Eindhoven University in Netherlands invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoc and Academic Positions, a technical university in the Netherlands, operating in English.
Polymer-based composite actuators under confinement: 2D coatings and 3D printing
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, No, Chemical Engineering and Chemistry
Lecturer lab education
Other academic staff, No, Chemical Engineering and Chemistry
Postdoc-Medium Voltage Power Electronics for Heating Electrification
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, No, Electrical Engineering
Assistant Professor in Intelligence Augmentation
Assistant Professor, No, Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences
(Junior) postdoc in the area of deep learning and deep generative modeling
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, No, Mathematics and Computer Science
PhD position in Explainable AI in Healthcare
PhD-student, No, Mathematics and Computer Science
Academic Advisor (0,6 – 1,0 fte)
Non academic staff (supporting staff), No, Education and Student Affairs
Juridisch Secretaris Examencommissie 0,7 – 1,0 Fte
Non academic staff (supporting staff), No, Education and Student Affairs
PhD in philosophy and ethics of technology
PhD-student, No, Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences
Vice-Dean Department Mathematics & Computer Science
Professor, No, Mathematics and Computer Science
2 PhD positions on modeling of heat and mass transfer in rarefied gases
PhD-student, No, Mechanical Engineering
Postdoc In Structural Reliability in case of reuse of precast concrete elements
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, No, Built Environment
EngD on Games4Care: Evaluating gamified lifestyle changing strategies
Engineering Doctorate (EngD), No, Industrial Design
PhD on Airborne infection control through localized ventilation and air cleaning
PhD-student, No, Built Environment
PhD on Software Testing for AI Software
PhD-student, No, Mathematics and Computer Science, JADS Den Bosch
PhD on Fairness of AI Software Systems
PhD-student, No, Mathematics and Computer Science, JADS Den Bosch
PhD on Audits for Explainability and transparency for AI Software
PhD-student, No, Mathematics and Computer Science, JADS Den Bosch
PhD Position on Bayesian Machine Learning for Wireless Communication
PhD-student, No, Electrical Engineering
PhD on Auditing responsibility and accountability of AI Software Systems
PhD-student, No, Mathematics and Computer Science, JADS Den Bosch
PhD on Auditing Framework & tool for robust and reliable AI software DevOps
PhD-student, No, Mathematics and Computer Science, JADS Den Bosch
PhD on 3D Millimetre-Wave Antenna Array for 6G Joint Communication and Sensing
PhD-student, No, Electrical Engineering
Full Professor in Structural Engineering and Design of Concrete Structures
Professor, No, Built Environment
Full Professor in Building Lighting
Professor, No, Built Environment
Full Professor in Sustainable Structural Design
Professor, Yes, Built Environment
Lecturer Architectural Urban Design and Engineering (AUDE) (0,8 FTE)
Other academic staff, No, Built Environment
Assistant Professor Sustainable urban area development
Assistant Professor, No, Built Environment
Enterprise Architect (0,8-1,0 fte)
Non academic staff (supporting staff), No, Library and Information Services
Secretary (0,6 – 0,8 fte)
Non academic staff (supporting staff), No, Mathematics and Computer Science
Visits Coördinator (0,8 – 1 FTE)
Non academic staff (supporting staff), No, General Affairs, Innovation Space
(Junior) Microsoft Cloud Specialist – collaboration (0.8-1.0 fte)
Non academic staff (supporting staff), No, Library and Information Services
PhD position on Defect Driven Local Charging
PhD-student, No, Applied Physics and Science Education
PhD on on Bayesian Generative AI for Audio Processing
PhD-student, No, Electrical Engineering
PhD Position (DC8) on Quantum resistant communications
PhD-student, No, Electrical Engineering
Post-Master EngD position on Designing a plasma for disinfection
Engineering Doctorate (EngD), No, Applied Physics and Science Education
Consultant Audio Visual (0,8 – 1,0 FTE)
Non academic staff (supporting staff), No, Library and Information Services
Senior Data Steward – Research Data Management
Non academic staff (supporting staff), No, Library and Information Services
Senior Recruiter – Professional Staff (0,8-1,0 fte)
Non academic staff (supporting staff), No, Human Resources Management
Senior Recruiter for Professors (0,8-1,0 fte)
