Consent Preferences 52 Bachelor and Master Scholarships at The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany – Scholar Idea

The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany invites application for vacant Bachelor, Master Positions, a public research university in Karlsruhe, Germany.

IKFT 01-2023 Master thesis on gasification of sugar cane bagasse and conditioning of the synthesis gas

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: IKFT 01-2023
  • Institute of Catalysis Research und Technology (IKFT)

IMT 06-2023 Bachelor-/Masterthesis: Optimization of a new roll to roll hot embossing process for large scale micro structuring of polymer surfaces

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: IMT 06-2023
  • Institute of Microstructure Technology (IMT)

IMT 05-2023 Master Thesis or Internship: Design and implementation of the first probe-head for high-throughput solid state NMR

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: IMT 05-2023
  • Institute of Microstructure Technology (IMT)

IMT 04-2023 Master Thesis or Internship: Plastic recycling for the circular economy: a sorting system based on luminescent signals

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: IMT 04-2023
  • Institute of Microstructure Technology (IMT)

IKFT 01-2023 Master Thesis: Deactivation of Methanol Synthesis Catalysts – Introducing impurities from different H2/CO2 sources

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: IKFT 01-2023
  • Institute of Catalysis Research und Technology (IKFT)

IMT 01-2023 Master Thesis or Internship: Next-generation spectral-splitting hybrid solar photovoltaic-thermal technologies

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: IMT 01-2023
  • Institute of Microstructure Technology (IMT)

IMT 02-2023 Master Thesis or Internship: Weather station system for renewable energy research

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: IMT 02-2023
  • Institute of Microstructure Technology (IMT)

IMT 03-2023 Master Thesis: Harvesting the coldness of the universe for renewable and sustainable cooling

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: IMT 03-2023
  • Institute of Microstructure Technology (IMT)

ITAS 01-2023 Bachelor/Master thesis: Interactive tool for Real-time Preference elicitation in the context of energy technologies

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: ITAS 01-2023
  • Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS)

ETI 07-2023 Bachelor-/Masterarbeit Weiterentwicklung eines Energie Management Systems für eine skalierbare Ladeinfrastruktur

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: ETI 07-2023
  • Institute of Electrical Engineering (ETI)

ETI 09-2023 Master thesis Data driven State-of-Health monitoring of Lithium Ion battery used for micro-grid optimization

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: ETI 09-2023
  • Institute of Electrical Engineering (ETI)

ETI 01-2023 Bachelor-/Masterarbeit Welcher Speicher für welches E-Fahrzeug-Ladeszenario?

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: ETI 01-2023
  • Institute of Electrical Engineering (ETI)

ETI 02-2023 Bachelor-/Masterarbeit Multikriterielle Optimierung einer Ladestation für Elektrofahrzeuge

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: ETI 02-2023
  • Institute of Electrical Engineering (ETI)

ETI 03-2023 Bachelor-/Masterarbeit Auswirkung von Unsicherheit auf die Dimensionierung von E Fahrzeug Ladestationen

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: ETI 03-2023
  • Institute of Electrical Engineering (ETI)

ETI 04-2023 Bachelorarbeit/ Masterarbeit Entwicklung und Implementierung einer selbstlernenden Vorhersage des Ladebedarfs einer Ladestation für Smart Charging Anwendungen

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: ETI 04-2023
  • Institute of Electrical Engineering (ETI)

ETI 06-2023 Master thesis State-of-Energy estimation using Machine Learning considering dynamic current rates and temperatures

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: ETI 06-2023
  • Institute of Electrical Engineering (ETI)

IPE 19-2022 Bachelor-/Masterarbeit zum Thema: Machbarkeitsstudie “Wearable Ultrasound Detektorsys-tem für die Erkennung von Brustkrebs”

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: IPE 19-2022
  • Institute for Data Processing and Electronics (IPE)

ITAS 11-2022 Bachelor / Master Thesis: Application of design principles of interactive systems to a tool for multi-criteria decision analysis

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: ITAS 11-2022
  • Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS)

IPE 14-2022 Bachelor / Master Thesis
Smart energy: Federated Learning for secure load forecasting

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: IPE 14-2022
  • Institute for Data Processing and Electronics (IPE)

IPE 15-2022 Bachelor / Master Thesis
Smart energy: Federated Learning for secure load forecasting using reinforcement learning

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: IPE 15-2022
  • Institute for Data Processing and Electronics (IPE)

IPE 16-2022 Bachelor / Master Thesis
Smart energy: Federated Learning for secure load disaggregation

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: IPE 16-2022
  • Institute for Data Processing and Electronics (IPE)

IPE 17-2022 Bachelor / Master Thesis
Smart energy: Analysis of data-driven optimization algorithms for a sustainable energy management

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: IPE 17-2022
  • Institute for Data Processing and Electronics (IPE)

IPE 18-2022 Masterarbeit zum Thema: Entwicklung eines intelligenten Industrienetzteils für Fördersysteme

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: IPE 18-2022
  • Institute for Data Processing and Electronics (IPE)

IMT 49-2022 Master Thesis: Development of high-field magnetic resonance compatible microfluidic chips

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: IMT 49-2022
  • Institute of Microstructure Technology (IMT)

IMT 50-2022 Master Thesis: Techno-economic assessments of solar combined cooling, heating and power systems

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: IMT 50-2022
  • Institute of Microstructure Technology (IMT)

ETI 07-2022 Bachelorarbeit zum Thema: Entwurf und Implementierung eines modularen Softwareframeworks zur Auswertung von Messungen an Energiespeichersystemen

