2016_12_06, DEU, Aachen, RWTH, C.A.R.L. lecture hall center, architect: schmidt hammer lassen architects, shl, Copenhagen, photographer: Michael Rasche, www.michaelrasche.com, terms of use: shl can use the pictures for their website, architecture magazines, brochures, books,the name of the photographer will be named at the article, no transfer to third party for commercial use ( manufacturers, construction companies )
RWTH Aachen University in Germany invites application for vacant Research Positions, a German public research university located in Aachen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
Job DescriptionEmploying InstitutionDeadline
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) – PhD student [V000001937]
Software Engineer in the area of Data and/or Process Science
[published 31/12/2022]Lehrstuhl für Informatik 9 (Process and Data Science) [122510]31/05/2023
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) – Postdoc [V000002132]
[published 31/12/2022]Lehrstuhl für Informatik 9 (Process and Data Science) [122510]31/05/2023
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) in the TrainSpot2 Project [V000004567]
Development of metadata connectors for the national education platform in the TrainSpot2 project
[published 27/01/2023]Lehrstuhl für Informatik 5 (Informationssysteme und Datenbanken) [124510]30/04/2023
Research Assistant with bachelor degree (f/m/d) [V000004773]
[published 17/02/2023]Lehrstuhl für Informatik 6 (Maschinelles Lernen) [122010]30/04/2023
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) [V000004776]
PhD student
[published 17/02/2023]Lehrstuhl für Informatik 6 (Maschinelles Lernen) [122010]30/04/2023
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) [V000004783]
Postdoc (f/m/d)
[published 17/02/2023]Lehrstuhl für Informatik 6 (Maschinelles Lernen) [122010]30/04/2023
Research assistant (f/m/d) in the field of navigation of an autonomous car ferry [V000004354]
[published 23/02/2023]Lehrstuhl und Institut für Regelungstechnik [416610]18/04/2023
Research assistant (f/m/d) in the field of state estimation for autonomous driving [V000004355]
[published 23/02/2023]Lehrstuhl und Institut für Regelungstechnik [416610]18/04/2023
Research assistant (f/m/d) in the field of navigation state estimation and simulation [V000004361]
[published 23/02/2023]Lehrstuhl und Institut für Regelungstechnik [416610]18/04/2023
Research assistants (w/m/d) [V000004105]
[published 19/01/2023]Lehrstuhl für Werkstofftechnik der Metalle und Institut für Eisenhüttenkunde [522110]16/04/2023
Research Assistant / Associate (f/m/d) – Postdoc [V000004242]
[published 20/01/2023]Lehrstuhl für Mathematics for Uncertainty Quantification [118110]15/04/2023
Research Assistant (f/m/d) in the field of robust control for autonomous inland shipping [V000004701]
[published 10/02/2023]Lehrstuhl und Institut für Regelungstechnik [416610]07/04/2023
Research Assistant (f/m/d) in the field of networked and cooperative maneuvering of autonomous ships [V000004705]
[published 10/02/2023]Lehrstuhl und Institut für Regelungstechnik [416610]07/04/2023
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) [V000004407]
PhD position in the field of electrolysis and green hydrogen (TME 180_230100)
[published 06/01/2023]Lehrstuhl für Thermodynamik mobiler Energiewandlungssysteme und Institut für Thermodynamik [412310]17/03/2023
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) [V000004408]
PhD position in the field of electrolysis and green hydrogen (TME 181_230100)
[published 06/01/2023]Lehrstuhl für Thermodynamik mobiler Energiewandlungssysteme und Institut für Thermodynamik [412310]17/03/2023
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) [V000004409]
PhD position in electro mobility / fuel cell / battery (TME 017_230100)
[published 06/01/2023]Lehrstuhl für Thermodynamik mobiler Energiewandlungssysteme und Institut für Thermodynamik [412310]17/03/2023
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) [V000004410]
PhD students for “Hybrid Powertrains” (TME 107_230100)
[published 06/01/2023]Lehrstuhl für Thermodynamik mobiler Energiewandlungssysteme und Institut für Thermodynamik [412310]17/03/2023
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) [V000004411]
PhD position in the field electro mobility / fuel cell / battery (TME 126_230100)
[published 06/01/2023]Lehrstuhl für Thermodynamik mobiler Energiewandlungssysteme und Institut für Thermodynamik [412310]17/03/2023
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) [V000004412]
PhD students for “Research and Development in the Field of Optical Flow Diagnostics” (TME 129_230100)
[published 06/01/2023]Lehrstuhl für Thermodynamik mobiler Energiewandlungssysteme und Institut für Thermodynamik [412310]17/03/2023
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) [V000004413]
PhD students for “Research and Development in the Field of Combustion Systems with Optical Flow Diagnostics” (TME 130_230100)
[published 06/01/2023]Lehrstuhl für Thermodynamik mobiler Energiewandlungssysteme und Institut für Thermodynamik [412310]17/03/2023
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) [V000004414]
PhD students for Molecularly Controlled Combustion System Development (FSC 152_230100)
[published 06/01/2023]The Fuel Science Center [080066]17/03/2023
Research Associate (f/m/d) [V000004740]
