ETH Zurich in Switzerland invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoc and Faculty Positions, one of the leading universities for technology and the natural sciences in Switzerland
Student Assistant position – Microfluidic Engineering for Biology20%-60%, Zurich, fixed-term05.05.2023 | D-CHAB, IPW
PhD and Post-Doctoral Positions on the Application of Large Language Models in Marketing100%, Zurich, fixed-term05.05.2023 | Department of Management, Technology, and Economics
Empa – ETH Zurich PhD position in urban resource mapping100%, Zurich, fixed-term05.05.2023 | D-BAUG – Chair of Circular Engineering for Architecture
PhD position “Re-engineering informal construction through circular practices and models”100%, Zurich, fixed-term05.05.2023 | D-BAUG – Chair of Circular Engineering for Architecture
Administrative Assistenz für die Abteilung Finanzdienstleistungen (m/w/d)60%-80%, Zürich, unbefristet04.05.2023 | Abteilung Finanzdienstleistungen
Marketing & Communication Manager80%, Zurich, fixed-term04.05.2023 | Office of the President
Wissenschaftliche:r Mitarbeiter:in für das D-BAUG-Lighthouse Projekt E-Bike-City (m/w/d)60%-100%, Zürich, befristet04.05.2023 | Institut für Verkehrsplanung und Transportsysteme (IVT) der ETH Zürich
Software Development Project Lead100%, Zurich, fixed-term03.05.2023 | Scalable Parallel Computing Laboratory
Administrative:r Mitarbeiter:in für die Raum- und Stundenplanung (m/w/d)100%, Zürich, unbefristet03.05.2023 | Akademische Dienste, Planung und Prozesse Lehrbetrieb
Mitarbeiter:in – Technisches Gebäudemanagement (m/w/d)100%, Zürich, unbefristet03.05.2023 |
Mitarbeiter:in für Online-Prüfungen (m/w/d)80%, Zürich, befristet03.05.2023 | LET – Lehrentwicklung und -technologie
Java/Vue.js Software-Entwickler:in für den SEB-Server (m/w/d)80%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet03.05.2023 | Abteilung Lehrentwicklung und -technologie (LET)
Fachspezialist:in Wi-Fi80%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet03.05.2023 | ID Infrastructure
Postdoctoral position – Modelling of biogeochemical nitrogen cycling in Swiss land ecosystems100%, Zurich, fixed-term02.05.2023 | Department of Environmental Systems Science
PhD in device engineering for efficient microhistology100%, Zurich, fixed-term02.05.2023 | D-MAVT
PhD position in Geobiology and Microbiology of Extreme Environments100%, Zurich, fixed-term02.05.2023 | Geological Institute
Postdoc in 3D models for skin mechanobiology100%, Zurich, fixed-term02.05.2023 | D-MAVT
PhD in Multiscale response of skin to mechanical stressors100%, Zurich, fixed-term02.05.2023 | D-MAVT
Electrical Engineer – Product Care / Robotics100%, permanent02.05.2023 | Partnerinserat | ANYbotics
PhD student positions in nutritional breath metabolomics100%, Zurich, fixed-term02.05.2023 | Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences
Robotic Actuators Software Internship100%, Zurich, fixed-term02.05.2023 | Partnerinserat | ANYbotics
Junior Maschinenbau/Elektrotechnik Ingenieur:in bei CYBATHLON und CYBATHLON @school (m/w/d)80%, Zürich, befristet27.04.2023 | CYBATHLON, Stab Präsident
Administrative Assistenz im Finanzbereich am ETH AI Center (m/w/d)50%-60%, Zürich, befristet27.04.2023 | ETH AI Center
Industrialization / Manufacturing Software Engineer100%, Zurich, permanent27.04.2023 | Partnerinserat | ANYbotics
Sales Manager / Robotics100%, Zurich, permanent27.04.2023 | Partnerinserat | ANYbotics
International Sales & Partnership Internship100%, Zurich, fixed-term27.04.2023 | ANYbotics
Certification Project Engineer / Autonomous Robots100%, Zurich, permanent27.04.2023 | Partnerinserat | ANYbotics
Robotics Verification Engineer100%, Zurich, permanent27.04.2023 | Partnerinserat | ANYbotics
Legal Counsel für Forschungsverträge (m/w/d) (Intellectual Property; Technology Transfer; Humanforschung (human research), Medtech, Clinical Trials, Life Sciences)100%, Zürich, unbefristet26.04.2023 | ETH transfer
