PhD and Postdoctoral Scholarships at University of Basel, Switzerland, offers attractive terms of employment and supports the advancement of staff.
PhD Student in Epidemiology 80 – 100% to join the Agricultural Health Group
PhD project in Atmospheric Sciences
Medical Doctorate Position in Oral and Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery
Startstipendien der Graduate School of Social Sciences – G3S
3 Fully Funded PhD positions in Advanced Data Management
PhD position in Multimedia Retrieval (100%)
PhD Program Manager / HR Support Specialist (70%-100%)
Doktorand*in am Institut für Bildungswissenschaften
Postdoctoral Position in Development of Smart Surfaces for Biosensing Applications
Senior Scientist or Postdoctoral Scientist in malaria modelling with a focus on vector control
PhD Position: Ultrafast chiral spectroscopy for research in photochemistry
Bourses de début de thèse de la Basel Graduate School of History
Deux bourses de début de thèse en littérature de 30 000 CHF
Two Start-up Grants of the Doctoral Program in Literary Studies
Zwei Anschubstipendien des Doktoratsprogramms Literaturwissenschaft
Starter scholarships of the Basel Graduate School of History
Startstipendien der Basel Graduate School of History
Start-Up Scholarships of the Graduate School of Social Sciences – G3S
PhD Position: Reconstructing Holocene methane oxidation pathways in the Beaufort Sea
Hermann Paul Scholarship in Linguistics 2023
Hermann Paul Scholarship in Linguistics 2023