Technical University of Denmark in Denmark invites application for vacant PhD and Postdocs Positions, a university in Kongens Lyngby, among Europe’s leading engineering institutions.
IT AdministratorKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/03/2023
Postdoc in All-Iron Redox Flow Batteries – DTU EnergyKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/03/2023Do you want to contribute to the development of long duration energy storage technology based on abundant and environmentally benign iron chemistry? Do you thrive in an interdisciplinary and collaborative environment where you work closely with both industry and academic partners? Then this postdoc position is for you.
PhD scholarship in Biochar Quality Assessment and Assurance – DTU Chemical EngineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/03/2023We offer for an exciting position within the field of pyrolysis technology and biochar characterization – technology that support carbon storage and utilization in the agricultural sector.
DTU Tenure Track Researcher in Food Allergy and Immunology – DTU FoodKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/03/2023If you have knowledge within the area of allergy and immunology as well as experience working with mechanistic studies, and if you are establishing your career as scientist and are looking for an opportunity to put your skills into practise, you have it right here.
PhD scholarship in AI based High Quality Image and Video Processing and Coding – DTU ElectroKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/03/2023We are inviting applications for a PhD position in novel AI based processing and coding of high quality images and video at DTU Electro. You will apply deep-learning to procure pristine color quality across image and video data for high end digital photography of tomorrow.
Research Assistant / AC-bachelor (part-time) in Natural Language Processing – DTU ComputeKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/03/2023Can you help advance state-of-the-art in natural language processing? Several positions are offered at DTU, in the Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics. The positions are in the Section for Cognitve Systems and will be supervised by Natalie Schluter.
KontorelevKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/03/2023
Postdoc in Long-Distance Quantum Communications – DTU PhysicsKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/03/2023Seeking a postdoc for experimental quantum communication project aiming at violating Bell’s inequality over long distance, use for device-independent quantum key distribution and long-distance continuous variable quantum key distribution. A motivated postdoctoral researcher is needed to join our team to overcome technical and conceptual challenges. The candidate will conduct experimental research and develop new hybrid detection techniques to explore the potential of long-distance QKD.
Postdoc in Maximum Rank Distance Codes and Algebraic Curves over finite fields – DTU ComputeKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/03/2023We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher in Mathematics with experience in coding theory and more specifically on Maximum Rank Distance (MRD) codes. The position (2 years, with preferred starting in September 2023) is part of the 5 years project CREATE ““algebraic CurREs in infomAtion ThEory: a treasure yet to discover” financed by the Villum Fonden-Velux Foundation.
Project ControllerKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/03/2023
Akademisk medarbejderKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/03/2023
Kommunikationskonsulent med forståelse for digital infrastruktur og forskning – DeiCKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/03/2023Kan du formidle teknisk indhold på en letforståelig og engagerende måde? Kan du skabe struktur og overblik på webindhold? Kan du opsøge de gode historier internt og eksternt og sørge for, at de kommer ud på vores forskellige platforme? Så er nedenstående stilling måske noget for dig!
Continuous-Variable Quantum Key Distribution System Engineer – DTU PhysicsKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/03/2023Do you want to bring quantum technology into action by building a quantum key distribution network in Denmark? Then we have a great opportunity for you! Quantum key distribution (QKD) is a quantum technology that enables data encryption with future proof security in contrast to current cryptographic methods which can be broken by quantum computers.
Postdoc in Optical Signal Processing using Integrated Time Lenses – DTU ElectroKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 04/03/2023This postdoc concerns the further development of a concept called the Lens-PON. This is a novel PON system that includes a time-lens in order to transform TDM signals to WDM signals using an optical Fourier transform. This offers significant energy savings compared to both traditional TDM and WDM PONs while keeping other advantages of both systems. Work has been done on developing and maturing this concept and a fibre-based technology demonstrator already exists, while prototypes for a photonic integrated circuit version is being developed.
PhD scholarship in Molecular Bacterial Interactions – DTU BioengineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/31/2023Many bacteria produce antibiotic compounds, however, in natural microbiomes they have much broader roles than merely competitive molecules. The purpose of this PhD is to determine, at the molecular level, the mechanism of action of these non-antibiotic roles. Potentially, the work can lead to novel strategies for finding antimicrobial compounds.
Analytical Chemist to world-class pilot plant – DTU BiosustainKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/31/2023Do you want to be lab responsible and our expert within HPLC analysis?
