Postdoc and Academic Positions at The University of Jyväskylä, a research university in Jyväskylä, Finland. founded in 1863.
Open vacancies
6 Doctoral Researchers, Information Technology / Faculty of Information Technology
1-3 DOCTORAL RESEARCHERS, MUSIC RESEARCH / Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
POST-DOCTORAL RESEARCHER, MUSIC RESEARCH / Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
1-2 POST-DOCTORAL RESEARCHERS, MUSIC RESEARCH / Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Senior Lecturer in Mathematics or Statistics / Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Doctoral Researcher in Physics / Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Senior Lecturer in Management and Leadership / School of Business and Economics
4 Doctoral Researchers, Chemistry / Faculty of Mathematics and Science
2-4 Postdoctoral Researchers / Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Senior Lecturer in Educational leadership / Faculty of Education and Psychology
4-7 Postdoctoral Researchers in Mathematics / Faculty of Mathematics and Science