Luxembourg Institute of Health invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoc and Academic Positions, research center in Luxembourg for basic, pre-clinical and clinical research
Internship Position in Cancer metabolism research (Master student, 6 months) – BB0423CMG – CANCER METABOLISM GROUPINTERNSHIP/SUMMER JOB
Business Developer – Technology Transfer & Partnership Officer – JL0423GM BDO – BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT OFFICERESEARCH SUPPORTAs a translational and patient-centric institute, Luxembourg Insitute of Health’s (LIH) priority is to ensure that its high-quality research, in addition to tangibly advancing healthcare, translates into marketable solutions that can easily be taken up by the market and be financially viable. With our core missions of business development, technology transfer, intellectual property and partnership activities within LIH, the Business Development Office (BDO) lays the foundation for a sustainable entrepreneurial culture encouraging innovation within LIH, to act as a catalyst in the growth of biomedical RDI activities in Luxembourg.
Post-doctoral Researcher in Nutrition & HealthNUTH – NUTRIHEALTHto be part of the Nutrition and Health Research Group (Head: Dr. Torsten Bohn) within the Department of Precision Health at the LIH.
Administrative and Financial Director (CFAO) – UN0423RESEARCH SUPPORTThe CFAO is a strategic and operational thought partner to the CEO of LIH and Board of Directors. S/he is responsible for developing and implementing strategies and policies in line with the LIH translationa vision & mission; S/he improves, manages and oversees financial and administrative aspects of the organization and supervises the administrative departments of the Luxembourg Institute of Health. S/he effectively supports research and service activities and will guide the contractual and business development perspective of LIH’s extensive translational medicine operations.
PhD Student in Social Sciences, Epidemiology, Public Health, Nursing – SP0323ACADI – AGEING, CANCER AND DISPARITIES RESEARCH UNITPHD STUDENTthe PhD student will be responsible for designing and deploying suitable research methodologies to describe access to cancer diagnosis and care in older adults and to identify barriers to access to cancer care.
Post-doctoral Fellow in Physical Activity Promotion – LM0323PASH – PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, SPORT AND HEALTHThe PhysicalActivity, Sport and Health (PASH)research group aims to improve knowledge on the beneficial effects of physicalactivity on individuals’ health with and without disease and of any age, aswell as on the mechanisms leading to the development of sports injury.
Departmental Project Coordinator – JM0323RESEARCH SUPPORTThe Departmental Project Coordinator (DPC) will mainly be involved in : · 1/Assisting the Department Director in the day-to-day management of practical and administrative aspects of the research department. · 2/Participating in the establishment, writing and coordination of large collaborative projects and consortia at the national and international level. ·3/ Participating in the dissemination of knowledge and in the promotion of scientific and technical information.
Director of Luxembourg Center for Translational Research – Fuerschungsklinik Lëtzebuerg – UN0323RESEARCHERFollowing the creation of the Luxembourg Center for Translational Research – Fuerschungsklinik Lëtzebuerg, the CHL jointly with the LIH are currently looking to appoint a new Director.
Head of Precision Medicine Technology – UN0323RESEARCHER
HR Partner/Talent Acquisition Specialist – VG0323ADM HR – HUMAN RESOURCESRESEARCH SUPPORTThe HR Partner is the link between all the departments/Units and the HR Service. His/her mission is to build a solid collaborative relationship in order to suppprt the departments at every levels (Director, Group leader, employees, etc.) and integrate and promote the HR and organizational components in departmental strategic and operational decisions. He/She is also responsible for coordinating/ implementing staffing strategies and managing the entire recruitment process.
Clinical Research Project Manager – DK0223CPMC2 – CLINICAL RESEARCH PROJECT MANAGEMENT 2RESEARCH SUPPORTThe Clinical Research Project Manager takes in charge every step of the clinical research projects (lead, design, setup according to procedures, initiation, operation and closure) involving internal and external parties. He/she ensures deliverables are achieved and budgets met. He/she also provides specific expertise and know-how in clinical research/biobanking.
IT Program Manager- MF0123DIA – DATA INTEGRATION AND ANALYSIS UNIT (DIA)RESEARCH SUPPORTAcross the last decades, data has become acornerstone for multidisciplinary research, digital and precision health. Atthe LIH, the Data Integration and Analysis unit (DIA) is the central unit incharge of promoting and ensuring that researchers and clinicians can fullyleverage patient information. With its expertise in Information Technologies(IT) and data science, the DIA assists and supports medical research at LIH andthe national level.
Data Manager en Santé Publique – SC0123PHE – PUBLIC HEALTH EXPERTISERESEARCH SUPPORTLe « Service d’Analyse des Systèmes et Services de Santé » (SASSS) apporte un soutien médico-économique à la Caisse Nationale de Santé (CNS) en analysant annuellement la charge de travail de tous les services hospitaliers luxembourgeois. Il s’agit d’une étape nécessaire pour le calcul des budgets annuels alloués aux hôpitaux. D’autre part, le SASSS intervient comme expert indépendant auprès de la CNS lors des Commissions des Normes et de groupes de travail. Dans le cadre de cette collaboration, le Data Manager participe aux activités du service.
Postdoctoral Fellow in Epigenetic Control of NK cells – SS0123DII ALL6 – IMMUNE ENDOCRINE AND EPIGENETICSRESEARCHER
Director of Department of Cancer Research – UN0123RESEARCHERFollowing the promotion of the current incumbent,LIH is a currently looking to appoint a new Director of Cancer Research (m/f)
Spontaneous Internship applications 2023INTERNSHIP/SUMMER JOB
Spontaneous Summer Student Jobs 2023INTERNSHIP/SUMMER JOB
Internship Position in Biomonitoring (Master 2 student) – BA1222HBRU – HUMAN BIOMONITORING RESEARCH UNITINTERNSHIP/SUMMER JOB
15 PhD student positions in Cancer Biology focusing on the Tumor Ecosystem – DTU Canbio2-SN1022PHD STUDENTCANBIO2, standing for doctoral training in “Cancer Biology 2, is the second edition of our competitive PhD training program, supported by the doctoral research funding scheme PRIDE of the Luxembourg National Research Fund(FNR). Focused on the multiple distinct facets of the tumour ecosystem, the scientific program comprises the following three aspects: (i) advanced cancer models, (ii) cancer metabolism and (iii) novel treatment strategies integrating various aspects of the tumour environment. CANBIO2 will make use of advanced high throughput technologies and apply systems biology approaches to unravel novel targets for treatment
Internship Position in Qualitative Health Research (Master student) – UPCOMING VOICE – GF0922DDP – DEEP DIGITAL PHENOTYPING RESEARCH UNITINTERNSHIP/SUMMER JOB
PhD Student position in Human Biomonitoring – BA0822