PhD Position(s): Project on organizational learning from product failure: utilizing artificial intelligence to mitigate the negative spillover effects of product recalls in the pharmaceutical industry100%, Zurich, fixed-term25.04.2023 | D-MTEC, SMI
Wissenschaftliche Assistenz Hochschullehre (m/w/d)80%-100%, Zürich, befristet25.04.2023 | Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau, Hydrologie und Glaziologie
Hilfsassistent:in für die Forschungsgruppe Raumentwicklung und Stadtpolitik (m/w/d)20%-30%, Zürich, befristet25.04.2023 | Institut für Raum- und Landschaftsentwicklung (IRL)
PhD Student/Post-Doctoral Researcher in Human Movement Analysis and Real-time Movement Feedback for Personalized Neurorehabilitation100%, Zurich, fixed-term25.04.2023 | Department of Health Sciences and Technology, Rehabilitation Engineering Laboratory & cereneo Foundation Vitznau
Postdoc in Plant Ecophysiology in Agroecosystems100%, Zurich, fixed-term25.04.2023 | Department of Environmental Systems Science
Post-Doc Position: Mechanistic Mathematical Modelling for Personalised Medicine100%, Basel, fixed-term25.04.2023 | D-BSSE, CoBi
HPC Software Engineer100%, Lugano, fixed-term24.04.2023 | CSCS – Swiss National Supercomputing Centre
Two PhD candidates in integrated photonics with disordered materials for classical and quantum devices100%, Zurich, fixed-term24.04.2023 | Department of Physics Institute for Quantum Electronics
Postdoc in integrated photonics for classical and quantum memories by nanoimprinting80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term24.04.2023 | Department of Physics Institute for Quantum Electronics
PhD position in Accelerating the roll-out of resilient net zero pathways for the Swiss and European energy system100%, Zurich, fixed-term24.04.2023 | Reliability and Risk Engineering Laboratory, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering
PhD position in breath metabolomics for enhancing dairy cattle welfare and health100%, Zurich, fixed-term24.04.2023 | Group of Animal Nutrition, and Group of Analytical Chemistry
Doctoral thesis on the freezing of soft materials100%, Zurich, fixed-term21.04.2023 | Department of Materials
Software Engineer Secure Inter-domain Networking80%-100%, Zurich, permanent20.04.2023 | Network Security Group of Prof. Dr. Adrian Perrig, Department of Computer Science at ETH Zurich
Software Entwickler:in (m/w/d) mit Schwerpunkt .NET, C#, Cloud und CI/CD80%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet20.04.2023 | Informatikdienste – Corporate Centre
Teaching Assistant for “Allgemeine Chemie I Organischer Teil,” (AC/OC-1) 529-0011-03L in HS202310%-20%, Zurich, fixed-term20.04.2023 | D-CHAB
PhD Position in Rock Mechanics100%, Zurich, fixed-term20.04.2023 | Department of Earth Sciences
Business Analyst:in im Bereich Lehrbetriebsapplikationen (m/w/d)70%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet19.04.2023 | Lehrbetriebsapplikationen
Fachspezialist:in für Lehrinnovation (m/w/d)80%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet19.04.2023 | Lehrentwicklung und -technologie
Research assistant with possibility for PhD – Optimization of Railway Grinding using Artificial Intelligence with Physical Models100%, Zurich, fixed-term19.04.2023 | Institute of Machine Tools and Manufacturing (IWF)
Research assistant with possibility for PhD – Meshless Simulation of Manufacturing Processes100%, Zurich, fixed-term19.04.2023 | Institute of Machine Tools and Manufacturing
Research assistant with possibility for PhD – Build-up of a simulation software for abrasive processes100%, Zurich, fixed-term19.04.2023 | Institute of Machine Tools and Manufacturing
Strategic Marketing Internship100%, Zurich, fixed-term19.04.2023 | Partnerinserat | ANYbotics