Postdoc in Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasound Transducers (CMUTs) – DTU Health TechKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/31/2023This multidisciplinary research project is focused on developing silicon MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical systems) based 3D ultrasound transducers for medical ultrasound using cleanroom based micro-fabrication techniques. In the project a wide range of different processing techniques will be used, and new methods developed. So, if you are looking for a career in development and fabrication of microdevices with cutting edge cleanroom facilities and medical ultrasound this project could be a perfect match for.
Postdoc in Volumetric 3D Printing Ultrastrong Porous Structures – DTU ConstructKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/31/2023Are you looking to take your expertise in bio-fabrication and materials to the next level? We’re pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in regenerative medicine, using cutting-edge volumetric 3D printing technology and developing novel biomaterials to create ultrastrong porous structures that cannot be fabricated with traditional techniques. As a key member of our team (iMAT Group) in the Section for Additive Manufacturing at DTU Construct, you’ll have the opportunity to apply your expertise and work alongside other talented professionals in this exciting field in shaping the future of regenerative medicine.
Postdoc in Cavity Quantum Optomechanics – DTU PhysicsKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/31/2023DTU Physics is seeking a proactive experimentalist for a 2-year postdoc position in cavity quantum optomechanics. The project involves investigating the coupling of ultra-coherent mechanical oscillators to an optical cavity field to measure and control their macroscopic quantum states. The research aims to explore macroscopic quantum phenomena and their applications in quantum information processing.
Postdoc in Photonic Quantum Computing – DTU PhysicsKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/31/2023A motivated postdoctoral researcher is needed to join our team working on a quantum computer project focused on using 3D entangled cluster states to overcome technical and conceptual challenges. The candidate will conduct experimental research and develop new algorithms using hybrid detection techniques to explore the potential of 3D clusters for quantum computing.
PhD Scholarships (2) in Computer Vision with Deep Learning for Human-Machine Collaboration – DTU ComputeKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/30/2023Do you want to advance the state-of-the-art research in computer vision systems using human-machine collaboration? The Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and the Pioneer Centre for Artificial Intelligence invites applicants for two fully-funded 3-year PhD positions. The positions are funded by the Sapere Aude: DFF-Starting grant. The positions are offered at DTU, in the Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, at the Visual Computing Group, and will work closely with researchers from the Pioneer Centre for AI.
Projektleder til DeiCDenmark Posted on 03/30/2023Til DeiCs HPC (High Performance Computing) team søger vi en projektleder til at lede og drive en række projekter, som alle omhandler de nationale og internationale projekter som DeiC driver og deltager i.
PhD scholarship in Electrocatalyst Development for High-Temperature Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel cells – DTU EnergyKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/30/2023Do you plan to study electrocatalysis and contribute to developing fuel cells for a sustainable future? Do you enjoy working closely with the industry to convert research knowledge to cutting-edge products? This PhD position is for you.
PhD position in Synchrotron based X-Ray Microscopy – DTU PhysicsKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/30/2023We are looking for an outstanding and motivated candidate to join our interdisciplinary and international group, where we combine X-ray physics, simulations of experiments and scientific computing with dislocation dynamics simulations.
Professor in Advanced Computational Methods for Power Systems – DTU WindDenmark Posted on 03/30/2023If you are looking for the best possible environment for fulfilling your dreams and ambitions, it is right here in front of you. At DTU Wind and Energy Systems you will break new ground at the absolute forefront of what is possible within advanced computational methods for power systems.
Fermentation Specialist – DTU BioengineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/29/2023We seek for a Fermentation specialist for the Fermentation core at DTU. The candidates must have skills in fermentation technology, industry experience and at least an MSc degree in Biotechnology or similar.
PhD scholarship in the design, synthesis and properties of large-scale nanowire lattices – DTU EnergyKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/29/2023
Regnskabsmedarbejder med fokus på regnskab, indkøb samt ordrematch – Afd. for Økonomi og RegnskabKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/29/2023Har du erfaring og stærke kompetencer inden for kreditorbogholderi, kontrol af indkøb og efterfølgende ordrematch samt samarbejde med leverandører? Og har du særligt blik for optimering og digitalisering af processer? Er du en teamplayer med drive og ser du værdien af sparring og videndeling samt glade samarbejdspartnere og kollegaer?
Postdoc in computational modelling of chemical recycling of composites – DTU WindRoskilde, Denmark Posted on 03/29/2023Have you thought about how it is possible to model recycling of composite materials?