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: ETI 07-2022
  • Institute of Electrical Engineering (ETI)

AIFB 01-2022 Bachelor or Master Thesis: Deep Learning Anomaly Detection with Model Contradictions for Autonomous Driving

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: AIFB 01-2022
  • Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods (AIFB)

AIFB 02-2022 Bachelor or Master Thesis: Anomaly Detectionwith World Models for Autonomous Driving

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: AIFB 02-2022
  • Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods (AIFB)

AIFB 03-2022 Bachelor or Master Thesis: 3D Voxel Benchmark for Anomaly Detection in Autonomous Driving

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: AIFB 03-2022
  • Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods (AIFB)

AIFB 04-2022 Bachelor or Master Thesis: Benchmarking Anomaly Detection on Camera and Lidar Data with 3D Voxel Representation

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: AIFB 04-2022
  • Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods (AIFB)

AIFB 05-2022 Bachelor or Master Thesis: Deep Learning World Models with Latent States for Autonomous Driving

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: AIFB 05-2022
  • Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods (AIFB)

AIFB 06-2022 Bachelor or Master Thesis: Specialized Evaluation Metrics for Perception Tasks in Autonomous Driving

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: AIFB 06-2022
  • Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods (AIFB)

IMT 48-2022 Master Thesis: Techno-economic comparative study of domestic heat pump technologies in Germany

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: IMT 48-2022
  • Institute of Microstructure Technology (IMT)

IMT 47-2022 Bachelor: Erstellung eines Pythonprogramms zur Auslesung von Rohdaten von Kraft-Abstandskurven des AFMs

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: IMT 47-2022
  • Institute of Microstructure Technology (IMT)

ITAS 10-2022 Master Thesis: Agent based assessment of raw material criticality hotspots for lithium ion batteries

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: ITAS 10-2022
  • Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS)

IMT 46-2022 Master Thesis in Unravelling parameters for Electrohydrodynamic printing: Electrospinning of nanofibers

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: IMT 46-2022
  • Institute of Microstructure Technology (IMT)

IMT 44-2022 Bachelor or Master Thesis: Surface performance and optimization of Nickel Titanium alloy electropolishing parameters

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: IMT 44-2022
  • Institute of Microstructure Technology (IMT)

IMT 45-2022 Bachelor or Master Thesis: Thermal microactuator using shape memory smart materials

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: IMT 45-2022
  • Institute of Microstructure Technology (IMT)

IMT 43-2022 Master Thesis or Internship: Miniaturised magnetising coils for E-Beam

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: IMT 43-2022
  • Institute of Microstructure Technology (IMT)

IMT 41-2022 Bachelor or Master Thesis: Miniature scale cooling using shape memory smart materials

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: IMT 41-2022
  • Institute of Microstructure Technology (IMT)

IMT 42-2022 Bachelor or Master Thesis: Thermal microactuation using shape memory smart materials for waste heat recovery

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: IMT 42-2022
  • Institute of Microstructure Technology (IMT)

IMT 39-2022 Master Thesis in 3D printing of complex architectures of pyrolytic carbon

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: IMT 39-2022
  • Institute of Microstructure Technology (IMT)

IMT 36-2022 Bachelor or Master Thesis: Deep Learning for the prediction of Raser-MRI profiles

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: IMT 36-2022
  • Institute of Microstructure Technology (IMT)

IMT 37-2022 Bachelor / Master Thesis or Internship: Simulation of magnetic field inhomogeneities with Comsol or Python

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: IMT 37-2022
  • Institute of Microstructure Technology (IMT)

IMT 38-2022 Bachelor / Master Thesis or Internship: Deep Learning for spectra reconstruction and compression

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: IMT 38-2022
  • Institute of Microstructure Technology (IMT)

IPE 11-2022 Master Thesis or Internship: Optimizing network performance for future data acquisition systems

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: IPE 11-2022
  • Institute for Data Processing and Electronics (IPE)

IPE 12-2022 Master Thesis or Internship: Leveraging parallel hardware for advanced tomography and laminography

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: IPE 12-2022
  • Institute for Data Processing and Electronics (IPE)

IPE 13-2022 Master Thesis or Internship: Development of Advanced Data Acquisition Framework for High-throughput Streaming and Real-time Analysis of Spectroscopic Data

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: IPE 13-2022
  • Institute for Data Processing and Electronics (IPE)

En Technon 03-2022 Master and Bachelor Thesis in Digital Health: Product Development Methods, AI Applications, Innovations in Health Startups

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: En Technon 03-2022
  • Institute for Entrepreneurship, Technology Management, and Innovation (ENTECHNON)

IAM-ZM 01-2022 Masterarbeit zum Thema: Entwicklung einer in-situ Verschleißmessung

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: IAM-ZM 01-2022
  • Institute for Applied Materials -Reliability and Microstructure (IAM-ZM)

IAM-ZM 02-2022 Bachelorarbeit zum Thema: Erforschung innovativer Schmierstoffsysteme mit einem neuartigen Superlubricity Tribometer

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: IAM-ZM 02-2022
  • Institute for Applied Materials -Reliability and Microstructure (IAM-ZM)

IPE 06-2022 Bachelor or Master Thesis: Feasibility Study „Wearable Ultrasound Detector for Breast Cancer Detection“

  • Ausschreibungsnummer: IPE 06-2022
  • Institute for Data Processing and Electronics (IPE)

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