Digital Marketing Manager / Robotics100%, Zurich19.04.2023 | Partnerinserat | ANYbotics
Student Laboratory Assistant / HiWi at Department for Biosystems Science and Engineering10%-30%, Basel, fixed-term19.04.2023 | CoBi – BSSE
Praktikant:in bei der ETH-Bibliothek (m/w/d)100%, Zürich, befristet18.04.2023 | ETH-Bibliothek
Doctoral Student in the field of Nanomagnetic Robotics100%, Zurich, fixed-term18.04.2023 | Department of Materials
PhD position in science and technology studies (STS)100%, Zurich, fixed-term18.04.2023 | Transdisciplinarity Lab (TdLab), Department of Environmental Systems Science (D-USYS)
PhD Position: 3D cell-based tissue simulation framework100%, Basel, fixed-term17.04.2023 | D-BSSE, CoBi
Scientific software engineer for life science research100%, Zurich, fixed-term14.04.2023 | Institute of Molecular Systems Biology
Visiting Lectureships in the History of Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape100%, Zurich, fixed-term13.04.2023 | The Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture (gta), ETH Zurich
Engineer in analogue electronic circuits design for space applications80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term13.04.2023 | Institute of Geophysics
Social-Media-Praktikant:in (m/w/d)80%-100%, Zürich, befristet13.04.2023 | Hochschulkommunikation
Managing Director:in für die digital Trial Intervention Platform (m/w/d)90%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet13.04.2023 | digital Trial Intervention Platform
Mitarbeiter:in Raumplanung und Departementsstab (m/w/d)60%-80%, Zürich, unbefristet12.04.2023 | D-INFK
PhD Positions in Rock Slope Analysis100%, Zurich, fixed-term12.04.2023 | Department of Earth Sciences
Research assistant for code optimization of dynamic optimal control problems30%-40%, Zurich, fixed-term11.04.2023 | Chair of Applied Economics: Innovation and Internationalisation
PhD Position in planetary magnetism100%, Zurich, fixed-term06.04.2023 | Department of Earth Sciences, ETH Zürich
Departementskoordinator:in mit Leitungsfunktion (w/m/d)100%, Zürich, unbefristet06.04.2023 | Department of Management, Technology, and Economics
Technisch-wissenschaftlicher Projekt-Manager:in mit Erfahrung in den Gebieten Bohrtechnik und Geothermie (m/w/d)80%-100%, Zürich, befristet06.04.2023 | Geothermische Energie und Geofluide (GEG) Gruppe, Institut für Geophysik
Expert in Metabolomics/Lipidomics at Functional Genomics Center Zurich80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term06.04.2023 | Functional Genomics Center Zurich
Mechanical Engineering Internship /Robotics100%, Zurich, fixed-term05.04.2023 | Partnerinserat | ANYbotics
Field Engineer / Robotics100%, Zurich, permanent05.04.2023 | Partnerinserat | ANYbotics
Robotics Software Support Specialist100%, Zurich, permanent05.04.2023 | Partnerinserat | ANYbotics
Mechanical Engineer / Robotics100%, Zurich, permanent05.04.2023 | Partnerinserat | ANYbotics
Legal Counsel für Forschungsverträge (m/w/d) (Intellectual Property; Technology Transfer; Biosciences; Life Science)100%, Zürich, unbefristet05.04.2023 | ETH transfer
CAD Design Engineer / Robotics100%, Zurich, permanent05.04.2023 | Partnerinserat | ANYbotics
Arbeitshygieniker:in (m/w/d) mit Schwerpunkt Laborsicherheit80%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet05.04.2023 | Abteilung Sicherheit, Gesundheit und Umwelt (SGU)
Postdoctoral Researcher in the field of Microscale Robots100%, Zurich, fixed-term05.04.2023 | Laboratory for Mesocopic Systems
Projektleiter*in Aufbau Innovationsplattform (m/w/d)80%-100%, Zürich, befristet04.04.2023 | Vizepräsidium für Wissenstransfer und Wirtschaftsbeziehungen
Berater:in Professorinnen und Professoren mit Projekterfahrung (m/w/d)50%, Zürich, unbefristet04.04.2023 | Abteilung Beratung Professorinnen und Professoren
Leiter:in ETH Entrepreneurship (m/w/d)80%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet04.04.2023 | Vizepräsidium für Wissenstransfer und Wirtschaftsbeziehungen
