Erasmus University Rotterdam in Netherlands invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoc and Academic Positions, a public university located in Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Open academic vacancies
Theme Chair Sustainable Healthcare and Workforce – (Associate) Professor Opens externalDo you want to have an impact on issues in the outside world by combining insights from different disciplines? Do you want to be a part of a leading European school and build your own team as (associate-) professor in Sustainable Healthcare and Workforce? Then we might have an opportunity for …
Theme Chair Global Health – (Associate) Professor Opens externalDo you want to have an impact on global challenges by combining insights from different disciplines? Do you want to be a part of a leading European school and build your own team as (associate) professor in Global Health? Then we might have an opportunity for you.Erasmus School of Health Policy …
Theme Chair Planetary Health – (Associate) Professor Opens externalDo you want to have an impact on issues in the outside world by combining insights from different disciplines? Do you want to be a part of a leading European school and build your own team as (associate-) professor in Planetary Health? Then we might have an opportunity for you.Erasmus School of …
Tenure-track assistant professor in Supply Chain Management Opens externalRoleAs a tenure-track assistant professor of supply chain management (SCM) in the department of Technology and Operations Management (TOM) at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM), you’ll be working in a research-led business school. In your work, you are closely involved with …
PhD Positions in Business Society Management at Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) Opens external*(up to) 5-year fully-funded projects & state-of-the-art facilities* ERIM currently offers the following PhD projects within its ORG research programme: – PhD in Management: Organization and Management Theory For a list and detailed …
PhD Positions in Business Society Management at Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) Opens external*(up to) 5-year fully-funded projects & state-of-the-art facilities* ERIM currently offers the following PhD project within its ORG research programme: – PhD on community enterprises for sustainability: mobilizing resources …
PhD Position in Decision Neuroscience at the Marketing Management Department at Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) Opens external*(up to) 5-year fully-funded projects & state-of-the-art facilities* ERIM currently offers the following PhD project within its MKT research programme: – PhD position in Decision Neuroscience For a list and detailed description of all …
Postdoc onderzoeker Duurzaamheid, technologie en samenleving (0,8 FTE) Opens externalBeleid, de samenleving, technologie en duurzaamheid in termen van energie zijn op complexe wijze met elkaar verbonden. Hoe kan AI technologie helpen met een duurzame toekomst op energie gebied? Hoe kan de samenleving daar actief bij betrokken worden? Hoe kunnen we netwerken creëren van …
Organ Transplantation Innovation: What are the Economic & Societal Consequences? Opens externalAt present, the availability of donor organs is desperately insufficient to meet the need. The availability of high-quality donor organs – needed for a successful transplantation – will be even further at risk due to ageing and lifestyle changes of the population. Namely, organs retrieved from …
Organ Transplantation Innovation: What are the Ethical and Patient Consequences? Opens externalAt present, the availability of donor organs is desperately insufficient to meet the need. The availability of high-quality donor organs – needed for a successful transplantation – will be even further at risk due to ageing and lifestyle changes of the population. Namely, organs retrieved from …
Postdoctoral researcher Opens externaltransformations towards sustainability? Then this exciting full-time two-year postdoc opportunity is for you!The Business-Society Management department at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM), is seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher. The goal is to improve our …
Postdoc Convergentie 1,0 FTE (ESSB/DPAS): ‘Dynamiek van precair werk in Rotterdam Zuid’ Opens externalPrecair werk is werk waarbij de arbeidsvoorwaarden, arbeidsomstandigheden en sociale bescherming relatief slecht zijn. Doorgaans draagt de werknemer bij precair werk (deels) zelf de sociale risico’s van arbeid, in plaats van de werkgever of de overheid. Tijdelijke contracten, …
Postdoctoral Research Position (1fte, 2 years) Opens externalWe are looking for a post-doctoral researcher who has expertise in applying AI ethics and algorithmic fairness to shape industry and an interest in cross-cultural AI ethics and the future of work. They must come with a strong publication record. The position entails fundamental and applied …
Bijzonder Hoogleraar Christelijke Filosofie Opens externalStichting voor Christelijke Filosofie (SCF) en de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR) zijn op zoek naar eenBijzonder hoogleraar Christelijke Filosofie (0,2 fte)met een excellente wetenschappelijke achtergrond en betrokkenheid bij het maatschappelijke debat, die een brug weet te slaan tussen de …
