Research and Faculty Positions at Queen’s University Belfast, a public research university in Belfast, Northern Ireland. United Kingdom
Clinical Lecturer (Education) in Medicine (Gastroenterology)
Ref: 23/110801
Centre for Medical Education
Closing date: 25-04-2023
L/SL in Info. Systems/Operations Management/Operational Research
Ref: 23/110797
Queen’s Management School
Closing date: 26-04-2023
Lecturer (Education) Adult Nursing (AC2 or AC3) Maternity Cover
Ref: 23/110834
School of Nursing and Midwifery
Closing date: 24-04-2023
Lecturer (Education) in Mental Health (Adult) Maternity Cover
Ref: 23/110833
School of Nursing and Midwifery
Closing date: 24-04-2023
Ref: 23/110771
School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics
Closing date: 24-04-2023
Lecturer in Behaviour Analysis, Autism, and Special Educational Needs
Ref: 23/110829
School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work
Closing date: 02-05-2023
Ref: 23/110800
School of Natural and Built Environment
Closing date: 24-04-2023
Ref: 23/110741
School of Arts, English and Languages
Closing date: 17-04-2023
Lecturer in Molecular Epidemiology
Ref: 23/110775
Centre for Public Health
Closing date: 25-04-2023
Reader/Prof in Ops Management/Operational Research/Info Systems
Ref: 23/110798
Queen’s Management School
Closing date: 07-05-2023
Illuminate Fellowship – Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Ref: 23/110716
Faculty Office MHLS
Closing date: 16-04-2023
Illuminate Fellowship – Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Sciences
Ref: 23/110717
Faculty Office MHLS
Closing date: 16-04-2023
Research Assistant (Part-time – 0.6 FTE)
Ref: 23/110789
School of Biological Sciences
Closing date: 17-04-2023
Ref: 23/110750
School of Mathematics and Physics
Closing date: 17-04-2023
Ref: 23/110760
School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Closing date: 17-04-2023
Ref: 23/110765
School of Nursing and Midwifery
Closing date: 17-04-2023
Ref: 23/110795
School of Pharmacy
Closing date: 24-04-2023
Ref: 23/110804
School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Closing date: 17-04-2023
Ref: 23/110805
School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Closing date: 17-04-2023
Ref: 23/110806
School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Closing date: 17-04-2023
Research Fellow in Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence
Ref: 23/110764
School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Closing date: 24-04-2023
Research Fellow in Deep Sea Environmental Impact Assessment
Ref: 23/110793
School of Biological Sciences
Closing date: 17-04-2023
Research Fellow in Deep Sea Environmental Impact Assessment
Ref: 23/110794
School of Biological Sciences
Closing date: 17-04-2023
Research Fellow in Metagenomic Analysis of Microbial Communities
Ref: 23/110788
School of Biological Sciences
Closing date: 17-04-2023
Research Fellow in Net Zero Concrete
Ref: 23/110818
School of Natural and Built Environment
Closing date: 17-04-2023
Research Fellow: Amnesties, Conflict and Peace
Ref: 23/110746
School of Law
Closing date: 17-04-2023
Communications Manager – Philanthropy and Engagement
Ref: 23/110751
Development and Alumni Relations Office
Closing date: 19-04-2023
Facilities Manager – Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility
Ref: 23/110773
School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Closing date: 17-04-2023
Faculty Learning Development Support Officer, Faculty of MHLS
Ref: 23/110782
Faculty Office MHLS
Closing date: 24-04-2023
Head of Individual and Corporate Philanthropy
Ref: 23/110799
Development and Alumni Relations Office
Closing date: 20-04-2023
Ref: 23/110814
Education and Student Services
Closing date: 24-04-2023
Project and Operations Manager, Faculty Office MHLS
Ref: 23/110811
Faculty Office MHLS
Closing date: 28-04-2023
Student Experience Project Officer
Ref: 23/110766
Academic Schools and Administrative Departments
Closing date: 24-04-2023
Ref: 23/110767
Education and Student Services
Closing date: 24-04-2023
Ref: 23/110723
Faculty Office AHSS
Closing date: 10-04-2023
Ref: 23/110828
Global Marketing, Recruitment and Admissions
Closing date: 24-04-2023