Non academic staff (supporting staff), No, Human Resources Management
PhD on Real-time Biomolecular Sensing
PhD-student, No, Biomedical Engineering
Associate Professor – Digitally Enabled Urban Planning and Design Methodologies
Associate Professor, No, Built Environment
Medewerker LIS Workplace Devices (1.0 fte)
Non academic staff (supporting staff), No, Library and Information Services
Procescoördinator digitale tentamens (1.0 FTE)
Non academic staff (supporting staff), No, Education and Student Affairs
HR Advisor – 0.8 -1 FTE
Non academic staff (supporting staff), No, Human Resources Management
Flexible deployable (vliegende kiep) HR Advisor – 0.8 -1 FTE
Non academic staff (supporting staff), No, Human Resources Management
Junior / Medior Inkoper (0.8-1.0 fte)
Non academic staff (supporting staff), No, Finance and Control
Communicatie-adviseur (24-28 uur)
Non academic staff (supporting staff), No, Communication Expertise Center
Communicatiemedewerker Instituten
Non academic staff (supporting staff), No, Communication Expertise Center
Part-time Full Professor In Innovative Networks (0,3 FTE)
Professor, No, Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences
Postdoctoral position in the TACTICS project
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, No, Mathematics and Computer Science, Health
PhD on Smart hybrid modeling for thermo-mechanical dynamics
PhD-student, No, Electrical Engineering
PhD position on pressurized alkaline water electrolysis
PhD-student, No, Chemical Engineering and Chemistry
PhD position in Reinforcement Learning
PhD-student, No, Mathematics and Computer Science
Marketing and communications officer – department Industrial Design (32-26 hrs)
Non academic staff (supporting staff), No, Communication Expertise Center
Klinisch informaticus in opleiding
Engineering Doctorate (EngD), No, Applied Physics and Science Education
PhD on Machine Learning to Improve Illumination Optics Design
PhD-student, No, Mathematics and Computer Science
PhD on Machine Learning to Improve Illumination Optics Design
PhD-student, No, Mathematics and Computer Science
Project Development Officer (1,0 fte)
Non academic staff (supporting staff), No, Applied Physics and Science Education
Postdoc In Reliability Testing of Linear Actuators
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, No, Electrical Engineering
PhD in more-than-human landscapes of design
PhD-student, No, Industrial Design
Lecturer Building Physics and Services
Other academic staff, No, Built Environment
PhD on the product design learning curve
PhD-student, No, Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences
PhD in Knowledge Graph creation, management, and analytics
PhD-student, No, Mathematics and Computer Science
Projectleiders Vastgoedprojecten (0.7-1.0 fte)
Non academic staff (supporting staff), No, Real Estate
Beveiligingsmedewerker (1,0 fte)
Non academic staff (supporting staff), No, Facility Management Center
PhD on Calcification mechanisms in in-situ heart valve tissue engineering
PhD-student, No, Biomedical Engineering
PhD on Variability in Macrophage-Driven Tissue Regeneration
PhD-student, No, Biomedical Engineering
Postdoc position on Integrated symbolic AI and machine learning
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, No, Mathematics and Computer Science
PhD position on Integrated symbolic AI and machine learning
PhD-student, No, Mathematics and Computer Science
PhD on Novel Ultrasound Transducers and Imaging Techniques
PhD-student, No, Biomedical Engineering
Postdoc in digital microfluidic platform for high-content monitoring of cells
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, No, Biomedical Engineering
Postdoc position on spectral sensing
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, No, Applied Physics and Science Education
Communicatiemedewerker EngD & PhD programma’s (24-28u)
Non academic staff (supporting staff), No, Communication Expertise Center
PhD Recyclable polycarbonates by dynamic-covalent chemistry
PhD-student, No, Chemical Engineering and Chemistry
Competence Manager / Chapter Lead (0,8-1,0 fte)
Non academic staff (supporting staff), No, Library and Information Services
EngD position: Designing a plasma for disinfection
Engineering Doctorate (EngD), No, Applied Physics and Science Education
PhD on the physics of ion and water detection in micro-electronics
PhD-student, No, Applied Physics and Science Education
PostDoc on Development of digital twins for industrial heat pumps
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, No, Mechanical Engineering
PhD’s on (multi) robot control, perception and human-robot interaction
