels) zelf de sociale risico’s van arbeid, in plaats van de werkgever of de overheid. Tijdelijke contracten, …
Postdoc Convergentie 1,0 FTE: ‘Governance en impact van sociaal ondernemers op de arbeidsmarkt’ (ESSB/DPAS) Opens externalDe stabiliteit en houdbaarheid van een maatschappij hangt in hoge mate samen de manier waarop mensen in die samenleving hun dag doorbrengen en aan hun dagelijks brood komen. Maar kan iedereen die dat wil, wel meedoen in de maatschappij en in het arbeidsproces? Dit vraagstuk speelt zeker voor …
Postdoc convergentie 1,0 FTE – Participatie van ongehoorde jongeren in Rotterdam (ESSB/DPAS) Opens externalHoewel er steeds meer initiatieven worden ontwikkeld om de maatschappelijke en politieke participatie van jongeren vorm te geven, wordt ook steeds duidelijker dat grote groepen jongeren hierbij niet worden bereikt en aan de kant blijven staan. Een van de struikelblokken is het verschil tussen de …
A PhD candidate researching the consequences of mHealth on well-being Opens externalOver the past years, the use of everyday healthy lifestyle apps (e.g, Apple Health, Samsung Health, Health Connect, Garmin Connect) has increased dramatically. What are the consequences of algorithmic decision systems in these mHealth applications for their users? This project focuses on user …
PhD position: The Bright Side and Dark Side of Emerging Technologies in the Media Industry (0,8-1fte) Opens externalWe are in an increasing need to access personalized, adaptive, and dynamic information in real time. Advanced enabling technologies for Metaverse, such as AI, AR/VR, Web3.0, IoT, NFT, and edge computing, provide us ample possibilities by embedding the information in an appropriate time and space, …
Postdoc researcher for a project on public values in an mHealth world (0,8-1fte) Opens externalOver the past years, the use of everyday healthy lifestyle apps (e.g, Apple Health, Samsung Health, Health Connect, Garmin Connect) has increased dramatically. What are the consequences of algorithmic decision systems in these mHealth applications for their users? This project focuses on user …
PhD vacancies at Erasmus School of Economics (Erasmus University Rotterdam) Opens externalThe projects are hosted by Erasmus School of Economics and are affiliated with one of Schools’ graduate schools: ERIM or the Tinbergen Institute. Erasmus School of Economics has a long tradition of academic and applied research, and is a leading academic institution, hosting some of the …
Associate or Full Professor Management of International Societal Challenges (1 FTE) Opens externalOur world is facing many severe and pressing challenges, many of them related to the impact of climate change, depletion of natural resources and declining biodiversity. The availability of fresh water and food is becoming increasingly uncertain, clean energy and other natural resources are in …
Tenure Track Assistant / Associate Professor in Information Systems Opens externalAs assistant professor or associate professor on the tenure track in the Department of Technology & Operation Management at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM), you join the faculty of MSc Business Information Management (BIM) and collaborate regularly with the Erasmus …
Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Organisation and Digitization Opens externalDo you have an interdisciplinary perspective on developments in AI and other technologies and how they are transforming our thinking about organisations? Do you think about how change is affected by digital technologies and AI?We seek an assistant professor interested in how digital technology and …
PhD Positions in Finance & Accounting at Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) Opens external*(up to) 5-year fully-funded projects & state-of-the-art facilities* About the PhD Positions (Job Description) Each year ERIM initiates and starts a substantial number of new and internationally oriented PhD research projects. The focus is on pioneering and innovative research in the field of …
PhD Positions in Business Processes, Logistics & Information Systems at Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) Opens external*(up to) 5-year fully-funded projects & state-of-the-art facilities* About the PhD Positions (Job Description) Each year ERIM initiates and starts a substantial number of new and internationally oriented PhD research projects. The focus is on pioneering and innovative research in the field of …
PhD Positions in Marketing at Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) Opens externalEach year ERIM initiates and starts a substantial number of new and internationally oriented PhD research projects. The focus is on pioneering and innovative research in the field of management and business research. ERIM distinguishes five areas of research in management and offers fully funded …
PhD Positions in Organisational Behaviour, Human Resource Management, Governance of Organisations, and Value-Based Organising at Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) Opens external*(up to) 5-year fully-funded projects & state-of-the-art facilities* About the PhD Positions (Job Description) Each year ERIM initiates and starts a substantial number of new and internationally oriented PhD research projects. The focus is on pioneering and innovative research in the field of …
PhD Positions in Strategy & Entrepreneurship at Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) Opens external*(up to) 5-year fully-funded projects & state-of-the-art facilities* About the PhD Positions (Job Description) Each year ERIM initiates and starts a substantial number of new and internationally oriented PhD research projects. The focus is on pioneering and innovative research in the field of …
PhD Positions in Business and Management at Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) Opens external*(up to) 5-year fully-funded projects & state-of-the-art facilities* About the PhD Positions (Job Description) Each year ERIM initiates and starts a substantial number of new and internationally oriented PhD research projects. The focus is on pioneering and innovative research in the field of …
Postdoctoral Researcher in Decision Neuroscience Opens externalWe are recruiting for the position of a Postdoctoral researcher at the Erasmus Centre for Neuroeconomics at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM). We seek outstanding applicants whose research interests lay at the intersection of psychology, economics, marketing, and …
Phd/ Postdoc Convergence Health & Technology Opens externalWithin Health and Technology we have the mission to shape the future of health(care) in a transformative way with the aim to improve health and societal participation for all. We strive for: Life-long health, from pre-birth to end of life. Socio-economic equality in health(care). Prevention and …
Two PhD positions European Doctorate in Law and Economics Opens externalLaw and Economics today pervades research in all fields of interest. The application of economic thought to legal analysis enables innovative solutions to problems of the law – be it the design of transnational legal relations, organizational statutes for states or corporations, the drafting …