Universitair Docent Criminologie (1,0fte) Opens externalWij zoeken een enthousiaste universitair docent criminologie die het departement Law, Society, and Crime komt versterken.Functie-omschrijvingAls universitair docent bent u, naast het verrichten van onderzoek, gedurende het collegejaar betrokken bij vakken in de bachelorfase en/of masterfase van de …
Universitair docent (UD) Pedagogiek (0,7-1,0 fte) Opens externalOns team bestaat uit enthousiaste collega’s die zich bezighouden met onderwijs en onderzoek in de pedagogiek. Samen geven wij onderwijs voor studenten van de Bachelor- en Masteropleiding Pedagogische Wetenschappen en doen wij onderzoek naar het gezond opgroeien van toekomstige generaties. …
PhD position in Social-Cognitive Neuroscience/Mental Health (4 x 0,9-1fte) Opens externalHow do young people successfully grow up in an increasingly complex society, and what are the main causes for differences in becoming engaged and contributing citizens in society? Your PhD project is part of the larger consortium Growing Up Together in Society (GUTS) where seven Dutch universities …
Postdoctoral Researcher as part of an ERC-funded project in critical logistics and racial capitalism (1,0fte) Opens externalShipping is the backbone of the global economy. 90% of the world’s goods travel by ship. The industry has a global reach and a highly diverse workforce. It is also highly unjust, structured by workers’ nationalities and backgrounds, and shaped by ongoing legacies of racial, colonial, …
Two Ph.D. Positions as part of an ERC-funded project in critical logistics and racial capitalism (2 x 1fte) Opens externalShipping is the backbone of the global economy. 90% of the world’s goods travel by ship. The industry has a global reach and a highly diverse workforce. It is also highly unjust, structured by workers’ nationalities and backgrounds, and shaped by ongoing legacies of racial, colonial, …
PhD Position in ‘Research in Business Analytics in Information Systems’ at Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) Opens external*(up to) 5-year fully-funded projects & state-of-the-art facilities* ERIM currently offers the following PhD projects within its LIS research programme: – Ph.D. Research in Business Analytics in Information Systems For a list and detailed …
PhD Position in Organisational Behaviour / Human Resource Management at Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) Opens external*(up to) 5-year fully-funded projects & state-of-the-art facilities* ERIM currently offers the following PhD projects within its ORG research programme: – PhD in Organizational Behaviour/Human Resource Management For a list and detailed …
PhD Position in Advancing Research on Innovation Management at Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) Opens external*(up to) 5-year fully-funded projects & state-of-the-art facilities* ERIM currently offers the following PhD projects within its LIS research programme: – Advancing Research on Innovation Management For a list and detailed description of …
PhD Position in Technology Development and Adoption for Zero-emissions in Inland Shipping at Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) Opens external*(up to) 5-year fully-funded projects & state-of-the-art facilities* ERIM currently offers the following PhD projects within its LIS research programme: – PhD in Technology Development and Adoption for Zero-emissions in Inland Shipping For …
PhD Position in Finance at Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) Opens external*(up to) 5-year fully-funded projects & state-of-the-art facilities* ERIM currently offers the following PhD projects within its F&A research programme: – PhD in Finance For a list and detailed description of all current ERIM PhD …
Tenure track assistant professor in organisational behaviour Opens externalIn your role as tenure track assistant professor in organisational behaviour (OB) at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) department of Organisation and Personnel Management, you explore every facet of the field of organisational behaviour. Among others, your expertise in …
Academic Assistant IHS BV: Department of Urban Socio-Spatial Development Opens externalIHS is looking to fill the position of Academic Assistant within the Urban Socio-Spatial Development department. This Academic Assistant will contribute to the educational, research and advisory activities in which the department is engaged in the field of housing, land, gender, urban planning and …
Tenure Track Assistant / Associate Professor in Information Systems Opens externalAs assistant professor or associate professor on the tenure track in the Department of Technology & Operation Management at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM), you join the faculty of MSc Business Information Management (BIM) and collaborate regularly with the Erasmus …
PhD Position in Business Society Management at Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) Opens external*(up to) 5-year fully-funded projects & state-of-the-art facilities* ERIM currently offers the following PhD project within its ORG research programme: – PhD in Management: Sustainability, Business & Society More information about …
PhD Position in the Business Society Management department, Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) Opens externalInstitutions for collective action: link between size, heterogeneity, resilience *(up to) 5-year fully-funded projects & state-of-the-art facilities* Project summary Remarkable about the growth of new Institutions for collective action (also collectivities, “commons”) today is …