PhD-student, No, Mechanical Engineering
Project Development Officer
Non academic staff (supporting staff), No, Mathematics and Computer Science
ICT Developer
Non academic staff (supporting staff), No, Built Environment
PhD on the Mechanobiology of the Cardiac-Infarct Border Zone
PhD-student, No, Biomedical Engineering
Finance & Project Controller (0,5-1,0 fte)
Non academic staff (supporting staff), No, Finance and Control
Dean of Electrical Engineering
Professor, No, Electrical Engineering
PhD position on Compiler Design for Smart Edge Processors
PhD-student, No, Electrical Engineering
PhD position in Heat Transition Built Environment-program
PhD-student, Yes, Electrical Engineering, EIRES – Eindhoven Institute for Renewable Energy Systems
Coördinerend Deskundige stralingsbescherming (0,8 – 1 fte)
Non academic staff (supporting staff), No, Human Resources Management
Research Software Engineer in Energy Systems Simulation
Other academic staff, No, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science, EIRES – Eindhoven Institute for Renewable Energy Systems
Postdoc on Digital Twinning of Positive Energy Districts
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, No, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science, EIRES – Eindhoven Institute for Renewable Energy Systems
Postdoc in modelling innovative use scenarios for future domestic comfort
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, No, Built Environment, EIRES – Eindhoven Institute for Renewable Energy Systems
Postdoc in solar energy to decarbonize heating and cooling in urban areas
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, No, Built Environment, EIRES – Eindhoven Institute for Renewable Energy Systems
Postdoc position for TwinTES project
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, No, Built Environment, EIRES – Eindhoven Institute for Renewable Energy Systems
PostDoc on high-fidelity Full-Order Model for district HEating &COoling NETworks
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, No, Built Environment, Mechanical Engineering, EIRES – Eindhoven Institute for Renewable Energy Systems
Postdoc on Phase Change Materials in Buildings (PCMB)
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, No, Mechanical Engineering, EIRES – Eindhoven Institute for Renewable Energy Systems
Postdoc on Stabilizing Salt Hydrates for Thermochemical Energy Storage
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, No, Applied Physics and Science Education, EIRES – Eindhoven Institute for Renewable Energy Systems
Postdoc on responsible heat transition in the built environment
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, No, Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences, EIRES – Eindhoven Institute for Renewable Energy Systems
PhD student “Failure mechanisms in electromagnetic actuators”
PhD-student, No, Mechanical Engineering
Assistant Professor in Sustainable Structural Design
Assistant Professor, No, Built Environment
PhD or postdoc on Single-molecule biosensing using plasmon-enhanced fluorescence
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, PhD-student, No, Applied Physics and Science Education
PhD position on Ultracold Electron Pulses for Molecular Movies
PhD-student, No, Applied Physics and Science Education
PhD in Quantum Secure Communications and Networking
PhD-student, No, Electrical Engineering
PhD on Fieldlab for Quantum Cryptography Evaluation in Industrial Use-cases
PhD-student, No, Electrical Engineering
Hardware Engineer or PostDoc for Quantum Safe Communications Systems – QCINed
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, Other academic staff, No, Electrical Engineering
Software Engineer or PostDoc for Quantum Safe Communications Systems – QCINed
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, Non academic staff (supporting staff), No, Electrical Engineering
Network & Operations Engineer or PostDoc for Quantum Safe Comm. Systems – QCINed
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, Other academic staff, No, Electrical Engineering
Full Professor in Building Services
Professor, Yes, Built Environment
Onderwijs- & Onderzoeksmedewerker(0,6-0,8 fte)
Non academic staff (supporting staff), No, Chemical Engineering and Chemistry
1 PhD/PD position: Photonic Neural Networks for Edge Computing
PhD-student, No, Electrical Engineering
Multiple Professor Positions (Assistant/Associate/Full) in Systems and Control
Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, No, Mechanical Engineering