Akademisk medarbejderKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/29/2023
Postdoc in sustainable manufacturing and modelling of polymer-matrix composites – DTU WindRoskilde, Denmark Posted on 03/29/2023We are seeking a Postdoctoral candidate who can contribute to our research in the field of manufacturing polymer matrix composites for wind turbine blades. This work is expected to focus the characterization, modelling, and experimental validation of curing kinetics for novel sustainable resin systems and the residual stresses resulting from manufacturing, in support of the team aim to develop a material digital twin for the full material lifecycle (including repair and recycling). This position is linked to the WiseWind project.
Postdoc in Photocatalysis for Organic Chemistry – DTU ChemistryKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/29/2023A one-year post-doctoral fellowship in organic chemistry, photocatalysis, and homogeneous asymmetric metal catalysis under the supervision of Associate Professor Søren Kramer is available at the Technical University of Denmark. The project will be performed in the Organic and Inorganic Chemistry Section at DTU Chemistry.
Postdoc for Development of New Catalysts by use of Mass-Selected Clusters/Nanoparticles at SurfCat, DTU PhysicsKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/29/2023The goal will initially be finding new catalysts for thermal ammonia synthesis/decomposition, while other reactions can also be considered in connection with conversion of sustainable energy. The search for new catalysts will be undertaken in close collaboration with the CatTheory section headed by Jens Nørskov, whom are screening for new catalysts using DFT calculations and activity modelling.
PhD scholarship in Atomic Scale Modelling of Catalysts for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction – DTU EnergyKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/28/2023Do you want to contribute to a sustainable future based on electrochemical energy technologies?
PhD scholarship in Industry 4.0, Freight Transport and Technology implementation – DTU Engineering TechnologyBallerup, Denmark Posted on 03/28/2023Break new ground in the implementation of technology in Danish freight transportation companies and unleash the potential of Industry 4.0 technology through analyses of actual technology implementation cases in close collaboration with relevant companies.
Program Developer for Quantum Information Science & Technology Master – DTU PhysicsKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/28/2023Seeking a highly motivated individual to work as a Program Developer for a European-wide master program on quantum information technology. Join a collaborative effort with 24 universities from 10 countries to shape the future of quantum education.
Postdoc in Theoretical (Electro-)Catalysis – DTU PhysicsKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/27/2023We are seeking an outstanding postdoctoral candidate in the field of theoretical catalysis. The postdoc will be a member of the Catalysis Theory Center (Cattheory) at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) located at the outskirts of Copenhagen. Cattheory spans two departments at DTU, the Department of Physics, and the Department of Energy Conversion and Storage.
DTU Tenure Track Assistant Professor on Thin Oxide Films for Energy Conversion and StorageKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/27/2023If you have a strong desire to establish yourself as a scientist within renewable energy technologies, and you are looking for the best possible foundation for fulfilling your dreams and ambitions, it could be right here!
Professor in Aquaculture Recirculation Technology – DTU AquaDenmark Posted on 03/27/2023DTU invites applications for a position as professor in Aquaculture recirculation technology. The professorship is affiliated with the National Institute of Aquatic Resources (DTU Aqua), Section for Aquaculture and is based at the institute’s locality at the North Sea Science Park, Hirtshals.
PhD scholarship in Chemical and Catalytic Conversion of Lignin to Organic Coatings – DTU Chemical EngineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/27/2023In the coatings industry, there is an increasing demand for sustainable production, leading the research towards biomass-based materials for polymers, to substitute fossil-derived raw materials. Lignin is the largest natural source of aromatics, yet only 2% of the produced lignin in the pulp and paper industry is used to produce value-added products. We offer you a unique opportunity to join DTUs Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering in the development and study of processes for conversion of industrial waste lignin into well-defined aromatic compounds that can replace fossil-based aromatics in the organic binders of industrial and maritime coatings.
Fermentation Engineer to world-class pilot plant – DTU BiosustainKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/24/2023Become our primary fermentation specialist in a world of highly exciting projects.
Postdoc in Digital Optical Neural Networks – DTU ElectroKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/24/2023With this new postdoc position, we offer you the possibility of becoming the key person in the research and development of integrated optical computing for neural networks, aiming for ultra-high processing speed and high calculation precision. The setting will be the cutting-edge laboratory for advanced optical and digital signal processing and integrated photonics devices, and the access to one of the largest cleanroom facilities in European Universities. You will be working in DTU Electro, in the ultra-High Speed Optical Communication group.