in the team of the Coastal and Flood Research Group
[published 17/02/2023]Lehrstuhl und Institut für Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft [314410]15/03/2023
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) [V000004019]
PhD position in the field of SOFC fuel cells/systems (TME-No.: 176_221100)
[published 15/01/2023]Lehrstuhl für Thermodynamik mobiler Energiewandlungssysteme und Institut für Thermodynamik [412310]13/03/2023
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) [V000004020]
PhD position in the field of PEM fuel cells/systems (TME 177_221100)
[published 15/01/2023]Lehrstuhl für Thermodynamik mobiler Energiewandlungssysteme und Institut für Thermodynamik [412310]13/03/2023
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) [V000004021]
PhD position in the field of PEM fuel cells/systems (TME 178_221100)
[published 15/01/2023]Lehrstuhl für Thermodynamik mobiler Energiewandlungssysteme und Institut für Thermodynamik [412310]13/03/2023
Research Assistant (f/m/non-binary) [V000003831]
PhD Student – Low carbon Building Materials
[published 10/02/2023]Lehrstuhl für Baustoffkunde [311110]10/03/2023
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) with the aim of obtaining a doctorate in “Smart Charging for Electric Vehicles” [V000004542]
[published 20/01/2023]Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet Mechatronik in mobilen Antrieben [422320]10/03/2023
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) with the aim of obtaining a doctorate in “Automated and Connected Vehicles” [V000004543]
[published 20/01/2023]Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet Mechatronik in mobilen Antrieben [422320]10/03/2023
Research Assistant/Associate – Teaching Coordinator and Lecturer for Quantum Technologies (f/m/d) [V000004559]
[published 27/01/2023]Lehrstuhl für Experimentalphysik und II. Physikalisches Institut [132210]10/03/2023
PostDoc Research Assistant / Associate (f/m/d) [V000004643]
Experimental Particle Physicist
[published 03/02/2023]Lehrstuhl für Experimentalphysik I B und I. Physikalisches Institut [131410]10/03/2023
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) [V000004623]
PhD position in “smart” soft matter
[published 10/02/2023]Lehrstuhl für Physikalische Chemie II und Institut für Physikalische Chemie [153310]05/03/2023
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) [V000004550]
in the field of control engineering
[published 27/01/2023]Lehrstuhl und Institut für Regelungstechnik [416610]03/03/2023
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) [V000004605]
PhD Position in Engineering Geology at RWTH Aachen University, Germany
[published 03/02/2023]Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurgeologie und Hydrogeologie [532110]03/03/2023
Research Assistant / Associate (f/m/d) [V000003628]
Methods for Deterministic Global Optimization in Process Engineering
[published 24/01/2023]Lehrstuhl für Systemverfahrenstechnik [416710]01/03/2023
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d): Postdoc – Methods for Deterministic Global Optimization in Process Engineering [V000003629]
[published 24/01/2023]Lehrstuhl für Systemverfahrenstechnik [416710]01/03/2023
Research Assistant / Associate (f/m/d) PhD Student [V000003722]
Enabling energy-flexible production in the chemical industry
[published 24/01/2023]Lehrstuhl für Systemverfahrenstechnik [416710]01/03/2023
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) [V000004317]
Business Analytics and Operations Research
[published 16/02/2023]Lehrstuhl für Data and Business Analytics [817410]28/02/2023
Research assistant with bachelor degree (f/m/d): data and server infrastructure, backend and frontend development [V000004320]
[published 22/02/2023]Lehrstuhl für Energiesystemökonomik [817310]28/02/2023
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) [V000004578]
[published 27/01/2023]Juniorprofessur für Computational Life Science [165230]28/02/2023
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) [V000004653]
Applied Mathematics
[published 03/02/2023]Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Mathematik und Institut für Geometrie und Praktische Mathematik [111410]28/02/2023
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) [V000004667]
PHD Position at Department for Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology at RW
[published 10/02/2023]Lehrstuhl für Ingenieurgeologie und Hydrogeologie [532110]28/02/2023
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) – Post Doc [V000004662]
Post Doc position in Computational Social Sciences and Humanities
[published 03/02/2023]Lehrstuhl für Methodik und Theorie computerbasierter Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften [751210]26/02/2023
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) – Environmental compatibility of newly developed building materials [V000004506]
Institute of Building Materials Research – Construction Materials
[published 20/01/2023]Lehrstuhl für Baustoffkunde [311110]24/02/2023
Research Assistant/Associate (f/m/d) [V000004672]
Doctoral position in DFG International Research Training Group 2379 “Hierarchical and Hybrid Approaches in Modern Inverse Problems”
[published 10/02/2023]Lehrstuhl für Computergestützte Analyse technischer Systeme [416010]24/02/2023