The University of Basel in Switzerland invites application for vacant PhD and Academic Positions, offers attractive terms of employment and supports the advancement of staff.

Scientist/Engineer at the cryoEM facility at Biozentrum

Mitarbeiter*in Finanzen


Studentische*r Hilfsassistierende*r Fundraising

Postdoc position in Classical Archaeology (2 years)

Postdoctoral position in Blood Cancer Research

PhD student position in Blood Cancer Research

Postdoctoral fellow National Implementation Program

Ph.D. position in biocatalysis/enzymolgy

Vorpraktikum für das Fachhochschulstudium Informationswissenschaft


Wissenschaftliche*r Assistenten*in (60%) für Geschichte Osteuropas

Senior Software Engineer

Praktikant*innen Biologie / Umweltnaturwissenschaften

PostDoc position (80%) in Greek Papyrology

Hilfsassistent*in Institut für Pharmazeutische Medizin (ECPM)/Health Economics Facility (HEF)

Studentische*r Mitarbeiter*in

Sachbearbeiter*in Rechnungswesen

Professorship in Experimental Quantum Nanophysics and/or Quantum Materials

Postdoctoral and PhD student positions in the immunology of mycobacterial infection

Doktorand*in 80-100% in Pharmazie

3 Fully Funded PhD positions in Advanced Data Management

PhD position in Multimedia Retrieval (100%)

Mitarbeiter*in Empfang und Raumverwaltung / Frontdesk und Facilities

Postdoctoral Scientist

Ph.D. Opportunity in Cancer Immunology/ Cancer Neuroscience

Studentische Hilfsassistierende an der Abteilung Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie

Program Officer – Peacebuilding Analysis & Impact

Postdoc in Sportwissenschaft (Bereich Sport- und Bewegungsmedizin)

Wissenschaftliche Assistenz in Musikwissenschaft / Neuere Musikgeschichte

Studentische*r Hilfsassistierende*r (nicht Medizin)

Senior Immunisation specialist National Position based in Cameroon

Scientific IT Infrastructure / DevOps Specialist

PhD position in Biomedicine – Mechanisms of Therapeutic Angiogenesis


Assistenz (60%) für Geschichte der Frühen Neuzeit

PhD Position: Ultrafast chiral spectroscopy for research in photochemistry

Ph.D. position in synthetic chemistry (Stereoselective catalysis)

Administrative Assistant

Research Assistant in Cell Biology and Biochemistry

Studentische*r Hilfsassistierende*r (nicht Medizin)

Senior Immunisation specialist National Position based in Cameroon

Scientific IT Infrastructure / DevOps Specialist

PhD position in Biomedicine – Mechanisms of Therapeutic Angiogenesis


Assistenz (60%) für Geschichte der Frühen Neuzeit

PhD Position: Ultrafast chiral spectroscopy for research in photochemistry

Ph.D. position in synthetic chemistry (Stereoselective catalysis)

Administrative Assistant

Research Assistant in Cell Biology and Biochemistry

Studentische Hilfsassistierende ITS – Web- & API-Entwickler

Postdoctoral and PhD Student positions in the Group of Prof. Dr. Susan Mango

Sekretär*in 100%

Professur für Intensivmedizin

Professor of Intensive Care Medicine

Ph.D. student in philosophy for the project “Just Parenthood: The Ethics and Politics of Childrearing in the 21st Century”

Doktorand*in in Philosophie für das Projekt “Just Parenthood: The Ethics and Politics of Childrearing in the 21st Century”

Philosophy postdoc for the project “Just Parenthood: The Ethics and Politics of Childrearing in the 21st Century”


Praktikant*in Marketing & Event

Administrative Assistent*in Tierbetriebe

Data Engineer

Administrative*r Spezialist*in mit Projektunterstützungsfunktion

Doktorand*in am Institut für Bildungswissenschaften


PhD position in the area of Computational Economics and Finance

Biozentrum PhD Fellowships – Summer Call 2023

Bioinformatician / Computational Biologist

Assistant to the Chief Operating Officer

Research Assistant 100%

Hilfsassistent*in am Center for Philanthropy Studies

Call for Applications for 2 PhD Students for 4 years

Lehrstelle Kauffrau / Kaufmann EFZ

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