Category ManagerKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/24/2023
Postdoc in Modelling and Verification of Concurrent and Distributed Applications – DTU ComputeKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/24/2023We are hiring a postdoc with experience in formal methods for distributed systems and/or programming languages. This 2-year position is part of the Horizon Europe project TaRDIS , which aims at advancing the development of reliable distributed applications.
PhD scholarship in Digital Twins for Autonomous and Safe Construction Production – DTU ConstructKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/23/2023The Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering invites an excellent candidate to join our research team. The successful candidate will have an exciting opportunity to work as part of a team on multiple research projects related to digital twins for autonomous and safe construction production, for example, digital fabrication, tracking progress, monitoring emissions, proactive safety and health, and personalized learning environments.
PhD Fellowship in Effects of Higher Order Modes on Optical Fiber Amplifiers and Lasers – DTU ElectroKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/23/2023The Fiber Optics, Devices and Nonlinear Effects group at DTU Electro at the Technical University of Denmark is seeking a candidate for a PhD to explore the effect of higher order modes in optical fiber amplifiers and lasers. You will participate in an international team in an EU-funded Doctoral Network project called HOMTech. This Ph.D. project will take place at DTU Electro in close collaboration with OFS Denmark (www.ofsoptics.com/).
Postdoc in the field of Medium and High Entropy Alloys – DTU ConstructKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/23/2023The Section for Materials and Surface Engineering at the Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering of the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) invites applications for a Postdoc position in the field of medium and high entropy alloys. If you are establishing your career as scientist and you are looking for the best possible foundation for fulfilling your ambitions, it is the right place for you. You are expected to start your work soonest possible, and you will work on your project for 15 months.
Novo Nordisk Foundation Postdoc in Downstream Processing for In Situ Product Removal after Fermentation – DTU Chemical EngineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/23/2023The department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering at the Technical University of Denmark offers a postdoc position in downstream processing, particularly in the field of submerged membrane fermenters. The project will address the question of how to develop efficient product removal during fermentation, in an attempt to boost productivity while reducing product inhibition.
PhD scholarship in Bayesian Analysis of Transfer Paths in Hearing Aids – DTU ElectroKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/23/2023Are you interested in vibro-acoustics and want to explore the possibility of combining Bayesian statistical techniques with Transfer Path Analysis (TPA) and apply these to the experimental analysis of hearing aids? This PhD project is focused on improving transfer path analysis methods for miniature audio systems such as hearing aids. The will be done using Bayesian statistical methods.
Finance & Operations Partner – DTU Green PactKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/23/2023Do you want to be in the engine room of Denmark’s most ambitious ClimateTech initiative? Are you looking for a dynamic and impactful opportunity in the field of ClimateTech? GreenPact, Denmark’s most ambitious ClimateTech initiative, is looking for a Finance & Operations Partner who can build system and strucutre that works for our team and partners.
Brand and Engagement Partner – DTU Green PactKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/23/2023Do you want to be at the forefront of Denmark’s most ambitious ClimateTech initiative? Are you passionate about making a positive impact on our planet? Do you want to work for an organisation that is actively tackling climate change? Look no further than GreenPact!
Postdocs in Digital Twins for Autonomous and Safe Construction Production – DTU ConstructKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/22/2023The Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) invites excellent candidates to join our research team. A successful candidate will have an exciting opportunity to work as part of a team on multiple research projects related to digital twins for autonomous and safe construction production, for example, digital fabrication, tracking progress, monitoring emissions, proactive safety and health, and personalized learning environments.
Research Assistant in Microbial Therapeutics Development – DTU BiosustainKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/22/2023Research assistant at DTU Biosustain, Bacterial Synthetic Biology – We are seeking a new colleague for technical support of our Microbial Therapeutics team. You hold a master’s degree in life science, interest in the microbiome field and want to deepen your laboratory skills? We’d like to meet you!
PhD scholarship in Brain Imaging using Super Resolution Ultrasound – DTU Health TechKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/21/2023A 3-year PhD scholarship is available at the Center for Fast Ultrasound Imaging (CFU), Department of Health Technology (DTU Health Tech) from June 2023 sponsored by the European Research Council (ERC) and DTU Health Tech. It is conducted in collaboration between CFU and the MEMS group at DTU Health Tech, the University of Copenhagen, and the Copenhagen University Hospital (Rigshospitalet) in the ERC Synergy Grant “3-D Super resolution Ultrasound Real time imaging of Erythrocytes” – SURE.