PhD on Persuasive Technology and Interaction Design
PhD-student, No, Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences
Secretaresse binnen de faculteit Built Environment (0,8 fte)
Non academic staff (supporting staff), No, Built Environment
Course Support Officer (0,6-1,0 fte)
Non academic staff (supporting staff), No, Education and Student Affairs
Ass./Assoc.Professor on secure hardware computer architectures for edge devices
Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, No, Electrical Engineering
Lecturer In the department of Built Environment / Urban Planning and Real Estate
Other academic staff, No, Built Environment
Lab Manager for the laboratory of the Power Electronics and Electromechanics
Other academic staff, No, Electrical Engineering
Postdoc Novel Ultrasound Transducers&Imaging Techniques for Pregnancy Monitoring
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, No, Biomedical Engineering
PhD on AI/ML for 6G communications and Networking
PhD-student, No, Electrical Engineering
EngD Process and Product Design
Engineering Doctorate (EngD), No, Chemical Engineering and Chemistry
Project Controller (0.8-1,0 fte)
Non academic staff (supporting staff), No, Finance and Control
4 PhD’s in the field of modelling of three-phase flows with catalytic particles
PhD-student, No, Chemical Engineering and Chemistry
EngD student on Deep learning to detect bitmap artefacts
Engineering Doctorate (EngD), No, Electrical Engineering
2 PhD positions on social tipping dynamics in sustainability transitions
PhD-student, No, Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences
(5) PhD / PD positions – Photonic integrated circuit technology
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, PhD-student, No, Electrical Engineering, Eindhoven Hendrik Casimir Institute
3 PhD’s or PD’s in Photonic integrated circuits for sensors in health & agrifood
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, PhD-student, No, Electrical Engineering, Eindhoven Hendrik Casimir Institute
3 PhD/PD positions – Photonic integration for LiDAR sensing technologies
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, PhD-student, No, Electrical Engineering, Eindhoven Hendrik Casimir Institute
One position: PhD – High speed electronic-photonic integration
PhD-student, No, Electrical Engineering, Eindhoven Hendrik Casimir Institute
One position: PhD – Hybrid photonic integration
PhD-student, No, Electrical Engineering, Eindhoven Hendrik Casimir Institute
PostDoc on Sustainable supply chain design for renewable energy
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, No, Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences
HPC Application Support Engineer – for simulations
Non academic staff (supporting staff), No, Library and Information Services
Medewerker recordbeheer digitaal TU/e archief (0.8-1.0 fte)
Non academic staff (supporting staff), No, Library and Information Services
EngD trainee positions (TOIO) ‘Automotive Systems Design’
Engineering Doctorate (EngD), No, Mathematics and Computer Science
EngD trainee positions (TOIO) ‘Mechatronic Systems Design’
Engineering Doctorate (EngD), No, Mathematics and Computer Science
PhD on sensory guided thermotherapy
PhD-student, No, Electrical Engineering
EngD on electromagnetics (EM) measurements in thermotherapy
Engineering Doctorate (EngD), No, Electrical Engineering
PhD on AI/ML-assisted zero touch management of 6G networks
PhD-student, No, Electrical Engineering
PhD on experimental and theoretical investigation of organic aerogel formation
PhD-student, No, Chemical Engineering and Chemistry
JADS: PhD in Synergies between Platforms (1,0 fte)
PhD-student, No, Mathematics and Computer Science, JADS Den Bosch
Lab Manager EAISI Digital Twin Lab (16 uur)
Non academic staff (supporting staff), No, EAISI – Eindhoven Artificial Intelligence Systems Institute
Financial Reporting Analist (0.8 – 1.0 fte)
Non academic staff (supporting staff), No, Finance and Control
Postdoc position on ultra-reliable intra-aircraft wireless communication
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, No, Electrical Engineering
Assistant Professor in Dynamics and Control for Engineering Systems
Assistant Professor, No, Mechanical Engineering
Assistant Professor in Digital Twinning for Monitoring and Control
Assistant Professor, No, Mechanical Engineering
Research IT Consultant – Applied Physics
Non academic staff (supporting staff), No, Library and Information Services
Product Owner – Campus, Facility and Service Management (0,8 -1,0 FTE)
Non academic staff (supporting staff), No, Library and Information Services