Wissenschaftliche:r Mitarbeiter:in für die Entwicklung einer webbasierten Raumplanungsplattform (m/w/d)90%-100%, Zürich, befristet04.04.2023 | Institut für Raum- und Landschaftsentwicklung (IRL)
Doctoral Student (PhD) fellowships in studying the dynamics of transcrustal magmatic systems100%, Zurich, fixed-term03.04.2023 | Department of Earth Sciences, ETH Zürich
Head of People/HR Manager80%-100%, Zurich, permanent03.04.2023 | Partnerinserat | Sevensense Robotics AG
Tierpfleger:in EFZ (m/w/d) 2023 – VersuchstiereZürich, Lehrstelle03.04.2023 | Berufsbildung
Identity and Access Management (IAM) Engineer at the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre80%-100%, Zurich, permanent03.04.2023 | Swiss National Supercomputing Centre
Research Software Engineer100%, Lugano, fixed-term03.04.2023 | CSCS – Swiss National Supercomputing Centre
PhD position in Systems and Hardware Security100%, Zurich, fixed-term30.03.2023 | Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
Wissenschaftliche Assistenz/ Research Assistant am Institut für Biomedizinische Technik (m/w/d)60%-100%, Zürich, befristet30.03.2023 | Translational Neuromodeling Unit
Postdoctoral Researcher in the field of Pulsed Laser Deposition of Magnetic Systems100%, Zurich, fixed-term28.03.2023 | Department of Materials
Polymechaniker:in EFZ (m/w/d) 2023Zürich, Lehrstelle28.03.2023 | Berufsbildung
Laboratory Technician in Cellular and Molecular Biology100%, Zurich, fixed-term28.03.2023 | Institute of Molecular Health Sciences – Genome Engineering
Staff member for light microscopy and optics development100%, Zurich, fixed-term27.03.2023 | Scientific Center for Optical and Electron Microscopy (ScopeM)
Fachdidaktiker:in Chemie per HS 2024 (m/w/d)30%-50%, Zürich, unbefristet23.03.2023 | Didaktische Ausbildung
Projektkoordinator:in Immobilien (m/w/d)80%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet23.03.2023 | Departement Maschinenbau und Verfahrenstechnik
Enzian Development Engineer100%, Zurich, fixed-term20.03.2023 | Institute for Computing Platforms
Postdoctoral Position in Observational Cosmology100%, Zurich, fixed-term14.03.2023 | Institute for Particle Physics and Astrophysics
PhD Position: SNSF Sinergia Research Projekt «Family Custody Arrangements and Child Well-Being in Switzerland» – Sub-project Housing, Architecture, and Mobility100%, Zurich, fixed-term13.03.2023 | ETH Wohnforum – Centre for Research on Architecture, Society & the Built Environment
Postdoctoral Research Position in the Laboratory of Drug Formulation and Delivery100%, Zurich, fixed-term09.03.2023 | Department for Chemistry and Applied Biosciences
Postdoc position in the field of medical data/neurorehabilitation100%, Zurich, fixed-term07.03.2023 | Center for Rehabilitation Engineering and Science
Postdoctoral Researcher in Applied Combinatorial Optimization80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term03.03.2023 | Department of Mathematics
Postdoctoral Research Scientist in quantum optics and networking with superconducting circuits100%, Zurich, fixed-term21.02.2023 | Quantum Device Laboratory
PhD for proxy development – lipid biomarkers100%, Zurich, fixed-term21.02.2023 | Department of Earth Sciences, Geological Institute
Mitarbeiter:in Finanzen & Controlling (m/w/d)70%-90%, Zürich, unbefristet21.02.2023 | Departement Biologie
PhD position: Development of low-temperature CO2 sorbents for direct air capture100%, Zurich, fixed-term21.02.2023 | Laboratory of Energy Science and Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering
Postdoctoral position – Accelerating the roll-out of net zero pathways for the Swiss and European energy system100%, Zurich, fixed-term17.01.2023 | Reliability and Risk Engineering Laboratory
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