Postdoc – Investigating new Parameter Space with CO2 Electrocatalysis – DTU PhysicsKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/21/2023Near ambient temperature CO2 electrolysis is an emerging approach for providing a sustainable approach to produce the carbon-based molecules necessary for the chemicals industry as well as aviation and shipping fuels. Over the last decade an incredible amount of research has been done in this field and new companies are emerging. However, in terms of research this entails a shift from investigating ‘perfect environment’ catalysis to more real world issues.
PhD Scholarship – Investigating New Parameter Space with CO2 Electrocatalysis – DTU PhysicsKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/21/2023Near ambient temperature CO2 electrolysis is an emerging approach for providing a sustainable approach to produce carbon-based molecules necessary for the chemicals industry as well as aviation and shipping fuels. Over the last decade an incredible amount of research has been done in this field and new companies are emerging. However, in terms of research this entails a shift from investigating perfect environment catalysis to more real world issues.
Postdoc in Wastewater Treatment Upcycling – DTU Chemical EngineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/21/2023Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering invites applications for a position as Post Doctoral Fellow to be hired within the frame of an EU collaborative project with a focus on wastewater valorization and production of high-value bioproducts using microalgae.
TeknikerKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/20/2023
Postdoc in Modelling Fluid Dynamics for Hydrogen Liquefaction using Magnetocalorics – DTU EnergyKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/20/2023DTU Energy is looking for a three year postdoc on modeling hydrogen liquefaction using magnetocalorics. We will model fluid flow, heat transfer dynamics and magnetism.
Research Assistant in Flexible Electronics – DTU Health TechKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/20/2023We at the Department of Health Technology (DTU Health Tech), Technical University of Denmark are currently looking for a Research assistant that can assist in PCB design, sensor and prototype development.
Postdocs in Single Nanoparticle Catalysis Studied by Advanced Operando Electron Microscopy – DTU PhysicsKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/20/2023Would you thrive in a world-class team addressing the grand challenges in catalysis science? Two or more PostDoc positions are now open for experimental research in nanoparticle catalysis using advanced operando electron microscopy at the Center for Visualizing Catalytic Processes (VISION).
PhD scholarships on Single Nanoparticle Catalysis studied using Advanced Operando Electron Microscopy – DTU PhysicsKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/20/2023Would you thrive in a world-class team addressing the grand challenges in catalysis science? Two or more PhD positions are now open for experimental research in nanoparticle catalysis using advanced operando electron microscopy at the Center for Visualizing Catalytic Processes (VISION).
PhD scholarship in Novel Method for the Printing of Hydrogel and Hydrogel Composites – DTU ConstructKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/17/2023The DTU Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, section of Manufacturing Engineering would like to invite highly motivated and talented applicants for a 3-year PhD position dealing with the development of a novel method for the printing of hydrogel and hydrogel composites. The project is partially financed by the DTU’s alliance PhD scheme and will run in collaboration with DTU and Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST).
Postdoc in microbial electrochemistry – DTU SustainDenmark Posted on 03/16/2023The postdoc’s duties include research within the microbial electrosynthesis and the development of the novel waste carbon-to-protein concept, scientific dissemination of the results in scientific articles and at conferences, as well as teaching.
Postdoc in allergy immunotherapy and immunological biochemistry – DTU BioengineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/15/2023Postdoctoral Researcher with expertise in allergy immunotherapy and immunological biochemistry needed to lead a 2-year research project on development of a ground-breaking new treatment for allergies. The successful candidate will have the potential to make a significant impact on millions of people worldwide.
PhD scholarship in The biological roles of protein aggregate stability – DTU BioengineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/15/2023Be part of a team at DTU Bioengineering performing cutting edge research on the molecular origins and driving forces of protein aggregation. In this project, you will investigate the link between the stability of the aggregates that cause Parkinson’s disease and ALS and their biological degradability.
Postdoc in Exploration of the sequence dependence of protein assembly and condensation at high throughput – DTU BioengineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/15/2023Be part of a team performing cutting edge research in the field of protein aggregation and liquid phase separation! Apply for the ERC-funded project with the aim to develop novel methods to explore the amino acid sequence space of these protein assembly phenomena.
Postdoc in Drug Delivery of Antibiotics and Nucleotides – DTU Health TechKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/15/2023DTU Health Tech is seeking a highly experienced and motivated formulation scientist to join our Distinguished Innovator project team. Our team is dedicated to local delivery of antibiotics and nucleotides, with a primary focus on treating infections and inflammation in soft tissue, bones, and joints such as osteomyelitis and osteoarthritis.
