University of Winnipeg in Canada invites application for vacant Postdoctoral and Academic Positions, a public research university in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Director of Student Teaching and Instructor, Faculty of Education
Contract Academic Staff
Contract Academic Staff, Department of Business and Administration
Contract Academic Staff, Department of Theatre and Film – Winter Term 2024
Assistant Animal Care Technician I, Vivarium-Science
Coordinator, Awards & Financial Aid
Front Office Assistant, Faculty of Education *Term*
Manager, Pay & Benefits, Human Resources
Office Assistant, Department of English *Term*
Purchasing Analyst, Financial Services
Research Support
Research Assistant, Li’l Steps Being Me Wellness Evaluation Project
Research Assistant, Studies of Magnetism in New Quantum Materials
Senior Research Assistant, Indigenous Food Knowledges
Academic Support
Lab Demonstrator, BIOL-1112L (Section 078): Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab (Winter 2023)
Lab Demonstrator, BIOL-2116 (070,071,072): Biology of the Vertebrates Labs (Winter Term)
Marker II, BUS-2002: Financial Accounting (Winter 2023)
Marker II, BUS-2003: Managerial Accounting (Winter 2023)
Marker II, BUS-2010 (Sections 752, 759): Financial Management (Winter 2023)
Marker II, CHEM-2203L (Sections 070-078): Organic Chemistry II Lab (Winter 2023)
Marker II, HIST-3902 (Section 001): Darwinian Revolution (Winter 2023)
Marker, BUS-2210 (Sections 004, 006): Fundamentals of Marketing (Winter 2023)
Marker, CHEM-2502L (Sections 070, 071): Introduction to BioChemistry Lab (Winter 2023)
Marker, CHEM-3503L (Sections 070, 073, 074): Intermediate Biochem II Lab (Winter 2023)
Marker, CHEM-4506L (Sections 070, 071): Methods in Biochem Lab (Winter 2023)
Marker, RHET-1105 (Sections 022, 032, 200): Academic Writing: Multidisciplinary (Winter 2023)
Teaching Assistant, CJ-3444: Gender and the Criminal Justice System (Winter 2023)
Teaching Assistant, LING-4003 (Section 770): Linguistics for Communicative Teachers (Winter 2023)
Tutor, Department of Business & Administration (Fall/Winter 2022/23)
Tutor, Economics (Fall, Winter, Spring 2022/23)