Secretary / Management Assistant (0.5 fte)
Non academic staff (supporting staff), No, Chemical Engineering and Chemistry
PhD in Deep Learning for Robot-Assisted Surgery
PhD-student, No, Biomedical Engineering
Operational Security Officer (1.0 FTE)
Non academic staff (supporting staff), No, Library and Information Services
RPA developer (0,8 – 1,0 FTE)
Non academic staff (supporting staff), No, Library and Information Services
Research Technician for Optical Measurement Lab
Other academic staff, No, Electrical Engineering
PhD Position 1: Turning wind blade waste into circular building materials
PhD-student, No, Built Environment
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor in Electronic-Photonic Integration
Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, No, Electrical Engineering, Eindhoven Hendrik Casimir Institute
PhD on New Business Models to Unlock Mixed Cropping Potential
PhD-student, No, Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences
Postdoc Efficient learning in hardware for neuromorphic computing
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, No, Mechanical Engineering, Eindhoven Hendrik Casimir Institute
PhD position in Algebraic Combinatorics at TU Eindhoven
PhD-student, No, Mathematics and Computer Science
PostDoc on fluid flow under klinkenberg conditions
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, No, Mechanical Engineering
Assistant, Associate, and Full Professors – Mathematics and Computer Science
Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, No, Mathematics and Computer Science
Lecturer Structural Engineering and Design for Buildings and Infrastructure
Other academic staff, No, Built Environment
Lecturer Sustainable Structural Design of Buildings and Infrastructures
Other academic staff, No, Built Environment
PhD position DC2: Wearables for Acute Care Teams (WeACT)
PhD-student, No, Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences
PhD on Novel Devices and Architectures for Neuromorphic Computing
PhD-student, No, Electrical Engineering
PhD on Integrated Front-End for High Sensitivity Radio Receivers
PhD-student, No, Electrical Engineering
Secretary (0,6 – 0,8 fte)
Non academic staff (supporting staff), No, Mathematics and Computer Science
PhD on Low-Rate Error-Correcting Codes for Security Applications
PhD-student, No, Electrical Engineering
PhD in AC-loss phenomena in superconductive coils for motion systems
PhD-student, No, Electrical Engineering
PhD studentships on nanophotonic sensing
PhD-student, No, Applied Physics and Science Education
PhD on Ultra reliable distributed edge intelligence
PhD-student, No, Electrical Engineering
PhD positions for human interactive materials
PhD-student, No, Chemical Engineering and Chemistry
Junior Beleidsmedewerker FMC (0,8-1,0 FTE)
Non academic staff (supporting staff), No, Facility Management Center
Quantum Engineer or Postdoc in experimental control of hybrid quantum computing
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, No, Applied Physics and Science Education, Eindhoven Hendrik Casimir Institute
Quantum Engineer or Postdoc in qubit hardware for hybrid quantum computing
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, No, Applied Physics and Science Education, Eindhoven Hendrik Casimir Institute
Quantum Engineer or Postdoc in hybrid quantum computing algorithm development
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, No, Applied Physics and Science Education, Eindhoven Hendrik Casimir Institute
EngD trainee positions (TOIO) Software Technology
Engineering Doctorate (EngD), No, Mathematics and Computer Science
Postdoc quantum protocols
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, No, Applied Physics and Science Education, Mathematics and Computer Science, Eindhoven Hendrik Casimir Institute
Postdoc positions on Seamless design of Smart Edge Processors
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, No, Electrical Engineering
Postdoctoral fellow positions for Human Interactive Materials
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, No, Chemical Engineering and Chemistry
Associate/Full Professor – Restorative, Reparative and Regenerative Engineering
Associate Professor, Professor, No, Biomedical Engineering, Health, EAISI – Eindhoven Artificial Intelligence Systems Institute
Postdoc Experimental and theoretical investigation of organic aerogel formation
(Post-doctoral) Researcher, No, Chemical Engineering and Chemistry
Assistant Professor – Supervisory Control for Complex System
Assistant Professor, No, Mechanical Engineering