Head of section (Senior Researcher) in Marine Living Resources – DTU AquaKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/15/2023DTU invites applications for the position of Head of Section for Marine Living Resources. The position is affiliated with the National Institute of Aquatic Resources (DTU Aqua) and is based at DTU campus in Kgs. Lyngby, but with activities at other locations of the Institute.
Postdocs (1-2) in new Durable Materials for Capacitors and Recycling of Polymers – DTU Chemical EngineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/14/2023Are you intrigued by the many fascinating properties and advanced uses of polymers? Are you looking for an opportunity to expand your knowledge and establish yourself as a researcher within cutting-edge polymer science? Then the Danish polymer Centre is looking for you!
FiskeriteknikerNykøbing Mors, Denmark Posted on 03/10/2023
SpecialkonsulentKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/10/2023
PhD scholarship in Rapid 3D Bio-printing for Autologous Surgical Procedures – DTU Health TechKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/10/2023Are you interested in developing the next generation of bio-printing that can be directly implemented in surgical procedures? DTU Health Tech and Rigshospitalet is now offering a PhD scholarship at the intersection between biomaterials, tissue engineering, and autologous surgeries.
Postdoc position in computational biology/bioinformatics – DTU BiosustainKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/09/2023If your areas of interest and competence are genomic big data science and software development, and you are looking to gain experience while working on projects that will make an impact on the world, this is your chance.
Postdoctoral research fellowship on spin-charge interconversion phenomena in oxide heterostructures – DTU EnergyKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/09/2023Fabrication of complex oxide heterostructures.
PhD scholarship in computational biology/bioinformatics – DTU BiosustainKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/09/2023The Novo Nordisk Foundation for Biosustainability (DTU Biosustain) at the Technical University of Denmark is seeking highly motivated PhD candidates with an interest in deep learning and bioinformatics approaches for sustainability and human health.
Data Scientist – DTU BiosustainKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/08/2023If your areas of interest and competence are genomic big data science and software development, and you are looking to gain experience while working on projects that will make an impact on the world, this is your chance.
PhD scholarship in Intracellular Quantum Sensing – DTU Health TechKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/07/2023Are you curious about chemical processes occurring inside a biological cell? Would you like to develop new sensing modalities to resolving intracellular reactions? We invite applications for a 3-year PhD scholarship in diamond sensing, microfluidics, and optical trapping, to work in the Section for Magnetic Resonance at DTU Health Tech.
KoordinatorKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/07/2023
PhD scholarship in lake restoration and fish behaviour – DTU AquaSilkeborg, Denmark Posted on 03/06/2023Do you like fish, big data sets and are you looking for a career as a natural scientist with strong analytical skills and an applied focus, this could be a position for you.
PhD scholarship in Assurance of AI-based Multi-modal Perception Systems for Situation Awareness – DTU ElectroKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/06/2023Are you looking for an opportunity to make a meaningful impact in the development of safe and secure autonomous systems for the future of mobility and logistics? Do you aspire to be a trailblazer in the assurance of autonomous systems’ technologies? If so, we invite you to embark on a scientific adventure across two internationally leading research environments in Scandinavia.
PhD scholarship in Physiological Bioprocess Control – DTU Chemical EngineeringKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/01/2023Are you eager to turn recent discoveries of the life sciences into processes and products? By giving you the best possible scientific foundation and a vivid research environment, DTU Chemical and Biochemical engineering is probably one of the best places where this can happen.
PhD Digital Training – DTU ComputeKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 03/01/2023Industry PhD position. The candidate will be employed at Novo Nordisk and enrolled in the PhD-school at DTU Compute.
Forskningstekniker til Testcenter Høvsøre – DTU WindDenmark Posted on 02/22/2023Vi leder efter en forskningsteknikker, som vil arbejde med vindturbine protyper på teststationen i Høvsøre.
PhD scholarship for Quantum Sensing in Photosynthesis – DTU PhysicsKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 02/21/2023At DTU Physics, we seek a PhD candidate to develop and apply nano-scale quantum sensing for the study of photosynthesis. The candidate will develop quantum sensing protocols and apply these for the investigation of quantum transport in photosynthetic processes.
KontorelevKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 02/15/2023
Professor in Reproductive Toxicology – DTU FoodKgs. Lyngby, Denmark Posted on 02/09/2023The National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), invites applications for a position as Professor in Reproductive Toxicology. If you see yourself as an ambitious and internationally renowned scientist, and if you are looking for a full professorship to consolidate reproductive toxicology research at an international level, please keep reading.